(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

i also have a similar float, bought here in HK. is the float got 2 holes for Baby Ian to put his legs in one rite? Here i bought the My Melody one, got a few designs, got Hello Kitty and if i'm not wrong, Cinnamoroll too...i think?

hahaha...i dare not NOT use float cos the mommy (me) also not a good swimmer. I almost drowned when i was a kid (keh kiang, jumped into a waterfall before my mom can catch me and almost drowned) so i got water phobia. Only recently i dare go swimming in pool but even then, dun really know how to breathe, so i resort to swimming under water for jus as long as my breath can hold me. My hubby joked that i can be very good scuba diver. kekeke. So u see, how to bring Rylee to pool? Mommy also not confident, i'm sure it'll rub off on her. Daddy shud be ok la. Will try
But I'm working...can I put all the ingredients into the slow cooker and let it cook from morning until night? Will dry up and explode or not...haha!
Amy, PM-ed you.

At first my gal also very cranky, want to carry/accompany all the time, dun sleep by her own, milk intake not constant. But After two weeks in infantcare, all these problems settled. She is more discipline, can play/sleep by her own. Dun worry so much ok. You must trust them, they're professional, they know how to train the baby. Definately they're doing better job than me. My infantcare is one teacher to 2 babies, charges is $1100/mth before subsidy.
I think cannot ley...cos the porridge will dry up and burn if u cook for 8 hours unless its alot. For me, i cook in small cooker - about 2 chinese tablespoon - 2 hours and its euff liao..i didnt try leaving it on for 8 hours but i tried 3 hours. Already very sticky and dry liao.
It seems that if you join, they will send you. But i joined when bb 6 months, but till now never receive. So i emailed them. They reply quite fast. Ask me to collect from their office if i want NAN 2 HA. If normal NAN, they deliver to me.
bebeyan, i also searched the whole nestle website till i gave up n called them. ;) there is no request page. the moment u sign up, they will send u the sample tin after u bb turn 6 months.

sample tin? wow.. good ler.. i tot is packet form.. hehe.. but how they noe bb taking NanPro or HA. Cos during registration they didnt ask too.

maybe i should email them like wildchillies.
kitsune, take care of your daughter on your own la

i hope when they call, my MIL will be gone so that i can be home alone with the two kids and i can act and bahave freely

I agree with Yen. You should trust them as they are professional. They have handled a number of babies with difference behaviour. They have their ways to discipline the babies, and babies will learn fast too.

I live in CCK, I send my baby to Infant Care at Galistan Ave (near to Ten Miles Junction). Teacher to baby ratio is 1:2 to 1:3. I pay $1000 before subsidy. Let me know if you want more info.
Re:mummies whose babies drink little milk
I've recently changed my bb teats to pigeon peristaltic ones with "y" hole. After monitoring for 1 day, my bb has increased her milk intake and is now taking 120ml per feed instead of 50-90 kind. Total intake 700plus instead of 600. I have been using Nuk all along, and thought that more expensive means better, but, i guess the baby knows better! Hope she keeps up the milk drinking! Mummies, you might want to give it a shot by change teat and monitoring their intake.
Bebeyan, default is NanPro bah, unless u email to tell them u want HA. ;)

kitsune, the medication cannot buy from pharmacy one ah? ;)
Hi mummies,

Back to the swimming topic
Do you bathe baby at the public pool washroom or dry baby and take them home to bathe?
I am just wondering how to bathe mine if i take him to the pool. It will be quite a challenge without his bathtub.
hi mummies! my son is a few days to 6 months!

but he is having a tinge of orangee color in the diaper. Anyone knows what's the reason? is it dehydrated?

cuz nowadays my milk seems to be quite thick, unlike last time got more foremilk. Does that lead to dehydrated? i have started to feed him extra water everyday..

what's the reason if you know? pls advise!
I think breastmilk is comprised of 70 or 80% water. So there is no need for more water. And can't be your milk so thick tat not enough water in it lah. Maybe you ate carrots or something orange? WEll, my son's poo varies from light yellow, to mustard, to green! Is the orange colour a lot?

oh, the orange tint comes from my son's pee, right on the diaper. it's not from the poo leh. Anyway i just called TMC PD, the nurse said might be heaty and asked me to feed him water!!
solid food: wat kind of veg is suitable for them?

so far i hav given him carrot, pumpkin, fish porridge and avocado, bananas. havnt try any green yet...

yvonne: slow cooker fr Mornin till nitz ar??!! definitely not for porridge but itz yummy if u boil soup..
<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

Yup, got 2 holes as shown below. Wow, so good, got My Melody! That's my fav character! Anything for boys?

orange colour pee? that reminds me of my son's orange poo.. my mum found some undigested bits of carrot in his poo. Must praise my mum for 'studying' her grandson's poo. At least i know that he did not managed to digest his mashed carrot .
violetlce> the float so cute lei.. i love the shade . by the way , is tat a

1)coconut tree
4)none of the above

at the side of the float..where did you get it... i wan i wan lei..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Amy,</font>

I think it's supposed to be a coconut tree.

My sister's boyfriend got it at Punggol Plaza level 2, corner, kids' store. $15.90.

which kind of pea you got? I would like to try pea this week but don't know which type to get.


I read from the "First Food" book that the chinese spanish (yuan chai or "bayam") is a good vege to start. I want to get some to try out this week also.
Mylife, me waiting for Natas fair to book holiday to Hong Kong. Will be very crowded so need to do my research beforehand. Nov - Dec period will be a bit cold, so I'm looking for a hotel that has a shopping centre inside so that no need to bring my baby outdoors if it's cold. Can you recommend? Also, I remember you said there's a place that sells cheap baby stuff, where is the nearest hotel for that? Thanks.

Dawn, don't think so leh. Or you want to call Guardian pharmacy to try?

Thanks, Mei, my gal is 6 months today. So happy, seems like yesterday when I was pushing hard at KK. haha.

eRnMum, do you have a maid? I find it quite tiring to take care of her on my own leh. Just the thought of having to bathe her on my own, I already sian liao. Lazy mummy. :p
kit> i dun have a maid. my mum and me is the maid already lor.. but thinking of getting one cos my mum's health is not well and yet she need to take care of my elder girl and my baby.

but very expensive lei..have to plan out my finance lor..
kitsune, saw ur gal eating her first solid! looks like she loves it! i'm very excited too, goign to try for my son this weekend hehe
Yen; do u blend e peas?

kam; i bought e first food book last mth, itz collecting dust now..

will search for peas &amp; yuan chai dis wkend..

kitsune: i also wanna go hk yr end, now plannin for Rome trip in aug first... there r a few mummies gg hk yr end, i tink Icy is gg too.
Wah..u all fed so much solid...I juz start cereal not too long. Anyone like me?

Btw, I have 2 tins of enfa pro A+ to sell or exchange for similac stage 2. Let me know if keen. Got 2 vouchers to give away too.

Sian, my boy sick again together with his sister. Coughing like mad again...hiaz...when u haf two, it's so difficult to separate them.
Me! I just started feeding my gal solids last weekend. Feeding her twice a day. Intend to try some fruit/veg puree soon.

Organic Food
Just went to the organic store to buy a sweet potato and an avocado and it costs me $9! wow... My hubby and I hope put our gal on organic diet as much as possible until she reaches 1yo. But at this rate, don't think our pockets can sustain very long.

Anyone else here feeding organic food, totally or partially? can share where u get cheap fresh produce? If provide delivery better still.

hope ur boy get well soon!
kitsune: he will turn 6 mths on the 28th! ya, i wil start him earlier, this comign saturday hehe.

hana: give prune juice i heard.
Ya I also heard can give prune juice - Heinz has apple + prune juice and can be found at cold storage and NTUC. I just bought a bottle to standby.
precious, i have been ordering organic veggies via delivery but it's not cheap. certain veggies are cheap compared to the store but some are not. so now i rather get it frm local stores. if you want the delivery contact you can pm me. i'm planing to feed organic food totally for bb, anyway their consumption not a lot ma,. the rest of the veggies/fruits stillconsumed by the adults hehe.

babe, hope your boy get well soon, take care!
hi mummies,

finally got time to log in.

how much r u selling for the enfa pro? i am interested..

precious moments,
i am trying to put my gal on total organic food if possible. reason being my MIL only buy organic rice n vege, so i jus take from her.hehe. my sis managed to know the guy who supply organic vege n fruits to cold storage. somemore got discount if order directly fr her. but min order is $50. let me check with her on the contact.

I am going for a 2 weeks holidays in Sep too. Looking forward to my holiday. i need a break badly.
hana> i also got such 'stools' problem (if you see my previous postings) .the doc gave a syrup to soften the stools, and it take less than one day to take effect. this is one of the immediate solution. but to prevent it from happening, we need to look into the baby food..

i can understand its such a frustrating problem. cos when my son got hard poo, he cant clear his system. hence no appetite and cranky.
its recommended to give babies prune juice or other fruits puree to soften the poo. but my son simply refuses to drink
-prune juice/puree
-apple juice/puree
-plain water

Thanks. I have asked my mum to try to give him apple juice this morning, but i call back a moment ago. he is still not pooing.. haiz. Dint want to rely on medicine so trying more "natural" way to treat the constipation.

I wonder if its the avocado my mum gave him last week, or the rice cereal or the porridge. Haiz.
hana, amy,

my baby is a big drinker for plain water. He loves plain water. When I feed him solid food, he can drink ~100ml of water. He never have problem with passing motion. At least once a day before starting solid, after starting solid, 2-3 times a day. Maybe you can try to give your baby more water?

There was an article about a month ago alerting the danger of giving baby water. But in that article, it's safe to give water to baby >6 months. So I am not concern to give baby a lot of water.

I don't trust the commercial juice, sure don't have additive meh?
