(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


eheh go buy bungalow .. next time can invite all of us


fyi.. popeye opening tmr!! my colleagues n me targeting there tmr lunch liao haha
That will be great. I will print lots of cartoons for them to do colouring.

Ya lor. So many people leh have to cramped into my humble 5 rooms HDB flat.

Okay, okay, when I buy a bungalow, I sure have a huge house warming party and invite everyone here and family (dreaming!)

tongtong doesn't appear here for quite some time already. Busy SAHM.
that time u went BKK & stayed at Budacco hotel izit? How do u rate the hotel, good?
According to Janbb, Budacco is better than Baiyoke Boutique hotel cos is newer.
Any tips on any shopping area/location not to be missed? It has been donkey yrs since my last visit to BKK!
Here i come!
Yes, Budacco is better than Baiyoke Boutique hotel cos is clean, new, convenient (juz next to platinum mall). Most impt is very cheap, haha!! I can't rem the price. U can check with pixie & elmo, rem i email them before. I also rec Elmo to stay in Budacco & her feedback is good too.

Enjoy your trip!! Hubby & kids didn't go??
Shiok shiok leh!! So envy!!
yes yes Budacco charge abt $59 for 2nites, king size bed incl breakfast so i think pretty cheap!
The platinum mall is popular for what? ladies fashion, children clothes etc? I think will get my hair color done at one of the salon if got time but wonder if the salon will do a proper gd job?
Going with my colls. Hb & kids not gg cos i think i need some 'ME time' to recharge:p

Enjoy the 'ME" time at BKK!! You can go for hairdo, massage, shopping & good food w/o them!! I did my color there too but u muz ask ard for the best price!!

Aiyo, I can't rem the rate of the hotel room too!! So cheap meh? Is per nite or 2 nite $59?

Yes, both ladies & children wear can be found at platinum. But muz depend on the trend for the ladies fashion.

MBK is so so, nothing much.

Big C supermarket cannot be missed!! Buy tibbits & cheap L'oreal pdt & some children wear.

Weekend can try the weekend mkt but very hot!!
i no stay at budacco leh, i stayed at baiyoke boutique i think?? BB good but we got a stinko toilet. the smell of sewerage drifted up from the WC. you know their sewerage system not advanced mah in thailand, so this one bo bian
but overall good lor. hotel is small. dun expect big big hotel kind
my fren went and took budacco. she took the best room. it was a very nicely furnished room. so cannot compare lah

1 day at platinum mall
AM 1 day go CTC market
PM 1 day go pratunam area
if you good mood, 1 day go shop at isetan, zen...all the upscale malls (like our shopping centres kind)
like that 3 days passed liao
then eat lots of roadside stall. we had a mixture of food, from foodcourt at platinum mall (since you like spicy, must try their mango salad, spicy until i lao sai!) to roadside stall, to kfc, pepper lunch, coca...
i think roadside stalls still taste better. i commoner lah :p

btw, budacco and BB both walking distance to the places i mentioned above. i always try to stay near platinum mall
heehee, next time will msg u if i m there again ;)

Yes, J is still with shichida. How abt R?
Do u intend to con't next yr?
platinum i can spend 2 days there.
the first time i went, it was newly opened (i think 4-5yrs ago)
then i went in feb 2010, changed quite a bit
1st floor - 5th floor, all clothes, bags, shoes for ladies, men, and kids
then got 1 floor is foodcourt + a huge shop (like supermarket feeling) that sells all the cute cute stuff
then got 1 floor specially sell shoes + bags (forgot which level liao) and they are all segmented (a bit like far east kind). can walk until you get lost

shoes - last time heels costs 200bht ($10) but nowadays the cheapest heels you can find are around 3/400bht to 600bht

bags - lots of cheap clutches n all

boy's clothing - i think got few shops. got 1 shop's design not bad. a t-shirt, shirt, pants set only cost me errr less than 20sgd i think? must look ard

btw, their fashion depends on what is fashionable now. last time is chiffon tops, then got those bling bling big/long t shirts. everytime i go there is different fashion
we stayed at Amara, right in front of Platinum mall, hotel is very nice but not as cheap as the others but within walking distance to Central shopping mall, Erawan shrine..etc..
oh $59 is per nite:p but still cheap. BB even cheaper, abt $45+/nite!

Janbb, pixie, Luvv,
thanks for the shopping & food tips!! Will look out definitely...hopefully 3days is enuff!:p
Oh i wonder if we can request late check out at Budacco since our flight is late evening? Budacco check out is 12noon, so early.
U can check out the room first & lve your stuff with them then go for another round of last min shopping. Can also on call cab to stand by to send u to airport. Check with the reception ;)
almost ALL do what janbb said. check out, dump your luggage at the reception with bell boy etc. and continue shopping. before going off, u tell them you need a cab to airport ard when. sometimes they free, they can help u get a cab. so by the time u come back to hotel, a cab oredi waiting for you.....
good rite
i might bring my #1 too since he doesnt have school too.

i tot open liao leh, i almost wanted to go there to eat when i went Dr Keoy's clinic to get fish oil.
Yes Mdm E & J!
Will do that...so excited talking about it...i hope my colls (3 of them) get approval from their family & we can book air tickets tmrl
hmm...i wonder how much to xchange to Baht...SG$500 enuff for shopping & eat & massage?
enough liao
but bring another 4x$50 on your pocket as spare. exchange rate there no difference one. $50 notes easier to change mah :p

ur colleague got "gong zhu bing" kind? aka princess illness aka atas
i went with 2 gfs. and i tot gf#1 would be, coz she's quite picky when we go out. in the end gf#2 became the princess and gave us black face every now and then
tough to live with other ppl
wow going with collgs only? so shiok.....i don't think i can ever do that or will be allow to do that..lolz..

agree that some ppl we just can't travel together..
Kam, I'm here la! can only log in after my boy zz ma. hehe. yeah, I have been busy bringing my boy visiting my friends and outdoor activities lor. And he always KO around 7pm wor. And i will be busy doing business too leh - giving teaching lesson wor! :p

And yes, I confirm attneding the gathering! your place getting so crowded liao leh, wanna change place or not?

u have to knock down the walls of your rooms to accomodate so many ppl leh
got space then i jio jio my hb to bring all 3 + maid there
Hi Steph,

Yes, I stayed at Budacco hotel before and the feedback is excellent! I would usually stay at Baiyoke Suite when I go Bangkok but then now I will choose Budacco instead. I love the convenience, friendly staff, beautiful & clean rooms....most importantly, it is really affordable. All thanks to Janbb's recommendation
My friends also raved over the hotel. Btw, I had just written some of the places/restaurant to my colleagues and will email you the list okay.

Hi Kam,

I guess we can go to another place if not we will be crowding your place :p Shall we go to a park instead? We can car pool for mummies who dont drive. I m staying at Sengkang and any mummies staying there can go together
Hi Steph,

You can try to book the hotel at Atsiam.com (Janbb's reccommendation too). I think it is cheaper than asiarooms.com.
<font color="0000ff">Luvv/tongtong/elmo,</font>

I don't mind. Anything is fine with me.

I think my house can still accommodate all of you (probably 12-13 mummies + 14-15kids) if you don't mind to sit on the floor etc. The pro to have it at my house is that the kids can do some colouring/painting activities together. And it's more relax for the mummies cos once the door's locked, they can't go anywhere. You can stay as long as you want!

We can also have it at the park. No limit of space but meaning the kids can run free and mummies have to keep an eye on them. Fresh air and kids (at least HR) would love it! We can prepare food for a picnic. But can only do for a short 2 hours or so, else it's too hot (<font color="ff0000">JanBB</font> will be the first one to protest!) when it reaches noon time.

Or do it at the Rochester House http://www.rochesterhouse.com.sg/The_Playhouse.html. A nice playroom for them with lots of quality toys. Parents are not necessarily to accompany them, so can chilled at the cafe area to sip some coffee. Should be not many people cos it's not a public holiday. Currently charged at $6 per hour for weekdays.

<font color="0000ff">mylvera,</font>
You serious boh, you wanna bring your family to come? My house is those old flat mah, so the living is pretty big, no need to knock down wall lah.

<font color="0000ff">tongtong,</font>
What's teaching lessons? You mean tuitions? You really have a lot of ideas hor. Shaun not attending cc meh? knocking out at 7pm is soooooo nice. I just arrived home at 7pm, and the night has just started till at least 10-11pm :-(
pixie, i cant find that hk drama serial. my auntie took many of the vcds home, we also nt sure wat she brought home, cant onli wait till she return us... sorry

kam, wont be joining the gathering, my girl cc is open on 1sep. had been taking so many leave past few mths when she was sick.
this week juz sent her back to sch, hope everything smooth smooth.
Wah steph ! your hubby allow you to go ah not bad hor.

Last time before married I left my hubby, then bf, and went Cameron highlands with all my gfs. Came back he not happy wor.. say I no bring him. Now with kids all the more I wont be able to be ME time alone with gfs le
sad news from you and chaye...all no lobangz...now depend on kam liao

also, you can try pyotravel.com....also cheaper
yest i had to work (long distance call) from 9pm - 12.30am
super shag
later continue again from 7pm to dunno when

someone please just kill me. i wanna zzzz (so so sleepy) but cannot :-(

what u teaching? kids? adults? wat stuff u teaching?
my colls (2 male &amp; 1 female) &amp; my gal coll no princess illness, we click very well so no prob but will be sharing room with her for the 1st time so not sure she will chun pattern anot:p
oh btw, is lingeries (bra) still cheap to buy in BKK? One more qn, that time u travel by tiger airway or Jetstar? I wonder 7kg hand carry luggage enuff anot or play safe to pay $12.50 for 15kg baggage check in?

yes yes pls email the list to me, tks!

Oh Atsiam.com is slightly cheaper by 50cents only as compare to asiarooms.com!

Luvv, chaye,
i never go travel with my galfrds before &amp; hb reckon that i need a break from the kids too. My hubby went on a convoy w/o me &amp; so now my turn loh:p Though is just 3days but i gonna miss my boys very much!
i took jetstar, tiger, swissair before
if you book with the budget airlines, you all can check in as 1 lot (back n forth). when return time you can choose to upsize ur baggage limit. but must do so during the time of booking hor
so eg 4pax, you have a mixture of 15kgs and 25kgs lah
eg pax#1 &amp; pax#2 &amp; pax#3 upsize to 15kg; pax#4 upsize to 25kg
so total you gals will have 70kg in total. check in as 1 lot will be better for shopping trips

go there, no need to upsize. 7kg is more than enough for your EMPTY luggage
pardon me cos 1st time doing online air tickets booking under tiger. They only have the option to choose upsize baggage for check in but not for return time leh? hmm...
oh ok so you go n book without upsize first
then (good luck to you), call their cust scv hotline asap after the cfm booking
tell them you wanna upsize the return one. select your kg
they will charge you as per the listed fee in the web...so no penalty for this "lateness". charged to the same credit card lor. then the CS will send you the revised bkg cfm

i say good luck because you can hold for 40mins oso cant get thru...the hotline is swamped
Did i see it wrongly? Your hubby so generous to let u travel overseas with male coll ah. Look like double dating leh, kekeke ;) So envy!!!

My hubby dun even allow me to travel with gfs, he will sure tag along. Not to say guy friends. Think he will "xiu le wo", kekeke ;p

Thanks for remembering my dislike ~ Hot SUN, haha!! I am ok with any place with shelter ;) You call the shots since you organise. If u dun mind the crowd, then we juz proceed to your hse oki. Agree with what u say, we can relax more &amp; have more time chatting with your door closed.

Since so many mummies &amp; kids, can u advise us whether we need to bring any materials for this painting session? Is it better that we each bring a paint brush, some paints, drawing papers?? At least we won't used up all HR's painting material after one go.

Btw, how big is the cafe below your hse? Or shld we do a pot luck @ your hse since so many of us are going or order KFC/Pizza??
dun 害 me...all of us are married with kids liao, not young eligible wannababe! But u still go clubbing with gfs mah, that's gd enuff. This shows your hb worried about his pretty hot wife (You) being woo after, not like me...my hb wont be 紧张 about me:p

So envy can go for a short break.... I go out for a while alone Hb already keep calling, "wad time come back? Finished shopping already or not?... So irritating. Go out with GF worse he wanna tag along!!!

So we are going to HK cafe for lunch? If so muz call to do reservation le, cos sch holiday scare many pple....
Kekeke, no lah, never sabo u lah. Really feel envy that your hubby give u this type of freedom. My hubby is not worried hor, i think he is MCP lor ;(!!
As for clubbling, aiyo, u forcing me to reveal my secret here. Haha, actually only when he is away for overseas business trip then i can go party one leh.. If not, he will bomb my phone if i never get home by 9 or 10pm!! Me very ke lian hor. Bo bian, i need to "release" myself too so muz wait for a good time to "escape" ;)
jacelyn, janbb,
in fact given a choice, i prefer to go with hubby than frds/colls but too bad my hubby said we can't leave both boys to his mum (my MIL) while we travel so either he go alone with frds or me with frds loh...likdat how to enjoy couplehood w/o kids leh? freedom is gd but if travel not with love ones, gd meh? i dunno leh...
Actually I wanted to say the same thing about travelling with guy col/friend. Think my hub will never allow. Maybe travel for business is the only exception, but then I don't travel for business anymore since 2 years ago :-(

RE: Gathering
Of course, I still remember very clearly how you ran away from the hot sun when we went to the playdate at Central last time :)

I will see how much I can prepare this weekend than I will let you all know what you need to bring, k!

The HK Cafe is pretty big. The only thing is it may be messy with so many of us hor. Sure can eat at my place also, either order delivery or you want to do pot luck.

Yes, the Xin Wang HK Cafe.
Look at the bright side, at least he still allow u to travel w/o him ;) Kids will grow up very fast. In few years time, your MIL will be able to take care of them as they will both soon be 5 or 6yo. Then you can enjoy your coupletime holiday with your hubby ;) Plus u still have dinner date with hubby ah, already very Xin Fu to me ;p

Ok, u let us know again. U decide on the lunch oki ;) Thks for hosting us!! So excited to meet up!!
dinner date with hb?? when was that? i can't remember myself:p my last was a movie date cum lunch last month. I hardly got chance to have dinner with my hb
Same here! I barely see my hub these days. My hub's new job is not any better! He is working overtime EVERYDAY! I have to handle 2 kids from 6.30pm till at least 10pm-11pm (depending on how lucky I am). Think my hub is taking me for granted, he sees that I can handle them without major problem, he comes home later and later, yesterday he only reached at 11pm and no chance to say good night to 2 of them. I was not happy, but I don't want to say anything. He knew I am not happy, he asked but I still don't want to say anything, cos I don't know how I can change this situation. He always argues he comes home late because he has work to do, not because he goes out to have fun. He doesn't understand my stress level handling 2 kids myself. Count me lucky that XY is not sticky recently and HR has been a good boy.
salute ah but no choice die die have to handle the kids yrself then i wonder how u settle yrself as in shower? After work/pick HR from cc &amp; XY from nanny/dinner, you'll need to shower before settle them to bed right? How did u manage that?
I can imagine the madness &amp; stress level if both kids were not cooperative &amp; worse if they can't sleep together peacefully! Nowadays when my head touch the pillow/bed, i zonk to lalaland within 5-10mins!
kam, i understand how u feel. it is mentally and physically stress taking care of kids ALONE.
my hubby also finish wrk n reach home late, usu 10 or 11pm, and i am alone with my girl ...
I fetch HR, then XY (the nanny is very kind to help me carry XY down and buckle her in the car seat). Pray hard both guai guai sit there till I park the car (which is about 5-10 min drive). Then from car park to ferry both back home. If HR is willing to sit in the stroller, less problem, else half way through, he sure asks me to carry him. That's why I try to put them both in the stroller (the photo you saw on FB), but only success once a week only. But then now XY is nearing 11kg already, carrying her also breaks my arms and hurts my back. Finally arrive home, which is only short distance, heat up the food from the tingkat, then feed HR dinner, then have my own dinner. XY is good these days, so can be just left alone as long as I am within her sight. They play with them until they are looking pretty happy, then I quietly go off to take a quick shower. Put clothes to do laundry, wash the dishes, unpack and pack HR's bag, then continue to play with them till 9pm. Sometime turn on the tv to be the babysitter or upon HR's request. Bring both into the room, they are only quietly lie down when drinking milk. Once finishes, both immediately sit up and play with each other, and laughing so loudly (which I don't have the heart to stop them leh). Then get HR out of the room, ask him to watch tv, XY goes back to the room with me, carry/pat her to sleep. Then go get HR, and accompany him to sleep. That's only when both are super cooperative! Either one fuss or doesn't follow this SOP, and there gone my night, I would start to throw temper, then regret, so sayang them, then angry and scold them, then regret..... cycle repeats till somehow they fall asleep.

Ya. In a way. But it's very different handling 1 vs 2. Last time only HR, I never complained even hub had to work passed midnight.
Upon hearing your story, it is really tough on you. I bet you really miss the time when you and your hubby can go and pick up HR and XY together... But handling 2 kids until 11pm is not joke loh. Even I don't have that kind of confidence.

But I thought the reason for your hubby's changing job is to have better quality family time? No? Now it sounds like the opposite...

But it is true that sometimes you have no control over the work... Maybe he is still new and lots of things to learn... Hopefully when he is more settled, he can managed his time well and you can go back to your old routine.

I also have no problems to handle just 1 kid... But 2 hoh... totally different story!
Kam, hugz... I know how you feel. Really difficult to be alone handling 2 kids. Luckily both kids are guai most of the time. Jia you! They will grow up soon, one day, you will look back at this and smile at your own strength and patience.

kam, not tuition, it's cooking class. Shaun is attending 1.5hr playgroup , he will only ko at 7 if he doesnt nap. And these few days he din nap because we kept going out :p hey you dont wish ur kids to ko at 7pm too right so that you can spend time with them.

pixie, teaching adults on healthy cooking for the kids.

Kam, cheer up!! just pray that he doesnt need to do much OT since he is really working and not going out having fun. aiyo, your cycle of throwing temper, regret then sayang made me lol. as what you always taught us, keep cool leh. know it's very tough on u, but now ur hubby cant rush back early also bobian. I think you should tell him what you think instead of not telling him so that you can release your tension wor. jiayou!
