2007 Buangkok Mom??

slimz and the gals.. im sooooo sorri.. i cant make it on sat.. same as my cousin as we have a birthday party to attend.. close relatives.. i totally forgot abt it.. im v v v v v v sorri k.. will definitely go for the next round... paiseh....

wan.. serangoon ah.. not convenient leh... the playgroup that u mention which hav shorter hours rite.. also under CH??

no. CH dun have playgroup. Im also searching for good playgroup if there is any near buangkok, let me know. usu it is at RC, tots house, appletree type. there is one at anchorvale, but no one pick her up when I'm at work :-(
may, its ok .. nxt time bah =D now the grp's smaller, hee.. mabbe easier to manage too ..

playgrp: we oso looking at appletree but our area bo leh .. and my mum's area oso bo .. else appletree's $$ and timing and style all suits HB n my expectations
the appletree at anchorvale also has waiting list. I enquired b4 but due to logistics reasons after ILs moved over to buangkok, no go for me
her brother used to sing ABCDEFG song to my tummy when I was pregnant with her. when she was born, she could relate to the song immediately and recognise her brother's voice. guess she must be wondering how come the ball can sing this song too...
wow! hee.. mabbe cam diy a toy, record dede's singing, put inside a stuff toy .. heee =D
the ball oso teaches phonics and when u change the mode, each alphabet has a different song to it..
no hurry to return bah ... sr has far too many balls at home n wont realise one is missing =P
may, saw ur zoo pic on fb. doesn't look like u had ur 2nd bb leh. so slim...

slimz, u also br sr to the zoo?
haiz... sr down with fever n ls on friday morning.. we cancelled our zoo plans on sat and oso missed her gug class on sunday..
till now still ls-ing
hope she is better now. meimei was having teething problem & feverish on & off. but still active disturbing her brother & cousin

check out my pic on fb - ronald mcdonald show. r u interested to join their red pea programme? I think I sent a link to u earlier
initially my mum says it due to teething, doc says viral infection in her gastric, i oso duno wat issit.. i did see 2 little molars sprouting out lar..
the mc tingy i saw.. but tink the classes all on sundays .. shirui has her GUG classes on sunday 11-130 .. cant be at mc ..
oh ya. forgot u replied me. really getting old liao

pd always say fever is not related to teething. but as a mother, I witnessed how the innocent teeth sprouting out from the red gums of my kids. can u imagine if it happen to u? u will also feel very uncomfortable right? once u feel unwell, ur immune system will be low. hehee, coming from me with no medical background...
wan.. all part of mi is back to pre-preg.. except my tummy... aiyo.. today went out wif my aunts for cycling at east coast.. all ask mi.. how come tis preg, my tummy havent flatten...sobzz...

slimz.. let sr drink more water or barley water??
WOW! May, ur msg posted sooo early? wat u doing up so early?
anyway, sr's LS getting better le.. my mum's giving her plain porridge (ultra watery ones) and barley n some other herbal tea to bring down her heatiness..
Wan, my mum oso tink doc veri different nowadays. she said during our time, she would give us only milk n plain porridge during LS.But doc had advised us to give watery fish porridge (wich my mum tinks the fish would b too oily for the tummy...)
yupz..tanks ..
but she's been quarantined at home by the elders.. we've been repeatedly told not to bring her out these days =(
de & mei had fever yesterday. pd say it's due to virus. I sort of expected this answer everytime. just have to feed panadol & monitor temp today
today i put ayden back to sch again.. 2nd day i left him there by himself...haiz.. cried alot...
yesterday nite he woke up 3 times jus to see if im ard and upon seeing mi, he went back to slp....

hope im doing the rite thing to tahan his daily cries in sch.. aiyoo
very heart pain. that's y I withdrew meimei from CH, altho it has a very good environment. some children just can't adjust well, have to perservere if u want him to continue
he now follow mi quite closely at hm.. first nite, he will wake up to see if im ard then will cont to slp.. 2nd nite better liao.. no more such incident.. im keeping my finger crossed.. will tahan coz i got no choice.. hav to put him in childcare
wow, tink sr would oso freak out if i leave her at cc .. yday we went back to MIL hse and i oni went toilet awhile she cried till big big tears rolled down her cheeks liao ..
meimei is over this stage...

I took today off to spend time with de as it is youth day today. with 2 kids, have to schedule quality time with each of them
May, think I saw u last evening around playground, walking towards NTUC around 7.15pm. u were with hb & carrying ayden right? didn't react fast enuf to call u...confirm that's u?
mummies, can i chk with u.. my sr has been having fever (38degree) for two days straight. But her fever comes on only in the early morning. Yesterday was 4am, today 5am .. fed her paracetamol and fever went down. The whole of yesterday was ok, no fever.. any idea how come?
meimei usu have fever when she sleeps. beside fever, does sr have other flu symptoms? is she active? always c a pd to make sure
no other symptoms.. except that my mum mentioned that yesterday sr was more whiny .. kept asking for me .. still veri active leh
wan.. yeah.. i tink tat was mi.. we brought ayden to ntuc to buy drinks! aiya.. u shld call out for mi.. keke`

hey.. my ayden had fever on sun noon.. i brought him to doc on mon morning and was told that its a mild flu virus.. had his medicine and he was fine the next day... he didnt hav any other symptoms though.. jus fever..
ok. next time will call u. my mind was somewhere else that evening. too tired these days

meimei having running nose, so not sleeping well these few nites

I bought a forehead thermometer so that I can check temp when she is sleeping, without waking her up.

children fall sick easily. have to build up their immunity w vitamins
sr din ve the fever tis morning le..hope it means she is well .. =(
wan, the forehead thermometer isit those scan type? hold it like gun? How much and where u got it from?
my hb bot from colleague's wife working at KKH. Around $180 after staff discount. I see some bp on this forum selling $150, but different brand. It should be around that range
forehead type is more popular after H1N1. during sars period, it was ear type. I also have 2 ear thermometers, but need to change the plastic cover. forehead type is more hygenic as there is no direct contact. dunno which brand is good also. only know no fever is good :p
ya.. i also got the braun ear thermometer.. i left it at my mum's plc and bought the forehead one.. like it coz no direct contact... i tink watson or pharmacy got sell some different brands of forehead thermometer worh
hi everyone....long time did not get in, busy with my new job.. hope everyone is fine.

Did anyone send the kids to the "My first school" or the" School house by the garden"? Why is the school?
hi shannon!
my boy is attending childcare at my first skool... not bad ba... still cry alittle when he goes to sch..but awhile only..
errmm.. tis morning a lady said hi to me and called out my name... errmm... im sure she must be a lady frm tis forum... ehh..can let mi knw who is it? paiseh la.. after giv birth is like tat blur blur one...
