2007 Buangkok Mom??

may, my girl was down with flu n cough last wkend, din wan to spread germs to u n ur family esp kiddos so din pop by say hello..
how's confinement? rem i did mine in dec, rainy season.. now the weather damn hot, if i were u .. sure go siao liao

See how if she can adapt then go for fullday. Her name is Amber. They said too many kids so she can only starts on 15 jun.
slimz, my kids & myself have been down with flu for the past weeks. virus still in the air. serious running nose and cough. drink lotsa water
adeline, tis is confusing.. too many students so they ask ur dotter to start later? meaning later have lesser students?
wan, bad weather nowadays rite.. so scary.. its the first time sr down with it but she was still singing at the top of her harsh voice despite all these.. awful singing.. pity my ears.. haa..
slimz.. the weather really v bad lor.. lucky today rained.. at least some cool air.. haha...

adeline.. how cm 15 jun?! weird leh.. too many kids.. so start later.. does that means they forsee some ppl will giv up their slot?! hmm.. weird management leh...
may n slimz, e staff there said too many kids 1st day sure got crying. So they said better to let her start later which is 15jun so they can better manage. I was thinking alamak does tat mean they cannot handle? I said i prefer 1 jun they wil let me know later. Then today 1 of e staff call me said they stil havent get e official letter to start e school!? I tot already approve?
adeline, may,

I think from my exp w cherie hearts, new centres usually practise that. they will enrol children in batches. when meimei joined them, there were only 2 other children in playgroup. then another 2 joined together with meimei. so when meimei dropped out, they will activate their waiting list and start the new student after the 2nd/3rd batch settle down. I think it is good that they are not so 'hard-up' for u to start immediately to get ur $$. but of course if u NEED to start ur child immediately, they can make special arrangement.

on getting the MCYS approval, I think they may have gone through MCYS inspection after TOP. but some needs abit of adjustments before MCYS approval is formally obtained.

above are just my guess from setting up previous NTUC childcare at compassvale & anchorvale. but those people I worked with already 'retired', so I dun have any contact with 1st skool anymore :p
ha ha ha, wanted to enrol and mine was on waiting list if not wrong at twenty something...

my mom keep on telling me don't put her to the childcare first... since i not working now... doing temp job... than somemore mom help to look after her... wanted to let her meet up with some kids so that she can learn how to share... at mom place she is the queen want whatever she will be given... she is the type where she see kid do than she will follow... aldult do she ignore... sometime bring her home have a hard time with her cos she just ignore me... too boring at home alone...
wan, should b tis way lor. They dun wan so many kids then all crying together quite difficult to handle oso. So i have to wait until 15 jun. Ter_jan, for me slightly better then u cos i stil hav a elder son. So when hes bk from school there is somebody to play with. Bt i stil prefer to let her go cc. Can mingle ard with other kids. Learn things faster better then staying at hm.
ter_jan, my girl oso 17mths, born 6dec!! and i she is the oni one like ur's .. and agree she got nothing to do at home on wkdays with my mum lor.. alwyd tv tv thou sometimes my mum would read to her, teach her the ABC/123/fruits etc charts ...
we enrolled her for wkend class at GUG and tat's the oni time she learn to play with classmates etc lor
ya i agree with kid around the same age they will learn faster

hi slimz, where is this GUG, can i have the link cos me also thinking of enrolled her for wkend class, thanks.
slimz, ter_jan, if u can offer ur place, we can bring our kids to meet up. can arrange some activities together. cos buangkok not my house, not convenient. but we are there most evenings and wkends.
just a quick check, r your children starting to speak yet? my 19mo girl can only call papa, mummy, dede (her bro), say single word 'dirty, nose, eyes, mouth'. can't communicate her needs yet. I notice that when children get together, they learn faster by observing one another. as they are unable to appreciate 'structured learning' at this age, we will need to have some informal learning environment. no expert here, sharing from my experience teaching my 4yo son
wan, I am most willing to offer my plc on wkends, but would ve to be sat afternoon coz sr's class is on sun and sat mornings are for our hse cleaning :s
ter_jan, GUG main office is at novena got a new branch in suntec. my girl is attending the class @ suntec. its called growing up gifted. http://www.gugifted.com/index.php?p=section&sub=article&articlegrppk=4
Wan, sr (17mths) oso not veri advanced in her speech. She is saying single words like cat, car, star, tree, call papa/mama/popo/gonggong .. quite limited vocab .. other times she would blabber in her own language .. as for communicating her needs, she would hold our hands and bring us to the things that she wants wor..
meimei is at that stage too. it will be interesting to see how they communicate with each other. nowadays, when we say something, meimei will go 'har?' she is slower in speech dev compared to dede. hopefully she can start to communicate b4 starting Nursery.

I br dede to playdates! every sat am. it will be late afternoon after he settles down for nap. we can arrange one of the sat afternoons. not sure if ter_jan, adeline, may, vamiga, ivy are interested to join in?
late afternoon.. mabbe have it ard 5-530? hee.. fun fun fun =D cheaper way to spend our wkends too, else alwys go out spend $ .. HAAA

May can oni make it aft her confinement wor =D

We can take turns to brainstorm progs for the kids too =D hmm... and i'm intending to go get a small table with chairs for sr tis wkend (mabbe ikea..) hee.. the kids can use too =D
I think may's confinement ending this week. let's do 1 session in June? do u have any good ideas on the prog? or what have SR learnt from GUG?
13 june.. ok?? coz 6 june i gg for wedding dinner =D

learnt?hmmm zoo phonics (I know all the zoo phonics liao but dun ve the cards ..) and songs, story telling ..

for art n craft dey ve done painting (sponge), pasting (using brush n glue & using pasting cereals using jam on paper plates). ve seen other classes doing coloring, pasting rice n uncooked rice..

on our own (ie out of GUG) ve let sr try play doh, crayons, stickers, stacko, stamping .. and she 'made' a BD card for my dad last week.. HAA

ve wanted to do bento sets but din get down to doing..hee...

mabbe can do veg/leaves print painting?
wow! u gals are great! It's nice to have such activities for our kids.. I'm definitely interested.. but probably ot the first weekend of June ba..coz Ayden will start sch on 1 Jun.. don't wan to "scare" him with so many activities.. shall see how...

Btw, my boy also only know words like car, bus, bird, papa, mama, etc.. most of the time just blabbering..that's all...

Btw, my gal is now abt 3weeks + (week 38+ by actual gestation).. she didn't poo for errm.. 4 days.. today is the 4th day liao.. she don't seems to be in pain though.. not grouchy, etc... but usually she will poo daily.. suddenly just stop pooing.. so worried leh.. and she is on FM leh.. how ah.. i tried giving warm water, massage, colic drop, etc.. all no use leh.. any1 can advice or help?!
me too, if u all don't mind can come to my house too..

so shall we fix it on 13 jun???go slimz house???

recently i just bought some sponge with shape like star, heart shape and a rectangle shape. i can bring along...

Shall we plan wat we are going to do???
ok. I will reserve 13 Jun for this get-together. actually I didn't try those messy art & craft at home. lazy mummy dun want to clean up after the children.

let's try out slimz plan for the 1st session. then I work on the next session. I find that meimei can't sit down & listen to instruction at her age. so I assume all our children are about the same stage. I intend to print out all their names and do some treasure hunting activities around the house (slimz offered her place right?) The children can recognise their own names and can pass to their new friends if they find others' names. De learnt many songs from playdates! and pcf. He can lead the sing-along session. I think he will be happy to be my little assistant (unless he is taking his nap)
Adeline: just saw your reply. I didn't know I must be fast?!?!? Oh no....!!

the 1st school you all talking about is at Blk 269? under the NTUC?
How about the Junior Scho at Blk 266? is it good?
let's tabulate our kiddos age and attendance list here (better for planning purposes)

13 June Saturday, 430pm (fine?)

1) Slimz, ShiRui (17mths)
2) Wan, Dede (___) and meimei (19mths)
3) May?
4) Adeline?
5) ter_jan

* does all of you accept PM? I PM my address to u girls once confirm attendance

Program for the day :
Themed sing-along + art n craft session
Gelyn... i also quite surprise that 1st skool already full.. but lucky la.. mi v kiasu.. reg abt 1 mth before they open...
dun knw abt junior scho though...

slimz.. ayden is 23mths...
ivy, sure. U should bring xavier. So they can play together. I wil definitely wil bring anson. He very sticky to me. Gelyn, junier school hse no comment bt u can from other column alot of comment abt tat hse. U should try to call e 1st skool mayb they stil hav vacancy. Yes e one at blk 269.
13 June Saturday, 430pm

1) Slimz, Shirui (17mths)
2) Wan, Dede (4yo) and meimei (19mths)
3) May, Ayden (23mths)
4) Adeline, Anson (36mths) and Amber (18mths)
5) Ivy, Xavier (36mths too? same as Anson)

Let's do it for these 7kids first bah.. scared too many my hse overcrowded =P

* does all of you accept PM? I PM my address to u girls once confirm attendance

Program for the day (any suggestions?)
Themed sing-along + art n craft session

Am tinking since our kids are of diff age range, would it b better 2 ve separate diff prog for them?
I've not been to plygrp for older kids wor, duno wat to plan....

I think the main objective for this playgroup is for the 07 children. the older kids can just play along with their siblings.

we will start with an introduction of all the children's names with their nametags. At this age, they may not recognise their names. mummy or their older sibling can help them pick up their names

I thought of an idea for the sing-along session. Can each parent/child bring 1 or few small toys along? everyone can throw the toys into a big bag. each child can pick up a toy and all children will sing the song related to the toy the child picks. so there is a little bit of surprise factor and can introduce the 'visual' to the children at the same time

eg. if a child pick a star- sing twinkle twinkle little star
or boat- row row row your boat
or sheep- baa baa black sheep/ mary has a little lamb
or clock- hickory dickory dock

the rest is impromptu, I guess
wan, tats a gd idea. Wil bring an item on tat day. Slimz, u can pm me. May, e my 1st skool let amber start e same day as ayden hehe they said since we know each other. Wil u b there on e 1st day?
Maybe we can let them DIY their name tags? the bigger siblings can prepare snacks like bread or make milk/milo? or get the daddies bring them downstairs for playground/ball games/bubbles =P 'let the men do the hard work'
eh.. daddies coming along?

for the singalong, we prob ve to pre-confirm the toys we will be bringing? else mite ve situation of same toys? can use sr's toys oso bah..

we ve a few books from the lib, if poss can do some story telling? wonder how many of dem can sit still for it.. =P
slimz, my hb working on 13 jun. so he was suggesting I bring meimei along and let dede take his nap. I will play by ear. it's just upstairs downstairs, can always 'change player' during half time. hahaha

as for the toys, I was thinking of bringing a sun, a sampan boat folded origami, mb a fish. doesn't matter if it repeats. we can always sing the same song over and over again!

I have a book on 'hide & seek'. we can read the book b4 playing hide & seek. but I think it can be a separate session altogether. dun want to be too ambitious. not easy working with a group of children

adeline! i will be there for the first 3 days then will let ayden stay there alone on the 4th days onwards.. u?? its great tat amber can start together wif ayden... can let them be "buddy" hor?!

gals... u all v on leh! so many plans liao.. mb i bring ayden's fav barney softtoy..can anot ah??

btw, can i get my cousin to come along? her son is 22mths.. can can??
