(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Sounds good hor. Where to buy them?

Think I want to start this on HR also.

Also thinking of giving him the Scott's Emulsion also. Probably will get one later during lunch time to try out.

Pauline, alamak!! i also forgot to watch yesterday's show!!!

Kam, HR will get well soon, dont worry. the whole course (light flu) will run for 7 days.

Chaye, ok to give an egg a day. but if cough dont give, will cause more phlegm
Chaye, I love quail eggs n cooked for raeanne but she refused to eat it. Maybe I should try again. :p

Steph, yup true I guess, maybe the boy was younger cos only 20 months. My friend's gal was already 2 year plus so adapted better?

quail eggs is available at supermarts too next to those normal chicken eggs.

my kids never like scott emulsion. they will puke if I feed them. me too ! I puke too ! the taste and smell is just too yucky for me. But doc told me the orange flavour is no good.

I think I wanna order this :-
Hi prata queen,

Oic....i think their px could hv increased along the way. Not too sure but I thought it is still quite reasonable as compared to other cc. Vivian is the one with all the cert...she is very experienced but look very young though. Oh I dont work in the bank, I am in the FMCG industry.

Hi Pauline,
Dragon sounds like a good year but then it will be tough to fight for places in sch.

Hi Kam & Steph,

Oh yes, I think it is impt the company is supportive of us leaving on the dock. I used to work in a co where I can leave on the dock but when I move on, things change. Boss wasnt supportive n thinks tt by not working late, I m not committed. So far in my new co, it is quite okay cos we are very much measured by KPI n not the time spent in the office.
Hey ladies,

I realise that borders has this 30% off coupons if you buy 3 books or more. Then it will be cheaper than the ACMAmall webby. I think borders has eric's books too but not as comprehensive though.

yep, vivian looks young n has quite good complexion. She's the director tho, not the principal.

re quail eggs
do remember to use a spoon to cut it up into small pcs. altho small, its too big to be swallowed whole.

is it true tat quail eggs is more nutritious? i chose to give quail eggs more becos its small & T can finish it herself. No wastage.
Elmo, i think so too. Dragon year is more competitive but school no problem cos no. 1 already pave the way at least for primary school. For sec school n beyond then got to compete on grades Liao.
Oh, why the orange one no good? Maybe it's sweeter? Only 1 tablespoon a day only, should be okay. Anyway, I have just bought a small bottle for HR to try out. See how he takes it tonight.

Good for you then! Quickly finish all the work and go home earlier :)
FMCG has very good bonus! hehehe

Borders will be having their warehouse sale in august at expo,can try there also but normally EC books ran out super fast.
I think it's true ba. You can read the link I attached earlier to find out more.

Doc say better dun give orange one if he/she is having cough it will cause phelgm. If HR is not so prone to cough I think you can give ba. But for me I wont give cos my kiddos very prone to cough and #1 got bad history. So I dare not try.
laminating machine
today i xin xue lai chao. i went out during lunch to hunt for a laminating machine & managed to find one that sells at a reasonable price ($52) for A4 size
Will do some home teaching materials for T this weekend!
I gave HR the orange flavour Scott's emulsion, he took it very well, and agreed that he will drink 1 spoon every night :)

HR kinda recovered from his flu already, without any med. But meimei got it from him. Started runny nose yesterday, but today seems okay liao, probably take another 1-2 days bah. This time round the virus is not that strong compared to the last one.
You may want to stop giving cod liver oil when HR is sick. I thought it's supposed to help build up their immune system so I give even when B is sick but doctor at Yu Guo told me that it will "bu" the virus as well and cause more phelgm especially when they're coughing.
Thanks for the reminder.

So poor thing. Shoes can take out for the time being, but the jean how? Have a hair dryer or something to dry it?
Morning, mummies!

Been a while since I say hi here.

Issyen is also having running nose from y'day, all thanks to hubby who spread the virus to her. Now worry if Issey will get it too... I am also having some slight signs of flu... Sian.

Super heavy rain again... Luckily today is a home office day.

Better go and dry yourself. Cope yourself in toilet for 1 hr to dry loh. Can take a short break mah.
Huh? No dryer ah? Hahaha... OK, then good excuse to go back home and change. But then again, if rain the whole day, go back home and change, most prob will be wet again???
Prata_queen .... busy with work loh even my blog is super back dated .... no leh i no oragnise liao busy .... how are u? so are u happy with popo?
Huh, your backdated blog, it always amazed me how can you still remember what's happened 2 months ago??? You have super memory!
lol, i thot u organising the sprees that's y nebber post here. then your stock how? can finish selling?

she's ok i guess, just tat when i changed to 2 wks once i tink she not very happy.
prata_queen ... hmm my stocks i pass to my frd ask her help me sell

hmmmm she is ok de lah no worries that she is not happy
maybe i sensitive but her tone realli like not happy lei. anyway, i explained to her that my humble 4-room flat doesn't need so frequent cleaning.
prata_queen she is ok de
no worries .... but u steady mine only 3 room but i always clean ... every week once + some wkdays i will clean n mop everytime
wah QQ, u so hardwoking...mop everytime? I forgot when i last pick up my mop, maybe 6yrs ago!:p
my domestic helper only come my hse for clean up fortnightly. No wonder my hse more prone to dust!
steph, in the daytime if no one at home, close the windows la, then minimise amt of dust. for me, only kitchen window is open to air-dry my clothes.

QQ, my tolerance level for dirt is higher haha.
anyway i tink $30 a wk is quite exp. if can stretch to 2 wks why not.

i used to close the windows, even the small upper panel windows. And guess what? 4yrs ago, my living room floor tiles popped up & i appeared on the TV, being interviewed by reporter! HDB contractor advise us to open the upper panel windows for better air circulation to prevent temp rise in the room which could result tiles to explode, crack or pop up etc. The theory of contraction & expansion due to sudden temp change, of the enviroment. So now, we dun dare to shut all windows.

$30 a wk for how many hrs? Mine is $40 for 3hrs fortnightly, ex anot? So monthly, i pay $80 for domestic help.
steph, does the afternoon sun come into your house? my house also has the upper panel (very narrow). we leave it open , but close the lower windows.

$30 is for 3 hrs. so my mthly expenditure for domestic help is $60.

i also have a local aunty who stays a few blocks away to come once or twice a wk to help me take down the dry clothes & hang the wet ones up. she also does misc stuff like handwash T's cc uniform (cos i have 2 sets, so must wash daily else can't dry in time). she comes for 1 hr each time @$10.
nope mine no afternoon sun, only morning sun.

$30 for 3hrs is cheap. I have been using this local aunty as domestic helper for 4yrs+ but she dun change bedsheet, dun cover take down dry clothes or hang wet ones up the pole, only ironing. All these chores i do it myself, after the kids sleep.
Mine is $10/hr, 4 hrs per week, so it's $160/month. We also close all windows, except the upeer panels, during the day, but the floor still felt dirty leh, somehow.

Wah, so bad ah, until the tiles popped up! But got the chance to appear on tv, not bad. HDB mended it for you FOC or not?

Oh, that auntie only do your clothings, $10/hr is very easy money leh.

In case you didn't see this link posted on my FB -


Motivation for you to start planning for #2 :)
Kam, actually the local aunty is quite slow cos she is elderly. the reason why i get her is cos she doesn't mind coming only for 1 hour (and that is becos she stays nearby within walking distance).

having said that, my clothes and T's clothes accumulate until full load then wash so there is quite a lot for her to take down & hang. She also handwash T's school uniform. sometimes she ends early (nothing to do already) but at times she will willingly stay back a while to finish up.

steph, yours charge abt $13/hr. that's quite exp. mkt rate is between $10 to $12. or $50 for 4 hrs which is $12.50. But u used her for so many yrs liao, got good relationship & built trust already? so she can also help you out with the children if need be. like maybe you feed #2 while she feeds #1?
opposite my hse is a big open field, no blockage so perhaps more windy = more dust or sand particles from the air perhaps, hmm..not sure why either.

ya loh so scary experience. I couldn't even push open my door entrance, it was stuck by the pop up tiles! I was feeling so upsad about it as my hse were just newly renovated not too long ago & this happened when we merely shifted in abt 1 yr+ only. Also felt angry about HDB terrible workmanship on the floor tiles. My face looked so pale like ghost on TV as i couldn't sleep well the night before the interview, thinking abt the popped tiles & piss aka black-face when they interviewed me. My friend even said i looked so fierce!haha.. I still kept the video of the interview which appeared on channel newsasia! Yup HDB compensated & redo all living room tiles FOC.

yup we maintained pretty gd relationship & trust. Sometimes when my mop head spoilt or toilet brush spoilt & need to replace, she will buy for me & dun wanna accept my $ cos she said is cheap lah. We can leave her the hse keys & she jagar the hse while we (me & hb) bring the kids out for breakfast/lunch. So far, we didn't ask her to help feed our boys cos usually me & hubby prefer DIY
But don't think she will mind changing bedsheet for me if i request. But her 3hrs quite limited as she need to clean (vacuum + mop) the whole hse, kitchen cabinet, toilets & ironing 2wks of work clothes for us, not enuff time to do extra chores liao.
True lah, only 1 hour per slot, no other people would take the job hor. But the $10 might mean a lot to her. You have a kind heart :)

For me, I do laundry every other day. Everything throw into the washing machine, nothing spared. XY's clothes got hand washed by her nanny during weekdays.
kam, nope, not tat i have a kind heart. its pure economics to me
i can't cope with the clothes so she comes & help & i reimburse her the current mkt rate. remember, i'm already so tied up with the cooking of T's meal + washing up?

and tat's the advantage of nanny over cc. T's uniform is so dirty cos she plays at the playground daily after 5pm so must soak & handwash which i realli dun like to do. so => outsource hehe.

hmm, for the 3hour helper, i only ask her to do sweep, mop whole house, wash 2 toilets, a little clothes sometimes, and clean my gal's parklon mat. maybe should give her more tasks, cannot finish nebber mind, but at least give her sense of urgency. lol, i sound like a slave driver.

ask u all a question, if you want her to do say 5 tasks, but she only manages to finish 4 tasks & the time is up. what happens?

In this case, i will let her know my priority of the tasks i need her to "must complete" on that day. Usually if she can't complete ironing of all clothes & the time is up, she can leave it till the next cleanup session, i am quite flexible.
I like my part time helper because she is fast, very fast, though not in perfection, but at least everything is in acccpetable level of cleaniness. I don't have to tell her what to do.

But the tasks that she sure do every week - vacuum and mop the whole house, wash 2 toilets, clean kitchen top and stove (mine is not too dirty cos only cook on weekends), clean (use wet cloth) all furniture, change bedsheets for 2 rooms alternate week, and ironing.

Things that she does when she is done with the must-do chores, will be, clean ceiling fans, clean the bedroom window and grill, wipe clean the big glass door (corridor), clean the main door gate, dust the ceiling, wipe clean the fridge, hang the bedsheets. And she still has time to entertain my 2 kids for a little while. And she usually can finish all this 15min before times up, and have her dinner in between. Amazing ya :)
i was so bz with work these few days, my desktop monitor + laptop (i have 2 panels at work) also dont have the space in squeeze in a browser window to surf net leh :p
Morning all!

Sent my boy to his new school this morning. Didn't stay on to accompany him, as we decided not to take leave today. He happily went in to the school without any whining, so I take that as a good sign. His school will be clsoed on the 10th, so will take leave on that day instead, I don't have enough leave liao.
