(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi mommies, I’m clearing leave on 25 Nov too! After all these years, I can finally make it to one of these gatherings.
Central location is good for me too. So its brunch or lunch ya?

Will join...Finally!
YAY!! the list is GROWING!!

Kopi + brunch session!!

25th Nov (Friday)
Venue: Somewhere in the centre, since we are from west, north and east?

naf (KIV)
how, waraku onz? i remember last time can book room, with so many mummies + kids. easier to cope/handle rather than in open space n all
Wow wow, our thread is finally moving ;) can I join too? Cos not working on fri but a/c my #2 to class until 10.30m. Many new faces that never meet before ^.^

Kam, can I follow your car too?
Bleah..... my plan spoilt. Was just informed about my travel plan. Will only arrived on Saturday night :-((( You girls go ahead and enjoy, meet you all next time. So dissappointed......
ya lor, so sad. I only met you, JanBB, grumpus and Yvonne before. mom2nat, blackbatz, prata_queen, naf, I never met leh, was so looking forward to :-(

I meant I arrived on Sat morning, not night.
Sure, pixie ;) Are you bringing your gal?
Kam, oh u miss it by a day. CNY is coming soon, still rem our last gathering was at pixie hse. Time flies ;)

I rem some mummies hv highlighted the rides that are suitable for kids. Any idea where can i retrieve or kind soul can post that again? My company family day will be there with subsidize rate. But not sure whether my kids will enjoy or not. Thks ^.^

Can I join too? I am so bored at home taking care of my boys and would like to take a breather too. It has been quite a while since we meet.

Btw, should we have a birthday celebration for the kiddos this year? Was thinking of Macdonalds which is not too expensive and the kids will be able to enjoy the games planned out by the party entertainers.
I can't join the gathering this time. I off wk only at 12pm. It's been so many yes since I met up with u all mummies. Tat was during the first pregnancy!!!!
It's me who posted the Rides at USS. But didn't save that so can't repost. Anyway, USS is super small de, you would know which one they can ride and which cannot, cos stated clearly at every ride. The most exciting one for the juniors would be the dragon roller coaster bah, that one height limit 90cm.

Hello! Wah, you took care of twins leh, can still be bored ah, so power :)

Good to have a birthday celebration!!! JanBB brought it up before but thenno follow up after that :) would be really great for the kiddos an their siblings to play together!
Kopi + brunch session!!

25th Nov (Friday)
Venue: Somewhere in the centre, since we are from west, north and east?

naf (KIV)
what time you all staying until and decided on place already? I knockoff at 1230pm. but must go home to fetch daughter first :p
Really want to meet u guys leh... ;)

Or maybe during sch hols you all meetup again.. I shd b able to go.. keke.
18th - 27th

shld be meeting in town
we meet 11am, sure got late mummies, by the time start, 12...mingle until late afternoon?
for me i have to be back home by 4 meaning i have to go off at 3pm; or 3.30pm latest
Expo ah, not keen, so far away......

You school holiday soon right. You help arrange the birthday party for our toddlers like what Elmo has suggested :)
Hi Kam,

Oh yes, I definitely can't be a SAHM. So bored at home with the boys! Can't wait to be back at work.

Oh yes, we should hv a birthday party for our kiddos...Macdonalds should be easy. Should we fix a date for all? 10 or 11 Dec or 17 Dec or 18 Dec good for all? If not, the following weeks will be the festive season and Jan will be busy for mummies celebrating their kids' birthday.
When will you be going to USS?
I am going on 26 Nov with my 2 kids. Went to the website and took a look. Really very limited rides for our kids. Think the only place they can play more is the Faraway Land and Mascasagar Land.

Re: Bookfest
Been to one years ago before I preg. There are many stalls there and they are setup according to Publishers. Variety is pretty wide, you basically can find any form of books there, even assessment books or text books too. But last time I never interested in kids book coz no children yet mah. I just chiong straight to the Chuangyi and other comics sections coz I am a comic fan. :p
There is a popular bookfest at suntec, 18-27nov. First 3 days member special, get $15 voucher for spending $150.
Pixie, I thot u r referring to this bookfest at first. Are u member? If nt, go n get one there, sure got discount like pay 1 yr get 2 yr membership ;)

Krystle, gg on 3 dec! But since subsidize rate so I gg to bring my whole kampong there, incl in law n parent, haha ;) age 4 n below is free rite? Hurry go before they turn 4yo in 1-2 mths time .

Finally out fr work n yippee that's all for this week. Gg quick shopping n feel like colouring my hair too *.* lots of white hair .

Elmo, was thinking abt u when they mention the lunch gathering ;) intend to MSG u to join cos rem u on maternity lve. How are u coping with twins ;) they are both so cute ;)

Re; gathering
All bringing kids ?
just baked a oreo butter cake...phew...baking is hard work...my worktop is too low for me, need to bend down...bah!

how much should i give to my poly classmate whom is not close to me, at warren golf country club's sunday lunch; for me and xandall in attendance?
Pixie, then shld be at suntec not expo. Did u receive their msg fr popular? If not, I send to u ;) rem to go n change their pop club mag, there's a 20% discount store wide for one time usage only. I buy a lot of k1 assessment book for my boy aldy. Very fast hor, my boy gg k1 next yr ;)
ohhhhhh janbb then i will go tomorrow!!!!
coz i was thinking how to go to expo coz i'll be meeting friends for bfast at orchard and bringing out baby

yes i got their sms but i misread and saw expo!! fish....my eyes totally screwed!

tmr cfm go!

why i no pop club mag?????

vvvvvv fast ur boy K1...i still havent start sit down work, jialatz...
but next year must step up steam
U muz present your card at any popular store to get one mag. Inside got this coupon.
Every 2-3 mths got mag but not always got 20% coupon. So juz ask whenever u exchange it.
Good that you have subsidized rate.
If full rate, then it is too exp to go and I heard not that worth to go if paying the full price. :p
I got my tix at 1/2 price and yup, kids below 4 is FOC. Too bad I cannot bring other family members as I was limited to 2A2C (max 4 tix only).
I was supposed to go uss tomorrow. Mastercard has a 20% and tomorrow is the last day, just before the hols start. But got stuff to settle so not gg in the end. I read it is more worthwhile to buy the express passes so that you don’t have to stand in q for too long.

But if tix are bot under promo price, date cannot be changed even if there are unforeseen circumstances eg wet weather. If normal-priced tix, tix valid for 180 days (if I recall correctly).
I think I will have to give it a miss.. very rushing for me.

actually I don't mind helping out to do the admin stuff (call the places we need, consolidate whatever, etc) but don't ask me to think of what to do/ where to go. Really not a "party" person. ;)
Hi Janbb,

Wow, u are fast! You have already got the K1 workbook for your boy as I am still procrastinating for Amanda lor...She is still enjoying her N2 life in cc. I think I must buck up & start to give her workbook to do.

Yes, I will be joining you girls for the gathering. Will be happy to see all of you since the last gathering was during CNY.

Hi Tongtong,

My mil and maid is taking care of the boys and it is better for me not to be around so that they can get use to taking care of the boys when I m back at work.
I also bought 3 exercise books from popular for B to do during the holidays. Otherwise, he'll just watch tv for the entire holidays or pester me to bring him out.

Also found a 1 wk holiday programme for him to attend at zoophonics...so happy! It's just 2 hrs but at least better than watching tv at home. Also bringing him for a trial art class this sunday...hoping to improve his motor skills and patience.
Heehee.. like you, Im signing C up for Chinese holiday programme! Hopefully can get her interested in speaking Mandarin.
both going for week 2 program at forum. elder one is going to playnursery which is drop off n younger going playnest parent accompanied
Hihi, back from my stayacation at Festive Hotel from Thurs-Sat. Had a great time though I had to rush out 1 hr after checking in to see the Bedok Residences showflat on Thurs at 430pm.

Went for spa treatment on Thurs night so that hubby and MIL can bring the kids to Voyage De la Vie. Only 2 tickets anyway. They left the show shortly after cos hubby said the show too quiet and the kids were too noisy. keke.

Went to USS at 10am on Fri. Not that much crowd. RA went for 6 rides, RL only managed two rides but she didn't enjoy them nor does she like taking photos with the characters. She kept crying. Maybe she's too young or cos she was hungry.

Both of them enjoyed climbing up and down the loft bed and their warm bubble baths at the bathtub. RA had 3 bubble baths in 3 days. Didn't let them go swimming since both were dripping mucus and coughing. All in all, quite a good experience. Only comment is that the food variety inside USS quite bad. Even at the hotels, not much restaurants around. We had to walk out to Hard Rock Hotel cos wanted to bring MIL for buffet dinner. There was none at Festive Hotel. :p

Hey, the weather on Friday was good! Hb told E to pray for good weather, he prayed for cloudy day. And true enough whole day cloudy.
When we checked in on thur at HRH, happen to ask Stars restaurant, having 50% off food bill for lunch for silver card member. My mom has, so we had a buffet lunch

Ate at Palio at Michel hotel. Nice Italian food. Had macs brekkie this am. Since E wanted to take the train, so just nice lor. My kids enjoyed the stay cation too. More fun than MBS, cos more things to do. 2 nights rather short, but with a baby, really can't relax ah. I can't sleep well cos I slept beside bb. We had 2 rooms but 3 kids v noisy!!
