(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

oh dear muz take care it's flu season. my girls also having flu. second time in a mth. xianz
do u try to nurse more upright? I find it helps them keep their nose clear then easier for the them to nurse. if lying down they tend to get stuffed up.

my younger gal is now on 2 naps a day. the first nap usually will be a short one cos I dun hv time to sit with her. sometimes I piggy back her in the patapum while she naps n I do chores. I time the second nap to coincide with #1 nap time so we all nap together lor

Gd morning mummies!

i've uploaded my JB wedding retake in FB in case u r keen:D... no high expectation ah, afterall old bride liao!
Kate Spade is cheap in US too but this brand image is somehow spoilt by TPL during the GE 2011...

Another possible alternative is Miu Miu but for branded bags, Europe has more like LV, Chanel, Gucci etc...
thanks! ya i know europe got more but my dad wants to buy my mum a bag for bday n from now till her bday, hb only has US flight, no paris flight. so wanted to check for alternatives.

think my mum won't want kate spade after the TPL saga :p
Mom2nat, pauline,
thanks for compliment!
thanks to photoshop+touch up = lao chio:D
my supper is sinful loh, trying to cut the bad habit. When i put on weight, my face bloated 1st!
This album can see my sharp chin..v rare thanks to photoshop!
I paid abt SGD830+/-
Steph, price very reasonable. I am still thinking of retaking wedding photo and renew vows. Hope to find one stop service that can do both. :p
mom2nat, grumpus
i carry my gal infront, face front. cannot one lah, but i try n see can or not...abit weird for her, but still doable....not recommended though

what are your new year resolutions mummies?

for me, i want my #1 to sleep on his own again. he slept on his own after i had x2, but few mths back say got monster, now we have to sit at the bedroom door so that he can sleep. of course the monster episode over but still cant weaned him off the "stay by my side" portion leh, how?

for #2, i want her to sleep/nap better. dont be such a light sleeper pls

as for myself, not sure yet. usually no resolutions coz i know i dont see thru them heh
Aiyo, I m vexed over E's childcare again. He started in aug, until now they still can't get the giro thru for the CDA. We spoke to the bank, got some miscommunication. Say settled. Again now asking me pay cash. Hb v pissed.

Then the guy who franchised this branch oso gave up, now under the main office mgt. The principal Oso just quit. Sigh... The fees will be $1500 come march! My subsidy only $150, sch bus is $170. Really too siong, but I can't find an alternative leh! I dun wan to keep changing him too. Sigh...
Pixie, wa, you set new year resolutions for yourself or your kids? keke. My new yr resolution is to learn to drive again. hee. :p

Mom2nat, how come like that? Got other alternatives? $1500 very siong leh. But if they are good, worth it bah. My gal's CC is only $820 before subsidy but think don't have as much enrichment as E, only phonics which is free, speech & drama & gym got to pay separately. School bus will be another $100+. But I think they are full again. Cos they have more than 10 new kids joining in Dec & Jan. RL is starting next Tues too, I wanted to start her in Dec while hubby still on school holidays but the admin told me already got 7 new kids joining in Dec so must stagger the newbies. Hope she can adapt faster with RA in the same school. Now, Mei Mei going to PN2, while Cheh Cheh starting Nursery next week, they are only 1 yr apart in school. :p
Hi all,

Happy New Year...
Got back from my trip abt 2 wks ago n still packing...:p
And starting work soon....

One highlight from the trip for Jayden : he saw snow in Germany n he is still talking abt it now...

Anyone have cloth nappies? I think I threw mine away accidentally. Cleared the whole storeroom but still cannot find....
Also anyone with a good maid agency to recommend??
Is E's Childcare an authorised CDA centre?? Never knew such problem can happened... How about talking to the HQ? If problem is still not resolved, maybe can consider to bring it up to MCYS.

Haiz, my kids' new Childcare is still not ready yet... Don't know when... Called so many times can only give me by Jan reply... I will be maidless by end Jan, if by then the Childcare is still not ready, I will be in deep shit.

Wow, nice to hear you went on a trip.
When are you due?
Hi, mom2nat, checked with teacher today but Nursery n above classes r full. PN2 n PN1 not so bad cos classes not that big. hope u settle your cc woes soon.

Krystle, thought u registered cc long ago. Paid deposit right?Why until now they cannot confirm opening date. Which cc is this?
Registered only, but not yet paid any deposit.
Because the Centre is still not ready yet so they said they can't get any deposit from me. PCF Sparkletots, since it is semi-govt, I am not so worried they won't open... Just the timing which I am worried...

I went to the CC on Tues to check it out, reno is mostly completed but the fixtures and furnitures are not up yet. With CNY round the corner, I think will drag after CNY bah...
Thank you for checking for me. My fren's boys were from there. She say good too, ESP the Chinese prog.

I like new cc leh, clean n nice! Prob can open by end Jan. Nothing much except moving things in.

E's cc told hb they change system, so ignore that invoice, she will check again!! Wah pang!
wah i very sian, i got email from zuji.com saying my hkg schedule got changed. then i called them, they told me the tix i booked, changed timing for TO and FRO!
in the end early flight in, late flight out become late flight in, early flight out....damn
i have to wait till tmr to call airline to cancel my bkg and get full refund since they anyhow change my flight timings...and then chiongz to book sq coz now got promo

wah jan 1 gimme shock leh, fishedup airline
Krystle, oic, never mind, the most tahan 1 more week bah. They should open after cny latest.

Mom2nat, are your friend's boys taking higher Chinese now? Can cope? RA got transferred to Chinese nursery class this yr cos the teacher said her English is better than her mandarin. So Chinese 'immersion' will be good for her.

Pixie, somehow, I dun trust Zuji, I usu book directly for air tics but hotels through resellers.
How blur Zuji can be???
I don't understand why you should call the airline to cancel the package yourself since you booked via Zuji. They should be helping you with the cancellation since they are the agent.

Just hope can get back full refund and quickly book on SQ.
Good morning mummies,
it's back to school again!! Peace at last but the start of my life as a "driver". instead of back to school to work.

I thought zuji is quite reliable..Super sian to fly in late and fly out early. Was it on SQ too?
V sian when holiday plans change so drastically. Hopefully things are fixed liao.

I am not sure how he is doing, he is in Poiching so prob higher chinese. My fren and her hb v ks one lah, sure drill him.
wow, pay 1500 cash is very siong! Hope the CC resolved the matter soon, what about calling MCYS and asked what's the problem?

Hope things are fixed for you already :)


Congratulations!!! Where will you be delivering? Maybe we can see each other there...haha
i had to call Zuji thousand times...see ah

1. called hkg airlines to cancel air tix and bkg, got email from hkg airline to confirm that i can get a full refund
2. called zuji and told them to start on the refund process since they can see that the bkg has been cancelled. wanted a black and white from airline. heng i asked airline!
3. told me to email them the airline email, and then still need to call them back 4-5hrs later to confirm email rcv or not!! WTF! say coz high volume of emails. that one not my prob. u understaffed mah
4. even though i am not happy with this, i called back...coz i wanted my SGD1123
5. say never rcv my email. ask me to scan the email in pdf and email them again. WHAT!!!!!!
6. asked to speak to supervisor (btw, the call centre is in India, all templatised and SOP robots lor)
7. fished the supervisor off, told her that it is NOT my job to call airline, cancel bkg, get email from airline, fwd to Zuji, call to followup if email rcv? machiam I AM travel agent leh
8. supervisor told me no need to call back. they will get email from hkg airline themselves. i told supervisor that she have to keep me updated at milestone so that i know they are in progress of the refund.
9. told her about the stupid staffs.....if i can call to HKG HQ, then i dont see why they cant. cannot even propose a solution to me or work out of the box!
10. funny thing is, i asked on 2 seperate occasion with 2 CSO, what are my alternatives...conversation goes like this:

Me: what are my alternatives
CSO: you will either get a refund, or if you insist, they will put you on another flight that matches your criteria.
M: do they have another flight on the day?
C: No
M: do they have another flight at another time on the previous day
C: No
M: do they have another flight at another time on the next day?
C: No
M: do you mean they only operate on 1 flight a day?
C: yes...
M: *exasperated* then it means i have NO option except to get a refund since they only operate on 1 flight a day. what do you mean about putting me onto another flight? unless they have tie-up with another airline?
C: they dont have tie up with another airline, only 1 flight a day
M: ....................................................................
then you are wrong, isnt it? to say that i can 2 options? obviously i only have 1 option
C: oh yes, mam, yes blahblah


follow instruction manual to the MAX!!!!!

omg, that's terrible, how can they do that? when did you pay for it? Can directly ask CC to stop payment to them instead by giving them the cancellation letter from Airline?

yes due in apr :)
Hi Pauline,

Sorry now then I read the post .... yes I do deliver .... I just sent to Steph last Sat
maybe you can give me your email so i can send u the pic
Pixie, thanks for sharing. No Zuji for me for sure. :p

Today, RL's second day at cc, same like yesterday. Started crying after her shower. Refused to drink milk n nap. Think will take some time before she get used to it. Maybe, i should switch her to half day first, no point pay for full day cc then everyday bring back. :p

QQ, that's good, pls email to me at [email protected]. Thanks.
I went to c RA's cc today. Nice place. I like the way the classrooms are in diff rooms. But P say my change of getting a place less than 50% leh. Sigh...

I realise nowadays some CSO v lousy. They prob immune to comPlains n so on Liao.
Mom2nat, what time did u go!?! I went at 845am n 1215pm to pick up RL. Aiyah, should have SMS me then I can meet u for a drink at the foodcourt. Yup, I like the cc too. It is not branded but good enough for me lar. The P, Mrs Cynthia, is very nice, maybe she will work out something for E? Did u tell her u know me? haha. ;)
i am seeing the forum in the weirdest layout, as though the formatting/scripting has an issue.
anyone seeing that too or issit my browser?
you're so funny...menopause so soon for SMH huh? keke

you're right. my 3rd one is also a princess :) good can buy more clothes for the girls now...

You must be pulling hairs when you talk to the Zuji "robots". I faced that before when calling a hotline too and the CSO is from PHIL. Kept repeating the same answers when I asked different questions. Not helpful at all!!!

I understand how you feel. But is the cost difference big? I look at my kids' future CC, the difference is not much, like $100+ between 1/2 day and full day. I also wondering if my kids can adapt well when their chances come.

Today is their 1st day to PCF Pre-Nursery and Nursery. My girl is ok as usual.
As for my boy, initially fake cry abit saying "不要 不要" and refused to step into classroom. I had to accompany him in. But when inside, he was restless and started roaming around. I just sneaked out w/o him knowing... Later I saw him sitting on the chair and started drawing with teachers... When the class ended, he just walked out as usual, never cry. Big surprise to me, I thought he will be super difficult. But tmr is another new ball game so keep my fingers crossed. :p
Congrats to you!
You are so brave, I thought you just delivered not too far back and 2 is enough (for some mummies here lah)... Good leh, dragon baby.
I like!!
I went at 11am then i walk over to moriah. I ate at the mrt aircon food court.
I mentioned u n even my fren whose 2 sons there for 4 yrs. sigh. She say got other parents waiting too. Maybe when u c her, u help me ask. Constant reminder! Lol!
Luvv, congrats! Got another princess to doll up.

Krystle, difference only $30 cos RL has $20 sibling discount. I thought RL will be more independent but she surprised me this time. :p

Mom2nat, oic. Teacher Li Ching already knows. When I asked on tues, she said I thought you already asked for your friend before. So, I explained why u were thinking of switching cc. :p u visited moriah? How is it? Are fees exp? Today, RA told me she wants to marry one of her classmates. So funny. Suddenly, she sounded so grown up, Lol. ;)

Thanks ladies!

QQ, baby dust to you!!!! Wishing you getting a dragon baby too!

unplanned leh, nothing about bravery...if planned then won't have no. 3 already :p
