(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Let's "stone" together - finally a picture of me & moi dog

hi hen,
sorry... only logged in today. can I register for this sun class @ harbourfront?

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang - paying
2. valeriet - paying
3. alien - paying
4. pierced - paying
5. CSI_Fan - paying
6. Eve - paying

I've already pm u my details earlier on.
shawn's so cute. does he pull yr dog's fur? mine always pull until his hand got fur. think the dog is more scared of him then he being scared of the dog.

can help me register for this class? i'll be paying.. thanks..

Place: Tanglin Mall
Date: 7 Sep (Sun)
Time: 12.15pm
1. Elaine - Paying
2. Cocoangel - VOUCHER [from SLIMZ]
3. Slimz - voucher CONFIRM
4. Petrina - paying
Hi Hen,

Can I switch to 24 Aug 2008 (sun) one instead? Please cancel the 31 Aug one. Thanks

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang - paying
2. valeriet - paying
3. alien - paying
4. pierced - paying
5. CSI_Fan - paying
6. Eve - paying
7. BBnGG - paying
Hi jeelo,

Shawn is so cute.
I like your dog too.
I also have a schnauzer.

Hi eve,
Ya eve, you are right the dog is more afraid of bb than the other way round. Whenever, my dog licked my bb's hand, he will laughed very loudly...
ya, he pull her ears. when he got the chance, he holds the dog's muzzle with two hands and pull the whiskers and scream high pitch happily. i was very scared my dog would snap. i have to quickly separate them coz worried. my dog anyway, is quite gentle with him. she licks him on his face, ears and toes then cabut when he wants to catch hold of her. so far i only put the 2 of them together 3times.
Fish for bb
i bot a pack of fresh salmon for bb porridge but my sis said bb cant take salmon cos high in mercury. Mummies here any advise? so far my bb has taken threadfin and cod fish only.

Millions thanks!
not sure whether can give salmon or not..but personally i feel that the fish is quite 'oily' and for my #1, i only fed her salmon when she > yr old ..
nobody wants 31 aug slot for vivo then i better switch to 24 aug...actually since i've got photo shoot on 23 aug thought of giving my boi a break the next day...but if nobody joins me i wanna switch to 24 aug can? TIA!
keki... salmon is high in DHA but oso high in mecury.. so u hafta make sure the salmon u bot is of the best quality from the best trusted source .. i.e. no high mecury levels ..
if u go google, u will find articles telling u how much to consume a week.. tink a week suppose to take oni a portion of it (and cant take others like Tuna etc...) coz of their high mecury levels..
we give my girl all kinds of fish (steamed) .. haaa .. coz sometimes she sits with us during dinner ... and we keep her entertained/engaged with us @ dinner time by giving her our food =P
totally agst Dr and Books advice .. haaaa
i oso tried threadfin coz that is the only fish that pd allows me to take during BF-ing. since he is getting it from BM, then might as well add into his porridge. kekeke
I think ang mos will say that fish can cause allegies etc..but to the asians, its almost the first food that we will add to bb's porridge.
I also give threadfin to my boy for sometime liao..

Btw mummies, anyone gave cheese to their babies yet? If yes, what time of cheese and where can I find it? Thanks..
finally mal can finished whole tub of baby yoplait!!!!!!!! me & hb were very amazed and happy cos we no need to swallow his leftover food keke..
bbngg.. it's ngor he

alien, how often u give the yoghurt? I give every weekend for 2 wks.. then now stop for a break liao. We also glad jr can finish.. if not I'll stuff into hb's mouth. He hates yoghurt too. :p
threadfin is it ikan kurau?

jean, i gave cheese liao. so far tried mild cheddar cheese, yesterday bought jack cheese. trying today. bot those vacuum packed type

baby yoghurt not that bad ar.. not that sour heheee
Thanks bluelily.

My boy has been eating ngor he since he started on porridge. And I didn't know ngor he is threadfin. Wahahaha so suaku.
Threadfin (ngor fish) is safe and my boy loves it.

Better not try salmon if you can help it as it is a large fish, hence mercuy content may be high. Same rationale applies when we were pregnant.
alien, u gave pork liao bo? i itch hand, couldn't wait til 9months. tonite going to give porkie pork porridge. hopefully he'll stomach it. :p
thanks for your adivce

i didnt know threadfin is ngor he till i check w d stuff from cold storage too. kurau is the malay name, threadfin is English. Guess i wont give salmon for the time being.

mummies, do u give bb the pork that u cook w porridge? my bb loves to eat the pork. she likes to eat the fish too. guess she is a meat lover! ha ha.
Am waiting for Tanglin Mall branch to get back to me if it is possible to have a 4th baby in the class. The weekend class very full lor. I'll let you know once they call me back. In the meantime, can pm me your baby's name n your contact nbr so that I can quickly reserve a place for you if available.

eve, bbngg, dinut,
I think Harbourfront branch closed today cos renovation, left a message for them to call me back. Once they confirm you are in the 24Aug class, will inform you immediately.
hi mummies..

so exciting ur trip to gymboree.. r u mummies only cnfrming wif the trial or r u planning to sign up ur bbs for the classes?

we went thr last wk to jus c c.very nice.. friendly pple. hv fun!! i am considering the sat slot tho... but not yet. planning to give bb anothr mth b4 signing him up.

any mummies here wif dec bb but premmie?

arvin was 31 weeker when born. so he's still lagging behind in his milestones.. jus peaked ovr 6kg.. rolled ovr abt a mth ago n jus recently strted to pull in his knees n shake shake on all fours.

so tt's y a little concerned to join u guys on the trial as dunno if he's gonna lag behind.. well maybe c hw.. i'll drag hubby along to mt up wif u gals n bbs on sunday @ vivo.

can i still book for this sunday class?

Place: Harbourfront
Date: 24 Aug
Time: 4pm
1. hentang - paying
2. valeriet - paying
3. alien - paying
4. pierced - paying
5. CSI_Fan - paying
6. Eve - paying
7. BBnGG - paying
8. xuan2007 - paying

let me know
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">hi mothers of 1st child < 1 yr,

I think we shld fight for the addition
Children Development Co-Savings (Baby Bonus) Scheme to be given to us. As we too, have small child to look after and requires childcare education subsidy.

Please let me know if you are keen to petition on this matter. [email protected] </font></font>

Don't be too worried about Arvin's development. He will catch up in no time, I am sure. All kids develop differently, some faster some not so fast but they all meet at some point. So, don't fret. See you this Sunday if you're popping by Gymboree to 'watch' us!
today i tried the cheesecake recipe that u gave.
turns out very nice lei.
going to give it to my mil for her bday dinner.
woohooo...i'm so excited!!!!!!
thanks a lot yah sweetie.

Glad you like it. Haha, I help you to score brownie points with your mil.

I sooooo miss my own cheesecake. Nowadays I simply have no time to do anything.
Mummies who gave baby yoplait yoghurt...
I find the yoghurt sour leh...
I tried giving bb last evening and his face sulken and give me a yucky look, then i taste it myself and i find its sour...no wonder he doesnt like. After 2nd, 3rd feed, he still sulk and i give up...
Anymore other brand yoghurt to give bb har beside yoplait?
Re: Gymboree Trial Class for 24Aug, 4pm at Harbourfront

Here's the list of pple registered for the class.
1. hentang
2. valeriet
3. alien
4. pierced
5. CSI_Fan
6. Eve
7. dinut
8. BBnGG
9. xuan2007
10. tub (I put your name down here cos u r the only one from the original list that din response to whether u wanna change to another date/time/place. If u can't make it, its ok, will just hv to let them know)

Mummies, remember to bring/wear socks on that day!
i tot yoghurt is supposed to be sour? That's the only baby brand I know.. just bought at careffour again. hahaha. How abt adding some fruit puree shryn?

Anyone on Friso 2? Now carrefour got discount.. $49.9 for 1.8kg.. got everyday card still got 5% rebate.
Hi mummies,

My girl's 2 lower teeth is already out, 2 wks ago, I found that 4 upper teeth is coming out. I thot is 2 by 2 but she got 4 coming out at the same time. Any babies also like this?
I also gave my boy this yogurt yesterday, my mum told me he's taking it well, i did not try it personally though.. but maybe cos we hve added in honeydew puree so its sweet??
Really arh, every brand also sour arh?
Thought bb yoghurt wont be sour one :p
But you gave a very good idea, will try adding puree, think will be much sweeter..
My son has his 2 lower pearlies. This week he has been super duper cranky and wakes up crying in the middle of the night. I suspect the upper teeth are at work although no visible signs yet.
