(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

talking about food
last weekend i made my own version of baked rice (without oven); my boy loves it. who is keen in recipe, can get from me. super simple and delicious. my hb requested for it this weekend for the adult version (aka more cheese version)
send me send me
Kam, my take:

- How long should I latch? 1st day my baby suckle for >30min, making my nipple sore, my gynae said shouldn't let her suck more than 15min, true?

I was feeding on demand so on average my girl was latching abt 30 min on each breast; after a month or so, when her suckling skills improved, she was latching like 20 min each side (now that she is 20 mths, she only latches 10 mins each side);

- Have to latch on both sides for 1 feeding?
Preferably both sides; but some babies like smaller and frequent feeds so you got to play by the ear. Important thing is you don’t retract while the baby is suckling as she may not get the hind milk, which is where most of the fats (and nutrients) are, and may cause colic in the baby’s tummy;

- Now supply still low, esp after pumping out, only like 30ml, how do we make use of this? Freeze it? Cos likely will continue to let baby latch as often, right?
I was very hardworking during the 1st 6 weeks, pumping after each feed. The extras I added into my elder one’s milk. If you are determine to feed 2, you must be very determined, meaning you got to pump after every feed to let your body know you need MORE.

- When will the supply go stable? After 3 months?
Usually 6 weeks to stabilize

- During this initial period, would let-down happen? Or only happen after the supply becomes stable?
If you clear you breast frequently, you will not. During my pumping days, I pump every 4 hourly so I seldom have let down.

- If breast is full and baby doesn't want to latch, and mummy lazy to pump, would this lead to engorgement?
Not advisable; like what mummies here said, engorgement is damn painful..plus the mastitis.. not worth it..pump, latch, pump..until it stabilizes after 6 weeks, ur body knows this is the amt needed by you, then u can stretch the intervals btw the pumping sessions;

- Do I have to empty the breast after every feeding? If so, how do I know my breast has been emptied?
Breast will feel soft if you have emptied it..

Oh... another thing is you have to stay hydrated...meaning drink and drink and drink!!

Good luck!
agreed with cadaly
i drank avg 4ltrs of water per day during bfding time.
so used to this regime that i am drinking at least 3ltrs of water even now
pixel.. I was drinking 10 litres..hahha..until my family was so worried I will die from water poisoning..haaa...but then i was producing s lot..meaning I have enough to feed 2 for a year...hehe

same here, i am so used to this regime that i am still drinking a lot..but not 10 litre la..ard 4-5 litres now..

thinking back, no wonder my hubby nearly fainted when she 1st saw the water bill !? :p
I want to get CL this time, hope she will be good. else it will be nightmare for me. My hb too busy with work, even if on leave, he is still working... can help me much.

i email u already.
Pixie, don't think can keep EBM for 8 days leh. When I was weaning RaeAnne off, I had 2 bottles of EBM left (last pump) but I hesitated to give to her cos scared that the taste will remind of latching. After just 3 or 4 days, when I took out the EBM, thinking maybe I can freeze them. I smelled them before I bring up to freezer, already smell sour like yogurt liao. :p

I think best to keep to 2 days, at most 3 days but always smell or taste the milk before giving to baby.

Icy, congrats! Another boy! your hubby and ILs must be happy. But I understand how you feel, I still feel a bit disappointed sometimes that no. 2 is same gender as no. 1. But I remind myself of the pros then ok liao. At least you can try for no. 3. My hubby not very keen for no. 3 so I may not have another chance also. :p
hi mummy,

have not been following up here for almost a year, now cheyenne is 19mth old. times flies man... dunno if some mothers here do remember me?

btw, any mum here send their kids to school? i just send my girl for 2hr class at amk hub. she cried for 30min just now, so heart aches.
I oso want the baked rice recipe pls! Thanks!

good to know ur getting CL but yes must find a good one otherwise it'll only make ur confinement more stressful. Get some rference from the mommies here who were lucky enuff to get a good CL last time

gender for #2
it's strange becos while most people would like to have ideally 1 boy 1 girl I think if i'm to decide I really want #2, I'd probably would like another girl cos girls siblings can grow up closer and can recycle clothes!!
just a tot only but if boy can make FIL happy lah but then knowing my PILs, they prob dote on the boy more n neglect my girl? Haha tok so much not even preggie hahahhaa
Mylife, if I have 3 then I'll prefer 2 gals and 1 boy. But if I have only 2, then prefer 1 boy and 1 gal. Just to experience the difference of looking after gal versus boy lor. But as my gynae always say, healthy more important. ;)
really? where you keep it? how you keep it?
i kept it very very secure in the fridge chiller for 8 days and never got spoilt!

emailed you liao

i need your email address leh
1 bad news!! SOBS SOBS SOBS

my hb say his mother sms n said latest next week will b back to my hse AGAIN!

k ... preparing to go meeting ..leave this aside liao .. tackle work first haha
ur hubby must be the bad guy la.... must ask him to tell his own mother the decision made... tats wat i feel.

somemore if u read the sentence... it says latest next week... ***latest.... so might be real soon!!... anytime...!!
ask your hb to tell his mom lor. paiseh, we are not accepting any guests! hurhur

yesterday nightyou got do OT or not as per your promised post? heeheehee
tell her we ordered tingkat? not enuf for them? dun nid them to cook?

we cancelled SCV cos we got no more spare cash? so come back no SCV to watch?

we trying to mend the damages she caused n is on the verge of success? dun come back n mess up? hahaa
tell her you guys are coping fine for the moment and the kids are very happy with current arrangements so please dont come back and we have to change the kids' schedule again, it will not be good to keep changing their lifestyle coz due to adults. spare a thought for your grandchildren please
Pixie, put the EBM in my fridge compartment as always lor. My chiller drawer very small and full of herbs so never put there. But my EBM always put in fridge compartment but usually only 2 days. Maybe too many days so spoil lor. :p

mylvera, haha, tell them thanks but we can take care of our kids ourselves. We troubled you long enough already and we feel this arrangement is best for us. We need the rooms for baby no. 3 and the CL also. You are free to visit the kids on weekends? :p
Thank you all for your advise.

Don't think I have worked hard enough :-(

But my girl latched on a lot leh! Last night from 11pm-12.30am, then from 4am - 5.30am. This morning even worst, started from 8.30am, latched about 1hr, stopped for 10-15min, and latched and stopped and latched and stopped until almost 12.30pm. Is it the right time to do, as in she demanded for it, so I just latch her lor. Is it advisable to latch so long (1.5 hours) for 1 feed? Until my breast all turn soft, no need to pump already. I don't like pumping....... think latching is much better.

BUT I HAVE A BIG PROBLEM when latching - Hao Re!!! Last week was so bad, baby cried for milk and woke him up, he wanted me to pat him, but I can't. Luckily hubby managed to get him back to sleep after almost 1 hour of patting/soothing. Midnight even worst, cos my baby has to latch for sooooo long, initially Hao Re guai guai sat there, waiting for me to hug him, but meimei still didn't want to let go of my breast after 40min, he got so angry, and I felt bad that not able to hug him, at the end, think he felt asleep cos too tired already. Think he doesn't like his meimei so much now cos his meimei occupies mummy, he even attempted to push meimei away from me :-( Still thinking how can we settle this.
steph and luca

must jia you. i think this is the passing phase? sorry..no experience, canot advise u much also. perhaps the rest can advise u better....
hope Hao Re wont feel so bad after some time... and he will dote on meimei.
errr i not latching expert, maybe mylife can advise. but all i know is, surely dont need to latch on for so long? you oso need to rest, take care of other stuff etc etc
1.5hrs is simply too long leh. unless you gal is a slow drinker? or unless she wants to drink but nothing liao so she keep on sucking?
Can also do scrambled eggs with formula milk and cook rolled oats with formula milk. You can add a teaspoon of fruit jam into the cooked rolled oats for some sweetness, unless the formula is already very sweet??

you took 1.5hrs to latch for 1 feed is too long. LC told me sometimes baby just want comfort suckling not hungry actually so dun make it a bad habit to let them latch on breast for more than 30 mins on each side. Sometimes bb cry not bcos hungry...could be other reasons like soiled diaper, stomach wind etc...

TBF is like that so sometimes it is inevitable to neglect #1 but try to make time to bond with them when #2 sleep otherwise get hb to help take over....really bo bian but it's better HR can be closer to your hb while u can care for xiyu since a newborn needed alot of your attention now.
yes, i oredi have written down scrambled eggs with fm in my planner to try this weekend.
rolled oats with fm, my boy not very keen leh.

my boy now hor, very thin, not like last time you see him liao sobsob
HB is okie with any gender, then mil was like 'har, another boy?" hahaha Think we both prefer mix of gender. I prefer to have girl anytime more than boy, find that girl would be more 贴心。 for boys, in future will run away with wife, and I still have to prepare money for his wedding. hahaha.. anyway of course girls have another set of problem to worry abt.

My hb not keen on #3, even my mil also say 2 is enough lah. Too bad, national rally this yr dun have any more good benefits for having baby, I thought they might look into helping SAHM.
Don't know leh, she seems to suckle quite hard and well. I press my nipple, got milk comes out. Don't know maybe not a lot?

BF is really NOT easy.......

BF is very tuff if you have a toddler to take care at the same time.

Luckily for this week, still send Hao Re to childcare, so day time ok. Only night sleeping time problems started.....
Kam, 1.5 hours is definitely too long. Did she suckle non stop or she suckle and sleep, suckle and sleep? If she suckle and sleep, you must keep disturbing her and don't let her sleep. Latch on 1 side 20 mins. Then offer the other side. After say 40 mins then let her sleep.

Check that she is swallowing, should see her ears moving or hear swallowing sounds. If she's not swallowing, maybe she's not latched on properly, try different positions. If still cannot, call TMC LC to do home visit. Better to sort out BF problems early then let it fester. :p

Yup, it's not easy to look after toddler and NB. Your parents here yet? If you can't cope, maybe you want to consider getting hubby to send Haore to childcare as usual?
if you see steph's and kitsune's post and my post, all say no no to 1.5 hrs liao
you have to try different ways to see if she is suckling only for comfort (aka taking your nipple as pacifier) or still hungry coz never latch on properly.

yes, after 40mins maxxxxxx, must get her off your nipples liao. if you let this goes on, your nipples will take a toll and start to crack/bleed/sore.
i even think 40mins is a long to to latch a baby on.

that is why i pump exclusively later on - i can monitor the milk intake, i can feed on schedule (or on demand), i can empty my boobs totally, my bb wont take my nipples as pacifier, my boy drains a bottle very fast since he is a fast drinker (aka sucks hard on nipples). as i (and we all) have said, latch is the best but you can make your own choices after your supply is established.
latching for 1.5 hrs is too long. I dun think bb suck non stop for 1.5 hrs right? Most likely she fell asleep halfway. You will need to keep disturbing her so she drinks her fill and not fall asleep. Like kitsune said, look for the signs of swallowing, she must really be swallowing then counted as really drinking. Then 20mins each side should be enough liao.

Re HR, for this initial period maybe u can consider bringing him to yr bed if he wakes up at night and u are latching bb. At least he can lie beside u still touch u and u can still pat him with one hand. After u settle bb and if HR is asleep then just carry him back to the cot?
At least this way he won't feel that meimei is occupying all yr time and he get resentful.
Yes, that is what I like abt exclusive pumping, minus the inconvenience of bring more stuff when I am out with baby - frozen milk, hot water.. & more effort in pumping.
today straits times 2nd page senior writer wrote an article why baby bonus didnt worked after 1 yr. his conclusion was that having perks during delivery is OK; but maintaining a work life balance is difficult for parents, especially mothers (since main caregivers are usually mothers. who takes childcare leave when bb is sick? always mothers mah. got daddy go and take childcare leave and bring bb see doc one meh? mine certainly didnt *grumbles*). the only solution is to adopt the UK best practise which lets employees submit a proposal to get time off/work from home/others to their employers and after the employers review, both sides set on certain package of give and take. if employers dont agree or reject proposal totally, employees can turn to govt bodies for help, which they will help to settle. a fine for the employers will be imposed if they choose to ignore employees' proposals.

i say totally aye aye to this. my company encourage work life balance but my boss doesnt so i oso LL bo bian need to come to work everyday when i could wfh
Pixie, Icy, hehe, but now that I've weaned RaeAnne off. What I missed most about BF is the latching. Stroking her hair and whispering to her while she's snuggled against me, full and contented. Even now, if she sees my nipples, she'll making those suckling sounds.

Pixie, AGREE TOTALLY! My company is supposed to be family friendly but my direct boss and HR director are not. That's why I quit my job since no flexi hours and no part time option available. :p

hor? i love exclusive pumping. i pump very fast, 20mins, then clean up - 10mins = time taken for bb to latch on.
ok lah, dont confuse kam liao. she makes her own decision. there's always pros and cons to latching and exclusive pumping.
