(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

last time i really very fat. was in tuff club leh....seriously overweight one

i found a rave item for single eyelid!
you know those eyelid tape? its so thick, and you can see the tape. i found the thinnest tape, like dental floss thin kind, you stick onto your eyelid crease, then with the prong/tong attached, just prop up your eyelid...viola! got double eyelid liao coz that strip acts as eyelid glue!! lasts whole day

the tong is like this:

ignore the eye tape, its too thick for our eyes liao
wah chaye, thanks for helping me to look around so many places, thanks ah thanks

you really go scroll through 1 by 1 ah wahahahaah i felt so honoured LOL
my boy looks more like my hb than me lor. if you see my hb then you would say "you boy looks like your hb..."

bm: i remembered kitsune said 6mths still have remnants leh. i oso kena...after i stopped 4mths or so liao
for 2 rows of 10s...

and its super sticky. i just bot to try, and it works everytime! once they grip onto your eyelid crease liao then wont come off due to oil/sweat one leh.
pixel, your boy does look like you ma...but mayb like you say more like your hubby =P

desperate to see how you look like.
now at least i know who i am talking to.
ok, thanks leh, but must use the tong to prop up the lid? which means i must buy 1 of those thick tapes liao..
the pkt consist of the floss-thin tape and the tong. no need buy the thick tapes coz once this tape glues up the crease, you got a semi-perm crease on your eye liao means you got double eyelid.
errrrrrr get me?

desperate for watz, go to fb can see you and me liao mah
i added you to my fb, your highness pray allow me to pass through the shining gates :p
Chaye, there are too many food in KL liao,so dunno which one to recommend, but you shouldn’t miss penang char kuey teow, klang bak kut the, ampang yong tau hoo, ipoh chicken hor fun, I think kam should know better than me what to recommend?
ya i think so, coz i thought the thin tape dun have the tong included inside and i have to get the tong separately :p
if i'm not wrong, this yuki started BP on muar otah first, later then bernice started. from the beginning i ordered from yuki, found the otah very good, service good so continue to buy from her lor...i very loyal customer one...hehehe
honestly i never tried bernice one so i really dunno which is better. maybe is the same??

u try then tell us lah :p
hehe...how i spent my PM leave?

total damage:
1. got a new bag like the Bogetta Signature Woven Stitched Leather:p
2. got another new pair of flat shoes

3. 2 boxes of *ahem*...condoms...got special sales from watson!

That's all, end of my shopping trip!

Nice food ah...to me quite alot leh...u looking for any particular cuisine?restaurant/hawker?

my coll ordered &amp; tried Yuki's otah several times...she say nice &amp; yuki very gd customer service. The reason why i didn't order from yuki cos she only deliver to certain places with min order (20pkts foc delivery) while Benice can deliver right to my estate for 10pkts so i try her loh...is good, the fish meat &amp; prawn alot le.

u in newton...want to join me meh? i shop at JP, very far for u wor! If u alright, i jio u next x
bottega veneta you google lah. their weave bag is handmade, taka got outlet

steph, you bought a real bottega veneta or a lookalike? pic of loot leh? from whereeeeeeee??
ya i did a google liao, and saw how the bag is like, but still never see before leh n is curious how much it cost :p

u come town lar, here got more shopping centres hehe no wonder u reach home so early
the classic design from Bottega Veneta simple yet timeless look with buttery soft woven stitched leather Maxi Hobo cost abt $2-3K...my bag is look alike only la...else i POK le.
Tmrl i post pic &amp; u all guess the price!keke
luca, suddenly your shopping gian comes issit!!

i have just made appointment for another massage session hhee.. so will be going for 2 sessions!
jess, next week i'm going with the feb mums at tanjong pagar, then in november before shaun comes back i'm goign for to atos wellness at cityhall.
Hehe, pixie, sorry, I was in shock mah. Thank you thank you for your compliment.

I tried Bernice's otah before, she's actually a Feb08 mummy but changed her nick. The fish and prawn not bad, the crab? or was it sotong? very little 'liao' so my hubby don't like. Haven't try Yuki's otah. Looks good. But 20 packs can keep for how long? My mum and MIL's freezer compartment always filled to the brim one. :p

Went for facial at Century square just now, so tired that I fell asleep during the steaming and extraction. My gal keeps waking up at night crying and shouting for Mummy or Daddy after she moves to her own room. Sigh....
yest i dental i oso dozed off, let alone facial hohoho

tongtong, jess
my work oso very dry. all the technical stuff.
tongtong whats your job scope like
jess whats your job scope like?

would love to take leave but i oredi took a lot of leave liao lehhhhhh
a lot of credit card got promo too
ultimate wellness i still got 2 or 3 x left but no chance to go, who wants to use (buy 1 slot from me) oso can
Pauline, oh I don’t know feb mum sells otah leh! Which feb mum ah? Now that shaun is not with me, I kept waking up at night dunno why. Think I have developed sleeping disorder liao..
sorri :p

i heard from my carpool driver he oso doing compliance work he say very sianz oso

sounds like my job last time, i cust scv oso liaise shipment, do quotation, arrange trucking blah blah everyday race thru shipments until wanna puke
pixie, you good leh, I so nervous whenever I go see dentist. Sure won't sleep one. :p

Tongtong, it's kelly, the SAHM with 3 kids? You remember her?

luca, technically they sleep in the same room. But my gal sleeps in 1 corner on her toddler bed whereas the maid sleeps in the other corner on her tilam. Hubby and I are still the ones putting my gal to bed cos my gal doesn't want the maid at night. Sometimes, my hubby falls asleep on the ikea sofa (bed) besides my gal. I always tell him he must wake up and go out when I leave the room (after my gal fell asleep). Otherwise, next time, if the maid tries to be funny and accuse him of rape, he cham liao. :p
i love dental visits. maybe thats coz why i put on braces, just so that i can visit the dentist more. i lurveeeeeeeeee the scaling, polishing...heehee. and my orthodontist is so gentle until i always fall alseep
Yesterday finally tested the 1st night where my girl and my baby boy both slept in my MBR. Was very worried that my boy's 3 hr feed and cries will disturb my girl. But last night was ok, boy boy did not cry that much. He can be very cranky and scream out of his lungs... Hope tonight will be ok too...

I was wondering if your girl is still too young to sleep in another room (although the maid shares the same room)? I think toddlers are still insecure and want the comfort from their parents. I only plan to let my kids sleep in their room after 3 yr olds, unless my boy is really disturbing my girl then no choice loh.

its ok, then next year lor :p
i hate those sound made by scaling, makes me eeks!! so ur teeth structure are actually not dat bad lor? mine was horrible, and i suffered 2 yrs + just by wearing braces, but its worth it!

u r funny, and got "wild" imaginations haha
