(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Any of u gals use a humidifier or ioniser at home? Any good brand/model to recommend?

My boy aldo..now latch on wanna play with my hair n so distracted from his feed.

I LOVE the pics u posted ;P


U stopping BFing? Me just started to drop 1 pumping session yday (from 4 to 3 sessions). Wah, this morning, my supply immediately drops.

Feeling a bit weird now. Mixed feelings? Like can't bear to stop like that. But well, I do need to stop soon as my son is now 6 months old. =) A great achievement for me already. Also, I will be leaving for a business trip next month. Without pumping, I will be less stress out.
dawn & kitsune,

I went for lasik 3 yrs ago. lasik confirmed not painful. My time, it was using blade to cut the cornea, so I can only feel the pressure on my eyeballs. Now, I heard it's using laser to cut the cornea, so should improve already. =)

I feel that going for lasik is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. I am very happy to be living without specs. =)

Do consider the pros and cons before going for lasik ya. =)
BabyG, Becky_cat
My bb gal started to become "difficult to feed" milk since 5 months. She was spotting 2 white buds then. He daily intake has been hovering around 600-700, but mostly 600plus. I've checked with 2 separate PD; 1 says anything above 500 is ok. Another says her intake is on the low side and probably i will have to continue to give her multiple small meals constantly. So far my bb gal has 2 meals of solids and milk (milk is fed in small amts - usually 60-90)

What is your bb's daily intake? I think you shouldnt worry if your bb is happy and growing.

My bb is 68cm, 7.6kg at 6.5months
hi wild chillies,

thanks for the advise.. She 6.4 kg at 5mths..3 weeks.
pd also tell me give small feed of milk, but my gal very weird one if she hungry she wont cry to ask for milk.. if we force her to drink & she doesnt want then she will cry very loud...
noemally she drink 240 ml around 5 hr.. at night can sleep from 8 plus to nezt morning 7 .. so she doent drink after last feed at 7 or 8 pm.

can u share with me how your feeding timetable for the day with solids?
Ahcapp, what are the cons of lasik? heard some pple say got blur vision at nite? or teary eyes? did u have any of those?
Becky cat,
I'm a FTM, so everything is still new to me, I'm learning as my bb grows. The problem with my bb is she doesnt drink her milk in big qty. She drinks it in small-small amt. Force her to drink more also cannot. She cannot sleep thru the night and needs to wake up and i'm still trying to break this habit. I'm caught in between, becos if she doesnt wake up to drink, she will not reach 600...sigh...

Her schedule is superduper haywire, i also dunno how to type it out, but usually i give her 2 meals. 1 around 10-11am, another about 4pm. Milk is given every 3-4hrs and she only drinks bet 50-90. If she is drinking too little milk, i will give her 1 meal of solid only. Nowadays, she can eat about 3-4 tablespoon of cooked porridge. I'm trying to balance her milk-solid intake cos i know that there is still a minimum milk intake every infant should drink.

Very jialat right? Any mummies with suggestions?
my gal sounds like yours leh. Cannot sleep thru the night. As much as I'll like her to stop waking up and give my mum and us some decent sleep, she still needs to wake up to catch up on her milk intake. nowadays, her milk intake around 600 only. Sigh. Very difficult to feed her milk. Drink 70,80 and it's enough.
Sigh...we are in the same boat. I dunno whether its out of habit or what ley...i also dun dare dun give her milk since her intake is on the low side. My girl mostly drinks bet 50-90 each time and will push out the teat once she had enough. I think this week i will try different teat (using nuk all along) and see whether it makes a difference.

Does yr bb eat solids happily then?
yup, try to stop BFing..Now pump less amount, also try to reduce to 2x per day but breast engorge and leak badly.
I also got mixed feeling, not willing to stop bfing. But i think i already did a very good job liao.
long time no *see* u around!
How's Elliot now? Ay, wan to ask u about ur #1 last time...u said she also dont like daddy to carry when she's a baby, everytime cry rite? Now super "daddy's girl" rite? When exactly and how she turns around ah? Me now having same headache. My gal dun like her daddy to carry particularly in the evening. She will cry but stop immediately when i (or my mom) takeover. So sad...reject daddy! But Daddy is the one with strength to carry! As i'm still BF-ing, dunno how to let them bond. Weekends, hubby around, got bathe her, play with her, but all down the drain as weekdays come and hubby went back to work and only reaches home close to her bedtime (her bedtime routine starts around 7-ish and hubby always need to rush home)

cut short short hair also no use, my mom got super short boy cut hair, when carry my gal, she also grab the hair ends. LOL

i agree with ahcapp, Lasik was one of the best decision i made. Painless, jus can feel the pressure abit. Me so glad now no glasses!!

me too still BF-ing, hoping to BF baby till at least 1yr old. I read when u BF longer, as the baby grows, eating solids, milk intake drops and as they take more nutrients from solid foods, your BF will increase the amount of antibodies which is good for baby and not replicable by FM. There's a Sg mommy here in HK who have BF her baby for 2 yrs and her kid now is 4yrs old, never had any illness or fever...i feel so inspired!
Me planning to slowly let baby wean herself. I think i'm those super sentimental type, when weaning time, sure will cry and bu she de.
bb sleeping through
My baby also not sleeping through. Guess what, I'm having a cold so left baby at MIL's place last night. Last night, after I went over and bf her at around 1030pm, she slept and only woke up at 5:10am this morning according to MIL. Sigh, don't know why she only 'tekan' us leh.

Oh ya, fed my bb Heinz white rice cereal yesterday. She loves it, even tried to grab the spoon from our hand. Today, my MIL tried feeding her, she said 1 teaspoon not enough, bb making noise cos she wants more. haha.

Dawn, I didn't know must stop BF then can do lasik. How come ah?
Have all of you started feeding solids to your bbs?
I jus fed pumpkin puree today but think my bb hates it. He keeps having the gagging expression when he swallows it. :eek:p
When i mixed it with rice cereal he ate it more readily. - but we shouldn't mix right?
wow! 4 yrs old! I dunno if i can make it that long!
But yes, i did read that if baby-led weaning usually will not occur until about 3-4 yrs of age. U still BF-ing?

it's good ur still BF-ing baby when having cold..cos u're passing the antibodies ur body is making to your baby. I did that too and while i was fighting the cold, my baby heng-heng didnt catch it from me. But it was real hard cos i couldnt take the meds except for panadol cos the running nose meds will dry-up your milk ss.
mylife, that's what I told my mum too when she asked me to not to be too close to bb now that I'm sick. I'm taking all the meds that dr gave including antibiotics, as long as they are safe for bf, I'll take so that can recover faster. Can't do night feeds if I'm sleepy and groggy. :p
kitsune, not sure why leh, is it the hormones produced when breastfeeding will cos our degree unstable??? my fren was advised by the doc to do lasik oni after she stopped BF for 2 months. so have to wait lor........

btw do u have to make appt to see the lactation consulants at KKH har? do they accept walk in? my supply dropping like crazy since 2 weeks ago cos my gal suddenly doesn't want to latch. wonder can the LC do anything to help. my hubby says good mah, can slowly stop BF liow. but i bu she de....

mylife, wah ur gal even super short hair also grab...must do those slope hair style like guys. hahaa

ask u all, when introduce the rice cereal, do u all introduce b4 milk feed or after? do we need to reduce the amt of milk in the milk feed? when can the solid food meal completely replace one milk feed? very blurrr....cos 1st time mummy.
mylife, I am still BF-ing.. Over the weekend, my supply is very low. Intend to BF until my bb reaches 1 year old... Still have 5.5 months to go leh.... ;))

Dawn, better to introduce cereal before milk. When I first introduced solid food to my baby 2 weeks ago, she still drank the same amount of milk as only 2-3 spoons of cereal was fed. i am increasing her solid food, and automatically her milk intake reduce.
Now am feeding my baby cereal for b/fast, lunch/ dinner. Middle of the day, i add in one fruit puree.

Brought baby for 6 in one jad last week, and the PD still advised us not to give baby any water after solid food yet unless her urine is yellow or she's very sweaty..

Just share the info.. ;))
any mummies have <font color="0000ff">GERBER SEAL N GO MILK BAG</font> for sale? Me nid urgently and stores are out of stock!!
morning mummies

I am also trying to stop bf. trying to cut to 2 pumps but seems very difficult cos keep having engrogement.
i also abit bu she du to give up bf but dont think i can handle working, bf, preparing baby food, housework and taking care of my gal alone. my mum and hb have been asking me to stop as my health is very weak nw, everyday also have fainting spells and giddy.
me having the same problem...try to cut to 2x per day but engorge badly. Have to put cold cabbage leaves to relieve the engorgement.
Update on baby Hao Re:

- can sleep on his own at night. Just put him in his cot, and he will zzzzzzzz

- taking 210ml FM per feed, 4 feeds a day, PLUS 2 feeds of cereal/porridge/home-made fruit/vege purees

- 8.4kg, 69cm when 6 months 1 week old

- can sit up unsupportedly

- can crawl (whole body on the ground type)

- learning to stand up on his own

- still no tooth yet :)
Hi mummies,
Thinking of buying the bumbo seat for my gal but she already 6mths+. Is it too late? How useful the bumbo seat is? Will they sit there for more than 10mins?
Update on Tobey:

- can't sleep on his own at night.

- taking less than 100ml ebm per feed, plus some cereal &amp; veg puree

- 7.2kg @ 6m

- will topple if sitting unsupported

- cannot crawl

- not learning to stand up yet

- no teeth

update for what? the doc?
every baby is diffrnt... my #1 can spell "bicycle" before he was 1 yr old. This kind of milestones cannot compare one la. Enjoy your baby while he's still a baby.

surely every baby is different. I just feel the urge to share with other mummies. Not to compare. Once you start to compare, you got worry!

My nephew can recognise 1 to 9 before age of 1!!!
You are very cute... ya, i agree with you.. maybe these are unnecessary "PEER Pressure" if we start comparing babies. I used to be quite concern abt my baby's weight as he's not drinking well too but think as long as he is happy &amp; growing well... who's care whether he is hitting the highest percentile or not.. so what he is and think i will start worrying if he becum overweight again.. hai, guess it will be endless worry...
Finally bot my boy boy for a dip yez!!!

He really enjoy it... Mummies, muz bring your babies for a dip when free cos when they get older, they will start to have the fear of water.
now it looks very bad on me...... honestly, my aim is not to compare between babies, i said this many times from the beginning, but i just want to share with you all. Sorry if your find this disturbing.
Hi Kam, no lah, dun take it to heart...no worries.. Understand your point cos we mummies are all over concern with our babies &amp; wanna know how's other doing too.

I understand how you feel. Am also trying to stop BF but till now I still haven't let my boy try any FM. I think is a personal emotional that we have to learn to let go.
Nice weather yez rite!! My boy also give me such expression when first dip him.. then he start to kick water, splash water &amp; float by himself. So funny...

How long you dip her? Me abt half an hour &amp; he still want to con't but think is more than enuff rite? Then i think he got over stimulated, when i dry him clean, he still move his whole body as if still in water...haahaa
hahaa...yr boy same expression as my gal.
Yup, it is a sunny day but a bit windy. I went ard 5pm. I think too late liao, water a bit cold. So only dip for 20mins. I think my gal still blur blur, dun know why mummy n daddy put this funny thing ard her neck and dip her in a cold pool...
me also went abt 4pm+...ya ya, same here..my boy also finding us strange to make him wear such a "big balloon" ; )

Btw, any mummies know where can we get any sample swimming diaper? Thks.
re disposable swim diaper
i hv lots blue huggies M size 7-12kg. my neighbour let go to me. PM me your addy &amp; hw many pcs, i'll chk the postage rate. or collect punggol foc.

actually i reuse them a few times. just come home wash n dry.

me too. still havent let my gal try out the formula milk yet. mostly likely to start in aug to replace one of her feed with formula milk every day. hopefully she will accept it..

die man i dunno when this boy gonna start FM. I standby so many diffrnt sample tins, but until now i still over producing bm &amp; haven't touch my frozen stock. Maybe this time round i can skip FM &amp; give fresh milk when bm depletes.
