(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hey steph n chaye
if keen to get sambucol from vitacost u gals pm me coz I asked my sister to open spree. I intend to get some plus the usual multi vits for x

Morning, mummies!

Initially wanted to go for my monthly checkup but ended up bringing my girl along too since she is still having mild flu for a couple of days.
But after visiting the doc's, it was raining cats and dogs and both of us were stucked under a void deck for sometime.... Haiz.... Then managed to brave some rain and went to Mac for breakfast. Now she is back home with me...

Wanted to logon to start working but coy's server seems down.... Aiyo really like 1/2 day gone and no work is done... Wonder if I should just apply leave or act blur and try logging on later? :p
Yvonne, I just got the Raising your spirited child book that I ordered from book depository yesterday. There is a chapter on how to choose the right school for your spirited child and what to look out for when you go and visit the school. Wish I read that before visiting the CC, could have picked out a child that was like mine and see how the teacher dealt with her. haha.

Regarding CC
I was talking to Raeanne's Chinese PG teacher just now and she said my gal is the stubborn sort. Must have her way. But she is independent and will take care of her own things, keep the things into her own bag, make sure her things are inside etc.

She said her son also attended CC from the beginning but at home still cannot sleep through. She said her son kept coming out of his room to look for her, said he is scared. Until he grew bigger, he developed a close bond with his younger sister than started to sleep through.

As for chinese language, she thinks my gal is fine cos she can communicate to her in Mandarin, although still biased towards English. Also, she said since me and hubby speak mandarin at home. should be no problem.

Oh well, think I'll probably send her to CC next year bah. Elfa also never call me to follow up since last Fri. :p
Yah, it's more of how the teachers deal with our children...hahaha. I'm quite lucky that his current english teacher puts in effort to find ways to handle B. She will discuss his behaviour with me and we will come up with a method together. Sometimes we will tell me to praise him more when he's good and we'll monitor from there. I'm grateful that she's able to see his good points and tries to handle each child based on their different personalities.

I'm using some of the advices from the book and it seems to work for B. Nowadays he's starting to get picky on food and always spits out if something is not to his liking. I used to scream and scold him but now I try to get him interested by telling him he will grow tall if he eats dinner and will be able to press the 11 button in the lift. I also tell him his classmates eats a full bowl of rice and how tall and good they are...hehe...he seems to buy into this theory so he's been eating his dinner properly.

If I can control my temper and reason with him nicely, he's more eager to listen and accept lor. Sometimes easier said than done cos our energy and patience already running low by evening so tend to get angry when they start spitting out food or throw tantrums. But seeing that it works, I'll try to keep my cool now.
Yvonne, I have been telling RaeAnne to eat a lot so that she will grow tall tall and can touch the monkey on the wall height chart I have. It worked for only a few times. Then, she decided to bring a stool and stand on it. Then, she will tell me proudly, mummy, me touch monkey, me tall tall already. Duh... have to keep coming up with new methods to trick her just to eat or sleep. Such basic things leh. Tired... :p
her Pg teacher also told me recently that she will help herself to other kids' food eg. mamee, crackers, biscuits etc. Though she has her own bread, cakes or cookies. Told her that she must eat her own food and ask for teacher's permission to see if the other kid is willing to share. But she thinks it's a buffet table. Duh...
Mandy paiseh I never compare the prices but I always buy my own multivits, my dog's, my parents' glucosamime & my boy's multivits from vitacost.
I check the labels and the qty to consume a day to determine worth it or not, enough vitamins & minerals or not

btw I think (not sure) if our kids overconsume it will not be absorbed and then discharge out via urine or sweat etc. So I tend to give cautiously

I give this to x:

You can get frm GNC, selling this for 29.90
Hi pixie

My fren just open a vitacost spree bcos of me so I hv to get fr her :p.

Did I mention ytday tat I hv ABC mat to let go huh ? Any response ?? I was not well today din come into forum. Afternoon on mc le. Now my throat still v irritating and it got worst when lie down to sleep leh
yes received. I fwd ur email to my sis asking her to reply u directly but I guess she haven't do that. Later I call her. Steph's orders too
<font color="0000ff">Chaye</font>,
I was like you exactly! Very bad sore throat, esp during the sleeping time. Already started on Sunday, but hang on till Tuesday afternoon then I took mc for 1.5 days, cos there was a meeting on Tuesday noon. Almost okay lioa, but yesterday when the kids got home, I got to entertain them, raise my voice, etc, then my throat hurts again :-(

<font color="0000ff">Scott's Emulsion</font>
HR took it enthutiastically for 3 days, then zipped his mouth, refusing it already. Oh well, luckily I bought the small bottle, only $3+ only. May try again next week.

<font color="0000ff">Yvonne</font>
HR has also become a picky eater. I would have gone mad if I am a SAHM. I think he is not really picky about the food, but it's rather that he knows he has a CHOICE with the parents! At school, he eats just everything, meat, veg, fruit, whatever given in the bowl, he finishes it, sometimes even asks for 2nd serving. At home, he totally refuses veg, being green leafy or those rooty veg, he would also spit out and use his hands to cover his mouth until I remove all the veg from his bowl. We don't scold/scream at him, because we know he is eating well at school, so we just let him be, rather than forcing him (for this, I am glad I am not a SAHM :)). We tried to be optimised and told ourselves that it's part of his learning process, that he is learning to follow his own choice rather than follow what we told him to. We take it positively. Hope the tactics you learned work well on B.

<font color="0000ff">Childcare</font>
HR cried when we sent him to cc yesterday (like his ex-teacher predicted, it's the 3rd day!!!). But we later figured out it's because we were not in our office wear, that's why he felt "betrayed" cos he might have thought we were going out to play. Today I came to work and he has no problem going to school, went in happily! His teacher said he fits in very well with the Nursery class, she was amazed that he knows more and learns faster than the older kids, even those 1 year older than him!

Ya I couldn't sleep well the whole nite despite the medication.
so this morning still so groggy. Still got to wake up at 6.30 to tend to my #1 a while and cannot tahan and went back to sleep until now still lying in bed.  Will go in to office in the afternoon. 

You r so positive leh. I wish tat I can be more positive !!! 

HR is such a clever boy. Think u shd send him to some iq test when he's older !!!
Morning mummies.

Me now waiting for my hubby to pick me up from the office. Gotta rush home &amp; bring R to A&amp;E, GP recommended him to be hospitalised! sigh....
I had it bad last night. My girl was coughing and she took 2 hours (12.30-2.30am) to fall back asleep again. I am dreaming away in my office. You very good leh, can continue to sleep and go to the office int he afternoon.

No lah, HR is just an ordinary boy lah. 平凡就是幸福 and I totally believe this!

OH NO! What happened? His cough turns bad? Wheezing?
i am not very sure what is R's condition now. MIL told me he didn't sleep a wink last night, toss n turn in bed &amp; coughing real badly like gasping for air likdat. And alot of phlegm stuck. I am scare n worry now.
Don't be scare. The GP wanna send him to a specialist so that the PD can access him better. Get rid of the phlegm he will be okay. Be strong, k!
if sick still not enuf sleep cannot recover de.. so sleep during sick is important. I manage to catch some morning sleep just now... and I'm back to office liao ! but 5 mins into the office I dun feel well le.. must be the bad air in the office...

Dont worry cos some GP are very KS cos they are not PD ma.. If you would have gone to PD maybe R has been put on nebuliser to clear his phelgm in his lungs. Keep us updated ya
I totally agree with you.
That is why my hubby's been sick for 1 week and still not recovering coz he still works (month-end closing). I also told him that he is in aircon the whole day in office that is why he feels sick.
So HR is just testing his limits and boundaries with you
I've learnt to go liao. They will eat when they're hungry. B usually finishes his lunch without any trouble (probably hungry and tired after school) so I just let him be if he refuses dinner. But he will usually eat when my hubby is having his dinner.

But B is not being picky on food (except he doesn't really like meat nowadays) but rather the way the food is served. For example, when we're having pizza, I need to cut it into a perfect square without any melted cheese hanging around the corners in order for him to eat. If he spots something hanging out from the sides, he will reject and tell me to cut it smaller...sigh. It's part of his "spirited" character cos he's persistent about such details. Just have to find ways to get around it. For dinner today, I made chicken stew and I cut the chicken into tiny whiny bits and scooped the vegetables on top. So he only saw the carrots, onion and potatoes and promptly finished the meal...hahaha.
Morning, Pixie.

Think all mummies busy preparing for short trips.
Kam and family went KL.
Kitsune and family going Genting.
Steph's R went to A&amp;E y'day, don't know how is he...
Hihi me still here. Just went to celebrate national day at my gal's playgroup. Never win any lucky draw prize. Too bad. :p taking night coach at 11pm, wonder if the kids will sleep on the bus. Tom is my birthday, hope I can abandon the kids n have quiet dinner with hubby at genting. ;p
pixie, i'm here! S is sweeping the floor and vaccuming later, so can sneak in a while hehe.

happy birthday pauline!! you sure will have a romantic bday dinner with ur hubby!

steph, how's R?
hello mummies,

me back to forum...past few days was hectic, my girl was down with periorbital cellulitis infection of the eyelids since tuesday. Went TMC on tuesday night and was warned that it can lead to serious complications and if the swelling did not come down, will need to be admitted. Doc adviced us to seek advice from her PD (happens that night the clinic was not open). So wednesday morning brought her to see PD, the lids are even more swollen, almost can't see her eye. PD gave her a jab of antibiotics cos no matter how hard and how many methods we tried, couldn't get the antibiotics into her system. Changed antibiotics and was also given Zrytec. Luckily, the swelling went down after 1 day, went for review this morning, PD say her recovery was fast and now just need to keep giving her antibiotics for another 6 days.

Went for my check up on wednesday after dropping my girl off at home and ended waiting at the clinic for a few hours, gynae was stuck with labour complications, ended up waited in vain and revisit her again yesterday. Failed my OGTT last week and was asked to do my prick test now, diet control is needed now. Hopefully after this week, the visits to clinic will lessen. Oh hubby is more hectic cos in between he brought his dad to the Orthopaedic a couple of times due to a slipped disc, so this whole day for him, in and out of clinics and hospitals...:p
Thanks, Aqua and tongtong. Hubby said actually he wanted to bring me to Carousel for buffet dinner but cannot liao since I wanted to go to Genting. haha.
Happy Birthday in advance, may you have a wonderful family trip and a romantic birthday dinner!

Happy Birthday to XY in advance too, you have a wonderful time with your family and friends in KL too!
Thanks, Luvv.

I thought Xiyu is born in end Aug cos I remember Kam was hoping for her mum to arrive in Sg first but Xiyu came out a few days earlier. Or did my memory fail me? ;P
Seem like a lot of kids and babies falling sick. Hope all get well soon!!

I am trying hard to survive for my 2 kids had been catching the cough and flu virus for the past 4 weeks.. each one got it 2 times, daddy and mummy also fall sick 2x each.. terrible!
Crystal got Brouchitis! Too young and cant have too much cough medicine or antibiotics

I hope R is better now.

Happy Birthday in advance!

Oh dear, How's Crystal now? if not too much cough medicine and antibiotics, what else can she take to recover?

yah the cough and flu virus flying around, i'm having sore throat and minor flu, hubby having cough, my girl also had cough last week..
Crystal still have a bit of running nose and some cough. Doctor say it will last at least for another 10 days, today is just the 4th day after I see the PD. Xavier just recover, i hope he wont get the virus back from Crystal. He is the one who pass the virus to Crystal.
Hello reporting from KL! The prepaid card only charges RM5 for 1 day of unlimited surfing, yeah!

U have super good memory. Yes XY was born on the 21st. It's an early celebration cos we wanted to make use of the National Day holiday mah.

Anyway, the kids, esp HR has a great time with his grandparents and jiujiu. He was so happy to see them and immediately be friend with them, even dumped us to be with them (want to travel with jiujiu car and asked me to go away!)

Glad that your gal is getting better. How did she get the infection?

I messages Steph yesterday. R was hospitalized due to very and wheezing.
Hello mummies,

Gonna have a very bad weekend or i shall say bal life from today onwards. Yest quarrelled with MIL, worst of all we are all staying in her house. Reson for quarrel becos maid backache i ask her not to use hand mop floor use the magic clean mop instead then maid say she is scare so i say dun worry anything ah ma scold say mdm ask u to do. Like that also got prob.
Her back pain till till Jasmyn cry at nite she took so long to wake up. I dun see anything wrong with this.... Yet she scolded me say now she finally know that i am the one she teach the maid to do "bad" things!!!! Unreasonable, keep shouting at me.
Reporting live from genting, got free Internet access from shopping mall.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. No cosy dinner with hubby last night. But aunty treated us to ah Yi abalone and cousin got a cake.
Thanks, jacelyn. Hope your mil doesn't take it too hard. I think she is upset cos she thinks your maid is malingering. Maybe next time tell your mil how bad it is and let your mil tell her to use magic mop for time being so that she got more 'face' in front of the maid. Some maids very clever, act very poor thing and 'su4 ku3' in front of the sympathetic one to gain pity. My maid is like that. I am also very upset when my mil ask me to let the maid have afternoon nap and buy birthday present for the maid but not me. Told hubby my mil treat maid better than me. :p
Hi ladies, this forum is still so alive. Have been MIA for ages! How's everyone doing? Any exciting plan for ndp?

Geez, everyone is having no.2 and more to share. My ah boy also started to be very picky with food. Sian and he's losing like so much weight.

Anyone in the tpy or novena area sending kids to kindergarten for nursery with good recommendation of any schools? Have been so busy at work that I had little time to follow up.
i'm sending my girl to marymount kindergarten next yr.
my neighbour sends her girl to newton life kindergarten.
SSO Babies Prom 2010. If you need me to help get tix for you (still SSO member this year), let me know. this year its at esplanade. PM me.
Your 10 days break so fast over?

Can ask you how long does it take for you to apply SGP PR for your kids? My coll from CHN has been applying for 6 mths and no news... Now her boy has hernia and need to go for op. So op for foreigner is quite exp... so she is worried...
harnoh, super fast leh
but it was enjoyable. many milestones for x during these 10 days
now he will say "can i have some ____, please" if he wants anything from me

Wah, X can speak in full sentences and so polite some more!!! My girl will only say "I want this, I want that..." when she wants something from me...

Hernia is a form of swelling or protrusion of an organ... According to my coll, her doc said it is quite common among newborn and normally will recover by itself when baby is 1 yr. But now her baby is 11 mths and the swell is still there... So her doc thinks it will not recover by itself and need op. It can be in any organs... I think if not remove, can cause dsyfunction.... For her son, it is in the testicles.... sad hoh.
