(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Morning all!

It's Monday again. 5 more days to weekend :p

I also went to Tampanies branch at the end cos the timing at Marina doesn't suit us. Actually before starting the class, when we saw the previous class, we already decided it's not a place for us. The teacher was very rough (the previous class one). She played this game with the kids, asked the kids to pass the small bean bag around, and she stressed must be gentle, but she herself didn't do it gently, she actually didn't wait till the little girl sat next to her to pass her the bag, but she took the bag from the girl roughly right after the bag reached the girl, and she stressed so much on do it gently, duh! Nothing against them. Just doesn't click with us bah.

morning mummies
monday again....i wakie at 5.45 just to bring my son to mil place
even earlier than my normal days of going to work
Good Morning!

Kam - so fast counting down to weekends now..lolz

babe - my girl is still scribbling when she does colouring.....about speaking mandarin, yes the grandparents also speaks to her in their super broken english despite i emphasized numerous time for them to speak to her in mandarin and call her chinese name.
i dun want to make the trip all by myself so i followed my hb's car to tiong bahru (half journey by car), the other half by mrt...
my hb set off for work at 6.30 everyday so i also follow lor...
else, it takes me 2 hours to reach mil place wor
Morning all

today we meeting right? 5.30pm JE

Oh last Friday review for R at NUH turn out fine
No more wheezing from him. PD said can reduce the inhaler frequency & stop using gradually. But we have to monitor his growth development cos at 18mths, he still can't walk steadily on his own and his head circumference also on 95percentile, slightly on the high side so must monitor the head size. If he still can't walk on his own confidently by 20mths, he may need some form of therapy according to NUH PD

Greetings from Z

good to hear that no more wheezing from R, head circumference big means what? maybe need to train his to walk and run more?

how come Z is in dress?? omg..hahaha
Haha Steph, Zander very sporting leh, will wear dress n pose for photo.
oh, so fast rayden 18 months already. Does he get a lot of stimulation to walk on his own? When did Zander start walking?
Glad to hear R wheezing has gone! I remember you got R's head checked (scanning or something) when he was young due to the high head circumference and the PD said nothing to worry, right? My nephew only started walking after turning 2 years old. Is R standing and cruising okay?

Z so happy with the VERY pink dress :)

i think i ever mentioned that R went for a CT scan of his head when he was abt 7mths old. That time kidslink PD suspected R's head got fluid, that's why his head size was much bigger compare to his peers. However the CT scan turn out normal. PD said R's big head is genetic since CT scan ok. But now NUH PD highlighted again cos she found R's head slightly big so she want us to monitor closely loh since she said R seem to lag behind his peers in terms of fine and gross motor skills. And also his speech, slow in talking...so far, only hear him say/babble simple word like car, clock, korkor, bao(carry) etc but he can listen to instruction very well.
i realise that my girl is walking a bit 内八 on her left foot, not sure if that's a concern also, kept forgetting to ask PD when we visit her.
oic, got to monitor closely ba, if he lags behind only by little, i believe can still train and catch up at his own pace, since all children are different in their paces yah? Does he need to go for another CT scan for his head?
My MIL was sorting some hand me down gals clothing for Z's cousin. Z just picked this sexy dress & requested to put it on him. We are too lazy to take off his shirt so just wear it over loh since for awhile only (for photo-taking). I told him the dress is for girl, not for him cos he is a boy boy. I am not sure he get the idea anot:p But he loves wearing my high heels *duh*

kitsune, kam,
yes we encourage him to walk on his own but he always prefer crawling than walking. But he can hold onto the playskool walker n walk along very well leh, just dunno why he refuse to walk unassisted. However, he can climb up the sofa, up the chair, up/dwn bed very well & started jumping (both legs lifted kind) when we hold onto both his hands woh.
Z started standing n cruising at 9mths and able to walk steadily by 12mths.
R should be okay then. Just need that little kick to let go of his hands and walk. Do you do the checks on the healthbook? If I remember correctly, it's normal to take the first unassisted steps before 2 years old.
nope, PD said dun need another scan at this moment but need to plot the head growth chart. If suddenly increase like 1.5-2cm in a month, must inform PD immediately.

But the NUH PD said by 20mths latest, R should be readily walking unassisted. The healthbook also stated toddlers being able to run/walk unassisted woh. Hope R will catch up with his peers soon.
Oh really. Then I remembered it wrongly. I am sure R will catch up soon, since he is already cruising and climbing and jumping so well!
ya sure R will catch up soon, hope it's still genetics...

my girl also not interested to join in the class but she was so eager to try the gymnastics activities and ended going for 2nd tries for each activity.
hello mummies
luvv, u reminded me about something.
my boy has flat feet (inherited from hb) but now seems like he got a bit of arch, but not much....
where to bring him for assessment ah?

btw, about your 内八, my sis was very 内八 from young but we only tend to fall a lil bit more. nothing wrong really. i also got quite a bit of 内八 and i rather be 内八 than "wai"八

btw, im wfh from mil's place
my niece is so poor thing. parents at home today (not working) and poor gal has been shouted by father & mother every now and then. no wonder she is so timid...
i hear liao oso heartache...
the forum/server is superb slow today?

i suspect Z has flat feet too (but me & my hb dun have woh)

i highlighted this to his PD at kidslink before, the PD said wait till he is 3yrs old then check him again, now too early (his last visit to the PD was when he was 20mths+) can't confirm anything.
Thinking of bringing J to the dentist for a checkup. Any recommendations?
I have got a friend whose son (3 yr) front tooth decaying. Went dentist to extract. Guess how much he charged? $3k
Mu friend was shocked and left without extraction.
HI Kam,
My hb told me tt HR was in X's class for trial. :D I wanted to bring Crystal to see the class that day, but so happened that mil have some other plans so end up I stayed at home.

For my case, X also seemed all over the place in this class, but I see him happier and more friendly these days.

Some updates on Xavier's fear of enclosed space
Not sure if it is really due to mygym class, after 2 sessions at mygym, he is getting better about enclosed space. For the past 2 music lessons, he is ok about having his music class with the door close. To think that at first both parent must go attend the class with him, calm him down with sweets and all. Now he is back to attending music class with me and doesn't mind taking off his shoes or having the door close.

I also take the effort to do what is taught in the music class, which he already enjoyed.. just remind of the fun times that he have and he will look forward to the session again.

But I do notice that he is showing signs of a lot of fear to certain things like too many people at home - he run back to his room, scare of LRT rides.. I suppose all must slowly tell him the fun of it.

Good news to share.... Last week quarelled with MIL, cannot take it anymore. Finally i cannot take it but just bkurted out i wanna move out. So now in the process of asking my tentant to move out and soon i can live in peace!!!!! After 5 yrs of endurance finally its all OVER>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YEAH!!!!

Hi Kam,

Do you remember the name of the CC you went to on top of the hill one? Is inside a camp? Can i have the name?
u r right. i went to a kiosk for those who made soles for shoes to correct feet problems. the sales person said, earliest age for kids is 3...earlier than that, its useless because the feet shape havent been formed fully.
coz when x was less than 2yo, his feet is all flat. but now, he has a slight arch (the arch degree varies for both feet)...so i guess its right to say wait till age3.....

btw, my hb kept saying nevermind one...coz he is as good runner as his schoolmates, even though he has flat fee. he said no handicap at all leh...i oso dunno true or not
What??? $3k to extract milk teeth? How many to be extracted with the $3k?

I think Xavier is very friend leh, friendlier than HR, at least. When your hub told X to shake hand and say hello to HR, he did! While HR didn't want to say hello. Yes, I think he is pretty happy at the mygym, to run around, but not so much in the class activities.

Congrates!!! 5 years is a long time. So your flat is around CCK also?

Yes, it's inside a camp. It's Cherie Hearts at Gombak (www.cherieheartsgombak.com.sg).

J still not okay with his current cc?
my hb oso said nvm but it depends on how severe the flat feet were. Like my hb's cousin, he got severe flat feet & always complain of pain when prolong walking & need to undergo surgery, can't do NS...bcum admin clerk
like handicap.

Hopefully by age 3, Z's feet wont be all flat...now i can't even see any arch
Hi Kam,

I just feel like having a "spare" CC in mind just in case anything i can just switch. As his current sch standard is like going downhill.

Ya, my place also at yew tee, Blk 642 just directly opp mrt station. Have you view the CC? Is it ok? Cos i tried to call but they are too busy to entertain me. Say will call me back.
my girl doesn't really fall frequently, i think shld be ok, next time then check with PD again...

your niece's own parents kept shouting at her? that's very poor thing...why they want to do that..anger management issues? i think your niece will prefer them to go to work then staying at home...

great that X's fear of enclosed space is getting better, thought u going for another trial before signing up?

congrats on getting your wish...why you move out of your place before that?

what kind of tooth extraction need so much??? that price can do root canel already...
This cc at Gombak camp is full house right now. In fact they have very limited space for public cos 80% quota is reserved for Mindef employees. So it cannot really serve as a "spare cc" for you.

Yes, we visited the place and we liked it very much. If they have a place for HR, think very likely we will transfer him over. Though he is very happy at his current cc (the one next to J's cc).
COngrats! I am sure u will like the freedom of deciding everything accordig to what u want at your own home. :D

Hb's effort to go class with him perhaps help too. Hb always like to make him say Hi and Hug and hello everyone. I just make sure he is happier and gain more confident, was telling hb yesterday that we need to handle Xavier more carefully as he is more sensitive, whereas Crystal seemed to be more like "chia cha bor". so fierce.

Yes, I went over for aother trial for mygym after the openhouse. See him so happy instead of tense up with so many people.. and decided to sign up for it.
hey mommies!

Long time not appearing here.U all having gathering on 1sep? Me coming back on 23sept to 2oct leh! Can postpone or not? hehehehe

Me too speaks to Rylee in mandarin since birth. But now, since she attends an english school, she can understands and even construct sentences in english liao. Even her ang moh teacher encouraged me to continue with mandarin cos she said english is peanuts to pick up. JanBB, no worries, kids pick up languages like SUPER fast. As long as we continue exposing them, there's no worries.

i didnt know X got phobia of enclosed space. Did u have that diagnostic confirmed by medical or u guessed it? I have a fren here in HK also same thing, her boy hates confined space. Dunno why. But he slowly jus gradually grew out of it. He's a Feb08 baby. Now, ok liao. Just dont push him into it.

Congrats on the having own place. But like pixie said, what about future interactions with MIL aft u guys moved? Sounds so scary.

I have a bit of flat feet, AND a very curved spine. So that gives me VERY bad posture and backaches all the time. Been going to physiotherapy forever. I was worried Rylee will be the same, so i asked PD and the orthopaedic. Accordingly, ALL kids started off walking flat feet becos it gives them more balance when they first started to learn how to walk. U can see them going "tap tap tap" on their feet flatly. To determine whether they will have flat feet or not is only i think around age 5 onwards, when they're more agile. And stable. Only then u will start to see the arch developing. The orthopaedic said to check after they are 5 onwards, so hope that helps.

Rylee also very reluctant to say hello these days. Haha. When we prod her to say hello to aunties and uncles (our frens) she will literally blurt out "Dont want!" rudely. Aiyoh! But slowly after she warms up to them, she'll play with them happily. Very strong willed and stubborn.

These days her strong willed personality is so much more "enhanced". I guess she's trying to forge her independence a lot. And hubby and my mom also cant handle her except me. They dont have the patience with her. Sigh. One moment she can be so angelic and the next she will be testing ur patience to the limit! I have to constantly remind myself to rem the things i read. Some days...it is just sooooooo tough. On certain days, i'm so worried she's got ADHD cos she's jus soo agile and active! She totally doesnt behave like a girl at all, so impulsive and all. Sometimes, going for gatherings or playdates with other little girls, i feel so bad cos other girls are so...u know...girlie. There're even moms that will make u feel bad by making comments that insinuate that Rylee is a bad influence on their girls, like crawling on shopping malls floors, climbing etc. I read and i know these traits are probably good for her when she grows up (cos i also dont like her to be too girlie girls) but for now, i'm hanging on a thread of crossing over to insanity.

Haiz, so disappointed to see ur reply.... Then i have to source for anothe "spare" CC already.


Of cos, having our own house is my dream. After i moved out i dun think i will come back to visit her again. Since she wanna turn things till so bad. I will let her feel how is it like to being able to see her precious grandson.
X's phobia is not really diagnosed by doc but we guess so. Because he refuse to let us close the door for doc's clinic, enrichment classes even LRT at airport also scare. He will pout his lips and start wailing out. Only happens for the past 3 mths.
Hi, mummies.

As some of you read in FB, my girl swallowed one 10 cent coin in the afternoon... I just finished lunch and MIL called me panicky and told me. I thought I heard wrongly and even asked if she mean Didi (who likes to put everything into his mouth). No, it is my dear, sensitive girl who did it. Till now still cannot apprehend why she did that leh...

Anyway, got to take urgent leave and rushed back home and took her to doc (caused some unhappiness in office coz I forgot to inform my team lead). On the way, she vomitted a few times and kept crying... Doc said there are 2 solutions, 1 is go KK and another is wait for her to pass motion. But judging that she is not choked or coughing at all, meaning the coin did not go to lungs. So it means it went to the stomach so have to wait for her poo poo these 2 days.

Till now, still waiting for her to poo. Haiz... but she was vomitting alot. I think she was scared and was trying to vomit to get the coin out. Really a sad sight to see that happening... Haiz... After the last vomit, I bluff her that the coin came out and everything was fine. And it created a physchological effect on her and she did not vomit again.

But still have to keep monitoring her condition... Going to be a long night and I think I can't sleep tonight....
No need to postpone the 1st Sep gathering. We can have another one on the 1st Oct cos HR's school will be closed on that day also for Children's Day (and it's mylvera's daughter birthday!).

Don't worry too much. Luckily it's a 10cents coin, should be easy to pass out.

I think our toddlers are at the stage of exploring with the mouth again? HR recently likes to eat his nose discharge both liquid and solid form (yucks, I know!), and he happily munched on the dots that he pushed out from the HDB parking coupons and offered some to me and told me it's nice! Have to keep a close eye on them again. But we cannot tell him "you cannot do this or that", cos the more we say cannot, they more he wants to do it!
$3K Dentist :

Just to pull out one tooth!!! According to her, the dentist need to put the toddler to sleep before can extract it!!! Precisely, 3K can do root canal!!
That's crazy! Luckily your friend knew the price before the dentist started work. But is it necessary to go to such extend, to put a 3 yo to sleep to extract a milk tooth? My colleague brought her daughter for extraction of milk teeth only when she was 5 yo, normal procedure like adult.

Why you need to bring J for dentist? He complains about pain?
Will u be meeting pixie when u r back on 23sept to 2oct? If yes, can i trouble u to help me buy sumting from SASA again? The eye serum that u help me to buy last yr is almost finishing...need to restock!
oh thanks for sharing on the flat feet thingy!
Wanted to ask you, what's R's head circumference measurement right now at 18 months?

I checked HR's healthbook yesterday, and his was 50cm at 18 months, and is on 95 percentile.
R's head circumference was 49cm at 18mths but he weigh 10.8kg & abt 81cm tall. His weight n height is average while his head is on the high percentile so perhaps that warrant a concern from the PD? For HR, maybe he is taller & heavier but overall his head size still ok for his build while for R is like small body Vs a big head?
HR was heavier, about 12kg at 18 months, but about the same height as R, ~80cm. Actually HR's head circumference also on the high percentile (95th) while his weight and length was on the more average percentile (50-75th). When he was younger at about 6-12 months, his head circumference was actually so big that it's out of the graph (we suspected the nurse measured it wrongly, but it was out of the graph for a few months, then only back to the 95th percentile)! I showed the growth chart to his PD, but he never mentioned anything. My point is, yes, I agree with the PD that you need to monitor closely, for the just in case. But don't be too overly concern about his big head.
yup i know what u mean. I am ok, not too overly worried abt this cos afterall his head growth is not something i can control unlike constipation, i can still try to change his diet etc. During his hospitalisation, i couldn't sleep well at night though tired, i was thinking...all i want is for him to get well & be healthy n happy, that's all i wish, nothing else matters.
i wearing old shoes (still high heels), so no need to take pic heehee

btw, steph, grumpus, vitacost now got 5% off, so my sis reckon that she will have orders coming in fast so the spree is ONZ...but must wait for ppl to come in to order lah...so i'll keep u posted again
