(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

New toothbrush – my son threw his new toothbrush inside the toilet bowl.

Will you continue using it after washing it with boiling water or you will throw it away?? The new toothbrush cost abt $9 hor

morning mummies...

I have something to share too...

Sat evening we were happily shopping at OG. By the time we reached home is 9pm plus. Tate has his bath but refused to wear his clothes and started to cry for no apparent reason. This is not the first time he makes noise after 9pm. He will cry for simplest thing and will say dun wan dun wan dun wan and cry. so my hb got angry and ask him to shut up. of cos the little fellow cant shut up and hb so angry brot him into the room repeatedly ask him to shut up with cries and kicks from Tate.

We were all wondering watz happening inside but whoever tried going in will be chased out by hb. about 5-7mins later, tate stopped crying. I thot hb so capable to stop tate fr crying. I went in hb showed me the 4 cane lines on tate's buttock !!! Immediately tears rolled down cos I cannot believe that hb did such a thing on him ! why did u want to cane him was the first qn I post to him. He's just a child ! He's a monster dad ! Tate was there sobbing like an abused child.

I was so greatly affected by it that I couldnt sleep the whole nite. He refused to let us touch his buttock tat nite. I was crying till the next morning and refuse to talk to hb. He still feel tat we did was right cos he says we cannot control him so he will do it. But tis is not the way to treat a less than 2 yr old child I cried to him !

My mum told him off too. Said even a step dad wouldnt do such a thing on a little child !

I was really disappointed and sad with what hb did to my son. I was walking around with swollen eyes on Sun. Lucky thing is for a child he wont rem a single thing the next morning. He's still the same old self playing, throwing tantrums and running as usual.

Even until now I still didnt talk much to hb cos I'm still very angry with him. He promised not to lay hands on him anymore. I really hope he keeps his promise.

We just hope tat this phase will be over soon.
awwww *hugs* make sure you communicate this with your hb and make sure no more of this next time then can liao. move forward lor hor
if you dont want that to happen, throw away your cane lor
i very de sian, got 1 mummy bluff me say trf $$ to me liao and when i checked, have. but in actual fact, this trf belongs to another mummy who havent told me about her trf. so i posted out the milkbags to her. now i have to post another box to the rightful mummy and the 1st mummy is ignoring my emails...........
chaye, u must b feeling very heartpain. put the cane out of yr hb sight. Cos usually when parents r angry, they tend to cane the kids harder. I feel that kids will get so used to caning that one day it will have no effect on them if parents use it too often.
My hb also wants to buy a cane to discpline my gal, but I told him straight away, if i see a cane at home, we will part our ways.

i am trying HARD to relax, take deep breath whenever i am angry with Z & keep chanting to stay calm to keep my sanity under control otherwise i will KILL him (thinking only but it's bad enuff)! 2wks ago was another nitemare, my hubby blew up & he really wanna KILL Z...1st time i saw him reacted in this manner...he used his hand to cover his mouth real hard (like suffocating him) & forcefully push/pin him down on the sofa...i quickly rush over & beat hb using my hand & carried Z in my arms while he is still sobbing like mad (in shock i think)! Yesterday when i was trying to discipline Z, hb stand one side & watched cos i don't want him to intervene cos i know he can't handle Z's nonsense.
Sometimes it's easier to say not to lay hands on our kids than done when one is being constantly stress by them!
Hugz to tate.
I told hb to delay canning as much as possible or when all else fails but it really depends cos some kids will listen...i think Z's character very stubborn, if he wants something, he make sure he get it by all means...wont give up de...sighhhh
chaye, i understand how you feel.

i usually use the cane to scare them only....even if cane, its on their diaper.


try explaining that your boy wont really understand even if he hit.

last time i just punished my elder boy by keeping him in a room alone
they are at a terrible two stage leh

steph, if i see your hubby do that, i will really go crazy ah

my hubby never lay his hands on my boys before....no matter how angry...the most he shout at them
i book with transtar lor... the one at lavender MRT there. staying at first world hotel.
taking the standard deluxe room. and since its promotion, its $98~...
Ernmum, good idea! I also keep old toothbrush for brushing floor. But hor he saw we brushed the floor using our old toothbrush before, so he also follow suit leh. I shouted at him not to brush floor with his toothbrush so many times liao!

Chaye: *hugs*, wah your son stopped crying after beaten by cane ah…

Pixie, where are you going for holiday?I’m planning for autumn holiday in australi next year! Yeah!!
i go bkk with my gfs. i finally found travel kaki liao

you are like my sis. she got 2 gals, her #2 is super notti. cfm shes worse than your Z leh. she is just 2yo. i think her #2 is notti x 3 of my X liao. 5 mins with her i will faint oso...my sis and her hb oso cannot take it, they shout lor. sometimes i feel sad for her #1 coz a bit negelected but #1 is a very nice gal...
anyway my point is, you are not alone and a lot of parents are frust. different ppl have different way to cope with this "terror" and your hb's way is just 1 of them. granted it is wrong, really must tok to him and explain why cannot do that, repercussions, consequences etc..
that aside, Z is really very active so must have lots of activity for him to wear him down else he have no outlet to release energy then will start his antics liao. then we adults will think: "he's notti!" in actual fact, they are not. just too much energy and they are very curious about everything...
some kids just have more energy lor. Z is not notti lah
shiokz rite, australia. some mummy go japan
only me and jess pooor thing can go near near places like malaysia, thailand hurhur

i just sms my hb and told him thank you that he let me go bkk. i very easily satisfied de wahahhaha
Ya I think I shd throw away the cane as suggested by my hb too. But I hvnt cos I still need it to threaten tate :p cos he's really stubborn de. As mentioned by Steph, he wants anyting he will make sure he gets it !

Yes Tongtong, tat's y my hb can tell me our son stopped crying after he caned him !!! tamade ! I guess he's too tired after all so he sob sob sob and not crying frantically liao.

Another friend of mine actually supported the cane method cos she saw her 2 nephews. 1 never been on cane cos 1st child, v pampered and now in P5 very bad temper, he even uses knife the threaten the mum ! At P3 he used his fist to hit the wall to vent his anger. scary hor... the mum is trying to find him a counsellor or even anger management to help him.

whereas the #2 kena caned and scold now is well behaved at P3.

Thanks for all the *hugs* given...
i m guilty oso. i used the cane. sometime to scare him. but sometime i cane him when he is too naughty... usualy i only hit him once....
Chaye & Steph,

Hai.. talk about beating our kids. I did that before once. Beat celeste on her thigh so hard that we could see red finger marks on her thigh. My hubby was so angry with me that he took a photo of it to remind me of it.

I think we really need to manage our anger. (I've got a super short temper). When we are angry, walk away from the child, breathe in and out and do not lay our hands on ANYTHING in case we throw it out of anger. Until we feel better than we talk or reprimand the child. If need to, ask another adult to help "contain" the child first.

My celeste also a bit like Z I think... Super active and like a monkey. And when she starts wailing and crying for no reason (a bit like me), she is super super super irritating. Sometimes so irritating until I will think to myself why did I ever give birth to her and would wish to myself that I never give birth to her and never have #2. But after that, I realise that actually, kids are just like that.

And... Celeste is crying in her sleep now. Why must she awlays cry before and after sleep?!?!?!?! Kill me.
damn ! Y didnt I tot of taking pix of it ! arghhh as evidence and report hb that he's a child abuser !!!
subsitute cane for another thing lor
i use satay stick. i know its a very small item compared to the cane but it serves the right feeling i want to imposed on my boy and it doesnt inflicts much pain (just in case when i really angry and cannot control my anger and hit too hard how?).

yah, i agree with mcfluffy, kids are just kids and i just feel all those "notti kids" are actually not notti. just too much energy and curious mind. hey these kind of kids very bright one hor...

eg my fren's #1 is 1.x yo, and her #2 is 4mths old. she said, #1 sleeps at 1am (EARLIEST liao), and both #1 & #2 cannot go out coz must have aircon. her case is even worse leh. that day she went out with us, she brought her maid and #2. she cant cope, cut short gathering and left. while she was with us, her #1 with hb and mil. their side oso cannot cope.

so how? everyone oso cannot cope leh
ya.. poor mummies like us only can travel near near very very happy liao
heehee.. but better than nothing la...

thanks for the recommendation
i am really so happy. cheap and gd... just worried about the hotel stay. but just make do with it ba
sometimes kids play too much liao before sleep then during zzz will cry out kind...its norm...
and my nephew since birth till 4yo hor, everyday after nap time will cry for good 10mins.
angry oso no point mah, cant change habits like that *HUGS* too

celeste just loves playing! she is constantly bouncing here and there, running, talking, etc.

No idea where she got all that energy from.

Ask her to sit down and read books can at most sit down for 5,10minutes then off she goes!

Next time go to sch confirm kena scolding from teacher. :p
yes leh yes leh... my boy every nite will cry in his sleep one. he will swing his hands, kick his legs or roll his body and say I dont want I dont want and will cry.... sometimes for a while sometimes it's uncontrollable de... if u try to tame him it will get worst sometimes... so it's best to leave him alone and let him fall back to sleep on his own... unless it's uncontrollable.. sometimes I look at him duno wat to do also
teacher (you) oredi scold her liao mah wahhahaha
kids always have lots of energy. let them bounce, run, talk.
actually, i dont find anything wrong with that leh. hmmm...i realised the more i curb my boy dont touch this touch that, run her or run there, the more he wants to do it coz kids are curious mah. if he burns himself while touching the plate, let him be. its just a learning experience. if he wants to jump down from the sofa face down, i'll let him be coz if he falls he will know his lesson well after that. i will warn him 1st; if he choose not to listen, then too bad lor

errrr...maybe i too relac liao?
wha.. so many of u also facing the problem.
recently my boy play until so 'fierce' also like tat lor.. at nite will keep crying.. sometimes even in his slp.. really nth we can do... haiz... sometimes so tired and angry...
precisely, I already cannot stand celeste like that. I think the teacher will go mad! :p

I know it's normal for them to be curious and have boundless energy. but... it's testing my patience!!!!!!!! :p

Anyway, I'm not too strict also la. I let her run everywhere she likes and let her experience.
Pixie, aiya me and hubby never been to trip ever since mar 2007 liao leh. So 2010 australia trip die die must go keke. Anyway we going to my hubby’s autie’s house in Sydney lor! So can save $ on acco. Will bring shaun along too! Your sis with terror #2 is the one doing CB spree one ah? Is she working?

Mcfluffy, mine always cry looking for me once he woke up from nap
yes that one sis with #2 as terror lor. i really cant stand her oso...she tears down the whole place wherever she goes. worse than steph's boy if you want me to compare. yup she's FTWM, at home 2 kids mil and maid take care lor. sometimes must have 3 adult take care of #2, 1 adult take care of #1 during weekends. terror hor!

i oso never go travelling since preggy...i wish to go oz...infact wish to go everywhere LOL

grow up liao will be more guai liao lah heehee
i oso very pek chek when my boy run/bounce/touches stuff
my neighbour hor, his gal is 2yo, he talks to her with REASONING and she listens to him leh! and he is so patient, he repeats his request to his gal for like 10x, in the end she agree to go home (was over at our place to play for a while together).
that one i kowtow. i cannot do that leh
So far, I only hit my gal on her palm if she really misbehaviours. Most of the time, I will just leave her alone if she throw tantrum, after awhile, she will come back to find me.

Share a real life story:
My friend hit her son (a 5 yr old boy) one day and guess what her son replied to her: " Give me the phone, I need to call the police 999 to tell them u hit me!" My friend almost fainted! Kids are so smart these days!
hahahah. eh kids are really smart nowadays!

my students dare to tell me that they can take video of teachers using hp if the teachers scold / beat them! and they can post it on the net, etc!!
pixie...my boy really cant talk

can only say shoes and bloom (balloon)....

whatever he wants, he will pull them there and we 'talk' thru his action.
my coll who stationed in Vietnam was back last week and told us that he and his family stayed in villa where his neighbours r korean, japs n ang mohs. so he told us that the japs & koreans r very polite one. even when talking to their children. Like Pixie's neighbour, the japs mother will come over to their house to politely request the child to go home with them. She will persuade and give reasons talk n talk until the child willingly go home with her de. Super patient one.

He says S'porean no such patience la... Normally we will say if u dun come with me mummy is going to leave you alone here liao ah.. then we turn and walk thinking that the child will follow but the child is happily playing there n oblivious to your threats ! HAHAHAHAHA then next we will shout or scream at the child liao ! :p:p:p
hugzzz! don't feel bad about disciplining Z. mummies are also human right, also have emotion mah. don't look back, but look forward - how are you going to "manage" him for the coming weekend. read more from the book or internet on how to cope with active tods might help? you have to accept who he is and bring the best out of him, recogise he is a unique boy and no any other boys would be like him, so never ever compare him with others. take a break from him if necessary.

tate so poor thing. hope this would never happen again. let an angry and agitated adult to be alone with a baby/tod in a room is never a good idea :-(
Discipline boys are really tough. I am afraid too what if my boy will be very naughty when he grows up. Coz now as an infant, he has a bad temper and can scream real loud!!!

Steph, but the part when you said your hubby was covering Z's mouth was frightening leh. That was really the extreme... I know it is hard to control but when comes to kids being naughty, I guess we have to just stretch our patience to the very last before physical punishment. I will beat my baby boy too when he fuss at night. But not those painful kind lah...

Just watching Taiwan news and there is this mum who really beat her son to death coz he was very naughty during bath time... Sad leh...

Going to BKK in Jan? Managed to find your Kaki?
yah, my 2 gfs agreed to go with me leh! today i booked air tics liao just in case they change their mind again *evil laffs*

yah, my boy still baby tok. and he want what, will pull our hands to the thing and start gesturing lor...sama sama

patient hor? i oredi pengsan but my neighbour still ask very nicely until his ger guai guai put down toys and follow him leh.
my hb so amazed at it oso wahahah. spurs him on to talk more reason than beat my boy, i hope! coz now my hb try to talk reason into my boy more often liao
i must blanjah my neighbour with some food liao wahahhaha. thank him!
my mom used to beat us whenever we were notti. looking back, i think its coz my mom got a very short fuse and she is easily irritated and a perfectionist (even till now) and we are really not that notti. but given that we were poor, she had to work hard etc, of course got short fuse. but i used to receive very bad beatings from my parents and i told myself i wont put my boy through this so i always quite relac. while my hb has the same childhood, he say since cane did had an effect on him, he will use the same onto our boy.
but please lor, times are different liao ley.

I ordered some ON stuff frm yr sis (clarval) ley. If reached liao, can tompang u to bring bk to SK n then i collect frm u bo huh? hee...if can't then it's ok ;p
sure can
i saw your post. today i am her admin staff coz her company block personal email so i checking her mails...*pengsan*
reach liao i take liao then sms you hor. wait ard 2-3weeks ah


tks for yr kind words...if kids aren't notti then they aren't kids. What u saw during trial was Z gentle side (active & good mood) but when he is whining, cranky & refused to take no for an answer or refused to listen to any reasoning for few hours, you'll find it intolerable & insane. That aside, i always remind myself not to shout at Z, shouting is not gg to solve problems & kids learn fast...they'll pick up bad habits if shouting is a way to want pple to listen but it's not healthy. I hope like what Chaye said, this is just a passing phase. Hopefully Z's not a hyper-active child...any sign to tell if he is?any idea?

thanks for your encouraging words..i need it badly! You brought tears to my eyes when i read what u wrote, "accept who he is and bring the best out of him, recogise he is a unique boy and no any other boys would be like him, so never ever compare him with others". That is so very true! Yes i will not look back & will give myself & Z some time on how to better manage his behaviour & at the same time, be sensitive to his feelings.

frightening hor? ya i know. I've talked to my hb regarding his extreme behaviour. His action will leave a very bad impression on Z although he's still so young now. He also cried leh after what he had done to Z...cos he hardly lay hands on Z from birth leh so he must have felt extremely upsad. But deep down, i know he loves Z alot.
