(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

i also standby a few tins of FM and with a fridge full of frozen EBM. But nw starting to give her some frozen EBM to clear stock before it expires. feel so heartpain to throw away my frozen ebm. i will freeze new ones for future usage.

anyone let yr baby try goat milk? bring my students to goat farm last week and was told that goat milk can be given from 6 mths onwards and its very nutritious.

have u all changed the FM to stage 2? can i ask how do u all switch? mix them or just switch like tat???

I am currently giving similac stage 1 and i received the free tin from Enfapro stage 2...
Yen, thks.
Steph has also msg me..will check it out now..

Will bring my baby for more dip then!!
Dawn, just need to call the kk appointment hotline and leave your name and contact no. then the LC will call you back. SS dropping? Did you try pumping more? fish soup? fenugreek? domperidone etc?

Anyone gone for the aquaduck swimming trial yet? Supposed to bring my girl this sat but hubby got mobilisation so cannot go. So sad. After this week, going to be chinese 7th month liao, mil and mum sure don't let me bring her one.
Dear mommies, Would like support for the following event! Pls join in the synchronised breastfeeding session!

Looking for mothers who have been breastfeeding for 6 months or longer... and want to have a once in a lifetime experience to be part of History. Come participate in Spore largest synchronised breastfeeding to create a new record!

Breastfeeding. Is it for me?
Date: 23 Aug 2008 Saturday
Time: 2.30-4pm (Synchronised Breastfeeding starts at 4pm)
Venue: Suntec City Convention
Cost: Free!
Free goodie bag worth $50 provided!

More details: Mary/Shan 62588816

There will also be talks and Q&A sessions, including:
1. Help! I don't have enough milk! Overcoming common problems in breastfeeding. By Sister Kang, Lactation Consultant, Mt Alvernia.
2. Working and Breastfeeding: Is it possible? By Mrs Wong Boh Boi, Senior Parent Craft/ Lactation Consultant
3. The Role of the father in Breastfeeding. By Mr Edwin Choy, Centre of Fathering.

Organised by:
aLife, Anmun, mCYS, Centre of Fathering and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association.
Sorry to interrupt.

I hv 2 BN unopened packs of NTUC M size (60pc/pack)
Willing to let go @ $8.50 per pack. If get 2 packs together @ $16.00.

Collection @ Dover/ Holland
Pls PM me.
i've been giving away febm to a fellow bfg mummy in Pg.. her boy nearly 1yo liao. My white gold, i can't bear to throw away. Husband neither. He grumbles abt having to make a trip to her place, the febm so heavy etc. I tell him "then just throw away la", then he say "No la... "

Evening & Mandy
i've PM u re: Huggies Swim diapers
<font color="0000ff">Seems like we all have a busy and WET last weekend! So "qiao" that some of us actually bring our little ones to swimming during the same weekend! Heh!

JanBB, Glad Jayden is well liao!</font>

re: huggies swim diaper
oh i made a mistake. I hv M size, which is 11-15kg, not 7-12kg. Evening &amp; Mandy, do u still want?

Anyone else wants?
wendyg, thanks for taking the trouble. how cum didn't let #1 drink your FBM?

me too, my mom not agreeable with seventh month bringing kids to swim. she missed the pool but either kanna flu or raining, sigh... one whole month leh
he is drinking! but on weekdays he only drinks once at night b4 sleep, and i hv to mix 140ml ebm with another 100ml of fresh milk, o'wise he can tell the taste &amp; reject the whole bottle. Weekends only twice a day.
hahahaha... no wonder need help to clear stock. mine too. my girl didn't like the smell. (quite strong hor) tried mixing with FM also can tell. turning 3 so bought GROW for her to try. waste $$. she complain too sweet. now happily drinking 100% EBM or fresh from me. so long from mummy. dunno why but feel very happy.

swimming diapers
can take 2 then? he only 8 kg.
wendy> u selling away swimming diaper? still available? me want to buy too..

anyone here got lobang to buy swimming costumes for our little ones? me wanted to buy one for my boi boi .
salute to all WORKING bf mommies. Frankly, me not working still can tahan, can imagine the stress of working mommies AND having to juggle stress of work and pumping.

yah agree also, must not compare. Else my brain explode liao. But ur post si beh funny!

we understand u are jus proud of your boyboy milestones development and want to share. No worries lah

ay, ur babies got "gum" the float or not har? My gal ah, every time i tried putting her inside the float, she'll struggle and wriggle to gum the float (always successful) and end up her chin below float, and inadvertently gulp water in...aiyoh....dats why now still "practicing" at home bath tub, dare not bring down to my pool.

My stupid apartment pool ah, the so-called children's pool ah is part children/part jacuzzi, got bubbles blowing up...siao...how to bring babies???? DUH
actually my boy 7kg, i also let him wear. won't drop out one.

Mandy - 5 (still want? 11-15kg)
Evening 2
Ernmum - 1
amy - 1

FOC collect punggol, o'wise i need to chk postage rates. Will only charge for envelope &amp; stamps, free labour.
<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

Baby Ian managed to dunk himself flat face into the water and scared us! He came up himself and spluttered with water, nose red red also. However, he didn't cry but from then onwards, he pursed his lips tight and never "gum" water anymore but he did licked the float a couple of times. LOL!
ernmum, ya lor, yours also? his camp is Nee Soon. I Pm you my email again..

Evening, ya lor, so sian, one whole month, hope she won't be afraid of the water by then... :p
Mandy - 5 (still want? 11-15kg)
Evening 2
Yen - 3
Ernmum - 1
amy - 1

aiyo no need float la. Just carry your girl &amp; make sure her nose &amp; mouth stays abv water until u want to dunk her in. Parent must b confident when bringing bb for swim.
Dear all,

I've the exact sentiments regarding weaning my gal off bf. Oso feel bu she de, but at the same time it's troublesome to pump while working, etc. plus the ugly sagging shape of my current used-to-be perky breasts!!! Guess for the good of my gal, i simply gotta sacrifice my physical appearance.

I tot of introducing her partial FM wif my Bm. How can I do that? Can any mummies guide me pls?

Ur boy boy looks so happy in the pool. Somehow, my Eve not v happy with the neckfloat. It looked ultra huge for her small face. Plus I can't find her neck so she looks like very "gan-kor". Do u click the neckfloat v tightly? Prob gotta try again as it was her 1st dip dat day.
I already introduce my gal partial FM with my BM Now replace two feeds with FM. At first, replace one feed with FM. If no diarrhea/constipation, then replace another feed. Then monitor and slowly replace more.
Currently me is still bf. Now my colleague just came back from maternity leave. So now our bf gang has increased to 3 persons. Still doing well and dont intend to stop at the moment.

These few days keep on raining and my baby just recovered so better delay him for going swimming at the moment. I also have stopped spoon feed cereal for him too. But I do add into his EBM.
baby swimming

I called Aquaduck last week. And yes, as wendyg pointed out, they said no float or other swimming device are needed for baby >6 months old to learn swimming.

I asked for trial class, but weekend classes all full till a few months later. Only left with weekday classes only.

I am very interested in sending baby to aquaduck. If anyone got lobang, please share!

Brought baby to Hwa Xia a couple of weeks ago. But don't like the environment such that baby can only move slightly in that little tub. Not "real" swimming leh.
my leaking tap issue finally solved! Thanks for recommending Nelson, his plumber ah chuan &amp; frd gd service
Paid $110 for labour to change 2 taps &amp; clear 1 choking pipe. Nowadays stupid chrome taps also cost $88/pc so ex hor!
Hey i drop a note in your blog!
my hubby also don't like the little tub at Hwa Xia, he say restrict baby movement. The only thing baby enjoy is the warm water!

All Mummies,
can i check if any of you started using Avent teat #3 variable flow with a slit (I/II/III) when baby drinking thicker liquid like milk cereal instead of spoon feed ? Recently my boy rejected wheat cereal from spoon &amp; we've to put it in bottle then he will drink wor. Other puree, he still guai guai take from spoon leh? Dunno what happen? maybe he don't like wheat cereal anymore??
<font color="0000ff">Steph,</font>

Baby Ian is using Avent Teat No.3 but not the 1/2/3. I gave him the 1/2/3 before and he also refused to drink or will be fussy when drinking. Keeps turning here and there. But when I gave him the No.3, he was ok with it.
mylife &amp; godsent,
my neckfloat is adjustable one &amp; juz happen it fit nicely to my boy's neck... haha, maybe jayden got a big head? Try &amp; adjust for eve, maybe she feel insecure if the neckfloat is not tight?
But I can see the neckfloat seem to shift in diff position after awhile. Think it does not "gel" tightly to his neck.

I like your float!!! So cute still got coconut tree for shelter ah..heehee ; ) Can see Baby Ian also enjoying himself!!
No more trial for Weekend aquaduck swim ah? Until which mth?

Thot Mei has arranged some classes? Have u all went? If not, shld we take leave &amp; bring baby there during weekdays?? wow super ONZ mummy here..heehee ;p

Avent Teat No. 3 is for fast flow, still ok for Zander. But for drinking milk cereal, must change to variable flow (1/2/3) type else the thick liquid cannot flow out properly &amp; they have to suck very hard. When do we upgrade to teat no. 4 ? Any idea what is the recommended duration to change new teat?
Think is safer to feed cereal using spoon ah. Muz let Zander learn how to swallow &amp; get used to spoon. If he reject spoon, how are you going to feed him porridge next time? Most imptly, think is dangerous to drink cereal from bottle.
i know but MIL say he rejected spoon le. So they no choice make dilute cereal &amp; feed using bottle. Otherwise he refuse to drink/eat, how? worried...
Glad that your leaking pipes are resolved. Is it? Got leave msg huh? i shall go check it out now.

Ya lah. Perhaps she's not used to it. I'll try again for her.
Or u can start adding puree into your cereal for better taste? Actually i tasted the rice cereal, is simply yucks... Jayden dun wan to eat after i started him with porridge. When are you going to start porridge for Zander?
wendy> keep me informed about the total cost plus postage so that i can make the bank transfer to you okie? thanks. you can PM me your account no. too.
thanks alot..
i am interested in the baby swimming sessions too. thought of going to hua xia, but so far the feedback is the pool very small, restrictive to movement.,hence now sourcing for other options.keke

Wad do u add into the porriage? My mil only cook plain porriage for javin. I feel tat if were to give plain porriage muz well dun give tasteless and no nutrients at all. I ask her to add in fish or vege to cook to make it more tasty she say dun need...

I made broccoli puree for Javin but i dun he have some stomach discomfort after tat as he keep burping the whole day and refuse to eat the porrige which i had added in the broccoli puree.
i tried my son's rice cereal too..yucks. then i tried his brown rice cereal = YucksX2 !!.. so i mixed a bit of his wheat and honey cereal to his brown rice cereal , then he happily whacked it all up.


Roughly wad time do u all bring ur baby to swimming? The baby dun feel cold? I am afraid tat the baby might catch a cold if i bring Javin for a swimming.
