(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

xandall is 11.xx almost to 12kg now, a 1+kg drop in weight. he looks tall for his age coz he no more fat fat liao so seems taller, if you get what i mean.

no stress lah. a lot of things kan kai then ok liao dunno why she cannot kan kai one. so must slowly guide her to kan kai leh. mother of 2 cannot so uptight. more things in the world to care about than mundane stuff

hanor, dunno why leh. ok lar, eat solids more lor. yest dinner = 1.5 bowls of fried rice & 2 bowls of soup & fruits & 1 wife biscuits leh

ah headache hor. we both got headaches. coz both at extreme sides of the spectrum

wow.. at least he is eating solid well. tats gd

Re: height
javier also seems a little short as compared to peers his age lei. but cos mummy not tall la. haha.
This is what i do:
Day time - feed by demand (latch as often as bb want)
Night time - feed by interval 2.5 or 3 hourly depends on yr bb gal appetite & your BM supply
If your breast is full but not engorged & bb still sleeping don't want to latch, u just pump it out first...dun worry abt no milk if later bb wake up cos demand = supply theory. The more u latch & pump, you are telling yr brain to produce more milk.
yr sister is your elder sis or younger sis? Mother of 2 uptight ah....actually i can sympathize with her leh cos sometimes I can't help but feel uptight too. Little abit of stuff can trigger me pek chek...a simple example like making Z sleep for his afternoon nap can make me upsad cos he refuse to Zzz...cry & fuss & wake DiDi up...i raised my voice at him & then felt guilty & very lousy abt it & cried...hb said i too uptight liow...really need a break badly sometimes...if u get what i mean.
jiayou on BF! Agree with others, for the first 2-3 weeks, output of pumping is like that one. Cos ur milk supply is not fully established yet. Which is why most doctors/lactation consultant will encourage u to latch on cos it's a widely known fact that no pump in the world (even the hospital industrial pumps) is equivalent to a baby's sucking cos the baby's suck is the strongest stimulation to the breast. If a pump can pump out 20ml, and u let ur baby suck, she can suck AT LEAST twice that amount in the same timing ie 40ml. Let it be known also that SOME women, (like me) dont react well to pumps. Last time i also like dat...pump miserable amount but when Rylee latches on, she was gaining weight nicely.

As for feeding on demand, i am opposite to Pixie. It was recommended to feed on demand when baby is younger than 3mths old. U can start putting her on a scheduled feeding by the time she turns about 4 months old.

And contrary to kitsune's theory, TBF is NOT fully 100% contraceptive for some women hor! Be careful cos i've got 2 friends here TBF 100% tot wont get preggie, but both of them "accidentally" got preggie when their kids was 3mths old only! But if u want #3, then different story lah!

Happy TBF! Rem to smell and brush Xiyu's hair while latching on! Missed that rush of mommy's love when Rylee was younger...heavenly!!

wahhhh u very the strict on ur sis hor...kekekeke...btw, have u tot of which mag i shud buy for u ah? Erm...can email me so i wont forget? Cos coming back only end of next month :p

ok will go and buy when i'm about to come back.

R really looks so cheerful everytime u shoot his pic hor? Sorry i havent got the chance to chk ur estee lauder pricing yet...will let u know when i go to a sasa outlet

OMG, CONGRATS on ur winning. AGree with others that FINALLY ur hubby sees "the light" and stay on ur side now. But from the look of things, does that mean from now on, it's absolute WAR liao? The next time meet will be face black black? Will it be hard on the kids too? But nevertheless i'm pleased that things are getting better for u...poor u suffer so long, finally get to have a breather...will u have a problem when ur hubby return to work next time?
my younger sis
my elder sis - spree queen - very bochup about lots of things
my younger sis very sensitive. you comment a bit hor, she take it very negatively. thats why i say uptight.
your kind of uptight is understandable. her kind is over sensitive kind. but, she got lousy hb so it makes matters worse.
long story, dont say and make all your mummies' day bored liao

very, but i got 1 kid while you got 2. when i have 2, i think i will faint
yes, i will go home and do a bit of magazine research and will pm you lar

strict on my sis coz shes still my young sis and in my eyes, she still haven grow up yet leh.
but shes a strong mummy. she takes care of 2 kids on her own, hb hardly helps physically and financially. dont even tok about her IL liao. my parents practically took care of her #1 from birth till now. maybe she feels that life is hard thats why she's very sensitive?
sometimes think about her probs i oso cant sleep at nite
faint ok lar, at least still surviving hehe :p
ok, jokes aside. look at wendy, she is doing so well with 2 boys, n still breastfeeding, which i really pei fu. if other people can do it, so can u, dats the power of being a mother, they dun celebrate mother's day for nothing, rite?

but then again, after saying all this, i had to admit its easier said than done, sometimes u just duno hw it truely feel if u r the not 1 facing it.
R is a cheerful boy but of course he's got his fussy moments too. When i looked back at Z & R's photos...i realised that i seldom take pics of them not smiling or crying...hmm...maybe i shld take more pics to capture their 喜怒哀乐 (different expressions)! The EL no prob

oh i see. 家家有本难念的经
during weekend, who take care of ur boys, u or ur hb?
share workload with ur hb, if u r angry wif Z or R, ask hb take over, take turns to take care, so that u wun feel angry with any kids and end up scolding them.
hello mummies,
What a HOT topic! My ideal would be like 2-3x week too. But now.. sigh.. I no energy already, and now I feel so sleepy everyday.

Just come back from my Oscar, So far everything seem good. :D Just waiting for 2 more days for blood test result. Gynae say there are chances that I am having a boy! keke.. mmm feel a bit disappointed and kanna scold my hb. Anyway still got chance.

Baby dust to you!!! Jia you!
Hi Icy,
gd news that all is doing good for u
so Xavier is going to have a didi...

***catch, catch, catch***
Thanks for the baby dust wor.. heehee.....
I am hoping for a girl. :p Gynae say might be a didi. so I still can wait a while more and confirm the gender again.
steph/mylife/pixie/other mummies,

Thanks for sharing. I have got lots of questions on BF, really appreciate your sharing (I don't find reading books help, I need practical advise from experienced mummies like you!!!).

just now baby only latched on 1 site. So I pumped out the other side, got about 30ml after about 30min pumping, not too bad ya.

My questions:

- How long should I latch? 1st day my baby suckle for >30min, making my nipple sore, my gynae said shouldn't let her suck more than 15min, true?

- Have to latch on both sides for 1 feeding?

- Now supply still low, esp after pumping out, only like 30ml, how do we make use of this? Freeze it? Cos likely will continue to let baby latch as often, right?

- When will the supply go stable? After 3 months?

- During this initial period, would let-down happen? Or only happen after the supply becomes stable?

- If breast is full and baby doesn't want to latch, and mummy lazy to pump, would this lead to engorgement?

- Do I have to empty the breast after every feeding? If so, how do I know my breast has been emptied?

Sorry lah, all very stupid questions leh. Me very no experience leh. 1st one only TBF for 1 week, the severe jaundice and dehydration, then was partial (and bo chap type) of BF liao. Really have a lot to learn from you.

Yesterday night when baby was at hospital, we only went back once to BF, then thought better don't rush here rush there, cos have Hao Re with us also. So ended up baby was fed with formula, for 2-3 feeds. I was very worried she refused my breast after that. Thanks godness today she still sucks well, though difficult to wake her up, but once she sucks, she works hard!

Sorry for the long post :)
vernon got fever since last tue, up n down up n down. wat shd i do?? almost 7 days liao. bought him to see doc yesterday morn, was given antibiotic... was told if tml not well need to bring him see doc again. cos might need to take xray.

To answer ur questions:

- How long should I latch? 1st day my baby suckle for >30min, making my nipple sore, my gynae said shouldn't let her suck more than 15min, true?
There's no right or wrong. Last time my teacher (Mrs Wong) told me to let baby suck 20mins each side. Nipple sore is very norm at the early weeks. Get those PureLan cream and apply LOTS to ur nipples to ease the soreness. I find the Medela one very good. If buay tahan, can let baby suck about 15mins, then to increase milk supply, after bb finishes, u pump 10mins each side again. Even if pumping and nothing much, CONTINUE. This was i did to increase my supply.

- Have to latch on both sides for 1 feeding?
For early weeks, yes, it's best to feed both sides. Mostly to fill up baby's tummy, but bear in mind ur baby's tummy is very small, hence the amount of milk needed is actually not a lot. And also to increase milk supply for both breasts as well. Recommended to feed both sides...only aft milk supply established and u find u have an abundant supply of milk, then u can feed from one side. Be VERY careful also if oversupply, u might cause baby to throw up. But that's in the later months.

- Now supply still low, esp after pumping out, only like 30ml, how do we make use of this? Freeze it? Cos likely will continue to let baby latch as often, right?
For me, i kept in the fridge and let confinement nanny/my mom use to feed one night feed while i rest a bit. So instead of topping up with FM, i use the "extras" that i pumped out AFTER the feeding sessions as "spare". Bear in mind the "expiry" though...for this, u have to ask mommies who pump, like pixie, kitsune cos for me, i was a bit discouraged with the miserable amount i pumped, so before long, i ditched the pumps (packed it and shipped to HK) and i latched and latched. Tiring though!

- When will the supply go stable? After 3 months?
Yes, after 3 months, the supply will stabilized. At around 4-5 months, the breast will actually go softer and no longer engorge becos it'll adjust to the amount the baby actually needs. Thats what they meant by BF is all about demand and supply. Of cos mommies like wendy who purposely pump more and still wake up in the middle of the night to pump to maintain the supply is a different story. I'm speaking more on a mommy who latches on. Around this time, A LOT of mommies actually tot their milk supply is diminishing and thus give up BF.

- During this initial period, would let-down happen? Or only happen after the supply becomes stable?
Some mommies might have letdown...let down is good but not OAL = overactive letdown. Lots of babies who suffered from mommies' OAL will throw up and get mis-diagnosed as reflux. It's becos the milk comes out too fast that the baby will choke. But some mommies will find it hard to let down...key word is to relax. U will feel a rush of milk coming out when ur relaxed...

- If breast is full and baby doesn't want to latch, and mummy lazy to pump, would this lead to engorgement?
CANNOT be lazy!!! Yes, it will lead to engorgement or worse, MASTITIS!! Dont play play, will get fever!! Not a good experience, just ask some mommies here! Not to mention, the brain will tell ur breast, next time no need to produce so much, then the milk supply will slowly drop! And that's when u will say, "Oh, i'm one of those women who dont have enough milk, ok i stop lo..."

- Do I have to empty the breast after every feeding? If so, how do I know my breast has been emptied?
In the initial weeks, yes, best to empty breast. This is to tell the milk factory to produce more milk! How u know? Breast feel really soft and empty lo. U will know one lah.

Jiayou jiayou. BF is never easy but the returns are tenfold!

If we're not here (during odd hours and u need quick urgent advice!) go to this 2 websites


I found these to be really really helpful when i was encountering problems. It'll also help to talk to women who are experiencing the same problems (as we all have somewhat "graduated" thus the memories may not be so accurate!)

Ay...post pics of Xiyu leh..
Huh?! So fast pop liao..Thought still got a long way more..Anyway, Congratulations!!

Hi to you too!! Haven't see u around th forum for quite sometime..Maybe it's the other way round..Been busy with work too..

Think I was looking for u two weeks ago. Wanted to ask u about this L Nina Hotel..Ever heard of this hotel in HK?
Singapore Zoo is very nice..Ask ur hubby to go..Now very clean liao..The children's play area is also very nice. Toilet is "open" air..If not, go to Go Go Bambini but he will be tired like crazy
during weekends, hb will take care Z while i handle R or vice versa. Yes, we do share workload & take turns to take care of them. I just need lots & lots of patience on them!

R's head problem is resolved for the time being. Have to wait till next jab & examination that's due next month to see if his head circumference is growing within normal percentile range. PD said as long as u/s show no fluid in his brain, that will be fine & his big head is perhaps lies in the family genes. Thanks for concern
kam, to supplement mylife's answers. If u keep the ebm in chiller, can keep up to 48 hours. But if frozen, can be up to 3 months. If u r quite sure that u won't use the ebm then freeze immediately. But i also same as mylife, usually keep as night feed. So never freeze much in beginning. But it's not a good thing to sleep through the night, i did that when raeanne was 1 week plus but ended up with a huge lump in one breast n my supply for left side dropped by a lot. After that, i always kenna mastitis easily n low supply problem cos baby will start drinking more n more but i couldn't produce more milk. Had to rely on taking supplements which is exp. Best to suffer in beginning, latch n pump n set the baseline high.

Since xiyu is a bit jaundiced, u should latch her every 2-3 hours even if she's sleepy cos she needs to poo n pee more to clear the bilirubin from her body.

congrats..u won the war and have ur hubby's support.

thanks for helping out.

I will love to try bf for #2 next time too cos I was not successful last time. Jia you...u can do it..we are all here to support u.

re: hk mooncake.
I tried some before, bought the ham one from Kee wah but I dont like...still prefer traditional ones. but kee wah has a custard one that taste quite nice...they sell those in mini sizes. only tried the baked ones cos i thought it will be mah fan to bring back the snowskin cos need ice bag and need to rush home.

Zoo is a nice place for kids to go, in fact I like to go zoo. will go at least once a year. I went to the birdpark last sat as i want to use the 50% discount before it expires month end (my hubby outstation this week liao). It was so hot tat my hubby got mild sun burn on his arms and I got sunburn on my neck area. not much shelter at the birdpark and it is definitely much smaller compared to zoo. pics of birds in the cages not nice cos see all those "squares", i.e the cage block the view. the water area not as good as zoo. and also the distance for us is terrible. guess, i will only go again if it is a very windy day but hubby not keen to visit again.
mylife, verene,

thanks. this was a tough battle, but i guess it is really worth it as i got my hb to see the whole picture and how it affected his elder son too. eg, jz pointed out to him tat his mother had been oppposing me since day 1 (eg, if i buy kiwi, she will say is very sour when it is very sweet tho. when she buys kiwi n is really sour n my hb agrees, she die die will say VERY SWEET). din realise that this behaviour was extended to my elder son. when i told them my elder son doesnt seems to like appletree and that the teacher is not good (even some forum frds told me), she will insist tat my elder son is very happy in appletree and that the teacher is very good. end up, till now, my elder son hates going to "school". only got my hb to realise this point (my #1 dun like to go appletree) when he sends my #1 to appletree for the past 2-3 weeks. poor #1, sufferred cos of the stupid granny who jz wana outwin me! during those days when i complained to my hb, my hb will tell me off saying "she is the main one who looked after the kids, she should know better" .. now i told him "my FOOT! she did it to spike me, to outwin at my son's expense!" i told him yday i will never allow this thing to happen to any of my kids anymore! she dare to do it, i dare to shout back at her! my kids suffer cos of her stupidity?
Good to hear that you're perservering with BF. Just keep latching and u'll be fine. I'm helping my cousin's wife with her bf journey cos she also recently delivered, and yes, the 1st 2 wks her pumping output was only 30ml combined.
But now her bb is ~ 2 months old and she is on TBF already.

Usually for the 1st 2-3 months should feed on demand cos they are still learning and sometimes may drink more or less, fall asleep etc. After that then u can slowly train to drink at regular intervals cos by then bb should be efficient in latching already.
wow sounds like really WW3.
Remember to keep yr cool, most impt they are out of the house already which is the main battle won already.
Now just take care of yrself and bb
hi kam, i think mylife answered more or less all your qns, but here's my take

- How long should I latch? 1st day my baby suckle for >30min, making my nipple sore, my gynae said shouldn't let her suck more than 15min, true?
=>i oso have sore nipples like mylife, i couldnt take the pain coz it was cracked and bleeding, so 15mins per side was the max for me

- Have to latch on both sides for 1 feeding?
=> yes, both sides. unless if you have lots of output (in future), you can latch 1 side, pump for the other side. some power mummies do both simultaneously.

- Now supply still low, esp after pumping out, only like 30ml, how do we make use of this? Freeze it? Cos likely will continue to let baby latch as often, right?
=> contrary to most advise from mummies, you can keep the bm in the fridge for 8 days, and in the freezer up to 6mths. i did that to all my bm. most of the mummies/professionals tell you 48hrs in the fridge and 3 mths in the freezer. if you have lots of food in fridge compartment, and if you scared, then store 48hrs bah. i just find it very confusing to store for such a short time and need to trf here and there, headache. when i started bfding, i had so much output, i cannot remember which is past 48hrs, which is not yet so i gave everything 8 days. yes, my bm never got spoilt.
btw, i got the 8days/6mth from lansinoh. they recommended that. i followed and it was much more relaxing experience for me coz i dont have to remember how many hrs since this bottle has been in the fridge etc

- When will the supply go stable? After 3 months?
=> i think my supply stabilised after 1.5mths. different ppl different timing. you will know it one lar :)

- During this initial period, would let-down happen? Or only happen after the supply becomes stable?
=> i got letdown very fast, the moment bb cries or i think of bb my boobs starts to leak liao. that was when my bm started to kick in.

just deflate your boobs every 3 hrs, your bm sure will increase in supply!
RE: Breastfeeding
I am just wondering if it is workable to latch in the day and use express milk to bottle feed in the middle of the night? So which means mummy will pump extra in the day and fully rest at night? Or this will decease milk supply?
morning mummies.
Congrats Kam! Didn't know that You have delivered until this morning. ;-) All the best.

Wow, my pil are here with us. I feel the "heat". They are ok n trying to help me, but I just dont feel comfortable and became "clumsy" in front of them.
We didnt know how long they wanted to stay here, but after hubby saw me stress when they are here, he asked them to go back early. He told them, you guys stress my wife up. Goodness, I didnt know he said that (or neither I expected it). But anyway, my girl is happy with my FIL, so I am happy. So strangely, my girl doesn't like my MIL!!! We don't know why.
Luckily, they decided to go back tomorrow. ;-) Give me my freedom back.
here's my take:

- How long should I latch? 1st day my baby suckle for >30min, making my nipple sore, my gynae said shouldn't let her suck more than 15min, true?
<font color="0077aa">*me too, kenna sore nipples, it was oso cracked &amp; bleeding so gotta stop latching (15-20mins on both side) &amp; let it heal b4 i start pumping &amp; latching for Z again. While for R (15-20mins on both side), i only kenna sore nipples for the 1st two weeks...maybe this time round it toughen!haha... but correct latching also play an important role cos LC said improper latching will cause sore nipples sometimes. I used Avent moisturising cream &amp; it works well for me.</font>

- Have to latch on both sides for 1 feeding?
<font color="0077aa">*Yes i feed on both sides for the initial stage to build up my supply.</font>

- Now supply still low, esp after pumping out, only like 30ml, how do we make use of this? Freeze it? Cos likely will continue to let baby latch as often, right?
<font color="0077aa">*for this case, i let Z drink whatever excess i have rather than freeze it cos initial stage i do direct latch &amp; pump for R. I only freeze my excess EMB during the 2nd month onwards (chiller 48hrs while frozen up to 3mths)</font>

- When will the supply go stable? After 3 months?
<font color="0077aa">*usually is after 3mths but like pixie said diff pple diff timing.</font>

- During this initial period, would let-down happen? Or only happen after the supply becomes stable?
<font color="0077aa">*yes, i got letdown during the initial period when i hear bb cries or when bb latch on.</font>

- If breast is full and baby doesn't want to latch, and mummy lazy to pump, would this lead to engorgement?
<font color="0077aa">*YES it will lead to engorgement so must either latch or pump diligently. Engorgement will make yr breast rock hard &amp; lumps will form...&amp; worse still fever &amp; breast infection leh.</font>

- Do I have to empty the breast after every feeding? If so, how do I know my breast has been emptied?
<font color="0077aa">*Yes for the initial stage to establish &amp; increase yr supply (pump every 3hourly for 20-30mins on both side, i am using Ameda dual electric pump so it save me alot of time). Breast will feel really soft (not full) once emptied.</font>
RE: Breastfeeding
Yes i tried before to latch in the day &amp; use express milk to bottle feed in the nite from 2nd month onwards &amp; my supply drop so i try to direct latch at night too which is very tiring. To maintain or increase supply, mummy also got to wake up to pump if she choose to bottle feed express milk in the middle of the nite ya. No short cut hor unless the mummy is blessed with abundant milk.
latch or pump - its every's preference. it doesnt matter you pump or latch at nite but as long as you empty boobs 3hrly then sure supply wont drop one leh.
actually initially when you first started, latch is the best. latch liao then both you and bb can go back zzz immediately...while pump, you need to: bottle feed, then pump, then wash. then can zzz...
you spend 2x the time when you express vs 1x the time when you latch

i wanna zzzzzzzz...so tired
pls gimme suggestions what food recipes can i use milk as an ingredient?
i have tried:-
bread pudding
yoghurt milk drink
banana pudding

what else? something healthy please
steph &amp; pixie,
Oh thanks. I was actually thinking of stopping pumping/latching through the night. It seemed impossible if I want a good supply.

For #1 I do exclusive pumping after 1 mth old, then I find it so tiring to wake up middle of the night, I am like zombie in the day time. I will try latching on this time, hope I succeed, last time I bleed too much at the nipple so I switch to pumping. Now with 2 kids, I am hoping there is some method where I can have more rest.
icy, u r tinking of BF so soon? oh ya. congrats to knowing ur bb gender so early, boy rite? dun be disappted, at least u can recycle all the clothes n save $, both ur 2 boys will grow up closely....
and of cse, can always try bb no.3 again like mlvera.

me also must jiayou, wans join the bb no.2 club ..haha
i oso exclusive pump after 2 weeks. yes zombie hor. but bo bian leh. and moreover, you get used to the schedule.
latch on mummies need to cope with the weaning off nipples and/or babies taking nipple as pacifier. all methods got their pros and cons.
I look through the recipes in my book - Feed ur child right
Food that use milk are:
1. Egg Yolk Custard
2. Baby's French Toast
3. White sauce for pasta, veggie
4. Tuna Potato Pie
5. Easy Pan Pizza
6. Cream Vegetable Soup
7. Healthy Low fat mayonnaise for sandwich
8. Home made skimmed milk yoghurt
9. tropical fruit pudding
10. Chilled Lemon cheesecake
11. Yogurt jelly
12. Golden sultana pancakes
13. Easy Crepes
14. Papaya milk shakes

Let me know what u are interested, I can scan and email you the recipes. :D If it is all, I can also do it. :D
oh, you mean like fish soup add evaporated milk kind ah?? err dunno pediasure can add into chinese soup or not else taste weird since its vanilla taste leh heehee

im keen in 3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13
sorry ah trouble you
if you can scan them, then best

i trying to incorporate milk into my boy's meals/snacks. 1 day not even 200ml of milk intake leh. jialatz

i got the pancake mix bought from supermarket. so never do the mix from scratch. so never had the chance to add in milk leh
*wave* same-same lah..I hv not been here fr long time...

even if u let someone else feed at night, u also got to pump, otherwise supply will drop. Early weeks very crucial to build up supply. That time I let my mom/CL feed ONE feed around 10pm so I just pump but CL do the washing/sterilizing then I go to sleep for about 2-3hours then I do night shift myself when bb wakes up in the middle of the night...my CL sleeps like a log. Bb cried until I woke up n latch she also dunno, until I finished nursing and hubby go wake her up to help burp bb while I go back to zzz. then burp halfway bb poo a lot she also woke me up to tell me my gal really poo A LOT..that time I new mom didn't know it's common for bf babies to poo like that...freaked me out lo..End up I gave up and told her jus concentrate in cooking n washing while I did all the baby caring myself. Think of my confinement last time I also upset.

But anyway, I agree with pixie, direct latch is the best for me cos I'm SAHM. no need to wash &amp; sterilize etc. But cons is bb VERY attached to breast but like I said SAHM ok lah. After all bb is only that young for a very short period of time. And I practice "Attachment Parenting" so it's ok for me. But the bond is very strong for bb &amp; mommy for latching. If I'm going to do it all over again for #2 (if I hve one) I would do the same
