(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

So far I had worked for 3 male bosses n 1 female boss before. N yes, welfare is really better when my boss is a guy. Female tends to be very detailed n has microview. Any female boss here?? Are u one of them? Kam?? Hehe

Hello all! Reporting from Manila. Willb be here till wednesday.

I talked to my boses on thursday and felt a lot better after that. Told them clearly I can only travel to india once a month, max, no negotiation till when it's nearing to the audit. They acceptrd that. And told them what's the problems I am facing etc. Think I am still lucky cos no matter what, I knock off at 530pm sharply everyday. No one really monitoring my wherebout and what time I reach or leave office. Hope things are better and I can stay on :)

So far, I also worked under 3 lady boss. Not much issues, they are actually more understanding than male boss. But then also depending on the nature of my previous jobs bah. I used to manage a team of staff in my previous job, I am definitely not the typical female bosses. All mummies got good performance ratings, keke.
Hi mummies,

wow all talking about bosses.

Ok i experienced the opposite. I worked with 3 male bosses and 1 female boss before. ALL 3 males bosses were NOT understanding. The only female boss was wonderful and very understanding (that was during my 1st pregnancy), the male bosses was during my pre preg years, high expectations and not understanding at all (one cannot accept that i took leave to bring my dad for specialist visit which was the 1 and only time in my 5 years of work with him), cannot imagine if i worked under them after i have my children.
yoooohoooo anyone out there!!!!

*echo because no one answering, too empty liao*
hihi meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How's everyone & little buds doing?

Any more mystery mummy/mummies?? ttc #2/#3/#4/#5?

Who gonna pop next? Verene?

ok i have a qn to ask all:
Any nice caterer to recommend for buffet? TIA

steph, didn't know there's mummy of 4 here..lolz.. u ttcing? keke

think Verene is next on the line...

Jan mummies v productive on multiple births, such as twins & maybe triplets so #4/#5 is possible de:p keke

me confirmed close shop aft 35

So, any nice caterer recommendation beside NEO garden?hmm...
Pixie, hehe, was free last few days but so quiet so I gave up on posting. ;P

Steph, sigh, having babies after 35 really taking a risk. My close friend had PCOS and had problem TTC. Gave birth to her no. 2 late last yr but her baby boy has kabuki disease, just had heart op in April and in and out of hospital for many times liao. Now admitted again for pneumonia. But she is a staunch Christian so she did not believe in amnio screening or abortion. Really hope her boy gets better soon.
i am here ! one of my gd fren is expecting a baby , so envy n v happy for her coz she tried once and strikes! dunno why, tis crazy me, always envy and hope for a dragon bb. kekee
after35 is not safe for pregnancy? i tot now many pple married late n hav babies later, so v common liao. anyway, my fren is 34, so shld be safer hor...
Aqua, yup, pp marrying later and having kids later. Most times, should be ok, but in my friend's case, it's not. Sad for her, already difficult to have baby. She had her no. 2 last yr when she was 35. But in the end, her baby not healthy. Hiaz. :p
Hi all,

Anyone has ‘mi fang’ to not feel tired during the day? I am thinking of drinking DOM daily…I’m so exhausted my brain cannot function.
so sad for yr frd & hope her boy gets better soon. How old is her #1 btw?

actually having babies is already a risk for woman of any age. fear of complication during pregnancy, some suffer GD, high blood, risk of DS baby etc...the list can go on...some really beyond our control. For me, is really about quality time given to my kids & i really don't think i've extra energy to chase after #3 & work full time still. My PIL don't want to take care of my boys liao so if #3 comes, i'll have bigger headache on my logistic issue
I feel blessed & happy to have 2, enuff liao...as i age, my priorties shifted too.
Steph, her no. 1 is slightly older than ours, 07 baby. So her boys are 3 yrs plus apart. Yup, understand what u mean. Not just us, ILs getting older everyday so their priorities will also change. Most want to enjoy themselves after looking after grandkids for some yrs Liao. :p
tmr got robinsonsale? only tmr? i wanna go meet my fren on thur and was thinking where got sale, i wanna buy the munchkin snack catcher thingy for xandria
Tmrw private sale. U buy one item only, not much savings, dun take the trouble to go for such sales. See more, buy more! Prob there will be Christmas sales ard, u walk walk see lor. I was in Ion today. Not enough time to shop.
Pixie, you want to buy my munchkin snatch catcher? Used a few times only. Can sell to you at $3 incl postage. PM me if you keen. Thanks.
i went robinson yesterday!
no people, very empty. i was surprised. no queue at all...i think singaporeans suffering from Robinson-Sale-Fatigue

too many rounds of sale from Lorbinson liao

i bot the snack catcher (kitsune, saw your post too late leh), last pc...and got the pigeon snacks for my bb...paid with vouchers, so still ok lah

bought nothing for myself despite the fact that im in orchard road!

so jaded and feel so OLD suddenly
Pixie, it's ok. How come got Robinsons vouchers? So good.
I think you went just after the sale, that's why so quiet. Most pp 'buay gam wan' to go to Robinsons after just 1 day after missing the private sale. ;P
hello Mummies,

Anyone with maids have sample of appraisals to share?
I'm thinking of doing one for my maid. Thanks
thanks! guess i have to draft up one myself.

btw, has the new property rules wrt to the stamp fees affected you at the moment?
luvv, kitsune
issit a must to do appraisal?
luvv, can share a copy with me? heehee

u gals know about tamarind's blog in the spotlight recently?
Luvv, hdb market not really affected. But got buyers looking for cheap buys in resale condo market. They got to wait n see lor.

Pixie, who is tamarind? Not compulsory, most dun bother but if your maid is the clever type, better to do. :p
i'm thinking of doing it cos my maid...after 2 years still need constant reminders even of her daily routine.Still sitting on the appraisal..keke but my knowledge very limited so need to "geng" my brain a bit..:p

yes i read about tamarind's blog, don't understand why must those people call to shut down the blog.It's too one-sided in Singapore.

i'm sure a lot of people are looking for scooping cheaper properties next year, especially those cash rich singaporeans.
maid one
coz some mummies listed down those maids blacklisted on her blog, like just to share kind of thingy, then the ppl say not fair to maids n all

in newspaper...CNA oso got a half hr show show about this...like current affairs etc
Hi mummies,

Anyone buy Happy Call Pan? Any good review?
I have just placed a order & it seem that there are different size (as in the depth of the pan). Wanna check what is the size of the pan & the price if u have bought it too ;) Thanks.
Pixie, oic, aiyoh, what's wrong with one sided blog? Blogs r to pen personal thoughts right? ;p

Janbb, I have one. Bought it to fry fish To reduce oil splttering but when you flip the pan too often, the sides of the fish get broken. :p mine is the thinner one. Forgot price Liao.
Thanks for your feedback.
My order cost abt $60. Think is cheap cos TV selling $108. Gmart is selling abt $60+ but see until i confuse cos so many plp selling it.

So is it worth buying? Haha, I m a lousy cook & wonder this pan will help me to improve my cooking ^.^

Saw my FB friend used it to bake marble cake ;)
Wow look amazing to me. Can grill salmon, chix, fried vege & bake too ;P
Oh dear, how to log out from this forum?
How come I can't find the log out button. The username & password is saved in the PC (not my PC) and even I hv deleted & clear all history. Help, anyone??
Janbb, i buy all kinds of pots n pans so i dun mind getting one to try lar. oh, u saw it being used to grill salmon? Can show me the link? I am cooking salmon tonight.

I also not sure, maybe u try clicking on the top left hand corner? Sign in as different user?
It was some pix that my friend posted in FB. U can see from TV, check out channel U before 3pm. I saw it once introducing this Happy Call pan last week. They cook Popcorn too. Amazing rite, haha ;)

I tried to search & try many clicks (all over the forum) but juz can't get my name & password removed. Super sian. Will try tmr since i'm coming to the same place again cos on 2days course. Hopefully after shut down, can be removed. Thanks.
Hi mummies! Beri long never log in...
Pixie, i like the blog too, i duno y those pple so kaypoh n complain... Y mus do maid appraisal??? Do u giv maid pay incremt aft 1 or 2 yr? Hw much quantum?

Kitsune, how the property mkt now? I got n offer 50kcov, shld i sell now?
Janbb, oic, never mind, I go search youtube videos. Thanks.

Aqua, resale mkt in year end usu quieter cos most buyers n sellers go on holidays or celebrate Xmas. Never seen your place before n dun have the details so can't do CMA for u. But since u have been marketing it for a while, if u feel good abt the offer, then sell lor. Ignorance is bliss when u selling on your own.
Kitsune, wat is cma? My new plc cov is 55k. So i m hapy to let go 55k too .. But now my basic reno gona add up to 50k... Dint expect reno so costly now
Aqua, cma is comparative market analysis. I got a good Reno contractor recently. Prices quite ok ESP for resale flats n condo. Can get him to give u a good quote if u have not committed.
Kitsune, too late, u juz signed las week
but nowadays contractor also nt cheap, comparable to id.
Thks for offering !
