(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

errr since monday nite until now leh
actually, i can tok to him but i just got no mood to tok to my hb. tok liao then you not happy, i not happy. so might as well dont tok lor
Hi Kam !

Congrats to your no. 2 !!! Xi Yu is such an unique name !

Have not been following this thread for so many months !! Tate is turning 18mths in a few days time. Hope everyting is well with everyone here...
nolah, i slept well, just not enough (as usual) heehee
i've past the point of thinking about these probs liao. the more i brood about it the faster i get depression man. so cannot think.

yes silence is golden. i tell myself flaring up at him, throwing tamtrums is not going to solve the prob so i just keep quiet and let myself cool down, "kan kai" more, and hopefully 1 day he will realise his mistakes on his part. not that i am perfect but honestly my hb has gotta do more in this family/marriage.
my one and only grouch
babyshannon, cos they find her more of a hindrance than a help? Haha. Seriously, because FIL doesn't like any outsiders to be around. He wants to cook in his own way and his kitchen and house is his palace. He doesn't like anyone messing it up or touching his things. Also, he's paranoid about noise when RaeAnne is having her afternoon nap (2-3 hours) so nothing in the house can be done including cooking, washing dishes, mopping, sweeping etc. So he said there's nothing for my maid to do when she's there. :p My mum is more than happy to have my maid to do things for her but she's farther away from me so have to see whether I want to change 2 buses and drop her there instead. :p
Hi Pixie

you very good leh... can keep silent for so long. I usually cannot de... cos I am those must talk things out if not I will be unhappy and sulk for next few days.. of cos plus not talking to hubby la.

And yes ! my hubby is a lazy bugger too ! most of the time he's on his pc blogging or reading ppls' blog or FB. I told him off one day after keeping silent for so long cos men just simply cant get the cue !

I have so tell it straight to his face ! 9 - 10pm daily is spending quality time with kids !!! It's just an hour lor! cos he comes home after 8pm.

So he will off and pc and on TV instead ! *faint*

I have to constantly remind him to spend time with the kids de !
Pixie, can use milk in making bread and cakes for X too. hey you ever try giving him oatmilk or soymilk?? My son likes both wor. Oh yea, pm me ur baked rice recipe? Thanks!

Kam, it’s normal for HR to react that way but I think he is so guai already! That he could wait for his turn until mei mei finishes milk milk. My boss told me his #1 was very jealous with #2 till he bit one piece of skin off #2!! So scary. HR very guai hor, good boy!! You can get a breastfeeding pillow , then you can latch and pat pat HR at the same time!!

Kam, no need to feed water when Xiyu is on 100% bm. Since she got jaundice just continue bf, that will do liao.

Kam, you asked about bf right, maybe I share with you my experience. My shaun doesn’t like latching cuz the milkflow is slow during the initial stage. So I am on exclusive pumping till about 2 months plus, when I started to have lots of supply, I latch him easily liao cuz breast is always full and can satisfy him. while I’m on exclusive pumping, I pump every 2 to 3 hours. Tiring and amazing, I don’t know how I did it, cuz I woke up to pump midnight also. But good lor, I have lots of supply. So shaun is on bottle since baby and started to latch after 2 months plus till he auto weaned off at about 9 months. But I still gave him expressed milk till about 16 mths where I stopped bf.

After pumping keep in fridge, the furthest and coldest part of the fridge. Can keep for 2 days la. after when you have lots of ss then you think of freezing la.
kitsune, yr FIL is same as my MIL. She also find my maid a hindance, always say she didnt do things the right way. She prefers to do everything herself. And most impt, refuse to teach her how to cook. Weird right, have a maid but pack lunch n dinner back just becos she dont want my maid to learn/see how she cook.
pixie, cool down. sometimes when i'm angry with my hubby,i find myself stupid after coming to this forum, strange. cuz i read about the relatinship between u all n the hubbies. tot i shouldnt be so xiaoqi.

and yes, today is my hubby's bday! not going to celebrate, might get one piece of cake for him only. thinks he will be happy enuff la.
Shannonbaby, ya ya, same like my FIL. He's the king of the kitchen. He doesn't even allow my MIL to cook. I had to drop so many hints to MIL even MIL passed the hints on to FIL to teach her how to cook. Even then, it depends on his mood. Sometimes, he'll just 'chase' her out of the kitchen. :p
Re: BF
i got a question regarding storage of BM since u all are at it. You all store it in the freezer or fridge rite? is the fridge exclusively for BM? cos if got other things like raw meat etc in the freezer, wont it have some smell in the milk as well???

sorry ah.. me very ignorant about this. hee
Jess, get a plastic container and put the bottles or bags of EBM in the container then into the freezer. If you can't find a plastic container then at least separate the shelves ie. 1 shelf just for EBM and another shelf for raw meat.
but hor, all is still in the same area mah. really no smell? cos my in law's de fridge, full of fish, meat, etc etc etc lei... no place to store at all.... then my hubby last time dun let me buy a mini fridge...
Jess, if you put in the airtight plastic container, should not have smell. At least I didn't have that problem. Think NTUC gots lots of those types of containers.
i see.. okiez

Thanks for answering my queries
Anyone tried any trial or sign yr tods to The Little Gym before? How izit? care to share, tks!
Little Gym is $488 for 1 term (12 lessons + 1camp). The new term begins in the week of 13 Sept plus a yearly membership of $55 (nett). There is an early bird discount if you register by this Sunday, 30 Aug. You get 5% off the price. But must pay by cash, nets, or cheque. The class is on the same day, at the same time. ie. Thurs 1.05pm. Same teacher as well.
chaye, luca
*waves* to chaye, long time no see ah
i am reminding him constantly all the things he needs to do but he just dont want to do. in the end accuse me of being lazy, never take care of our boy (huh??!!)...same as your hb, play games, surf net, dont want to spend time with our kid on weekends. i gave up liao. its his prerogative, dont complain when our boy is not close to you lor.
if tell 10 thousand times oso no use, i dont think its going to work if i keep on reminding him. he will say that im naggy.
it takes an epiphany for him to realise these. i just hope he will be "awakened" asap. then the family dynamics then will be better
since im the only mummy in here to store my bm in the fridge for 8 days rather than 48 hrs, i keep it fresh by locking them in lock&lock containers and keeping the containers in chiller compartment. i assign the chiller compartment only for bm. when my bm supply was established and had lots of output, i just store the lock&lock containers in the fridge, mixed with the food etc
same for the freezer level. all in lock&lock.
maybe my milkbags did a great job of keeping my bm fresh?
Jess, yea, for me cuz I’m veg so I don’t have meat in my freezer. But when I freeze mine in KL home, there was. My dad was concern as he scared that they might contaminate the milk, so he cleared all the meat and don’t freeze any meat liao.
ay tongtong
i dunno how to bake, my kitchen no oven, no microwave, no toaster
so i think can only make those oven-less bread/cakes (if can)
oatmilk and soymilk he dont like oso leh.

sent you the recipe liao
actually to mummies whom i have sent the "baked rice" recipe
if you all find that boiling the chicken bone for stock is very mah fan, can skip that and just use plain rice. but i find that the baked rice in restaurants all very fragrant so thats why i tot use chicken stock is better. make full use of my ingredients mah.
also, can replace the ingredients with carrot, potato, celery, long bean, broad bean, asparagus. actually any kind of vege is ok. just blanch those that are very hard
check with u, does it mean u buy a big lock n lock then put all the milk bag inside the lock n lock? how many milk bags can u store in this way? cos the last round, I had a freezer full of milk bag, no other frozen food. But this time round will be staying with my MIL, thus dont think she will give me so much space to keep the milk bag.

u still selling milk bag?
Jess, erm.. then like what Pauline said, keep in container? At least feel more assured?

Pixie, I think can steam cake also wor?

Shannonbaby, yea pixie will be happy if you wanna buy from her! hehe
yes, i buy few big lock&lock, and i can store 6 packets of filled to brim milkbags (standing up at 45deg angle) in each lock&lock container. each mbag contains ard 300ml +/-

yes! like tongtong said, i'll be happy if you are my mbag customer coz for angelsky, i post her free. you'll get same treatment :)

hmmm yah can make steam cake. thanks for the idea. i jot all down in my recipe book liao!
when i "guaduated" to intermediate level in bfding, i stored my mbags in the fridge compartment, standing them up. i go to daiso, buy those fridge storage trays, can stack 8pkts of mbags in each tray, very very handy coz got handle to pull, rollers at the base. next time i take a pic and show you how it looks like. this way, i seperate my mbags from food in the fridge. i'll have rows and rows of these trays.
pixie, will definitely buy from u when i start storing..
I am yr sis regular spree customer too..keke..
but using yr method, cant store much milkbags rite? cos i am thinking how to store in the future when i use my MIL fridge. last round, i store 100s of milkbags in my freezer.

Congrats. You baby gal is so beautiful. Such nice hair.. Elias has so little hair. I am looking forward for a gal next too! Planning by next year and aiming for a 2011 baby so that it be just nice when ELias attends play school.

If want 2011 baby.. means must start planning mid 2010 so wont kena a Jan bb again as confinement so ex lah.. haha..

Just in time 2011, new baby.. and 2011 is the time I can get a new resale house as curret house will be 5 years then..

Anybody planning next year? hahaha! Stressd again liao.. how to delay as Elias and sibling will be 3 half years gap liao.. Wanted 2 years gap but nor ready now so really bobian have to wait till mid next year then can plan lor.
last time, i store in my MIL fridge (smaller than mine, super crammed). i asked her to assigned me the chiller compartment in the fridge, and the door space in the freezer. which she gave to me. i dont think these places are very wide until she dont want to give you.
can store at freezer door. i use the biggest ziplock bags possible, double bag them, and store the mbags in the double ziplock bags. i can store 5 full mbags in each ziplock bags.
so it will be a double ziplock of each milkbag + double ziplock of storage bags. kiasu rite
just find a way to workaround lor.

300ml x 10bags and not including those in chiller compartment. the rest of the bm i store at my own home.

i can tell you my mil fridge is super small and her fridge serves a family of 10
pixie, i get what u mean already. thanks. hope i can find my own house soon so that i dont need to stay with them although my hb is very determined to stay with them.
I stayed with inlaw too, my EBM all store inside a container and then put insider the freezer. Cant store a lot becos got a lot of their things. So every mth, I have to give away some then. The container works, cos really no werid smell.
Can some body help?

I try uploading pics in blog spot again after I changed certain things lik only open to invited people then now I hav problm uploading pics.. no icon to upload that?

How can sombody help m?
i waiting to knock off
today go home see my boy myself, without my hb.
from work to mil place=1 hr
visit my boy = 1hr
from mil place to own home = 1hr+
total, 2.5hrs travelling time just to see my boy for 1hr

very duh rite?
not duh la. Why dun u ask hb to pick you up from mil place?
i am more fortunate cos we stayed very near to PIL oso in the west & about 15-20mins bus ride to my home.
from work to mil place = 0.5hr
visit my boys (mon-thurs) = 2.5hrs
from mil place to own home = 10mins car ride
today my hb got mission - vacuum and mop floor. coz X will come back tmr. so ask him from our home go to je, fetch me, and go back sk, even more duh rite?
some hb will do that but not mine.
my hb dont like to fetch me ard, even when i was preggy

eg, i walk 2 busstops, take bus, trf mrt just to go my mom's place @ sbwng, on my own with X this sat. no car ride from him. he has another mission. 7th mth prayers for his dad.
some hb will send "me" to sbwng before swinging back to JE but not my hb

little neuro tree is giving 44% discount for terms fees at their bugis HQ, any mummy interested to sign up? we need at least 2 kids to start the class. but lessons must be conducted on friday.
