2007 Buangkok Mom??

slimz.. really v tiring leh.. hav to chase my boy and keep asking him to sit.. which he still didnt.. i realli salute those teachers in childcare coz really tiring lor.. omg

Hi Slimz, can PM me u address...

Hi Mommy, anyone interested in Cheese cake (got something like American bake cheese cake & non-bake Rasberry mixed fruit cheese cake , wanna try he he he. pm me

Hi Adeline, have added u into my face book...
ter_jan.. done le =D

may, do u tink boys would b harder? sr's classmates in GUG (the boys) are quite hard to manage de.. the girls overall still ok

Cheese cake? Yummy! you made or ..?
I wan to try! haha...

glad that both your kids are well in their new sch. I dun think i will change my son's sch..he looks geniune happy in his class as i observed during his bd party...i guess thats wat matter most bah..
yup, i made it... me now working can meet u after work... pm u my hp u can sms me than meet u up...

got it slimz, thanks

just bring gal to GUG for lesson, she quite scare think first lesson....

will go in web late in the evening, got to rush for closing
Is up to individual if u think he is happy there then better dun change.
For me is im more concern on educational side so must change school for anson. Will let amber adapt to childcare life then maybe next yr then change to same school as her brother.

U look very tired. U can actually sit aside n let e teachers handle ur son.
wahaha..slimz.. really lor.. i tink boys are really harder to handle...

adeline.. i purposely ask the teachers to handle my son coz tis way my boy will get used to them and they will knw his pattern.. anyway, he seems ok.. didnt cry even when im not ard.. somemore fuss when i try to carry him home.. haiz... the only problem is tat he is too active.. climb everywhere and run all ard.. v scary...
may, see it as a way to exercise bah.. =D
dat day i got home quite early and jogged from our plc to my mum's at IMH there to pick sr up.. oni 1.9KM nia... i tot would ve burnt more .. boo
ya, faith curriculum prob not as good...think they dun have enuff dynamic young teachers. i will reconsider next yr, if my helper is willing to extend her contract then i will give up cc and send #1 to pre-school along with #2.

is amber on full day already?
i seriously think if they can handle so many kids.. and my boy is very active.. running ard.. climbing here n there.. i really scare he will hurt himself..
may, no offence but I was reading up articles on 'how ready r children gg to childcare' b4 I started meimei at childcare. most of the times, the children r ready but not the parents! in my case, my MIL was not ready to part w meimei and I was not ready for the sending/picking routine due to my work nature

mummies have to 'let go' so that children can grow up. easier said than done...
Not yet for 3days we nid to go school n stay there with them for half a day. Today is e 3rd day so tmr they will be on their own. Hopefully everythhing will be ok. Is more on caregiver they can't sit still so very difficult to teach. Will send her to my son school next yr.
wan.. i knw i got to learn to "let go".. but jus cant help worrying.. especially he v active and when he fuss, like when ppl take his toys or when he wan to take ppl's toys yet cant.. then he tend to arch his whole body backward.. really scare he will hurt himself..

adeline.. v scary hor?! omg.. i will be bringing him to sch at 8.30am.. coz i tink when i bring him to sch at 8am, he didnt realli eat the breakie.. and will be playing ard.. tats when the "bully" will be ard too.. haiz.. so at least he 8.30am, eat and play awhile while.. start class liao.. arghh.. pray hard for tml
So quiet here today. All mummies in Buangkok went to motherhood fair?

Anyway, I went there this afternoon. Here are the find:

Diaper Sales:
Huggies Diaper selling at S$14 per pack and 2 for S$25. Buy any 4 (diaper/ pull-up pant/ swim pant), you will get the huggies tent or torchlight.

Nepia is selling at $14/pack. This price is vaild until 30 Jun 2009. Free delivery if you order 4 packs. Can call them at 6226 2650.

There is Poney sales but mainly girl's clothes. Boy one quite minimum. Oh, there is Elle sales, buy 2 for $10.

Karihome Goat milk sweet (Asstd) 200 sweeties selling at S$16.
Single flavour (Original/ Yogurt/ Blueberry/ Stawberry) 150 sweeties selling at S$12
Buy any two free one can of 70 sweeties (either yogurt or stawberry)

Gelyn, thanks for the update. intend to go on sat, not working. actually more interested in popular and john little fair. wanted to build up the library for my kids

I passed by united square after my meeting today. 'Learning thru play' was having closing down sale. I grabbed almost all the puzzles left on the shelf. can bring to slimz place to entertain the older kids, just in case :p
learning thru play closing down sale? i tot it was oni a seasonal sale leh... then tis sunday i MUST go to the one at AMK hub to GRAB too ... =P
Popular sale is at expo rite? hmmm tis wkend i veri bz leh.. urgh... wan to build up lib and artncraft supplies for sr ..

i bot a book of drawing paper at Daiso yday, can use for our veg printing on 13th.. wat poster colors shld we b using for it huh? Wan mabbe u go popular sale can help me get some ?? ve been wanting to get for sr
tanks for your detailed 'report' .. hee.. my girl not using those diaper brands and the sweets, i haven intro her to them..
but tot got fish oil sale?
Wan, if you are going to John Little. There are some story books going as cheap as $2 only. But very small section. And there is Fox sales for baby/ toddler going selling at $4 and up.

Slimz, I didn't notice if there is fish oil sales or not. For the goat milk sweeties, I intro to my son is becos I rather him have that than those gummy sweets out there. Sound healthier than candies. Heehee...

Re: Learning thru play
Are they having close down sales at AMK hub too?

Re: kid gathering
Slimz, I am keen to bring my son to join. Any more vancany? Heehee...what to bring over?
Learning thru play closing down sale was only at united sq outlet. the rest r having GSS. I bought the puzzles at 50% off! AMK hub branch not closing down la. the staff told me whatever not sold yesterday will be moved to other branches and sold at higher price. how true, I dunno

yeah! going shopping 2mr
huh.. so amk wont ve really cheap cheap stuff wor.. dun care, will still go n look c.. i dying to get puzzles for sr ...

gelyn, ya ve a mini (or rather big) play grp gathering at my small 4room..
its a grp of 9 kids + 7 mummies (some mums bring 2 kids).. mummies, wat u tink? too big group?
scared out of control n the kids wont enjoy. further its our maiden self conduct playgrp, dun b too ambitious?
if successful will ve other sessions coming up bah ..
paiseh gals.. lappie sent for repair.. so cant online.. now at mum's plc then can use internet...

anyway the bully is a boy.. i wouldnt say bully la.. jus tat when he snatch my boy's toys and pinch my boy hor.. his parents saw but didnt do anything.. the boy also purposely use the baby pram and knock onto ayden.. can see from his body language tat its done on purpose.. but i stopped him and said sternly tat he cannot do this.. and stared at him..then he jus faster walk away.. haiz.. anyway, i've feedback to the teachers... can only trust the teachers tat they are taking care of it la.. bo bian liao....

teacher also said tat ayden cried more today compared to yesterday.. but pacified quite easily when teacher approach him... hope he will be beta as time goes by...
gELYN, is the goat milk sweeties heating when u kid take it?? cos everytime my gal took it, it too heaty for her... try a few time and she ended having constipation...
Slimz, quite a big group already. Haha...yes, I think our house all quite small to accomodate too much people. Perhaps next time then. :)

ter-jan, I don't think so. cos my niece and my son have been taking it but I don't see any consipation problems for both of them. Its was recommend by my pd.

Wow...the bully sure not the shy shy kind. ya..some kids can do on purpose if no one ever stop them.

Hope Ayden can adjust to the environment soon. He must have missing you.

went expo last wkend, but quite disappointed as popular sells mostly assessment books. we did pick up some books on $2-$4 offers from john little. others were not really cheap & rather get it from forum spree or other mummies...

only got the free motherhood mag from fair. nothing interesting as already past the stage of buying baby stuff
the sales was so pushy when I told her b4 I sat down that I dun want to subscribe. prefer to buy only those issues that interest me. anyway, sometimes also no time to read. some articles for certain issues not very interesting and seems repeated. always talking about pregnancy (which I dun need to read anymore), newborn (I also past the stage) and toddlers (still catching up). now progress to more education-related and looking for more activities for children

if our session this sat is a success, then we can review when to have regular sessions and the venue. can even meet at the pavilion downstairs if there are no 'events'
Wan, I can't stand pushy salesman/woman. The more they try to push, the more I will reject them. Hahaha....

If there is no event, also can meet at the playground too. You are staying at Aspella or Coris?
anyone read or has the book perceptive play by wong li lin? there are quite a no. of activities from the book when I was browsing at popular, but didn't buy la. thought we can borrow the play ideas for future meetup sessions...
i haven buy poster colors for tis sat's session.. anyone any idea wat brand to buy would be gd? i had wanted to ask sr's gug's teachers wat brands they use but forgot. I love the texture and colors they have .. Just now i called and the recep says i would ve to ask the teachers myself... booo
wow, u r so particular, even to the detail of the brand of poster colours. I'll just grab the not so expensive ones if I were u. saw so many brand at popular yesterday, never bought b4 for kids. last bought poster colours when I was in pri school art class...
haa.. my fren ask me use water color but i din like the colors coz dey tend to b of lighter tone lar.. those at popular duno washable, non toxic anot.. haaa... yim chim hor =P
my office here got a shop selling crayola stuff but dun ve their poster colors =(
if by sat i cant get, will ve to settle for popular's posters (get frm HG Mall)
i even went spotlight, but duno wich one to get ..=(
not expert in this area. let's try & c

I reserve the book from sengkang library. hope to get more ideas for playtime

btw, will u be home on fri? I may need to bring some stuff up in case my hands r full with 2 kids on sat...
counting down to our meetup
REMINDER – First Playgroup session at Buangkok =D

13 June Saturday, 430pm, Slimz house (do pm me if you haven got my address)

1) Slimz, Shirui (17mths)
2) Wan, Dede (4yo) and meimei (19mths)
3) May, Ayden (23mths)
4) Adeline, Anson (36mths) and Amber (18mths)
5) Ivy, Xavier (36mths too? same as Anson) - u joining?
6) May's cousin (22mths)
7) Ter_jan's girl (17 mths)

*9 kids, 7 mums. Pls RSVP your attendance so that we know who to expect

430 – 445: Social play (waiting time for all kids to arrive)
20mins: Introduction, issue name tags (stickers with kiddos name, plz gimme all ur kids names so that I can prepare them beforehand) & Sing-along
5 - 7 mins: Story telling (Elmo and Friends go to the Zoo) + Zoo Song
10 mins Art n Craft (Vegetable painting – Lady Fingers, sweet potato, carrots, cucumber)
Washing up and snack time (cake courtesy from ter_jan .. yum yum)
Group photo taking for our first Playgroup =D
Home sweet home around 530 – 545
Friday nite i would b home .. or u can try any other nites, jux gimme a call first .. shld b home after 9 (too late?) or in the mornings? we leave house latest at 730am..
I want to bring the whiteboard and puzzles over to your place either thu or fri after 9pm. I bring meimei home around 10pm everyday. will pm u their actual names...
Slimz, i will be there...

i got some saku poster color but hor this colour can stain loh.... so unless u can't get the poster color i can bring this little box over...

my gal name is Jia Wen, if u need to laminate the name tag let me know, i can do the lamination at my mom place, but got to let me have it by tomorrow...

i have pm u my hp, incase u want me to print n laminate... cos going out liao... will not be online till tomorrow...

if u want can send me all the kid name to my email.
my ayden hor.. near the sch will start to cry.. once at the door, will cling on to mi tightly and cry.. and teachers said he cried more than previous days... and we tink that he is traumatised by the crying already.. coz he was quite ok for the first 2 days.. then slowly when more n more kids start to cry, he will also cry liao..
hb spoke to the admin today abt stopping ayden's class and resume only ard mid jul or end jul when all the kids join and more or less settled down... now waiting for the principal's call...

we also went to cherie hearts to see.. like the environment there.. and hb tink its alot beta than first skool.. more conducive.. but the prob is.. travelling to n fro is a prob.. hav to find solution to tat.. and we jus put him on waiting list first.. since no harm ma..

headache man!!
CH, anchovale has school bus service, but long waiting list now. I also think CH is much much better than first skool. too bad my girl can't adapt (or rather my whole family can't adapt). they invited my children for an event next Fri even after I have withdrawn meimei le. not bad hor
i ask the principal abt sch bus svc.. she say now dun hav coz the parents bring the kids themselves.

wan.. realli gd leh.. but i got to settle the transport issue if i realli wan to.. but see how first.. tml ask my hb to bring ayden to sch coz i need to take care of megan at hm.. headache.. dun like to see him cry too...
they passed me the bus driver's namecard b4 cos I was still working out the options b4 withdrawing meimei. but like she say, most parents drop the children there themselves. not very safe for 20+mth to take school bus la...

there is another CH branch at serangoon north, near sheng siong. I'm not sure if u r interested to recce (I didn't cos not convenient for me)

if u r not working after maternity leave, u may wish to enrol ayden for playgroup which has shorter hours?

just kiv and think about the options now...
sorry, cant make it this sat afternoon...hb side got a family gathering that we have to show face...
see you gals next round.

PS: ter_jen's cake are nice! enjoy..

I asked de if he wants to join meimei on sat. he said no as he needs to take a nap...I'll see if he wants to follow on sat itself, else will only bring meimei

ivy, hope u can join us next round!

Ivy, its ok join us next time .. hee... nxt time mite b bette since tis sat is our first attempt =P sure will ve lotsa hidcups.. HAAA
