(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

the exersaucer i rented from rent-a-toy, the quality is pretty ok (condition is 8.5/10). You've to inspect the conditions prior accepting goods to make sure no faulty parts rec'd.

Got this email to share.. a long one, sorry if too dry.
Imagine we are already so exhausted with 1 baby, how did she cope with 7 babies & she is only 17 yr old!!

Teenager is mum of 7.. at just 16

She looks like a proud teenager posing with her little brother and six sisters for a family photograph.
But incredibly Pamela Villarruel is the mother of all these seven children.
And she gave birth to all of them by the time she was 16.
Pamela has more children than any other teenage mum in the world and doctors have described her as a "scientific rarity".
She gave birth to her son when she was 14 then had two sets of triplets in two years.
"Every day is a struggle but I wouldn't change anything," says Pamela, who is just 17. "They are my little miracles. It's exhausting, but the most important thing is that all my children are happy and healthy.
I'll be the best mum I can possibly be."
Pamela, the youngest of six children, is currently living with her mother Magdalena, a cleaner, and her disabled dad Jose in Leones, a farming town 300 miles from the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. She no longer sees the three fathers of her children.
Until she was 12 Pamela was just like any schoolgirl, excelling in maths and gossiping about clothes and the latest pop bands. Then she met a local boy. "I thought I was in love and wanted to be close to him so we had sex," she says. "I was almost 13 when we did it for the first time. Then I fell pregnant.
"I was terrified as I was so young, but my mum was very supportive, as she had her first baby when she was still young. But I had a miscarriage at three months, which was very frightening. " Pamela's mother told her about the importance of contraception, yet five months later she was pregnant again by a new boyfriend, 17-year-old Miguel Gonzalez, from the nearby town of Marcos Juarez.
"I never thought I'd get pregnant again and didn't take precautions, " says Pamela. "I was in love with Miguel and thought we would be together forever. I was naive."
Abortion is illegal in Argentina, except in extreme cases such as rape, so Pamela, then 13, had to have the baby. Her son Lisandro was born in June 2005 when she was 14.
"Miguel moved in with us in and tried to support me but it was difficult and after six weeks he went back to his family," she says.
Soon afterwards she began seeing a new boyfriend, 18-year-old Ariel Benitez, an unemployed builder. Within weeks she was pregnant again. "I really loved him and he loved me too," she says. "I know I should have been using contraception but stupidly we didn't. I can't really explain why not."
But Pamela was stunned when a scan showed she was expecting triplets. "I couldn't believe it," she says. "Nobody in my family had even had twins before."
Pamela went into labour two months prematurely. In July 2006 she gave birth by caesarean section to three girls - Ludmila, Macarena and Candela - weighing 3lb 12oz, 3lb 14oz and 3lb 15oz. She says: "It was a very complicated birth. I suffered a lot afterwards.
I was so ill I thought I was going to die.
"Ariel stayed with me through my pregnancy but he left when the triplets were four or five months old." Neighbours and friends rallied round and donated clothes, nappies, shoes and milk. Soon Pamela started seeing a new teenage boyfriend, Franco, and her frantic mother inquired about getting her sterilised.
Magdalena was told she would need a special order from a judge as Pamela was under 21, so instead the young mum began having contraceptive injections. But after forgetting to have just one jab Pamela became pregnant again and a scan revealed she was expecting another set of triplets.
She says: "It was much more of a shock as I realised how difficult it would be with seven children." And last month Pamela gave birth to Martina, Morena and Magali - weighing between 3lb 11oz and 3lb 13oz - five days before her 17th birthday.
Dr Jose Alberto Oviedo, who supervised the birth of all the triplets, is convinced Pamela's incredible brood are a world first. "There are no recorded cases of any woman giving birth to two sets of triplets consecutively without IVF treatment," he says. "As far as I know there are no girls her age with as many children. The odds are astronomical. "
Her triplets are non-identical - each time Pamela produced three eggs, rather than the usual one, which were all fertilised.
The council in Leones built Pamela a small house after she gave birth to her first set of triplets, but with seven young children to look after Pamela moved back in with her mother.
It's a tight squeeze - along with her seven children, her mother and father, two of her brothers are still at home and the family get by on social security of £80 a month. "With seven children I need a lot of help but I hope to move back into my little house." she says.
"I don't have time for boys now and I'm single. But if I met a boy I would make sure I was careful and don't plan to have more children. I'm going to have a coil fitted."

7am Pamela gets baby food breakfast for eldest triplets and Lisandro.
7.30am Change young triplets' nappies and dress the four children.
8am Breast-feed young ones, topped up with powdered milk.
8.30 amFour eldest taken to nursery.
9am Change nappies. The six triplets are each changed four or five times a day and Lisandro twice.
10am Put on the first wash of day.
11am Cup of tea and a biscuit before cleaning the house.
12noon Second feed for the youngest triplets.
12.30pm Four eldest back from the nursery. Now seven to look after.
1-2pm Change nappies. Feed the older triplets and Lisandro.
2.30pm Pamela has lunch while babies sleep.
4-5pm Children all awake again. Feed all seven and change nappies.
6pm Second clothes wash.
7-8pm Feed youngest triplets and Lisandro. More nappy changes 9pm Bathtime for all seven in two batches.
10pm Pamela's dinner and a children's story 11pm Bedtime.
1am Youngest triplets are fed.
2am Nappy changes.
4am Youngest fed again. More nappy changes and finally some sleep.
'They are my little miracles and I'll be the best mum I can possibly be'
actually it's just bcoz more eggs ripen per month. If identical triplets then more "WOW".

anyways i don't envy her. 3 diffrnt fathers, incomplete family... and she herself only a teenager. She's gotto work very hard to make sure they're on the right path.

I just bought a hand held braun blender to make puree. But not sure wad can i make for bb? Can give me some suggestions? Any good books to recommend on the food to give baby at different stages?
Anyone stop breastfeeding already?
I try to reduce the number of times that i express the milk out, also cut down the amount. I also put cold cabbage leaves...but My breast still feel so engorge, afraid it will cause mastistic

When you cut down the number of times to express, you should ensure that you did not empty your breast thus giving your breast the info to make more milk. Thus, you should just express till you feel comfy, not emptying it. Just my 2 cents worth. =)
I din empty my breast...Normally, I can get 350ml/session. Now I only express out 200ml. After express, breast still feel very full. And it start to leak very soon and hard like stone.

Avocado is the easiest to made as no steaming/cooking needed. But my baby loves sweet potato the most. I am also using Braun hand-held blender. "First Food" is a good reference book.
Nelson is neither an uncle nor a young chap. I'd say in between lah.. so wat do u call him --- a man!

my current office is --- my home!!! hahaha.. waiting for the office to be ready & dat is at Parkway Parade. Any mummies working there???
yes normally only 1 egg per month. but sometimes no eggs, sometimes more.

QQ works near Pkway.

what abt Harrison Ford? Ed Harris? mmmm, yummy.
Harrison FOrd? Wendyg, u like Harrison FOrd? ISn't he a bit old? If u like mature man, y not Pierre Brosnan or George Clooney? More yummy.. hehe.. I like both young n cute or mature n sexy type haha..

My young n cute type: Aston Kutcher, Orlando Bloom,etc

Mature Sexy: David Beckham, George Clooney

=) hehhehe
keke..young or old, man or lady no prob. Most imp to do a gd job. cos i came across 1 irresponsible plumber & he anyhow charge for changing of new tap, pipes etc when the exact problem itself is not the tap/pipes so he treat us like carrots! Anyway, Nelson say he will call me back to arrange cos busy right now.
no la, i still like Ed Harris & Harrison Ford **droolzzz**

dun like Brosnan. Clooney name sounds like looney. Aston Kutcher.. dunno how to pronounce his surname. Anyway he's married to Demi Moore!! Oh, then maybe i like Bruce Willis. Orlando.. dowan la, remind me of his elfish ears in LOTR. Dun like Beckham coz of tattoos.
i so fussy hor.
but i like Carina's husband & Mr YF Chow. *whistle*
mine looks like Tony Leung Kar Fai.
actually first glance i wasn't into him. My fren was swooning, but i... nothing ley.
Hi Mummies,

I'm new and would like to join your discussion in this thread.

My son is 6-1/2 months now. We started him on rice cereals once a day for 2 weeks already and we noticed a few days ago that he is now spotting a white bud on his lower gum. Since last Sunday, it's been so difficult to feed him. He resists drinking his milk via bottle and i'm wondering if this is due to the introduction of solids and teething.

Sometimes, for each feed, he drinks barely 20 to 60ml. His milk intake is so low and we are so afraid he's hungry. We resort to adding more milk in his cereal and even feeding him, though reluctantly, via spoon, cup etc to make sure he still drinks his milk intake everyday.

Are your babies facing this problem too? What do you think I should do? I hope this is a temp drop in appetite and not an aversion to milk via the milk bottle.
hi wah wah i dun understand all ur posts!! simi tony leung, simi brad pitt

went taka fair leh. i see peopel grabbing but i like nothing to buy. haha. maybe i dunknow how to shop. not v cheap leh.
maybe u hv all the cheap lobang.. those mummies don't hv ma??

wow, been a long time since i saw the real BabyG. They were the rage 15 yrs ago!
If your bb takes milk via cup, i think it's ok. My 3yo still prefers his bottle. haha.

wooooo Tony Leung!! Post your hubby pix leh..

Since talking abt MENs...here's some naughty pix..heehee..

Have a good Weekend >.<
Hi Wendyg,

BabyG watch was the rage then. I oso have.

It takes such a long time to feed him 150ml via cup. My baby wants to be a BIG boy!! sigh!
ahhhh, these type are gay right? no la i wun post my hubby pix, but there are some who seen him b4, and he's also on my Facebook album!
hi mummies,

what your current intake for a 5.5 mth bb// mine only 700-720 a day .. is it little/ she only at 50percentile...

anyone can share the schedule how to start on rice cereal?

Kam, I just bought Avocado for my bb, still green so must keep until ripe. The fruit store lady say just need to scrap out and feed her, no need to add water or blend. True or not ah?

I think for 6 months old baby, it's good for them to start with blended food. Although avocado is soft, but can still be lumpy. If you don't want to use blender, you can use spoon/fork to mash it. I don't add water when making puree, unless it's too thick (e.g. ,sweet potato), so my baby can taste the original taste.
Wow, sexy men huh? I prefer those wif abs - 6 abs type, u know... George Clooney - yes i like old, mature sexy man.. let me dig out my photo. I had a photo taken wif him!!! @@

Have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks, Kam. Will keep to blend next week.

My 21st birthday present was a white babyG. Too bad the watch outlasted the strap whiched turned yellow with age. :p
Oh ya, got something to share with all the mummies who are still bf but need to increase supply. Ask your dr or gynae for domperidone, a medication used to treat heartburn. The positive side effect is it increases prolactin production so increase breast milk. My colleague passed me some pills, take 2 per day, and it really works. I managed to get 170ml for my afternoon pump instead of usual 120ml after taking it for 2 days. For more info, http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/domperidone.shtml.
Hahah... my boy oso pulling my hair and specs!! And pinching me! I told my mom I no need to go rebonding liao, either pulled straight by Elliot or pull until dropped liao! Hoho...
haha me too! ;) i went to cut my hair super short until there is nothing to pull! maybe go for lasik a few months later, then will have no specs for them to pull!
