(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

last week's topic
steph, kam, your part time cleaner seems to accomplish much more in 3 hrs than mine. but its a bit pai sei if i suddenly increase her workload. maybe increase 1 task per week hehe.

Kam, HR is really brave to be attending new cc alone on the first day without crying! Did you 'brain wash' him over the weekend so he knows what to expect?

On Friday 5plus pm, T's cc called to say she vomitted her milk during nap time & temperature is 37.6 deg. I got my parents to fetch her back earlier (if wait for hubby, she'll b the last to go home @ 7pm). That evening until Sat 7pm, she has fever on and off. i gave her parecetomol a total of 3 times, and only when the fever reached 38.8 to 39. Thankfully, this morning, my MIL came down to take care of her for 1 more day before she returns to cc tomorrow else i have to take leave.

Elfa cc principal called n say can start raeanne early in oct cos suddenly got vacancy but I can't decide leh. Disruptive or not? Always plan to start her in jan2011. :p

Yes, he is very brave! We have been prepping him for 1 week liao, since we brought him to visit the cc 2 weeks ago. He said "ok!" when we told him he was going to start a new school. Last Sat I brought him there to do the enrollment, and he had a great time playing there (they have a mini outdoor playgroud). Yesterday evening, he even told me "mama, tomorrow I go to school loh (in Mandarin)". And this morning, he let us change him into school iniform!!! He refused wearing uniform, never a single day he wore it, but today, he really looked like he is all ready to go to school! Not sure how he is doing though, missing him a lot, but decided not to call, will probably go off earlier to fetch him. Hope he really likes the school.

Tough decision. Maybe you list down all the pros and cons, then you can see a more perfect picture. Good luck!
Sounds like HR really enthusiastic towards school
Gd Gd.

Last week i spoke to Zander's cc teacher & proposed if any possibility of moving him onto N1 earlier than Yr2011. The principal replied via email the following,

[With regards to your query about Zander's early promotion to the N1 class, I regret to inform you that we are not able to accede to your request, as according to MCYS and MOE's stipulated guidelines, all children have to reach the age of at least 36 months in order to proceed to the N1 level. The only exception is when children are born on the 1st January of that particular year and only then are they eligible.

Furthermore, an advanced understanding of contextual knowledge in a child, does not necessarily relate to a higher cognitive development in the child. By rushing a child into learning with other children who are older than he/she is, it will force the child to learn and absorb more than he/she could manage, thus overwhelming the child and killing his/her enthusiasm for discovery.

In addition, placing a child among children who are older than he/she is might not be emotionally appropriate as the child in question would not be able to relate to the other children. Theoretically, the older children would have experienced more than the younger child and would have moved on to other concerns or issues more appropriate for their age level. However, the younger child will have his/her own problems or challenges that are encountered at their own age level. Early promotion of the younger child would not encourage cohesion between the child and other children, hence, would not be healthy for the child's emotional development.]

I was just wondering how come some private CC or montessori allow 30mths to be under nursery?
Kam, i did. I listed all the pros n cons but still cannot decide. :p

Pro- 1) can try out for 2 months if cc is suitable for her before pcf pre nursery starts in jan11. If cc not suitable, no need to forego her pcf slot.
2) Cc teacher can concentrate on her more since she is the only new kid?
3) no need to pay $80 deposit to waitlist for vacancy in jan11.

Cons - 1) her friends n usual teachers r still at pg so she enjoys school.
2) Extra expenditure, I am still bfing raelynn so no urgency to put her at cc plus pg material fee already paid until dec10.
3) Disruptive cos she has to adapt to cc pre nursery 1 for 2 months, then come Jan, she goes to pre nursery 2, and needs to adapt to new teachers n classmates again.
Steph, pcf goes strictly by the law. I also asked before n they also told me NO unless your child is born on 1 Jan. Next time primary one also like that cos I dun bother to 'appeal' Liao. If I want her to do more, have to look at the curriculum of the 'school' instead of looking at the arbitrary pre nursery 1 or 2 or nursery. Different schools call them differently. But more important is what they do during class time. :p
Hello mummies
I'm opp x's pcf school now with hb, sipping a drink and waiting till 4pm
x loves the pre-n, and immediately took off his shoes. We were there for 15mins n he cried a bit coz he couldn't see me(was in principal's office). Then an Indian teacher sat him in her lap to make sure hwe adapts
I think between 30-36 months is a "grey" period. But probably it's more strict at PCF? For privates, they are a bit more flexible and to look at the individual child rather than just following the guidelines?

HR was enrolled to Nursery group as the principle thinks he is ready. I am a bit worry though. He was promoted to N group in his previous cc, that I was not worried, because he knew those classmates and teachers there, and had been there for 2.5 years. But now with a new environment, he has to adapt to new environment, to new teachers, and to new friends, I am worry if being the youngest in the class would add more burden on him or not. I don't know. Plus that his class teacher is a Phillipines, who obviously doesn't speak Mandarin, worry if HR can communicate well with her. Thinking of my boy so much :-(

How about ask RA? Or bring her to Elfa and see what's her reaction? And how about the logistic, as in who is going to fetch her? And what's the main differences you would expect to see between attending current pg vs elfa full day?
Hi Steph & Prata_queen

I trust Popo oso leh ... sometimes i leave her to do hsework while we go out for makan or meet frds .... and she will lock up for me. I cant really stand dirt .... my hubby cannot tahan me .... last time i am still ok with it ... but now cannot cos I feel got kids better keep clean thats why i mop n vacuum when i go home.

Actually the important for my domestic helper is to help me wash the toilet and ironing of clothes.

she have initiative too like help me buy those detergents for cleaning and would tell me what to use is good ... and she will wash my fans too. I just leave everything to her she know what to do.

precisely! I think i belong to the more relax group of parents but also kiasu/si (like the usual singaporeans lah), i prefer children learn thru play at nursery level. However my PILs prefer school with more hands on materials, like more worksheet, more reading, focus more on academic etc. That's why some private/branded cc can provide enrichment programs at nursery while pcf cannot. Thus, more ex in school fees loh.
Kam, did that too. Brought raeanne 3 times to elfa so far. Twice last year n the most recent one last month with hubby on youth day. She likes the indoor playground and the classroom got different fairy tale themes. She loves the snow white and little red riding hood classrooms. When we asked her if she wants to come to new school, she said yes. I guess I am not sure cos I dun know if she is ready to say goodbye to old school and her friends. As for logistics, no change cos we will still bring her there close to 9am cos that is when cc lessons start. Breakfast is at 830am. But she will come back at 12noon instead of 11am.
Steph, ya lor, not standardized across the board on pre primary education. If not kiasu to pick the right school now, when they go into primary school, some kids know some kids dun know. I rather have my kid belong to 'i know' group lor. :p
there are differences in standards across the hundreds of cc centres, even among the same brands which supposedly have the same curriculum. all boils down to the teacher that is taking care of your child's class.

T's current set of Eng and Chi teachers are fantastic, but i dun haf the same impression abt the next level (Nursery) teachers. Actually i have thought about whether i should transfer T out once she moves on to the next level but T took 1 month to adapt to this place & hubby dun tink its wise to make her go thru the agony of adapting to a new place everytime she changes levels.

mayb cos she has been with you for so long tat's y both of u r comfy with each other, plus the mutual trust is there. For me, this is the first time i'm allowing a 'stranger' in my house. its going to take a while b4 i trust her enuf to leave her alone at home...
According to his teacher, he was okay the whole day, except nap time. Couldn't fall asleep due to new environment, crying for baba. Other than that, he blended in well. I don't know, I hope it's a good move for him and for us, a change of new environment and teachers and friends may be a good thing for him, I hope.

We used our part cleaner for about 1 year before we are comforable to leave her alone in the house.
Morning, mummies!

Great to hear that HR has such good adapting capabilities. It is inevitable that they will cry once or twice. He is very brave! I believe he will adapt in no time.
morning all !

wah HR is so adaptable leh. I wonder how my TT will react when I bring him to cc next time.
hey tongtong,
how's sahm life? How's S coping in PG now?

yea i am in no hurry, just that my MIL kept pestering me to consider change cc for Z cos they felt he's not learning much in the cc.
Last Friday, the cc informed that there are cases of HFMD in the centre. Yesterday my FIL said he couldn't see much students attending the cc, 30% didn't come to cc, 50% attended half day & went back home. Z's cough turn worse & he vomitted several times yesterday & had loose stools last night. I wonder what happened to him...may bring him to c a doc later in the evening.
Hi steph

aiyo going to cc really open our kids to more virus hor. Maybe it's like that intially ba. When the child slowly build up their own immune system and he will be stronger ??

I didnt hear HR falling sick since he has been going to cc ? *touchwood x3*
the cc is fully air-con & when the cc nanny/teacher bath them, they catch cold easily unlike we bath at home, quickly bath, making sure their hair is towel dry & dress them up immediately. It is pretty common to find cc with kids coughing+phlegm & running nose. As long no fever, these kids can still come to school leh. So expose to virus/bugs is really inevitable. Nowadays also alot of kids kenna stomach flu cases. Yup their immunity will sure build up slowly. Sometimes when u thought they have just recovered, they kenna the virus again...is vicious cycle!

I think that cc should not be fully air-con at all. The cc around my area are non-aircon and I prefer that. Just the fan is enough le.

Are you giving Z any vitamins ? like cod liver or vit C ?
I agree with u. Then again, the cc do open the windows & the fan in the morning. They only close all the windows during their nap time.
yup i gave Z the Scott's Emulsion cod liver oil daily. I am looking at giving Sambucol Black Elderberry Extract for children but not sure BP or spree sell cheaper leh?
krystle, chaye,
Thanks! yes, he is pretty adaptable. Finger crossed he will be okay. His ex-teacher told me she realised when the child doesn't cry on the first day, he may cry on the 3rd day, so have to get over this week first before I can really "fang xin" :) think HR has built up reasonably well immunity?

Dunno if anyone have the same experience as me. Javin is always sick either down with throat inflammation, flu, cough and fever. Every 2 weeks fall sick. Now he is very skinny. 2 weeks ago just discharged from hospital then 2 days ago throat inflammed again and down with fever and today starting to have flu.

His CC is from full day to half day already. Still sick.....

I am really at a loss dunno wad to do liao. Really heart pain.... MIL always say is the food i give. I dun give tidbits and always give homecooked food.
You gave Z Scott's cod liver oil.. original or orange flavour? I am starting to think if should give my girl. Do you think if it is really good in building up their immunity?

Maybe J is the type who is more prone to those illness??? I guess just have to get him to drink more water and takes lots of fruits and veggie??? How about asking PD to do a thorough checkup on him? coz he falls sick so often like what you said... Maybe can know the cause?

I tot of getting this Sambucol Black Elderberry Extract from the overseas spree too ! My fren says she's starting vitacost soon so I may tag along her to order if any.

IMO, I would withdraw Javin from cc for the time being. Build up his immunity at home for a period and then send him to cc again ??

did u give HR any vitamins not ?
Javin got skinny because he didn't eat well? If he didn't eat well, meaning may not be getting enough nutrient, and hence easier to fall sick? It's not the food you give, but how much he takes. Agree with krystle, why not you bring him to the PD and ask for suggestion, like if you should start vit etc?

No, HR didn't take any vit at all. Only started him on Scott's emulsion a few days ago.
Re : Scotts Emulsion

I started J on it quite some time ago. He is onto his 2nd bottle now. He takes it pretty well. I give me the original one though i cannot stand the smell myself.
Z & R okay with both flavours. My MIL hse has the original while my hse has the orange flavour
I am not sure how effective the cod liver oil helps in building their immunity but i am sure it does help alittle if taken long period of time since this brand has been pass down to many generation liao & rec'd positive feedback from word of mouth so far right? No harm trying since is price reasonably as a supplement.
You are right! I should start giving my girl Scott Emulsion. Just that I also hated the smell of it alot, so never really thought of giving to my girl until now. Really knocked out some sense of me. I don't like does not mean my girl does not like right?

Will try on the orange flavour to be on the safe side in case she rejects the original.

Haiz, I always have this problem. Imposing or letting my girl try things which I like. Always need my hubby to keep reminding me not to do that. :p
krystle, actually better to try original flavour if Issyen is first timet rying. Because if the kid is coughing, orange flavour not encouraged to take liao. My gal was like that lor. I can't stand fish oil smell so ask hubby to buy orange flavour. Now phelgmy and coughing, cannot take scotts emulsion. Want to switch to original, she may not want liao. :p
HR takes orange one to start with. He was coughing a little but the scott's didn't make him worse. No phlegm and he recovered liao. I really don't understand why orange would cause phlegm? I will remember to ask his PD next time, cos his PD advise against citrus if coughing.
re: vits
i give my girl the chewable kawai kanyu gum drops with vitamin A, C and D. according to the tin it's supposed to be cod liver oil without the smell.
find that it really helps to build up my girl's immunity. at one pt she was getting colds and running nose every 2 wks, since starting the vitamins she hasn't fallen sick in 3 mths (*touchwood*)
i guess unless yr kiddo really eats lots and lots of fruits it's quite hard to get enough vit c from food.

my mum also make a lot of 'bu tang' for her like crocodile meat with cordyceps soup which is good for the lungs.
I am really worried that my girl will reject the original ones, even though she is not a fussy eater to start with... Just scared if she rejected and later when I give her the orange flavour, she may not want to. So I just stick with orange for now and maybe later switch to original once she is used to it.
oh ya

I have those ABC mat to give away leh.. Anyone interested to get from at AMK ? But the plastic that holds mat is spoilt.

let me know if you need a pix of it. I'll take it tonite
Not true. An orange a day is actually sufficient to take care of your daily vit C needs. No? That's what a doctor told me. In general, 2 portions of fruits and 5 portions of veg is enough for an adult. And I also think that since our tods are still drinking FM daily, they should get enough vits and minerals?
haha, my mum very teng my girl one. she 'she bu de' to drink cordyceps herself but she will boil for my girl every wk.

well oranges hv the most vit c so i guess it's possible. but my girl hardly eats any fruits!!
as for FM, i think by now most of our tods hv reduced their milk intake, my girl is only drinking 2 bottles of FM a day. each serving of FM only has 24mg of vit c so she's only getting abt 50mg a day.
Krystle, okie I understand. We are also going to buy an original for her to try. Hubby does not mind the taste so he said if she does not like. He will drink. haha. :p

grumpus, my mum used to make cordyceps for RaeAnne quite often but she still gets sick leh. In fact, she has been sick almost every month since beginning of the year. I attribute it to the fact that her pg class now has over 18 kids. So, bugs spread around quite fast. :p
well my girl hasn't started pg yet and she already kept falling sick :p
cannot imagine what will happen when she does start school next yr.
Grumpus, ya lor, really sian hor. At one hand, you know that being sick is part and parcel of growing up. But it's so tiring to see them sick and whiney. :p
steph, sahm life is very busy but fulfilling! S is coping very well at the PG and he has been very good boy. yea you better bring z to see doc ya.

jacelyn, poor javin, he seems to be very weak, what did you give him? who cooks his food? what does he eat? where do you stay?(because environment affects health too)
agree with chaye, can you withdraw javin from cc first?

grumpus, just be prepared to see the kids fall sick when they start school. but you can try to boost her immune now so that she can recover fast.
tongtong, she finished her cough syrup yesterday. MIL said she's not coughing so not doing anything for now. But she is super cranky. Last night, she keep coming into our room 5-6 times cos she can't sleep and wants us to sleep with her. I'm so fed up that I threatened to lock her room door or lock her in the balcony. Bad mummy!
pauline, was it because the weather was too warm?? dont threaten her la.. why coudlnt she sleep with u? because of #2 ah?
Tongtong, she absolutely refuse to let me switch on the fan since last week. Dun know why. Tried to switch on air con instead but she refuse to let me close door. Hot so she keeps scratching here and there. Then refuse to let me apply cream for her. Everything dun want, keep whining n crying. Sleep a bit wake up n whine. Throughout the night until 3+, 4am leh, how not to be pek chek. :p

I have not been co sleeping with her since sept 09. Dun wanna revert to old ways leh.
Re: Cordyceps
I also thought boil cordycep soup can help strengthen their lungs but the doctor at Yu Guo told me toddlers cannot anyhow take cordyceps, etc. Too "bu" for them. The best way is through food - proper diet including lots and lots of green vegetables. Fruits are okay but certain fruits (banana and a few others which I can't remember) will cause phlegm so try to avoid when they are sick.


Raeanne does not have eczema right? It might be psychological & partly due to warm weather. Last week, it was much cooler.

My T has eczema, and her scratching when it comes to sleeping time is unstoppable. Yet, I dare not blow the fan directly at her ie I will always let the fan oscillate so that she does not catch a cold during the night. & she scratches all the way until she falls asleep.

In school during the occasional trip to the playground at the park, her teachers tell me she will be sitting in a corner in the shade & refuse to play cos she will be scratching & feeling so warm.

I wish, wish, wish, I can do something to make her eczema better & lessen her suffering.
