(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Wah, ur bb got xi gong da fa... Suck out the lumps. Mine not lumps, just feel not drained properly. Tats the prob. Too much ss, we gotta pump, pump too much, stimulate, even more ss. But no milk oso prob. Aiyo...

exactly! no pump kena blocked, pump liao then must keep on doing. once i stopped my boobs protest.

but but but last time hor when i slowly dropped ss my boobs no protest leh. in fact very happy, immediately drop ss for me

i look at my freezer i shake my head. on one hand i can stop early (prob next mth or so), but on the other hand i had to change fridge due to collapse shelving due to heavy strain of the febm

coz i load ard 30-40pkts on one shelf...each bag 400ml
ok no wonder collapse. i didnt think much abt it
Looks like it's going to be the 3 of us only?? Still no news from prata_queen & elmo_78? If it's only us, do you mind changing the venue to Plaza Singapura? Hubby wants to catch Tintin show and we're aiming for the 12:45pm show in order to get a free ticket for B
I just changed fridge too. Quite good cos freezer capacity quite big. But I dun intend to store much cos I am at home, even if go out, come home oso pump. So actually my bb has fresh ss most of the time. But bcos I need to use up the earlier ones, I freeze some.

I m rebonding my hair now, my 4th hour sitting here Liao. The guy say he din realise my hair so much until he applied the cream... Like how come never ending.
me here. but i will be spending my time doing grocery shopping, washing, packing and freezing my food cos we have meet-the-parents on saturday morning!
Ok im ok. I going to mt A to visit my god daughter...so can take a short train ride to dhoby ghaut mrt.

Any idea what to eat at plaza sing?
Thanks! If we can meet earlier at 10.30 or 11am, perhaps we can go cafe cartel or starbucks since we have so many kids around? There's lots of other choices there.
I am thinking to get some supplement to increase breast milk supply before I popped. Any idea what and where to get?

Btw, my bb is still in breech position at week 33. So most prob will be doing C-sect this round. Counting down 4 weeks to my ML.
Very happy that hubby's 5th bestseller "Why Study Smart" has won the 2nd prize for English (Children) Books Category for the Popular Readers Choice Award 2011 at Suntec Bookfest today.

BIG thanks to everyone who voted for him.

Thanks, Verene, Mom2nat, Tongtong. Didn't expect him to win cos competition very strong with the children fiction titles. But v happy for him.
At least it was worth it to sacrifice our year end holiday. Couldn't join group tour to Perth cos the tour starts on 25 Nov and the prize ceremony was 26 Nov. :p Couldn't have done with without all your votes.
mummies with filip maids, may i know whic phonecard/ calling card if the best value for $. i onli heard abt starhub homeconnect card, but mymaid mentioned abt smart pinoy? is it a standalone calling card to use on our land lines or it is juz a sim card-topup for both sms n calls?

btw, hw to stop bf?
Aqua, my previous filipino maid buys the sim card from singtel meant for filipinos. Supposed to be good cos they can get free incoming if their relatives at home uses the same service provider network. I forgot what is the name of the card cos it's in talagog. Ask any hello shop and they can help. :p

Stop bf, slowly drag timing, pump for shorter durations, eg. instead of 15 mins, stop at 10mins when you feel not so full anymore, apply cold cabbage if you feel engorged often. But why you want to stop BF liao? Going back to work, cannot pump? :p
kitsune, yes. i goin bac wrk nex week! super low morale. ther is no nursing room n abit ma fan to continue pumpin coz i would need 'borrow' one of the room n store my milk in the common pantry wher they r many staff in n out.
how was ur sale at bedok condo? i heard the psf was rocket high after wed launch ;p
Hi, aqua, oic. Yup, my buyer bought a 3BR on Wed but it was not her ideal unit. There were so few units to choose from. Chaotic cos everyone just grabbing whatever was available. End up on Fri evening, she went back to showflat herself and chose another unit from new release. Now don't know which unit she is going to exercise option for. If she don't exercise option for the first unit, she will lose $19k so hope she don't waste her money like that lor. :p
You signing up X1 for swimming lessons? You can try Happy Fish http://www.swimminglessons.com.sg/
They conduct lessons at public swimming pools. B was with them for a few lessons but I gave up cos he rejected the teacher (he doesn't like male teachers
) and he has fear of water.
Yvonne, thanks for the link. Are the teachers patient? Just realised that RL and RA can learn swimming together since they are 2 and 4.

Anyone interested in toddler swimming lessons on Sunday mornings at Tampines Swimming complex? Realised that it's cheaper to organise as a small group of 6 then each person only pays $83 versus $250 for individual lesson. :p

Individual (1 pax) - S$250 /month /group
2 in a group - S$300 /month /group
3 in a group - S$350 /month /group
4 in a group - S$400 /month /group
5 in a group - S$450 /month /group
6 in a group - S$500 /month /group
The 2-3 girls in his class were ok and having fun. But B and another boy simply refused to put on the floats or follow the teacher's instructions...they were grabbing onto the mummies for their lives! Dunno why the boys' fear of water is worse than girls?
Yvonne, how old was B when he had swimming lessons? Maybe he was too young? In the beginning of the yr, RA was still fearful when we wash her hair, must wash gently n avoid splashing water on her face.

But now, she loves to have the rainforest spray over her head n she will stand as she likes with water running down her hair. Are the swimming lessons parent accompanied as in do we need to get into the water too? :p
Slowly la. My elder boy was exactly the same till K2 when we found a uncle who was patient enough to put up with his nonsense and talk nonsense to him until he overcame his fear. It was group lesson

After 2 years, we found that he was not improving in terms of speed / strokes. Only changed his coach (1 to 2) in May to a young fellow, also included Zachary. Though Zachary wants to have swimming lessons but he is also afrid. Anyway changed the coach cos he is always late and cancel lessons last minute. Now Jerome has another coach (1 to 1) but he found it a bit boring. Once his strokes are corrected, will put him back in the group classes where he can interact with other kids la.

For thir age, I think most important must find a patient coach who can help them to overcome their fear of water. Will be good to have small group so that kids can interact.

Better go to the pool to watch quitely..Some coaches like "hang" the kids, scold the kids loudly etc..
I oso think whats hang

Btw i just signed up with maxswim. 6children including x1 in the class sunday 9am at je swimming complex, $60 per mth once a week lor

Issit too rush to make payment for 3-4mths? Coz i wanna utilize my sports subsidy that ends end of the yr but scared x1 scared, dun like teacher, blah blah

On another note...
Cc teacher ask us to enroll x1 in classes that teaches patience. Say x1 is very advanced for his age in terms or learning but just cannot sit still n pay attention. One of the usual "troublemakers" when it comes to lesson time. Just walk ard n talk n disturb other students.

What can i do to "train" his attention? Teacher said art classes or music classes. Any other sugestions?
hello mummies!!!

MIA for the longest time ever (my records, hehe).

Been reading on all posts, but just didn't get to reply. Posted lots on FB though as that was easy to do with iPhone :)

Congratulations, again!!

Pixie / grumpus / yvonne,
How was the lunch last friday? Was it on or called off?

So "wasted" to stop BFing. FM is VERY expensive you know. At least dong till your baby is 6 months old, then can start drinking Stage 2 FM, at least not as expensive as the Stage 1 FM :)

If to choose between art and music, I most likely will choose arts.

November is such a busy month for me - extra duties extra work at the office, childcare search, packing (only done a few boxes), planning the move, etc. December is going to continue.... with the actual move and continue to be busy at work.

Though after next week should be better at work as one of the audits will be next week (meaning I have to travel again next week, from Sun to Wed :-((((((). After the audit, I am going to self declare a two days off next weeek so I can get more packing done, aiming at least 70%.

The last 2 days I was on leave cos the cc is close. Have to work at night leh, though only about 2-3 hours to reply some important e-mails, but still, first time in my entire life that I have to work at home, bleahhhhh (either my previous job toooo relax or my current job too taxing, hahaa). This Friday will be our 1st HDB appointment, but hor, have to rush back to office, cannot go pak tor with hub. Try if I can at least drag till at least have lunch with him first.

XY has taken to my absence last week pretty badly :-((( Such a big impact on the kids with me traveling. Though for sure they can accept and adjust, but the question is, is it worth it? I don't know. Sigh..... no matter how busy I am, I can still adjust my own timing, like work at nights, etc, but hor, if traveling is affecting the kids, sigh, really gonna set my limit.

Don't think I would be able to log in for the next week or so. But I will read through the posts sent to my e-mail :) Take care, y all!
kam, thanks.

Recently, I also asked myself whether if I can juggle both work and home effectively. Especially when I had to dump the gals and queue day and night at the Bedok Condo for 3 days. I am not as flexible as other agents to start queuing in the middle of the night cos I need to settle the gals in the morning as hubby works early. So, in a way, there is no point for me to queue cos by the time I get there in the morning, i will end up with a huge queue no so I am already disadvantaged.

In the end, I decided if there are new projects that are using queuing system, I'm not going to market it so though the money is good if I manage to sell a unit, it is just not worth putting family on hold and sacrificing our family time.

Hope things get better at work. Jia you on the packing and the travelling. I am sure you will make the right decision at the right time.
B still doesn't allow us to shower over his head...he's afraid of the water flowing down his face. So I'll ask him to tilt his head back before washing his hair. I took him out of swimming class after 5-6 lessons cos his fear is that great and it's such a funny sight seeing him running away from the teacher...haha!

You better don't sign up for such a long stretch cos you won't know if X1 likes the class and teacher.

I think in general most boys can't sit still? B and some of his classmates are like that. I told you B is in Art class now. I'm also hoping it'll teach him patience and improve his fine motor skills. So far it has given him lots of self-confidence and he's sitting quietly and doing his work...but still too early to say cos teacher said he's very quiet and reserved in class which means he hasn't really "warmed up" yet. When he gets comfortable, it may become another story altogether.
I can understand and like what Tongtong said, corporate world is like that. Especially with your post, greater responsibilities lah.

Me MIA too coz very caught up and stressed up at work. Next Mon got Executives coming and I need to fight war coz it matters if my job will be kept for the next 2 year. But even if my job is kept, I foresee more night calls and heavier workload which I don't look forward to => sacrificing my quality family life with kids.

Now my kids already hardly see my hubby coz his work is like mad one... My girl everyday asks why Daddy is not home yet... I don't know what to say and feel sad for my kids leh... If I will be even more busy next year, my kids will like having very limited parental love and attention. I really feel very bad about this... Now typing this already made me want to cry.

Haiz... Now it is taking one step at one time. Just go with the flow loh. Maybe I should consider a lesser pay but routine work life... Something I should think about...
That's the dilemma of FTWM. Higher pay/position always almost equals to more responsibilities and longer working hours. IF I'm still working now, I will also consider a lower pay but more routine job with shorter/more regular working hours. Now SAHM can enjoy more time with B but no income, it's also a type of sacrifice but worthwhile lor.
Kam, my girl had high viral fever las week n las few days. The stress n constant wakin to check her dipped my ss by 20percent. Now i shun qi zi ran.
Juz got a reno quote: 1 kitchen wall n flr tiles+ 3 toilet wall n flr tiles n paintin is 22k excl carpentry. Is it v expensive?
Anyone got a gd contractor n budget one ? Sint expec resale reno so x
Going bac wrk = low morale!!! But need $$$,argh...
Corp co always expect us to perform, so mus learn to let go abit.. If cant piang so muc, bonus n promotion r affected coz married w kids women how to wrk late n hard as singles???
Kam, Krystle, Aqua, jia you! FTWM got to make some career sacrifices sometimes. Like Aqua, said, married with young kids, how to work as late as the singles?

Yvonne, I do miss my SAHM days, esp when the gals don't get enough sleep and eat nutritious food. But I tell myself to work harder so that I can spend more time with them when they start pri school. Think got to keep tweaking the working part until I get the pay and work life balance that I want. :p
I just had my performance appraisal conversation with my new boss last Thur. She mentioned that I have showed results in my work but becos I was sick pretty often (mostly after I got pregnant), she hinted that I cant get a promotion and the way she said it like blaming me for not showing the good attitude hence cant rate me for high on the behaviour section. She say alot of pple cant meet the good ratings for behaviour also, but she penalized me due to my absence. Then she commented, "All I can say to you is that you have to take good care of yourself" I was very pissed with my low EQ boss. Her encouragement towards me having a 2nd child is all fake...My colleague shared the same fate. She was no 3 weeks HL for IVF, but she came back earlier as it was unsuccessful and she got scolding straight bcos she cant finish her work before she go on HL.
Sigh..Shared the same fate as you.Still kept the sms by my low EQ P when I was in the labour ward. Even hubby can't believe his eyes. As she has intelligent kids, she could manage her career and family very well and expects the rest of the working mothers to work very hard like her.

BTW, you asked about increasing milk supply the last time. Well, I am taking Motilum and fenugeek. Really depends on what you feel is effective.
Aiyo, really low EQ. But I think in general most female bosses are like that. Either they're single and expect us to work the long hours like them or they're married with kids and expect us to juggle everything as well as they did (but hey, they forgot they have maids at home to look after their kids and do the housework and drive a big car to work!!!) I always like to work with male bosses (especially expats bosses) cos they're more sympathetic and family-friendly...at least those I encountered were like that.

Cheer up! No matter how they try to put you down, at least you got to enjoy 4 months of ML and got paid for it while she slogs in the office...hahaha!
Aiyah mummies, all on the topic of this again huh?

These few weeks i oso v low morale... I think jan08 mummies got the same telepathy heehee

Coz....i worked so late, yet, my boss tell me, you project manage, is like that de...but wtf lor, these are added responsibilities that i never asked for...manpower v lean in my dept so i bo bian..

But i have decided that if theres another big project like now to manage i will either tell my big boss (who is male BUT way more understanding) to change my role, or i will quit...then actively find a job lor

I told my boss that my mom cant come up due to her bad leg, so she asked me for a plan...so i told her, mon to wed at mil place, then thur n fri i wfh...u know what she say? "then whats ur long term plan"? Fux leh, this one cannot long term leh!
Coz she delivering in mar2012, so im the most senior n she expects me to be around in office...sighs....do you really need to be in office just to guide the newbies?

V sianz.....she mia coz very bad ms but i wfh coz got kids to look after cannot...super double standard...im pretty sure by then her son born liao then she will not be ard much n expect me to report more to office

Screwed up,,,,i havent tell my unhappiness with my big boss but im sure he will emphatize but dunno he will do something abt it or not

I told my hb abt it he v sscared i quit coz i pay for the house's everything so if i no job....means no household income
Then what's your boss' own long term plan?? She very bad ms can stay away from office but you can't? Really double standard. You understand and know what she's going through, so she should do the same for you. If she expect you to cover for her then you should be getting her pay isn't it? Anyway, why you no work then no household income? You hubby not working meh?
Hb pays for groceries. The rest of his pay goes to finance his car, and $$ to his mom for helping us with the kids.
Rest of everything i pay
Of course our own personal expenses we settle ourselves lor

To us, if i no work = nothing left lol

Yup, i v sian. She ms can mia. Me got logistic issue cannot wfh. Not as though i mia rite. I work more hrs at home than in office leh!!
Re: Swimming lessons

Happyswim replied that can confirm the slot from 10-1030am, every Sunday, private premier swimming lessons at Tampines Swimming Pool. Anyone keen? Instructor is a male teacher certified by Singapore Sports Council with 3 yrs teaching experience with infant swimming class.

Premier class is different than joining their ongoing group classes cos 1) Flexible timing instead of either 830am or 1130am for ongoing classes 2) premier class is a fixed teacher (easier for tots to adjust) 3) no new students after lesson 2 so teacher won't delay the progress of other tots 4) If private group can't make it for a certain date, can make up on another date as long as everyone in the gp agree and there are still a total of 4 lessons in a month. If can get 6 tots aged 2-4 yrs old, it'll be $500 for 6 tots for 4 lessons (1 mth), each lesson = $83.3/4 = $20.83.

Swimming lessons will only start in Jan 2012, but anyone who is keen pls PM me asap ya. Max 6 tots per class. Need to reply them on Monday or else the slot is gone. Thanks.
Can understand your frustration. You only wfh a couple of days in a week right? Can still supervise and check on the new staff whenever you're in office or communicate with them over the phone/email. Your boss can't expect you to watch them with an hawk's eye all the time right? If your boss is someone reasonable then you should lay down the facts for her to see your point of view. You are supporting her and covering for her absence so she shouldn't make things too difficult for you.
Thanks Blackbatz.

My new boss is a widow from a young age (perhaps mid 30s). I seriously think she got hormones imbalance. She works late and she expects pple to do so as well. She seems like wanting us to fix our priorities align with hers. and she keeps badmouthing my ex-boss when we have private conversations. Hypocrite indeed. I chose to ignore her when she does that.
She wants u to hold the fort for her so that she can rest well at home ma. U not around, everyone will go to her for directions. She expects u to understand her plight as her pregnancy is many times more difficult than hers..Sigh

My boss also sama la..That's why she finds female staff bothersome cos will worry when kids fall sick, exams stress, kids' birthday parties etc.
