(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Chaye, whenever I go back to KL, I sure go Midvalley hehe. It’s a good shopping place, not possible to shop the whole place in a day cuz too many shops and makan place liao. They got Carrefour, jusco, isetan, robinson, all under 1 roof wor. Shop till drop. Hehe

ohhh, i go forever21.com lor coz its ez to shop for clothes there since i can try at shops in SG then order online. i have my own private spree ongoing for this if you keen can pm me. their sizes a bit big for me. im stuck in between S or M. you seen me b4 so you can gauge bah

else other online shops are all tw kind like maz, orange, pg mall etc those you can join the BP or sprees
OK noted ! Midvalley must go ya... where to stay ah ? eh my KL trip was like 10yrs ago liao... so cannot rem a single thing leh

give me the model of the YSL bag before I disappear to RP hor
HAHAHAHHAHAHA it's beauty counter har hhahahahaha Y I keep thinking is bag har ? Ok pls tell me what BEAUTY product u looking for :p:p:p
Chaye, there are I think 2 hotels linked to midvalley. Hotel Boulevard ( I heard it’s good), and cititel ( more economical). Last trip to midvalley I had lunch at the Paddington house of pancakes, that’s really yummy. I also had aunty annes ( because it’s cheaper in msia hehe), and lots of other food. Shopping wise I like jusco, because got sales that time. Oh yea they have a Metro there also.
aiyah i wrote before liao you cant see mah haha

yah! i always eat aunty annie's when im in KL. one a day at least heehee
LOL at chaye & pixie,

chix & duck talk?? i scratch head cos pixie said, YSL matt touch oil free primer...got bag is oil free?..keke

me on PM leave
hahaha steph u another one make fun of me ah... auntie lao le.. will miss out some words la.. so pixie is rite la.. must write bigger for me to c :p

KLCC also good to shop rite ?
wah steph! shiokz!
me on whole day leave tmr

got slight diarrhoea, feel like going back home early...........

i feel KLCC a lot of branded stuff kind leh, no point going. i prefer midvalley

i also blur blur abt such beauty stuff le.

izit this one u referring to? this act like a foundation le. for chaye to see...

so, what u plan to do tmrl? bring X out alone?
but chaye maybe run out of office liao she going to RPlace mah
i comparing prices nia coz maybe got dfs staff lobangzzzz

tmr bring x for a swim coz hb and i took leave 2gether

btw, yest tried on a dress i never wore. wanted to wear that for a sunday wedding dinner. geesh i looked so fat. usually my hb who has KIND words for my body oso said this time, i looked fat
die liao lor
Ok called up Fivestars Travel

$233 each weekday package to 1 nite at Genting Resorts and 2 nites at Berjaya Time Square. Weekend will be $293.

Any comments har ?
actually till now i still cant put a face to many names here

if on street i see you, think i can only recognise kam, steph and pauline and wendgy...thru photos seen

pixel...how you look like huh...haha
me first time hear the word "primer" le! i am not familiar with YSL products. my face no smooth la...i very lazy de, u wont believe but come my hse & u barely find any skincare (no toner, moisturizer, only basic J&J cleanser that's all) products in my shower rm cabinet/dressing table (i dun even own any dressing table) very nuah hor...i dun go for regular facial (no sign package) oso...but my colls & frds all tell me must take care our skin esp after 25s so me too late to start maintenance liow...
get out of novena mrt, cross the big cross junction twice, and walk down to hotel royal.

actually u will know how to walk to the hotel when u get out of novena mrt or novena square, as the hotel is just a short distance away from the big cross junction.
aiyo steph
tis means that you hv good skin leh. I have a colleague. use only Eversoft cleanser and that's it ! NO toner NO moisturiser. and she's always on 2-way cake ! No pimples, No pores de.
enemum, ya i agree. I hate it. Everytime got this type of audit, the whole place goes into a frenzy, must work ot, cannot take leave etc.

Steph, i also dun know what is primer. And i got 2 gals somemore, next time dun know how to teach them to make up, wait become plain jane like mummy. :p
aiyoh you srcoll thru archive, i got post me and my boy before wat. dont need to see how i look like lar. my face not as smooth as steph's, my body not as thin as janbb's, my voice not as gentle as kitsune's etc etc etc hohoho

no particular reason, just slowly clear leave 1 by 1 more, nearing end of the year liao mah

primer is like a base, you apply onto your face, it evens out skin tone, brightens up your skin, hides imperfections, so that you literally "prime" your face for the next step: foundation...
got use and no use big diff leh. i oso never use last time but once i started i cant stop coz it really acts as a canvas for application of foundation, blush, blah blah
coz why? my face a lot of imperfections heehee

like eg your cheeks hor, got the rosiness. issit sensitive? or just natural rosy? if you dont like it that its too reddish, then primer can even out a bit for you lorrrrr
Pixie, how to edit the word in different fonts and color here? Yalor. The aunty anne so nice hor always my favourite hehe. midvalley sells beard papa cream puff also, but I din check wether it’s the same price or not.

You on leave again tomorrow! Me tomorrow half day, going back to KL! Yeah!

Chaye, since you are always at bugis junction ( I assume?? Hehe), how much is the beard papa cream puff?

Chaye, another shopping mall you can go is one utama – got one wing all sell branded stuff, another old wing sell more economical brands. KLCC ah, ok la got branded stuff also. But I seldom go there leh but it’s convenient la, linked to LRT. But you can go to take photos la, got the twin tower ma, and can go to the bridge (must queue to get the visit pass one hor, limited issues everyday), and can go to the underworld aquarium I think. Wah looks like your short honeymoon trip with your hubby hor!!

Enemum, pixie ever posted her photo with her boy here leh, so big, from that photo I can remember how she looks like liao.
the b.papa is 2.15 or something right? i can finish in max 2 glups so smallllllllllllllllllll

OMGosh now you remember how i look like ah...will this make you have nightmares at night? hohoho

"\" then then "red" or "2" (for big fonts) or "blink" then "{" then followed by your wordings then close the brackets by adding "}" behind lah
go to the help section -> formatting
grumpus, wah 20 boxes of otah!! it's really from muar ah? yea i agree muar otah is nice, every chinese new year when i am back to johor, we will make a trip to muar to buy otah and satay. btw the otah is for my relatives and not for me because i dont eat keke

pixie, the beard papa quite big wor, where got small?? after convert i think it's selling at $1.6 , still cheaper than SG.

hey you very funny leh why make me have nightmares haha!! you were smiling so sweet in the photo!!

<font size="+2">testing</font>
eh luca
if i wanna get out of novena mrt to the big junction which im quite familiar with, which direction should i exit? to novena sq there? or the other side??
One utama was our hang out place when i was in uni. but that day went back after i left KL for 10 years, wah, totaaly changed woh, it's soooooooooo huge that they called it a city now! KL is changing everyday, way too fast. Midvalley I have been a couple of times only for a short time, not very famaliar, but it's another huge shopping mall.

My brother works at KLCC. So he can get tickets for us to go up to the bridge. No need to queue :)

type (omit the fullstops please)

forward-slash.red.curly bracket.forward-slash.2.curly bracket.forward-slash..blink.curly bracket.yourtext.close curly bracket.close curly bracket.close curly bracket
actually 20 boxes not a lot lah. i give my in laws 6-7 boxes, give my own parents 6-7 boxes and keep for myself 6-7 boxes...easily 20 already.
usually within 3 months finish liao :p
ya, supposedly is really from muar, my msia staff say tastes the same as the ones she gets from muar....
aiya, u always go back msia no need to buy from BP. buy in muar very cheap right? like 1.50 ringget only..
beard papa to me is very small
im a big eater lah *fat*fat
you know when i was young, my mom call me fatfat one leh. not as a occasional jibe or what but my name at home was "fatfat". so if she needs me she will call me "fatfat"!
so my perm nick was fatfat until secondary school
grumpus, this otah nice ah
your recommendation from yuki and steph recommend from bernice one

so which is nice...all from muar
Kam, yea one utama changed a lot already especially after they expanded. Hehe, my dad loves midvalley because we love to shop for groceries at jusco. He is so familiar with the parking also wor, like where to park. Wah you can get the tickets easily. I remembered I went to queue at 10am leh.

Wah pixie, thanks so much for the detailed explanation!!

Grumpus, oh I tot you consume the 20 boxes alone keke. I don’t need to buy here la since I don’t eat also. Yea it’s cheap in muar.

Re: Breastmilk
I got a question. I have stopped bf for a few months already. How much I still got little milk when I squeeze ah>>>??
pixel...you very funny...teh way you describe yourself

when you post your photo...think i miss the post la

you post again la...

archive must one by one leh
pixie dear... my 1st stop during lunch was BHG Bugis. No YSL counter. Asked the staff, they say no hv. So I went ahead to Raffles place buy my ma ti su and had my lunch at China Sq. Next took a train to City Hall to chk out the YSL counter there. Also cannot find. Asked the Laniege costmetic staff and was told that YSL has withdraw most of their cosmetic counters le. Dont know why.

Then I asked how about Tangs, she seriously doubt it wor. They even withdrawn from Taka I was told.


beard papa is $2.20 each.

wah so many shopping centres to go at KL ah. 3D2N where got enuf de ? Any famous food that I should not miss in KL ?
