2007 Buangkok Mom??

is it some ang moh brand? did u try the 2 baby hyperstores at shun li, kaki bukit? they carry quite a few brands

if u r at home, can sms me ur unit no? I pass the stuff to u

i called them to ask liao.. they dun hav tat model tat i wan.. anyway, i bought from mothercare liao.. hehe.. love it!!
gals.. hw ah.. my gal like suddenly not interestd in milk leh.. still hav to coax her then she will drink.. but usually will finish up though...

she is drinking 150ml every 4hrly.. and only 4 feeds a day.. but the PD says too little.. ask mi to increase her milk to 180ml every 4hrly leh.. she can finish but i scare she will b too bloated leh.. hw ah?!
Hi May,

It can be little but as long as she is still drinking. Some babies have small stomach. Be patient amybe she is not ready yet.
coz last time.. she will cry for mlk every 3hrly.. still drinking 150ml though.. but lately, she will use her tongue to push the teat away.. then i need to coax abit.. then she will drink...

as she drinks like 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm.. only 4 times.. pd says total only 600ml a day..not enuff..wan mi to increase 1 more feed or increase the milk.. but after 8pm, there's no way i can dreamfeed her at all.. haiz...
slimz, no plans to travel out of s'pore w H1N1. with haze, it's even worse.

sat am we are gg to sengkang riverside park to fly kite & picnic. sun gg national day party w playdates! friends. then go home watch parade on tv
wanna go travel but the H1N1 too scary la.. dun dare to go le.. haiz... wasted a long weekend hor?!

wan.. v gd leh.. u planned activities over the weekend liao..wah seh...
we went taka toy fair yday .. no crowd at all .. i tink coz its the last day of the fair liao.. haa..
got sr an eletronic keyboard wich i intend to leave it at my mum's coz my sister can play more tunes dan me n hb.. haa.. who oni knows Do Re Mi, Twinkle Twinkle and Ke Ren Lai .. =P
oso got an intercom phone ..
tink most of the good deals are oos le since its the last day liao
wow.. slimz.. u manage to buy stuffs...
i went there.. then wanted to get Ayden some toys... HB n I were like shaking heads to all the toys that we saw... coz although we wanna buy new toys for Ayden but the tot of him having so many toys at home hor.. scary leh.. so messy...

Im selling off Ayden's electro car to make way for a single bed in his room...

gals.. if any of ur frens are interested to buy hor.. let mi knw k... bought for only 2mths+ niah.. but coz didnt intend to let ayden play outdoor wif it.. so become white elephant liao... need the space though...
may, sr has a similar one .. haa.. and oso has a scooter (xiao mian yang) lor .. =P
we let her 'drive' downstairs in it.. it sure is veri bulky n takes up lotsa space
wahaha.. yeah! wan.. meimei can come for a free ride before it's sold.. haha..

wah seh.. slimz.. sr got car and also scooter ah..
i find my plc soooo small.. wanna convert his rm to a bedroom... so got to sell off some of his toys liao...
haaa.. pls come and ride .. wan, tink the scooter de can ride first.. coz sr cant ride it yet... too short for it =P
for the car she oso cant step on the gas yet .. we remote control it for her
i realli salute u leh wan.. wif a toddler and a baby, i wanna die liao.. coz tat day when megan is sleeping, ayden will cheekily smile then recite his 1-5 and then clap his hands..poor megan will open her eyes.. then slowly doze off..and ayden start again..tis went on and on and on until i so pek chek.. chase dad and ayden out of the room...
it was more difficult initially, but the 2 of them will bond and co-operate when they are older

I have alot of help from hb & ILs. I try to spend time with each child as their needs are different. otherwise, make them sit side by side and read book together
oh... too bad i no one to help mi leh... my hb wrk shift and also studying.. i will die if i hav to take care of 2 alone.. v v v tiring.. i tink i will grow old alot faster...
so quiet here ..
mummies i planning bring sr for swim this sat at sk swimming pool.. anyone wanna go tgr? let the kids play tgr =D
sorry, already have plans with playdates! friends. but we will also be near anchorvale, picnic at the park!
oh, the park opp the swimming comp?
wat time u all gg b there? mabbe we join u all instead if we r welcomed =P
wat's the prog gg b like? do we nid to bring toys like bubbles, kites, balls, aeroplanes? my HB has a remote control copter .. thou duno if its still working condition anot coz long time nvr use liao
or bring drawing materials =D
free & easy. we are bringing kites, football & frisbee. no fixed programme, jus relax with kids while catching up with others
wan.. where to buy frisbee ah?
I might wanna bring ayden to sentosa wif his cousins on wed.. so wanna get some stuffs for them to play there...
change of plan liao.. going botanic garden.. coz cousin says 7th mth.. dun go near sea..
kiddy palace got anot ah?
frisbee- can get from toyrus, giant, carefour or any places that sell kids stuff.

buy picnic mat for botanic garden
may, i've a straw pinic mat wich can b folded into a bag, if u need can lend u. u can pop by my plc tonite n get ..
thanks slimz! wat time will u be home tonite? I'm having celebration dinner wif my relatives and family... not sure wat time will i reach home... i scare i pop by too late, disturb u and ur family..
sorry slimz.. we came back too late and i forgot to check forum.. hehe..anyway, thanks for ur offer.. i get my cousin to bring it..
hehe.. so nice of u!
Hi Buangkok

Im staying @ 277C, need to seek ur helps coz currently Im a SAHM wif 2sons, 2yrs old n 1yr old, Im planning to go wk nx yr but Im been in waiting list for the Faiths ctre since last yr for my elder son, find that Buangkok area do not hv many outlet childcare ctre. Anyone hv recommendation? Tks
hi ger11~

my boy is in my first skool at blk 269.. adeline's kids are there too.. i tink its not bad... maybe u can pop by to take a lookie? btw, i stay at 277b!!
Hi may

Ive called FSK le, they say will be in waiting list coz full liao, sianz lo. Dun noe y Govt dun built many cc ard BK n SK area, u noe the Faith ctre b4 I move in oledy got pple register liao leh, smore tat time 277 & 275 pple renovating nia, dun noe wea they get the info frm
i tink from the internet... at first FSK also havent realli start much renov.. then i saw frm the website under FSK tat 269 hav.. then i faster register..

my hb last time told me that if at SK open CCC, sure big big biz! hehe
yalo, Tivela or Atrina oso got space mah, yet dun open more cc. Nw got to search high n low, hw I wish Faith got space haiz..
actually i dun really like faith leh.. coz my neighbour says tat he heard them teaching the kids ABC.. errm.. abit.. CMI.. anyway, i dun knw how true la.. coz i never hear..
how about recce near your workplace first? (ie. if you already know the location)

the other nearest one is at coris but review not so good right?
ve signed sr up for Monte Kids at HG Green .. 2x a week, 1.5hrs for a one mth trial. She'll be starting on 22Sept.
But i having headache recently coz my mum, who is suppose to help bring sr from sch (in the mornings HB n I will bring sr over to sch), is having leg pains the past week.. scared she cant bring sr ..
Guess my mum's not young le.. we prob ve to find a cc liao .. the cc ard our area all full n long wait list le rite?
hope ur mum is better. y dun u start her at playgroup 1st & see how she adapts? if ur mum is not well, u might need to take few days leave, bobian...HG green just cross the road from ur mum's place?

my MIL is in her 70s and looking after 3 kids. no joke lo. but we also bobian...so de's nursery just downstairs lo. in case of emergency, still can activate other family members to help
