(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wendyg, how u cook brown rice porridge?

Anyone juz cook till soft and feed. Coz my mom cooking porridge to feed him, but the way she cook like not very mashy..juz soft grains..he doesn't coke though when fed. Is it ok? She din blend but juz use the pigeon bowl to mash mash abit.

not tat we adjust hor but the consequence of not adjusting = cranky screaming baby really no joke!! I dunno about others lah but I'm not as fortunate as u, go anywhere baby ian still guai-guai sleep anywhere in his stroller!

the meetup is on 12sept leh...hopefully by then u feel better?

alamak...u come also can hv lots of mommies help u with bb

Yah me too gonna turn t huang lian po...so now I go out try to put some makeup. And I wear little bit of heels. Some more I nursing. HK summer sales lots of nice fashion all over but I can't buy cos not practical for me..always end up wearing nursng wear cos my gal still direct latch
okie me tentative good to go. gotta need spare eyes from other mummies to look @ my running around toddler hee... repeat: she "looks" angelic.

can't wait for such a gathering... talking abt how to split oneself into 2 or 3 to supply all demanding attn.

hana & precious moments
dun stress lah. i only just learnt got such thingy as flashcard when turned SAHM then so gan chiong for my girl cos scared missed her window of learning period. take it easy. me still learning abt RB method of teaching too, went for one session of GD free workshop can share some ideas with you but when you go for the BJG trial, you'll know beta.

prepare cards beforehand and show to child when child's ready. tell em you showing cards. if reluctant, dun show. attitute: joyessness, not like stern teacher or stressful that child must be looking at cards. for babies, they look for 1 sec can liao. cards be prepared in reverse order. bring the cards from back to front. read the word loudly and clearly from the back of the card, when the card is fully reviewed for child to see. else they'll see 2 diff cards, the one you bringing forward and the card that is in front of em. confusing for em. flash asap i.e. <1s. start on whole word cards rather than ABC cards cos easier for em to learn. BJG also mentioned the same. encyclopedic knowledge can show slightly later than words. GD guy suggests 7 months. maths dot cards can show tog with eng &amp; chinese. that's my summary. any mummy can throw in somemore info?
eh meet early and can meet ard central mah ..... ? I dun mind taking leave too cos I miss mylife and wanna see baby rylee
wowwee.. so many posts!! i'm like way way behind... i don't even know where i last left off.
anyway, i'm free to join the gathering in September...

How about making it earlier like what QQ mentioned? Late lunch? (for those taking half day leave).
wahhhh so gan dong also leh! U come also must bring tongtong ah! 3pm not early enough meh? I tot its quite ok. Cos before tat, I need to go in-laws place for lunch.

I also want to meet baby jayden...!

wahhhh...so stress leh. Cannot understand the flash card thingy.
morning to all.. now enjoying my kopi... still dreamy..

i must hang on *shivering* its thursday liao..(suffering from thursday syndrome).
i just throw everything into slow cooker and set it "high", then when can smell the fragrance will set it to "auto". Sorry i'm not much of a cook. Hey what did u do for Keziah? All these things seem new to u even tho Abel is your #2.
Re: Crawling
It's not that 100% of babies who don't crawl are dyslexic lah...but the specialist said based on statistics, a high percentage did not crawl when they were babies. Somehow, crawling is linked to a certain part of that brain function...

I also don't really know how to encourage them to crawl...hehe...I just let my boy have more tummy time since he will try to push himself forward/backwards...at least he has more opportunity to "want to learn to crawl"...hopefully it really helps lor.

Looking at my niece, I think she would have excelled if not for her dyslexia...nowadays kids don't get the chance to develop at their own speed...she's already being branded as "EM3" and alot of doors are closed...it's really a pity lor. So I cannot imagine the kind of stress of kids have to go through in future.
wow wow so many posts...

mylife, violetice
Since now is 3pm on 12 Sept, i confirm take half day PM leave. Maybe if possible, i go home &amp; fetch my boy then take cab to United Square (provided my hubby give me approval to do so, cos i never bring baby out alone leh)!! Excited to meet Rylee leh..
Eh Baby Ian, give Baby Jayden a chance, Rylee is mine, kekeke ;p

If u are feeling better, join us oki. Maybe we can lve from our hse together?
Amy, I don't mean to scare anyone...hehe...since I've been through it myself, I thought "prevention is better than cure". Although cannot guarantee 100% effective but can still give it a try.

My son crawls since he was 6 months old. I thought I should share my experience:

1. Baby is more willing to learn crawling if he falls, it won't hurt that much. I noticed this as he crawls a lot when at Infant care, as the floor is carpeted, so even if he falls, it's okay. But at home, he crawls less, as it's coarse tile floor, and it hurts a big deal. So providing a appropriate environment is important. Bed is good, but the soft type, and have to watch him carefully (not to fall off bed).

2. put his favourite toy in front of him, not too far away, to where he is just about to touch it, so to encourage him to move his body. When he just about to touch it, move it further, repeat this a few times, and finally let him play with it at sitting or lying down position. Can also try with something new that he never play with, don't have to be a toy, like can drink, tissue box, anything that is safe for baby to touch/play and may interest him, or he always look at when you use it.

3. Crawl together with your baby. When he sees you on the same level as him, he is more willing to be on tummy and try to crawl.

4. Don't force him if he doesn't like it. Let him sit up for a while and play. Then try to put him on tummy again.

Hope this helps a little!
kam> thanks for the info.. maybe when he see my dog around, he will be motivated to crawl since that he is always trying hard to grab my dog's tail and whiskers.

Just confirmed I will be travelling back to Ipoh for the Mooncake Festival. Although would love to meet with mylife (ex-Ipoh-ian) and other mummies and babies.

Make up

Haha.... although I am FTWM, I never wear make up, I don't know how to make up, and don't have any make up accessories (think the only 1 lipstick I have also expired already). Guess it's due to the nature of my work and my personality :) I am fully comfortable to being not a beauty (very often stranger called me auntie, sometime I am okay, sometime quite sad, depending on who was the person).
Re : flash cards
I heard tat you need to show the bb 1 day 3 times of the same thing. But how long will it take for the bb to recognise the words ?
read books that should let bb touch the item you have presented on the floor and meddle around for awhile first before shifting it further forward to encourage them to touch it. cos they muz be able to receive the reward first else quite pek chek. like someone wanna give you food then move away when your mouth about to touch it...
chay> i think have to show the baby more times lor. i always stand in front of me and say "mummy" (trying to teach him to associate the word with me) but he jus keep looking at the dog.. sigh..

Depending on the baby, his mood and energy he has for that day. If you see him already frustated for not letting him touch the item, then should let him touch/play. But if he is still smiling away or still looks excited to explore further, you should continue the "see it, come and touch it" approach to encourage baby to get to the idea that if he wants to play with it, he has to move to reach it. If you give him too soon, he will learn the cause and effect - that is, if I cry, mummy will give me the toy, so I don't have to crawl.
aiyah kam. U going back Ipoh or KK? Ur hubby also from KK or Ipoh? Anyway, me nothing much to see la...just another auntie too!

yippee can see baby jayden! Aiyah tell ur hubby don't worry lah..altho rylee fussed alot I also always take her out alone...practice makes perfect and besides, when u meet us only, lots of us can help u handle altho mine will prob be the one that fuss the most! Haha...my gal also got temper one wor...u not scared she give baby jayden a bigger scratch than what baby ian has? Hehe

Hubby my next door neighbour :) going back to KK, but certainly will spend a couple of days in Ipoh for food (tim sum, ipoh hor fun, ipoh white coffee etc etc, saliva dropping already), and shopping, and maybe to do up my hair. First time going back hometown since pregnant. Baby Hao Re hasn't met his grandpa yet! You looks great in the photos leh, auntie :)
<font color="ff0000">For Sale</font>
hello mummies, have ntuc vouchers at 5% discount for sale. if you want, PM me, in case i miss your post. tks!
Hi, can count me in.....

Gathering! (Welcoming mylife back to SG)

Venue: United Square, Globetrotters
Time: 3pm - 12th Sept 2008, Friday
Activity: Hug and Kiss each other babies, photography session and shopping if possible.

1) mylife and Baby Rylee
2) Violetlce and Baby Ian (anything)
3) JanBB alone (violetice, ONZ u, to stop u fr spending $$, haha!) (Shopping in the afternoon)
4) Icy and Baby Xavier (lunch/tea &amp; shopping)
5) Angelsky?
6) Mom2Nat?
7) Babe?
8) Lynn and Baby Rayden
9) Amy and Baby Ashton
10)Baby26 and baby Savion and baby Sylvia.


actually your feeding schedule almost same as me. but i will feed time FM at around 8pm(depand what time they eat the cereal 4pm or 5pm-- 3 hrs after) before they slept.after that if they wake up around 11pm, will feed them milk again, if not just slept till morning.
Baby Jumper Gym
(6-7 Babies in the class, 1 hr per session)

Hi ladies, I think it is not so easy to get the same date for this group then. haha.. I suggest we go separately??? in twos..

I have just call the BJG. Their August sunday classes are all full &amp; Only a few saturdays slot left.

Goodbb, &amp; blessbb,
2nd Aug this sat they still have 2 slots! Quickly call in.

23rd Aug they still have 1 slot.

If you all interested in these slot, do give them a call. Can contact BJG Adeline @ 6563-0716.
Paiseh hor, you all have to call in to register yourself liao. She will need your contact no and baby's name.

Serene if you are going on 23 aug, I will see u there.

Ok, Gtg for meeting liao.
I am ok with the gathering... mylife i miss you mah so long never catch up liao
if confirm let me know so I can take leave ..... i will definately bring TT along.... was thinking whether you all wanna change to Plaza Sing anot the TCC there not bad also leh ... and I dun mind meeting some mummies earlier I am fine
Wendyg, haha...coz I nv made brown rice porridge for my gal and she ate cereal for a longer time. Coz now boy sick from sis, so my mom dun wan feed cereal so no choice give porridge, juz white rice. But think she so used to giving my gal that kind of porridge that is lumpy coz she was older when she started, I kept having to remind her to cook longer till all dissolve like catonese porridge. Then hear brown rice good and if he's not getting in the form of cereal then have to give him in cook form. Maybe I shld get my mom a small rice cook but then again she will say I clutter up her small kitchen with so many things.

Aiyo, my boy really slow in solids coz the busyness of sick kids and work...hope he doesn't reject food when given...Now tried only cereal, white rice porridge and only started today pumpkin. I dun even have time to make him his fruit purees..ahhhh....

How come u gals put childcare the kids all like not much problem? Sick also like not very serious? haha...and I still send to ex one...
I think globetrotters better. Esp for those with #1. Can let them run around play area..haha...if we have a group big enough, can even request for a separate room to be set up for us.
mylife, finally confirmed my booking for HK trip, been calling travel agencies until I 'shou ruan' but finally booked with chan bros, flying off on 6 Dec, coming back to sg on 9 Dec. Going to natas to pay tomorrow.

I'm given 2 choices for hotel, either Metropark Mongkok or Shamrock. Which one is better ah? Anyone stayed there before, can advise? Thanks.
Sorry for interruption ladies. I am due in Jan 2009 (over Chinese New Year). I am looking for a confinement lady and am wondering if anybody is willing to recommend their confinement lady? I am quite wary of just picking from the confinement lady threads and I would rather trust ladies like yourself who have gone through the confinement.

If you can help, please PM me. Many many many thanks in advance!
Ya, me too, stayed at kimberly and miramar previously. First time staying at these 2 hotels, so also very scared myself. But bo bian, must get cheap hotels since travelling with my mum, MIL, aunties etc. Checked online for reviews but they are quite mixed, so rather hear from someone who has been there. :p
i stayed metropark mongkok when i was there Sept 07. Fantastic location. really 2 steps away fr Prince Edward MTR. Many eating locations just downstairs. We were very happy with the size of the room, as compared to Dorset Olympic. i imagine the room to be slightly larger than 6 single beds arranged against each other, and that excludes the toilet. I dunno, maybe they upgraded us to larger room or smthg.. i shld've asked for more details. Large rm v impt to us, coz we were travelling with my #1, that time 2yo, super active. Whole trip he only wanted to stay in the hotel room. Dun even want to go downstairs to eat.
Can't say that it has 5-star furnishings, but acceptable for us. As long as carpet is clean, mattresses don't creak, room doesn't smell of stale smoke... can liao. And enuf space to put luggage &amp; for #1 to play. If possible, i'd like to stay there again for this trip. But hv to see prices. The other time i enjoyed a promo... book 3 nights, 4th night free.

Shamrock... i nvr heard of????
WendyG, thanks, very useful info.
Do you find the bed very hard cos there were many reviews from tripadvisor complaining of that. I got bad back so quite scared. Was it really hard? Also, one man complained his little gal got bitten by bugs when staying in the hotel. It was ok for you right? By the way, chan bros is offering it at $905 for 4D3N F&amp;E including disneyland admission and transfer. I want to upgrade the room but they said this is promo rate, for std room so if I want to upgrade, may have to pay a lot more. :p

Shamrock is opposite Jordan mtr so very near but the review said there is not much shopping at Jordan and the rooms are very small. Common complaint for HK hotels. :p
<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

Baby Ian is not always guai guai de lor. Haha.

<font color="0000ff">evening,</font>

Looks angelic you still not happy ar? Good mah.

<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

Maybe we see how when the date gets nearer, whether to bring the boys or not. Haha. Jayden wants Rylee ar? Hmm. Good friends don't fight over gals de lor. LOL.

I just made chinese spanish puree yesterday. The recipe say wash the leave (discard stalk), drain, boil for 1-2 minutes, then blend.

After I blended it, I tasted a bit and not very nice taste leh. So I thought my son might not like it. I heated up so frozen sweet potato puree for standby. True enough, my son really didn't like the spanish puree, but he gave me face lah, still took in a few spoons. Then I continued with the sweet potato puree and he finished it all up!
morning mummies,


Below is the procedures for making sweet potato puree:
1. Wash the sweet potato
2. Steam it for 30 min. Always use steaming when cooking vegetables / fruits as it retains the most nutrients.
3. Cut the sweet potato. Scoop the flesh and use the grinder to grind it to get a smooth puree.
4. You can choose to add some BM to make the puree thiner.
