2007 Buangkok Mom??

mummies who had c-sect... when does ur tummy flatten ah?! mi still look preggie lor.. so er xin leh.. how ah.. sianz sianz.. low morale leh... i didnt breastfeed liao.. so lagi difficult for tummy to flatten leh.. how ah how ahhhhhhh...

may, tell me about it. I just started to 'solve' my tummy problem, gg for weekly treatment. c-section can't do jamu immediately. so by the time I have time to 'face the facts', the layers already hardened. let u know if it is effective cos I still have people giving up seats to me on the mrt....help!!
we are also rewarded with beautiful children!

u r younger, at least have faster metabolic rate than me. if u r not bfing, can control diet abit. I live to eat, so won't give up good food. saw ur pics on fb b4. I think u r the skinny type like slimz!
ya la.. rewarded wif beautiful kids...

but!! I will die if im to live wif a flabby big tummy... can cry lor... dun even dare to see the mirror...

when then can exercise?? when then can use osim uzap?!!!! omg....
most impt is the healing of the wound. u may wish to ask ur gynae. in general, 3rd mth after birth but I may be wrong

I dun trust uzap. rather go for massage. I take it as an opportunity to 'get away' from work and kids too. if I stay at home, I dun have 'me' time. have to distribute time between 2 kids
wan, i agree we shldn't b over ambitious hee... maybe just sing-along, story telling followed by DIY den makan?

am tinking of having the session in sr's room which is empty (got air con lar.. living room too sweaty =P) but HB says mite b too crampy. Wat do u girls tink?

may just bring ur cousin along bah if u girls r ok with the size (8 including ur cousin's child)

May give urself sometime bah .. tat time i took close to 1/2yr to get the tummy reduced to current size.. and nowadays i'm still eating alot (despite BF-g lesser).. tink ve to start exercising program liao (can feel the layers forming at my waist.. if there's a waist =P)
13 June Saturday, 430pm

1) Slimz, Shirui (17mths)
2) Wan, Dede (4yo) and meimei (19mths)
3) May, Ayden (23mths)
4) Adeline, Anson (36mths) and Amber (18mths)
5) Ivy, Xavier (36mths too? same as Anson) - u joining?
6) May's cousin (22mths)
7) Ter_jan's girl (17 mths)

*9 kids - too big group? let's just play by the ear bah =P
hope we dun get 'played' by the kids instead .. HAA

thanks. we can squeeze into the room 1st. but if the children fidget here and there, we can move out to the living room

my main obj is for meimei to know shirui & ayden so that if they were to go to pcf nursery together, she won't cry like dede. learning is still secondary but I aim to teach her A-Z b4 she starts school

we start with simple programme 1st. if our schedule permits, we can try once a month to introduce alphabets session. if the elder siblings are involved, we will try to plan some 'duties' for them so that they feel important. otherwise, dede can take his nap....zzzz...

btw, do you have whiteboard? I can bring 1 up in case we need to write/ draw/ display something
haa.. squeeze kiddos and mummies into the room .. haa.. time to lose wt ?!

that's my main obj too! coz who noes they may end up being classmates in north vista pri sch in future =P heeeeeee

let's keep it simple den, if successful intro more lor.. sr is learning her A-Z phonics @ GUG.

i dun ve wor.. sr oni has a magnetic board..
may, me wil stay there for 3days oso then she wil b on her own. Hehe.. Bt ur son 23mths does he mind playing with amber? She oni 18mths. He older by 5mths almost half a yr.
adeline.. ayden usually act shy then slowly he will wan to play wif other kids.. either older or younger than him.. anyway, dun care.. force him to play..haha

my intention is to let ayden to hav frens ard the neighbourhood too le.. most likely will be classmates in future de lor.. think i will wan to let ayden study in north vista pri also.. so near only...

terjan.. u knw how to make ah.. wah seh...
ter_jan .. tanks =D yum yum .. heee... so talented.. i cant cook nor bake (i dun ve an oven to start with) .. nxt time we go ur plc let the kids bake cake .. heee =D

May, nth vista good hor, so near, we can even see the sch from our bedrooms.. nxt time i wil tell sr "i saw u jaywalking across the road/ running ard classroom during lessons .. " =P
slimz.. my hb joked tat next time recess time, ask ayden to sit on the 2nd level, where there's a few tables and chairs,.. anyway, better for them to study north vista lor.. can wake up late..
mummies.. how ah.. my gal now coming 5weeks old.. for the past 1 week, she has been awake from 11pm to 3am, fussing.. sometimes will vomit out the milk during tat time too.. v cranky..

i suspect its colic but i've given her dentinox colic drop.. no help leh...
colic usually is crying at late evening leh..and its too young to be colic cos pd mentioned it usually starts end of end of 2mth to 3rd mth old...

2 views of thought:
1) bring to see pd
2) erh..not too scientific lah. But go temple and pray pray for blessings?
got your pm on your address.

wow, most of you are aiming north vista arh...then jialat liao, prob need to ballot next time! But the good part is north vista have after sch care service within the sch. this is added advantage for working mums like most of us.
Ivy, north vista no need ballot la. school still so new. my side nearest is nan chiau. ballot also can't get in. so I already rule out that option
oh dey got b4/aft sch care wor? hmmm... sounds like my mum will be out of job then .. HAAA..

wan, y nan chiau cant? den u wan send dede to nth vista? is it stil within the 2km radius frm ur hse? heard can use grandparent's add to reg sch but ve to prove kid is styng with them
oh.. pcf oso ve to look at address de??? aiyoh... so stressful .. urgh

my sis went to c a condo near rosyth area and i'm asking to her to buy den i use her add reg sr into the sch =P
its new now but when time come for our kid, its prob not new already..haha...

nan chiau,
ballot also cannot get in? but i heard from frens that the standard is not so good now..hear the teachers calibre dropped...haha...
see how bah, i prob have another 2 yrs to decide whether to move, to do PV or just any sch will do...
ok, no problem. we can let the kid bake at my house. i have lot of mini baking tin at home ha ha ha. we can let than bake mini chiffon cake n biscult with deco themselve...

wow baby is now only nealy 2... all of u talking about pri school...

so in another 2 week time wat is the programe we are going to do???

let me know early... cos looking after baby hardly got time to be online... he he he
there will be sing along (pls bring one of ur child's fav toy, we plan to place their toys in a bag and den we'll pick frm the bags and sing songs related to the toys picked)
mabbe story telling, DIY/artncraft session
den small makan session...
wahaha... we realli kiasu lor... already talking abt pri sch..keke...

our programmes lined up sound sooo interesting!! looking forward to it...

adeline.. 1st skool called mi today to remind me abt the sch opening on 1 jun.. wat time will u be there?
hmm.. post ur fotos up here for easy recognition =P
or wear a rose on your top on 1june at 1st skool
.. hAAA..
i tot of giving him milk before going to sch leh.. they will serve breakfast at 8.30am??

wahaha.. slimz.. wear a rose?! y not i put it on my head?! keke.. ehh.. ayden's bag is personalised.. got his name on it.. v obvious.. u approach mi kk?? then let amber and ayden befriend..
adeline, ter_jan, r u on facebook? slimz, may & I have photos, so we can recognise each other b4 we meet up.

my son already 4yo. must recce school liao. meimei just tag along whatever school gorgor goes to, but must be co-ed, of course

may, ask for a timetable which usu goes like: breakfast, class, outdoor, teabreak, activity, lunch, shower, nap, teabreak, activity, go home. childcare are very routine. they also should have menu for their meals to show u. hope ayden will like school!
ya lor adeline.. i tot of miting u first then walk over together... coz ayden keep wanting mi to carry him.. but i wan him to walk himself.. if he sees amber walking herself.. maybe he will follow also?! hehe...

adeline.. i pm u my hp no. too k...
Hi Adeline,

Yes, I am at nov 07 mummies. Its was only quite recent that I chance upon this Buangkok Mummies thread. So I thought its nice to know mummies staying around the same area. Can have more activities for my son too. :)
wan.. i asked them for timetable then they tell mi they dun hav leh.. i also tot they shld hav a "record" book to sort of let mi knw how's ayden doing in class daily rite?? isnt it so??
adeline, add u on fb

may, ayden hasn't started school yet right? they usually paste the timetable on the wall for the different classes. I take photo for reference. but they should have some standard routine even if they dun issue official timetable. for the booklet, it's usu for communication between parent and teacher
u have to bring his milk powder, bottle and label his name and amount of milk level (?oz) the teacher will feed him during mealtime

how is his 1st day?
Adeline & May: you are not working? SAHM? How is first day at 1st Skool? Are Ayden & Amber adapt well? I probably will check out the school on one of the weekday.
wah.. i tink ayden enjoys lor.. i went off to make payment, he also dun care if im not ard leh
jus tat he dun listen to instructions.. when teacher ask them to sit and sing song or wat hor.. he dun care.. will walk ard and play wif the toys.. headache lor

Overall im still ok with e teachers there very caring n attentive. They will go ard n talk to us. Amber very sticky to me she still nids time to adapt. Another 2 days to go then she will be on her own.

E daily routine is pasted on e wall did u look at it? Ur son so good ah. He neber cry when u went to do e payment. He walked over to my side n played with amber.
ya lor.. i tink the teachers not bad... and the food portion quite generous..

adeline.. i didnt see the daily routine on the wall leh.. maybe tml go take a pic of it.. wan to take a pic of the daily menu too.. since they doesnt giv us a copy of it..

btw, adeline.. my hb ask mi to bring ayden over earlier at 8am.. so i shall see u in skool tml k??
Adeline, my son also quite sticky to me. So I am not sure if I want to put him there full day. And ya...I think the most impt. thing is the teachers there must be good. :)

May, your son seem enjoy the place alots. At least, you don't have to worry that he can't adapt to the environment. :)

Re: food potion
May, are you referring to their lunch & snack time?

oh, so fun to bring ur kids to school .. hee... my fren has a boy 3yo.. aft first week at sch was oredi going ard tickling his frens.. haa..
