(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Zara also can get stolen ah..Sigh..

My boys enrichment is on-going, even holiday they continue to teach, prepare him for P3's work. I usually give him a timetable to follow, that will include relaxation time. As long as he accomplish before that, it's his R&R time. However, he is a slow coach, so always drag and drag.

As for #2..practice writing and watch leapfrog to improve his phonics skills. 4 years old a bit hard to find enrichment programme.

My boys are Jerome, Zachary and Dylan.

Aiyo, I really kudos to SAHM loh, can handle kids for the whole holidays...

My PILs are going Msia from this Fri to next Tues, and I am taking leave to look after my own kids. Really getting cold feet as what to do with them...

Haiz, I just went to exchange my iphone 4 and now I can't sync back to my laptop coz no more HDD space!!
I tot u working from home? Shd b used to seeing ur kids at home. Fri to tue v fast la, 2 days got ur hb. I than my 2 monkeys for a few hols Liao. Verdict: buay tahan!!
At least now #2 not ard, #1 can't pick on him. Even the 1 hr b4 he go to sch in the am, oso fight.

Now I know their names
all sound nice.
I did consider ur boy's pri sch.is the curriculum good? I m worried of schs which has high standard but dun prep the kids, expect us to do it. I oso like the kids to have extra activites. Like NT has ballet, gym and tennis for her PE this year. Good exposure lor.
It'a going to be okay one lah. Don't think of it as bad thing. You would be surprised to realize how special these days would be :))

Will be my turn the week after. Their cc close from Friday afternoon all the way to Tuesday, only reopen on wednesday. I will be traveling to India next week, so don't mind those extra 2.5 days to "pay back" the 4.5 days that I would be away ;-)
Blackbatz / mom2nat,
Though my kids are still young and I only have 2 kids, but I can relate to what you said sometimes. At times, both of them can make soooooo much noise, and never stop moving that I wish I can mute and freeze them temporarily for a few minutes :)) Lucky they don't fight often, else I would have pulled my hair out liao. Can't imagine when they grow older = more and louder noise??!!! Salute you both with 3 kids!!!
I seldom logged in nowadays cos now have 3x the workload I have than the past months. Though still coping okay and knocking off on time, but it's literally using up my every minute at work! Got home busy with the usual cooking feeding entertaining...... Every night really becomes a dead log. Luckily my gal has been very cooperative, she finally decided to sleep through the night, though 2-3 out of a week, she still requests a milk feed, but that's so much better liao and I have no complain, she sleeps so much calmer now :)

Today logged in at this hour cos hub on mc, I took half day to get my hair rebonded, so now already "free", just wait till 9pm to shoo them to sleep.
How u find the time n energy to cook? We dun cook lunch, as for dinner, half the time. Cooking still need prep n cleaning up, v siong. U r blessed HR v good boy. My #1 is the trouble maker. Always saying things to make #2 upset.

Where r the rest?? Kitsune? Pixie....?? All disappeared.

Anyone wants to meet up kopi on wkday?
Although I work from home and do see my kids, but at times, MIL will come by and help to bring the kids over to her house so that I can concentrate on working or when I have conf calls.

That is why I said kudos to SAHM!!!

Wondering if should bring my 2 monkeys out but so scared I can't manage them by myself when outside. :p
Stay at home v hard to pass time ah!! Maybe u go nearby playground try out. Bring a pram. One has to sit. Hee...
I must kowtow to you. After work can still do so many things. When I was working,I have no time to cook. Now that I'm staying at home, I still have no time to cook. Maybe should wirt, I can't cook.

The older the children gets, the louder they talk.

Will see how I survive with 3 kids this week. Bringing all 3 of them to Jerome's school to collect his report book. My parents are going away. Let me see how I survive. If I survive well, can meet u up for kopi.

Rest assured that the school's std is nothing like Pei Hwa, Nanyang etc..My SIL is worried that his son is not getting enough practice for P6 cos the other schools are very rigorous.

So far, he has learnt soccer, rugby, tennis for PE lessons. Anyway, his school has many PE trained teachers, so PE lessons are more structured.
I like schools like tat, let the kids do sports n other activities. I heard chongfu 1st day of Sch at p1, already got hw. Wats the point of putting std so high but only a minority can catch up, the rest struggling. I m still deciding which Sch to send Elliot to. Might need to shift accordingly. Lol
kopi wkday me!

sch hols coming I also stress dunno wat to do with 2 monkeys at home. my #2 now super active, climb everywhere n can even follow jie jie bounce on the bed!
morning mummies

Have been busy with appraisals and targets review for my dept. Now almost 7788. Can relax a bit. Oh this thread is so quiet lately ? no discussion ?
kopi friday me!!

i disappear liao
but its never been a day i never think of jan08 mummies


i miss u all

super super bz, everyday slog like cow. dont say dog coz cow produce more milk LOL

anything new news???
about the used linen

1. blanket for x2
2. 1 bring 1 out everytime to put on my chest for burp cloth, or cover her head when i sling her so that she can go to sleep
3. use to wipe x1 after water play in shopping centres
4. cut into half to pad rockers, chairs, strollers, whatever you want
5. cut into smaller squares as cloths, few pcs here n there ard the house, ez to grab and use n wash
6. cleaning cloths for kitchen
7. line the kids drawers' bases
His school is super relax one..First week of school no lesson. First day of school only need to go with a small bag and story book. The tone is very different as compared to schools like Rosyth, Pei Hwa etc.

Then if u are someone who is very kan cheong about results, you will worry a lot when you chat with parents from other schools.

This year, applicants who stay within 1km also got to ballot. Last year was not like that. If u made u your mind, you have to plan fast.
Would like to hear your views here.

Is a good primary school very important for our kiddos ? I'm beginning to think if I should change my #1 to a better neighbourhood school now. Seriously thinking. She is in Jingshan, a normal neighhbourhood sch which does not need balloting to get in at all. A better neighbourhood sch around my area is Anderson Pri and my #1 may have to take sch bus if I decided to change her. Her P2 results just came out and it's good so it leads me to think that shd I change her to a better sch to gain more exposure or not. Her current sch standard is so so but I dont know if the other sch standard is good or not. I dont know what to based on to make a decision to change or not to change. Can anyone help ?
Go to kiasuparent.com n speak to other liasu parents of anderson lor.
Btw anderson was so famous when we were young!
Hows ur gal's grades?

I have around 2 more fridays off then my ML over liao. Wanna meet friday? Any friday will do lah
With grumpus blackbatz aqua etc?
Anderson Pri is very hard to get in. So even if you would like to change your #1 there, also abit difficult...
Actually in my view, I would like my kids to go to a better one if possible. But if really cannot, then a normal pri sch is still ok for me. Abit like leave to fate...

I see my nephew in Clementi Pri which is a normal sch, he is doing well with Band 1 results and he will be studying higher Chi next year in P5.
kiasuparent.com doesnt talk much about the sch. Just learn tat they have higher chinese from P1 onwards like any other SAP sch. My #1 result is all band 1.

Anderson called me last wk to ask if I'm still interested to continue to waitlist and ask me to send in her results slips for 2011. I think she stands a chance in getting in. At least they bother to call me ! hehe
Wow, they called you ah?
Then it is fate liao, can try loh... But will you ask your #1 if she wants to switch sch??

One of my guy friend is from Anderson Pri and Sec and his Chi is really very good. But hoh, after O levels, he went to same poly as me and played too much. Hahahaha... But he still went to a uni and got a decent job.
my #1 dont want to change sch lor cos it's further from home meaning she got to wake up earlier to catch sch bus :p And her friends got to change lor.

Tell u hor. Both my nieces are from Anderson Pri. One got into a good sec then follow the path to JC then U and now landed up a decent job too. Another niece got into normal academic in sec sch cos her psle results not that good. So same sch doesnt produce same results la :p:p:p

I cannot decide leh...
Go good Sch doesn't mean gd results, doesn't mean go uni or successful or wat. I think up to individual parents wat r their priorities n their children's needs. Even the 2 neighbourhood schs within 1km of my place oso need to ballot leh!!

Yah, I spoke to pple from Chinese schools. I hear Liao v stress! Heng my girl's Sch not like tat. Let me slower gear up, Dun stress me at P1 level la. I think I need to assist my girl more next yr.

Pixie/ grumpus/ blackbatz
I m free next fri for kopi. Any suggestion where?
Agreed that good schs do not mean good results.
But if can give a better env to kids within the parents' means, then we try to give loh. If can't get in, bu mian qiang too.. Like what you said, my kids' future will largely depends on themselves, how hardworking and study smart they are.

Next Fri afternoon I got unofficial off from boss but need to accompany boss for afternoon tea. Haiz, cannot join you ladies.
Mom2nat, I heard you calling me, ears itchy so logged into forum. Haha, recently very busy lar, cos launching the new Bedok Condo soon. Busy stamping on flyers and doing roadshows to get more prospects. Also helping my upline to sell a flat at Bukit Panjang so can imagine the mileage my hubby's car chalked up, keke.

Ok, no time to chat for long cos going Bedok central to distribute flyers during evening rush hour. If anyone stays at that area, do call me at 91230588 for coffee/tea ya?
My parents relocated when I was about primary 2. Though I can vaguely remember a few of my friends, but it didn't do any "damage" to my growing up years. But though, you have to talk to her and give her valid and good reason why she should change to another school. Don't tell her things like cos anderson is a better school, don't work with kids. Also to work out the tranportation issue. Can bring her to Anderson for a trip and maybe she would tell you, I want to study here, mummy :)

Having said that, I also don't think good school means good results. Mostly depending on the kid and the school and home environment bah. Since she can get all Band 1 in her current school, so meaning the teaching style works for her? Or she may like the teachers there? Talk to her and find out more or can talk to her current teachers?

Hope you can make a decision for your gal. All the best!
RE: kopi next Friday (25th Nov)

If you can do it in the afternoon, or late morning, I can join!!! But like grumpus, I have to bring my 2 kids along cos their cc close at the PM that day. So would need a child-friendly-ish place.
kid friendly place ah. Abit tough. But lets do 25th then!! Kiv d place ok? maybe i have to bring bb also

Kopi session!!

25th Nov (Friday)


What time is Elliot's concert or what time you have to leave? I can do late morning. I only arrive from India that morning, so need to catch a few hours of sleep before meeting you guys. Would 11am okay? Or we can do lunch?
Okay, set!!

Kopi + brunch session!!

25th Nov (Friday)
Venue: Somewhere in the centre, since we are from west, north and east?


I can give you a lift, if it's just you and baby :)_
onz!! i sms u again ok? still thinking want to bring bb or not...hurhur

harnor, we may still be ard till 2 or 3, my max is 4pm must be home leh, come join us!!
How about we go NYDC cafe? They have pizza, pasta, western, kopi and desserts. The central locations are Bugis Junction, Wheelock Place or Novena Sq (Velocity).
sighs, im still on a lookout for a fridge
i want:
more than 500L
not side by side
at least 4 shelves inside (not the usual 3 shelves)
big freezer to store my febm

any idea? help!

btw, my current one, shelf break = febm too heavy.......geesh
rubber loose
Btw wanna ask what type of enrichment are you giving to your kids now? My #2 is not taking any and probably only gonna give when he is in K1 next year..

He still quite dependable on Kor Kor...ask me y Kor Kor going to new school next yr...

This fri gonna bring #1 for pri 1 orientation...time flies so fast!


Noticed lately I got "spare tyre" at tummy area already!!!! How to get rid of it??? U so petite now with thus tyre headache liao.... Maybe should do sit ups before sleep? But hor even before preggy I do only managed to do like 10 only! Haiz....
