(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

I think what you said is quite true. Since HR has been going to CC for so long, it is not so necessary for him to attend weekend classes. Also to give him a break from classroom environment. But for my girl, I think weekend classes will be needed coz taken care by grandparents where they are unable to help much in educating her. Also to train her so that she will be more comfortable when she attends playgroup the year after next.


I agree that HR doesn't need to go for any lessons since he's already attending CC. Better for him to experience the outdoors!

For Celeste, I also take what you had pointed out into consideration. She'll need to warm up to the place and if it's a weekly thing, I think she'll need several weeks to warm up! And if she's not warmed up, very difficult to get her to do things coz all she'll want me to do is to carry her.

Krystle, I'm also intending to send Celeste to playgroup next year but don't know where to send!

I love outdoors & i dun mind the sun & nature BUT hubby dun really enjoy such activities
I've asked him so many time to bring Z to marina-barrage, he also procrastinate. Well...maybe will try asking him again...tks anyway
Thanks Steph,

I've seen your email! The place looks big enough (unlike the pathetic one I went to) and the activities look fun!

Will call to confirm attendance tomorrow.

My hubby also don't seem to know how to appreciate sitting in the sun and enjoying nature kind of activities!
He seems to be the "let's go somewhere with an activity in mind" and when it's done, LET'S GO HOME type.

So fast sending Celeste to playgroup next year? I thought is next year register for 2011 playgroup classes? I have no idea where to send her too. But most probably just the normal PAP type of playgroup which is a few blocks away from my home. Easier for my MIL to fetch her.
Go to marina barrage in the late evening. Super hot if u go in the morning.

I'm also on a lookout for my boy's playgroup.
We don't go to Jacobs Ballas Garden, only been there once, don't really like it. But may try again when HR grows older, like 3 yo.

We usually go to the main core of the botanical garden. Just find a place with big field, and we sit down to rest, and HR goes and runs around, and sometimes he miggles with other kids also. If my hubby is in the playing mood, he will play balls and run around with HR.

HR is still not able to tell (by talking) that he was not happy at the class lah. I observed from his behaviour and his face. Very grumpy and didn't really want to mix with others. You remember how cheerful he was when we met at the botanical garden? he's like a total different kid during the class :-(
meeting can surf net one ah?

later i got site installation through fone....starts at 4pm dunno ends what time. itching to rush home to see my boy coz yest didnt see him, and tmr wont be seeing him...shucks...sianz life ah
tmr, i am attending a history lecture. learn something different ba
mandy, hehe, I didn't get my books yet cos collecting from another Feb mummy who helped to collect from Tongtong. ;P But 3 feb mummies besides myself bought the whole series.
<font color="ff0000">Announcement:</font>

Jacelyn smsed me that she has delivered baby Jasmyn yesterday night 9pm. She will update us when she discharge from Mount E.

<font color="ff6000">*Congrats*</font>
steph, any nice shoes to let me see? bored tuesday. boss not ard today yay!

nevermind lah, you still have some time to enjoyyyyy
BIG Congrats to jacelyn ! kitsune, u are the next in line? hw time flies, i tot u juz annouce ur pregancy couple mth bac....
Pixie, ya, think I better arrange for 1 more facial/hair loss treatment, if not, will be very difficult for me to get out of the house with a baby and a every 2-3hrs BF schedule. :p
Aqua, I also think so lor. I'm 33 weeks today. 4 more weeks to full term (37 weeks) Unless there is someone else more advanced than me? ;P
no nice shoes leh...my new dress u want to see? i ordered from BP...hee:p

next in line is shannonbaby? yes/no? she due in Nov??
my new dress

paisey pix abit blur cos i set to self-timer 2sec! my action too slow cos need to carry my #2 while i toggle the camera:p shld have set to 10sec *duh*

i think i saw u &amp; Chaye also buy from spree...china/taiwan webby...but i nvr order before. This is the 3rd dress i ordered from same supplier from BP. The 1st short dress (u saw in FB) i wore it to the recent trial.
Mandy, shaun went to Jacob ballas garden before, he enjoyed it a lot! There’s a wet park, sand area, hanging bridge ( he enjoyed walking by himself and not scared wor!!) , musical area, and etc. I think it’s fun going there leh.

Mandy, I think the rainbow series book quite nice. You can buy individual book and see whether your bb likes it or not. Can place order from me by this weekend, I placing order liao.

Kam, let’s gather again at the park when Shaun is back in November!

Jaslyn, Congrats!!!!!!!!

Pixie, I got question with your pelangi order, you posted 2 right, the orders combined one or I ignored the first post? The second post is your sis one issit? I placing order this weekend liao, can transfer me the $? Thanks.
Re: buy dress online

How do you all determine the size and whether it’s fitting? My sister also bot quite a few from Taiwan online. There’s one not so fitting so she passed it to me, fits me wor! hehe
CONGRATES, Jacelyn!!!!!!!

Haven't updated this for a long already, and don't think is complete info....

Job well done!!!
1. Yunbb_____________#3 BOY 12Dec08
2. Steph77___________#2 BOY 08Feb09
3. Joyce_____________#2 BOY 11Feb09
4. Superbee__________#2 GIRL 21Jun09
5. Janbb_____________#2 GIRL 01July09
6. Angelsky__________#2 GIRL ??August09
7. Kam______________#2 GIRL 21August09
8. Krystle ___________#2 BOY ??Seo09
9. Mylvera___________#3 GIRL 01Oct09
10. Jacelyn___________#2 GIRL 20Oct09

Waiting to pop……
1. Shannonbaby______#2 BOY EDD 04Nov09
2. Pinkstars__________#2 BOY? EDD endNov09
3. Mystery mummy (pixie knows who)_#2 TBC EDD Nov09
4. Kitsune__________#2 GIRL EDD 8Dec09
5. Precious_moments #2 TBC EDD 09Dec09
7. Yvonne(gerger66)__#2 TBC EDD Dec09
8. Lynn_____________#2 TBC EDD 09Jan10
9. Blessedbaby______#2 TBC EDD 25Jan10
10. Icy______________#2 TBC EDD March10

u small build (XS/S) sure china/taiwan online website like orangebear etc suits u cos usually the size (bust &amp; waist) is stated. For the dresses i ordered thru BP, is stated free size suitable for S-L size, some dresses even can stretch up to XL/XXL size depending on material.
For me, buying clothes (especially pants/shorts cos i got heavy thighs) online is rather risky unless the clothes is really really cheap.
No lah, I can't remember all these lor. I keep a file of it, cos last time I WAS responsible to do the update mah :) But after I gave birth, I become lazy and never update lor.

YES YES YES, let's do another meet up at the park!
aye today i oso wore new dress, its all black so take pic oso cant see it well. later try to take pic and post ok

the 2nd post is add on one...so im ordering combined. my sis never get back to me regarding what she wants so ignore her lor haha
Hi mummies!

Congrats to Jacelyn!

I am still around. My baby is engaged and i am 2cm dilated since last Friday. I am now sitting at home waiting for signs to go hospital..
Wa, shannonbaby, so you are next in line. How big is your baby now? Jiayou and have a smooth delivery!

Hoho, got quite a few mummies in front of me. I can relax liao.
Wow, you are waiting to pop liao, so about 2 weeks earlier than your EDD? Take good care and have a good one :)

Got the CB products just now! Just the right time, cos HR's eczema was quite bad since yesterday. See if the CB suits him.

When you want to do it? Let's do a picnic at the park :) Botanical Garden again?
simple black dress with a little see-thru lacy sexy top front design! How's the back, also same as front? Can u believe i dun even own a slim thin belt leh! i dunno how to match *duh*
i like yr shoe! Where u buy?
back is the same, exact level of lace. i bot this for $19, at chomel clearance sale
thin belt i hardly wore, but since i was sick of thick belts so i wore this. from F21.com. its leopard print
shoe is bata, i think its $15 or $10. cant remember coz i bot 2 pairs, 1 was at $15; another 1 was at $10

cheapo mummy
no cheapo la...alot of us are likdat. The $ we save for FM mah. I just wonder how on earth u manage to grab such gd deal everytime for clothes to shoes? u always aim &amp; wait for clearance sale? but usually sale period i can't find my ideal size leh or no stock. I was actually thinking to join u to BKK for shopping &amp; makan &amp; massage etc if my hb OK me to go wor.
Pixie, so I ignore your first post and take order for your second post only right? Yea I just got my cb from your sis just now hehe.

Kam, I like CB products, maybe they are natural and organic? Hehe. picnic at the park, wait for shaun! Will be back mid nov. Hehe

yah just take the 2nd post thanks ah sorry for confusion

i never buy during sales period leh.
i got go out, i will shop ard and grab any good deals. these items are all relatively recent buys leh...its not GSS period now wat...

bkk? i onz you heehee...my frens going with me but i dont mind going with u again...next yr?
