(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hihi, I'm back, finished watching the DVD last night at 2am cos RaeAnne was not cooperative and did not sleep early. Now got to watch the other episodes online. :p

Kam, the first disc really got something wrong. But I'm afraid they will only allow me to change to the same title. Nowadays DVD shops also very smart. :p

Mylvera, my cheese kenna stolen by Mobster mouse too.
Worse, I'm only left with 13 pieces of marble, don't know if I should touch my 50 pieces of swiss cheese or travel back to Town to buy more Marble cheese? :p

Mei, what exactly is SSO Babies Prom? Is it interactive? What do they do? I read already still don't understand. http://sso.org.sg/index.php?option=com_fwecalendar&task=showadetails&id=3746&catid=13&Itemid=2
kam, is jaya jusco tebrau city near to citisquare? how long is the journey from custom to there? so far i only know citysquare nia

JJ Tebrau is not near to City Square. It's about 15 min drives towards Kota Tinggi. You know where the Carrefour is? Just a bit further down from Carrefour. Tesco was just opened next to JJ a few months ago. I haven't been to City Square for a long long long time.
Fisherprice sale start today, confirm??
U got any links? Cos' juz told hubby & he said he will go down during lunch time.

how, got hooked onto BOF or not? i think your MH more addictive rite? haha

a lot of mummies here hope for your #3 = girl lah. just continue telling yourself boy can liao haha

btw, i just discovered my close fren preggy. she just past 1st trimester, yay!
haha, knew you all will ask me that. Up till episode 6, my vote is for jun pyo. Initially I really like ji hoo cos he's so sweet and sensitive and considerate. But after he came back from Paris, I don't like him so much liao. Jun Pyo, I really hated it in the beginning and I think the transformation from him being a pest to suddenly loving Jandi not very convincing (not enough 'nei4 xin1 xi4' that shows how and why he is attracted to Jandi if you know what I mean).

But Junpyo very devoted BF lar, engaged top designers to make over the gal from head to toe, fly her on his private jet to white sands, blue seas Caledonian to snorkel, view 'heart shape' land etc. Which woman can resist that? We are only human. If a guy does that for me, I'll also love him. Swoon!!! :p But wait and see how after ep 6, if junpyo does something to make me angry, then I'll kick him down and put ji hoo up again. Hee. Fickle minded.
after ep 6 there are alot of problem on n off lah... junpyo love jandi alot... but jandi love him so xin ku cos his mother do alot things just to make her leave him....

den jihoo alway be there for jandi when she is in trouble. haha.

so enjoy watching hor :p
sso babies proms is a 45mins concert, showing kids the musical instruments. have some interaction and kids will be invited to stage to play with instruments.
Cheryl, I see. Hehe, Jun pyo reminds me a lot of the "I love Jin San Shun" guy. Can't remember who he is. Also the same 'kuan' one. There's a song that they keep playing in the background when Jun Pyo is playing darts, very familiar song, can't remember which korean drama I heard it from.
i like the guy in I love jin san shun oso.. tat is nice show :p

sometimes i buay tahan junpyo character... :p so arrogant 1... haha...
Thks for the link. How cum their feedback is "don't go, disappointing"? Heehee, think to be safe, sat then go & take a look ;) Anyway, juz staying nearby there.
i m still carrying my gal (~11kg) especially on weekends when she cry & insist that i carry her. so far i carry ok but can't carry for >30mins else i also cannot tahan physically. hubby keep scolding me whenever i give in to her tears & carry her. he insist that i let her cry loh else she wont learn... haiz... dunno leh....

hmm... who is the #16 mummy?? i m bad at guessing & shall wait for the answer to be revealed! :p
Do u still have the Aquaduck contact?
Any mummies still interested to sign up? Rem some mummies were interested & send some queries to them but after that anybody follow up?

Cos' have stopped bringing my boy to the pool for mths since preggy with #2. Last week we tried to bring him but in the end, he cried & refused to dip in the pool, wasted our effort. Thinking to sign him up for aquaduck after 18th mth. Anyone interested?
not say must take, but some ppl say 3rd tri can start to take papaya soup already no need to wait until deliver then start...

i tried to sign up with Aquaducks that time after our trial...they told me all their slots at the heated pool in tanglin were full and only if any bb drops out then they can slot new bb in...slots at pine tree club were very limited..
i left my name and contact on the waiting list but never ever did get a call back
so long they still never get back ah, their business shld be real gd!! Rem their waiting list is very long so i didn't lve my name/contact. Hmm, wonder is there any other swimming class like Aquaduck?
Pixie, so tmr's plan confirm?

Luca, I shall try to be brave to bring both out. Haha..pixie if I really do, u help me ya?

grumpus, you SAHM too? Sorry my memory fails me. You have one or two kids?
cheryl, kitsune
the guy in "my name is kim sam soon" is hyun bin. still my no#1 fav actor for the past few years...i am his crazy fan ley...

if you bring both out, i can meet you, but my hb is not very keen. he says he wants to enjoy "tian lun zhi le". at most our kids play at the park there? after that must go seperate ways liao. if you are not confident, then dont force yourself ok?
Kam, usually weekend what is the time that is good to go JB? I never drive to JB at usual hours other than 5am in the morning. But for coming weekend I’m thinking to go jB with my whole kampung in the morning. Will there be jam? My friend keeps telling me that it’s dangerous to go JB if drive, is that so ?

Mylvera, not sure about taking papaya soup at 3rd tri, but I read before that eating avocado is very good for the baby during pregnancy. So you eat more avocado la hor
hyun bin just finished a serial called world's within, that was shown before BOF, same time slot in channel KBS. he starred with song hye kyo (sung hui qiao). they came to SG for a location shoot few months ago. wanted to take leave to chase idols but cannot ley...heehee
now is starring in the next drama "friend, our legend" due July. this serial is expanded from the movie "friend"...aiyah long story lah...but cant wait to see this....july leh...neck long

Not dangerous lah, but JB being JB, need to be more careful lor, eg, always lock the door, never leave the engine running if driver leaves the car, try avoid going to places at night time if you are not familiar with the place, etc.

We usually reach Singapore custom before 9am. So far so good. Even if there is traffic, only need to queue for <30min, so not too bad. Try to go as early as possible, if you can reach Singapore checkpoint before 8am, almost guarentee no traffic jam (long weekend excluded).

JJ Tebrau City is definitely a safe place. And you would be amazed how many Singapore cars you can spot there. Oh, the car wash at the JJ is very good, but long waiting time. If you are not satisfied with JJ, move on to Tesco, just next door. Shopping centre usually only open at 10 - 10.30am. If you are early, go to a local coffee shop for breakfast first. For lunch, can easily settle in JJ, lots of restaurants for you to choose from.

If you are planning to go to Toy R Us, it's worth checking the price at Singapore first to do a comparison. I remember the Playskol walking car I bought in Singapore cost me about $80-90, that day saw it at JB, only RM120 (something like that).
hi mummies,

anyone into making bento box for yr child?
check out this website: http://motheringcorner.com/
This mummy makes very nice bento meals for her children.

I am starting to make some simple ones for my gal to bring to childcare as well as when we go out since she is still taking home-cooked/prepared meals.

heard from one of my friend that its true that will have more milk supply when we take the green papaya soup from 3rd trim onwards. I am going to try out myself this time round, cos my friend did that and she got alot of milk in the first week already.

yes the bento is sooo nice...really peifu the mummy who did it. i think the kids will enjoy the meal more with so colourful bento. hehe

yes the bento is sooo nice...really peifu the mummy who did it. i think the kids will enjoy the meal more with so colourful bento. hehe

Thanks for the link. So if I want tickets, you can help to get first right? Will check with hubby and see how.

Wow, the bentos definitely look yummy. How I wish I can make bentos for my kids in the future everyday. Unfortunately I am those kind who even follow recipe will also cook out a disaster...
So I don't cook at home. Recently don't know why but got this thinking to pick up cooking...
i just checked mei's contact list and saw u stay in novena?
i can meet up regularly if you want cos i stay whampoa, near near only..
and i drive when i go out with my girl so it's quite easy for me
