(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!

Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
just to check ah.. what time is the class and how much is the fees??

haha.. i put my name first then check.. hehe
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced -paying
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
lynzi, hee..ya lor bought a lot of loots fr ozzie, heng no overweight, still had 10 kg more. i was like aiya, if i know i should buy more things! hehe
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
My #1 started with mouth area too. Everytime after food red patches. Skin specialist said maybe I kept scrapping his mouth when feeding. You know, when some puree on mouth we will use the spoon to scoop clean. Then he asked me to use Cetaphil on his mouth area. You can pump some on the wet cloth and wipe, after that cleanse again w/o the cetaphil cleanser. This way you will not worry that kiddo will lick some cleanser up.

Hehehe... experienced before that is why able to advice here and there a bit. =) Hehehe, cornstarch cheap and useful.
Re: Gymboree trial class

The trial class is $40 a session (abt 45mins). The timing on Sunday is 4pm to 4.45pm at Harbourfront #03-09/10. Can u pm me your name, baby's name n contact nbr? Need the info cos the centre will call u to cfm your attendance.

If its indicated Tanglin Mall address on your voucher, then you can't use it at Harbourfront.

slimz, cocoangel,
You need to check your voucher if it has Tanglin Mall address, cos if so, you can't use it at Harbourfront.

Ok, petrina n alien77 r the last 2 for this class. If got more, may need to arrange for another batch liao.
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz - paying
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
i've PM-ed you few days ago with gym trial details...nt sure if u're received it?

btw i vaguely remember u mentioned we can choose to pay $50 instead for membership,does it mean with membership can come anytime,any gym branch?

Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz - paying
13. dinut - paying
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
yikes, my baby just vomitted her milk out for the first time ever, like serious adult type of vomiting. shd i bring her to doc or monitor?
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz - paying
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
17. xuan2007 - paying
dylan's mum,
thanks thanks!!

btw it was great to see u and dylan the other day.
i think even though he's not eating much solids u shouldnt worry so much cos he looks helathy and not like he's losing weight or something rite??
coco, ya, no choice, cos jovan is crawling very fast! He is able to stand with some support from holding on to the panels etc and learning to walk a bit now but of cos with support, hehe!

constance, will do,

ya dodo, i am extremely busy with my work and also jovan is very sticky to me when we brought him back from my mil place every day after work, so my tight schedule start from the moment i go to work to the time when my little rascal goes to sleep... i am so tired every day....
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma - have voucher, but maybe end up paying.
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz - paying
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
17. xuan2007 - paying

Dun worry la...My boy also haven't crawl yet,sometimes they just skipped the step and walk straight away...so dun worry! Let nature take it course.
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma - have voucher, but maybe end up paying.
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz - paying
13. dinut
14. valeriet - paying
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
17. xuan2007 - paying
any babies having stranger anxiety? shawn was super unfriendly on last friday when we introduced him to my hb's uncle/aunt. 10secs. that's all it took him to burst into tears after seeing them. he's quite cranky that evening also la. keep wanting me/hb to carry him. just that it's sudden change of behaviour coz all this while he's ok with anyone, even to carry him after like 1min introduction.
My boy has been experiencing stranger anxiety for a while already. He is generally very friendly with strangers or relatives whom he rarely meets and will smile at them, but will burst into tears in 10secs if they carried him.

My boy also not crawling but he can reverse down, to get down the bed. He is quite steady in climbing down the bed liao.
not sure if it's stranger anxiety...but my boy is now super sticky to me and my mum after his bout of flu (abt a week)...even refuses to be carried by his father and my dad...haiz...I can't even brush my teeth or change my clothes without him screaming down the house....he used to be able to let anyone carry him...but not now...but he still smiles at anyone as he had always been very friendly but now not the carrying part...

any solutions for the above?
Ok the voucher can only be used in tanglin mall ah.. i have found the voucher yet but think should end up paying :p thanks!

Beng ma,
Your jovan is so fast leh hehe...

Btw, my kyrell 1st milk tooth has come out liao, on fri, like so sudden.. did not noticed it before :p so cute!!

So do we dress our babies in rompers and wear leggings on the gym day?
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny - paying
6. beng's ma - have voucher, but maybe end up paying.
7. eve - paying
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily - got voucher but can only use at tanglin mall? so still gotta pay. :p
10. pierced
11. tub - paying
12. crystalz - paying
13. dinut
14. valeriet - paying
15. alien77 - paying
16. Petrina - paying
17. xuan2007 - paying
My boy can finally crawl.. not on all fours though. More like using hands to struggle fwd.. but quite fast. Yest he crawl ard the whole living room chasing after an empty water bottle.. so funny. I din get to see.
valeriet/leejo, my girl oso scared of unfamiliar faces leh...even grandparents cannot carry (she only sees them once a week)...now only allow mummy, daddy, and maid to carry...

recently she was down with fever, went to see doc..the moment she saw doc, she cried...my god, the doc had to use a toy to cover his face while checking her...hahaha i burst out laughing...

and hor everytime pple go near her, she will give a sad sad face...then when carry, wow less than 5 secs....wow...cry!

how huh? got experience mummies here to share with us on how to improve the situation? tks
su knows how to crawl then sit up on her own. but she doesn't know how to stand up yet. i think kids develop differently. they'll all eventually sit, stand and walk like everyone else so no worries.
pretty, my girl used to cry when she sees unfamiliar faces at the infant care but now ok liao leh. din do anything. she "recovered" on her own. i think cannot do much one la... at most bring her out more often? think it's a phase ba...
tks tub...guess my weekly shopping with her is not helping..haha only shop, sometimes see animals, see plants...seldom interact with pple...

okie will bring her out to see grandparents and friends more often...tks..
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

I have spoken to the teacher and she is suggesting that we split into 2 groups (too many people in one group, won't enjoy n benefit as much cos not enough time for everyone to try everything). So, I need to re-organise a bit.

Those with free trial vouchers, do you want to consider going over to Tanglin Mall branch instead for the trial? If you confirm you want to attend the trial at Harbourfront and pay for it, I will then proceed to start breaking the group into 2.

All mummies, pls let me know your preference whether you want to attend 24Aug or 31Aug asap as cos the 1st trial class is this coming Sunday, 24Aug n I'm going away after that.

Here is some info from the teacher:
"Just a note, we can accept one parent / adult in the class as it is a full class. The other parent can sit in our lobby and watch the class or do take turns to join in the fun.

Trial is at $40 for a play class, if you use a UOB credit, you can get a 5% cash rebate to your card.

If you join our Membership at $50 for a year, your trial is free. Membership is international, if you travel overseas, you can redeem 2 free classes from the country of visit.

See you soon, please do remind your friends to bring socks (adults only), and a jacket for the babies as the air con is centralised and we have no control over it. It can get rather cold."
I dun mind going down to tanglin if it's free with the voucher. Provided got other mummies here going lah.. alone v ji mo...
Thanks for coordinating. I will need to go home & check my voucher. Btw I can only attend the 24 Aug class cos got something on on 31 Aug liao. Let you know tmr. Thanks!
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

I have called Tanglin Mall abt the trial class over there as well. As much as I hope to accomodate everyone in the same class, guess there's a max nbr for all to enjoy/benefit in the class. So, here's the different place/date/time classes for your consideration. To facilitate the registration, pls put your name in your preferred slot so that I can register for you accordingly.

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 31 Aug
Time: 4pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 23 Aug
Time: 3.45pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 12.15pm
has anyone travelled to japan with baby before? Just wondering if they provide baby high chair and cot in the hotels? Otherwise, any suggestions on how to feed baby if they don't provide?
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

I have called Tanglin Mall abt the trial class over there as well. As much as I hope to accomodate everyone in the same class, guess there's a max nbr for all to enjoy/benefit in the class. So, here's the different place/date/time classes for your consideration. To facilitate the registration, pls put your name in your preferred slot so that I can register for you accordingly.

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang
2. valeriet - paying

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 31 Aug
Time: 4pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 23 Aug
Time: 3.45pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 12.15pm
Are ur bbs sleeping thru the night liao? any one with bb still waking up? my boi wakes up every 2 - 3 hrs ...super tired
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

I have called Tanglin Mall abt the trial class over there as well. As much as I hope to accomodate everyone in the same class, guess there's a max nbr for all to enjoy/benefit in the class. So, here's the different place/date/time classes for your consideration. To facilitate the registration, pls put your name in your preferred slot so that I can register for you accordingly.

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang
2. valeriet - paying

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 31 Aug
Time: 4pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 23 Aug
Time: 3.45pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 12.15pm
1. Linda
2. Jane
i love this extract sent to mi by my friend. it's a convocation address given at my alma mater. for all mummies!
I love that term: life expectancy. We all understand the term to mean the average life span of a group of people... Singaporeans have a life expectancy of 81.8 years. Singapore men live to an average of 79.21 years, while Singapore women live more than five years longer, probably to take into account the additional time they need to spend in the bathroom...

Forget about your life expectancy. After all, it's calculated based on an average. And you never, ever want to expect being average....

I'm here to talk about a bigger idea, which is what you expect from your life.

Revisit those expectations. You might be looking forward to working, falling in love, marrying, raising a family. You are told that, as graduates, you should expect to find a job paying so much, where your hours are so much, where your responsibilities are so much.

That is what is expected of you. And if you live up to it, it will be an awful waste.

If you expect that, you will be limiting yourself. You will be living your life according to boundaries set by average people. I have nothing against average people. But no one should aspire to be them. And you don't need years of education by the best minds in Singapore to prepare you to be average.

What you should prepare for is mess. Life's a mess. You are not entitled to expect anything from it. Life is not fair. Everything does not balance out in the end. Life happens, and you have no control over it. Good and bad things happen to you day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment. Your degree is a poor armour against fate.

Don't expect anything. Erase all life expectancies. Just live. Your life is over as of today. At this point in time, you have grown as tall as you will ever be, you are physically the fittest you will ever be in your entire life and you are probably looking the best that you will ever look. This is as good as it gets. It is all downhill from here. Or up. No one knows.

What does this mean for you? It is good that your life is over. Since your life is over, you are free. Let me tell you the many wonderful things that you can do when you are free.

The most important is this: do not work.

Work is anything that you are compelled to do. By its very nature, it is undesirable.

Work kills. The Japanese have a term "Karoshi", which means death from overwork. That's the most dramatic form of how work can kill. But it can also kill you in more subtle ways. If you work, then day by day, bit by bit, your soul is chipped away, disintegrating until there's nothing left. A rock has been ground into sand and dust.

There's a common misconception that work is necessary. You will meet people working at miserable jobs. They tell you they are "making a living". No, they're not. They're dying, frittering away their fast-extinguishing lives doing things which are, at best, meaningless and, at worst, harmful.

Do not waste the vast majority of your life doing something you hate so that you can spend the small remainder sliver of your life in modest comfort. You may never reach that end anyway.

Resist the temptation to get a job. Instead, play. Find something you enjoy doing. Do it. Over and over again. You will become good at it for two reasons: you like it, and you do it often. Soon, that will have value in itself.

So what should you do? You will find your own niche. I don't imagine you will need to look very hard. By this time in your life, you will have a very good idea of what you will want to do. In fact, I'll go further and say the ideal situation would be that you will not be able to stop yourself pursuing your passions...

Find that pursuit that will energise you, consume you, become an obsession. Each day, you must rise with a restless enthusiasm. If you don't, you are working. (Adrian Tan)

It is by Adrian Tan. I read the full speech. Very good! Last weekend for ND he wrote something in ST too. Again very good read. Makes me want to re-read the Teenage Textbook.
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

I have called Tanglin Mall abt the trial class over there as well. As much as I hope to accomodate everyone in the same class, guess there's a max nbr for all to enjoy/benefit in the class. So, here's the different place/date/time classes for your consideration. To facilitate the registration, pls put your name in your preferred slot so that I can register for you accordingly.

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang
2. valeriet - paying

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 31 Aug
Time: 4pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 23 Aug
Time: 3.45pm

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 12.15pm
1. Linda
2. Jane
3. Crystalz

i hope mine dun skip the crawling phase.
something abt left brain connecting rite brain when they try to crawl...

mine only know how to fall from the bed.

so sad, i left him on our bed for afternoon nap and he fell onto the flr. Cried so loud.
