(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

val, jr's rashes is dots kind. Worse times can see small little white head.. like tiny pimples.. then some dots are flat. He got these rashes on off b4 I introduce yoghurt leh. I conclude it's his saliva, food, milk etc.. Cant think of any particular source. Then morn will be better.. nite time worse. Din see doc.. maybe wait till 9mths check up then I ask doc loh.

btw elaine, tt 9mths hearing test.. u do at PD or polyclinic? I rem some doc mention to me b4.. but I cant rem if it's PD or the nurse at polyclinic....

aiyah .. me terrible mommy! yesterday as I was belting up my boy on his high chair, I accidentally clipped his skin to the belt & he screamed & cried! got a deep bruise on his thigh .. I felt so bad
Those bb who has eczema, their food allergy rashes will be worse. Especially mouth area, it will have patches of red rashes. Some will get cranky cos it will be itchy.
Those bb who doesn't have eczema, most of the time the food allergy rash will be tiny spot all over the body.
Eczema bb also need to wash up immendiately after they went swimming. The swimming pool water might cause bad reaction too!

It is best to cleanse bb's mouth with Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser after food. Cos normal wet towel might not clean away residue on lips.

Most of the time, allergic reactions pop up very fast, think within 15mins if they are really allergy to the newly intro food.

I did that too, when newbie using Pikkolo. Wahahaha... pinched his fats!
thks for the advise missy! Jr used the Cetaphil before too.. when i bought him to PD to see his baby acne when he's still nb. That was due to my hormones.. which has since cleared. after that I din use Cetaphil on him anymore. Izzit the same cleanser that we use on his body? Normally we just use plain water to wash his face leh. Scared he eat the solution. His rashes appear gradually.. and only mouth area..so shd not be food allergy?
I dun think they have beef borvil (red label) now. It is just vegetables extract, if I remember correctly.The chicken borvil (yellow label) shld have chicken extract in it.

I have a red label borvil at home, will go back and check.
I think my boy is in the same catergory as bluelily and eve - still weight at 7+kg.

Alien, I love seeing Mal's picture. He always have the smile in his picture.
You always have very sound advice. Thank you!
Btw, I used powder with cornstarch on my boy last week (on your advice) and his bum rash went away quite fast.
i haben let him try banana flavor yet. new project for this coming weekend. nowadays go supermarket hor, very busy looking ard for new food. keke.. mal also doesnt like HT barley. i mixed it with HT brown rice. 3:2 ratio. same like you, sometimes too much barley he will detect and shake his head liao.. so far he not used to pui, he will swallow it but with funny expression. guai right!?

ah bie
i think keep until turn yellowish my #2 also no sign, hahhaa..
alien, ya loh. Guai leh. Mine will pui, cry, kok his head against the high chair back (i gotta put a pillow behind), turn his head away, or simply refuse to open his mouth, use hand n try to topple my bowl... v v naughty!
ah bie mine oso tall baby! both mal n jovan height sama sama. got beef bovril? alien if u gog bk, help me chop 1 bot! sun har? may nt be able to mit u gals cos got bp collection.

claire, esther,bbngg, i be at my mum pl at clementi sun noon. let me know if u gals coming. smilez, u want me to pass ur loots to csi? i meeting her tmr.
heehee...Beng's ma,
sorry ah...me not going clementi this weekend, so gotta meet u tmrw instead. kekeke.

You feeling better already?
beng ma,
how's life at new workplace? everything smooth?
din hear from you for long time liao.. hope you are feeling better.
btw is my munchkin here liao? if yes, let me know the amount to tt you ok... then i can collect from you, together with porridge?

hmm... or if you are delivering some loots to dawn or jas, maybe can tompang to them cos i got stuffs to collect from them hehehe... thanks!
I also did that to Kaylen once when I was using the baby carrier. When she cried, I thought she din like the carrier, then I realised that I clipped her flesh :p

Got another time was when using the pacificier holder. My hubby also did that once. We now very careful when putting on the pacificier holder.

Kaylen lost some weight these few days. She's not finishing her milk each time. She still got rashes all over her, so I'm only giving her plain rice cereal for lunch n dinner. In betw, I give her white bread. Poor thing...
mummies, any of u giving bbs fish oil supplements huh?
dat day my PD said although i bf-g her n i'm on dha pills and she's eating fish in her diet.. it would stil b gd if let her take fish oil supplements...

haha.. thats a really cute pic of kyrell.. so wanna pinch his cheeks.. hehe..


my girl also give the super sianz look when it comes to cereal.. and when i force feed her.. she will fake a 'vomit' look on her face leh.. now thinking of new stuff to cook for her so that she will enjoy eating..


another porridge recipe that i realised is good for our babies..

pear + carrots with porridge.. the pear has a tinge of sweetness and is good for digestion too!!

pear + sweet potato.. fed it to her yesterday and she likes it..

can try.. hehe

anymore good recipes besides the bovril one?? my hubby loves bovril and i think my girl might like it too..
Just realise so many mummies giving bovril to babies. Is bovril better than marmite? Cos my MIL giving my gal marmite in porridge almost everyday and I read from one of the thread tat marmite is salty and not good for babies. Is bovril salty also? I nvr try b4. :p
I also like to pinch his cheeks heheh...
Ask you ah.. the pear that you used, is it the yellow or green one? do you steam/boil it till tender then puree? I have used the yellow ones before and has steamed it. Thanks

kyrell's cheeks are sooo cute!! he looks smaller in person though


I collected yr bilibo today already... do you wan me to collect yr loots from claire this Sunday as well? then you can pick up everything at one go anytime next week. Let me/claire know

Beng's Ma,

Can you pass my Bellamy to Lynne if you see her? She will be seeing me soon so can pass it to me. thanks!


Poor Kaelyn! i hope her rashes clear soon.


You puree the minced chicken after u boil it? then add into porridge?? I wanna try it this weekend..
Dylan's mom,
Maybe cos he's wearing tight fitting shirt hehe.. plus he got big head :p
Pai sey... need a favour from you again.. if you are meeting Beng's ma anytime soon, can help me collect my Bellamy porridge (2 boxes) and munchkin (3 items)?? Provided its with Beng's ma liao :p

Thanks thanks!!

u ask beng ma to pass to BBnGG? cos she coming over to my place sometime in the near future to collect stuff. Either that or Beng Ma pass to her sister to pass to me. not sure when though
Yalor, your girl also got the bao hor.. so cute

Btw when is our next gathering huh? Cant wait!
This time, we must let all babies sit down and take pix together hehehe... must be very adorable!!
hahaha.. all the bb baos.. my boy skinny also got 2 baos.. :p

Ya! Next gathering the bbs can sit by themselves liao.. no need mummies in the pic! Sure v cute! And sure havoc! Wait some crawling.. some crying.. some eating this n that hahahaha can imagine...
Yea! My smiley boy!
This is on my lappy wallpaper now.
See liao mood so good..
Yah he got 2 dimples...but don know he inherit from who...:p Cause both the papa & mama also don have..OOps...
shryn.. haa... now where did he got his dimples from huh =P

i tink it will b almost impossible to take for all the bbs lar.. like wat bluelily said.. haa.. crawling, crying, eating, screaming.. haaa
Kyrell also has 2 dimples but not as visible as yours leh, yours very charming! ;)

hahaha... babies all over and sure very noisy as well!! quick quick.. when will it be??
missylan & hen
oh happen to you all too? you all must be heart pain also

oh dear, what happen to yr gal?

btw mommies, my PD has advised that if our bb are fussy abt eating certain types of food, we can use handheld blender to blend all the food (ie. porridge, vege, fish) after cooking. in this way, bb will not pick abt certain food yet they can get all nutrients. I have not tried coz my boi eat all the single foods that i gave so far

The powder I used is Anaku brand. It is similar to Johnson's but it says it contains cornstarch. Can buy from most places, NTUC also have.
wah Slimz, Shirui very chubby leh!!!
i went to do the lookalike test, very fun wor, and so happy that kyrell looks more like me, by 3% nia :p
wow, so many babies responding well to prridge and fish.
super persnickety faiq has been so picky and choosy about his food since he recovered from his bout of sickness.

here is the list of his antics:
monday - brown rice and millet porridge +
threadfin + broccoli + sweet potato
he took 3 spoonfuls then show me angry face..so red...wana screan n cry kind...then clamped up his mouth and wailed....sigh.

tuesday - decided to revert back to normal
cereals and hoped that he forgot about the porridge.

wednesday - tried the porridge again...same combi of ingredients just that this time i mixed with some of his milk.
took 2 spoonfuls and struggled to get out of bumbo.
even refused to drink any milk or water after that.

becos i was so worried in him not getting any protein for he is already 8mths, 1 week and 4 days old, i decided to take up dini's advice and tried omething else.
thursday - cereal + cottage cheese
after 2 spoonfuls he vomitted out everything and refused to eat anymore...sigh.

i'm going bonkers with this boy.
so much good stuffs...all organic...so expensive and yet he refused to take to them.
how mummies????

i have bought the organic tofu but have not tried yet on him.
hopefully he wil like it.
thx for the link, v fun...but my elder one look like daddy by 13%

now trying for yu ru

yu ru now only 7.9 but my il say she eat a lot! which is true. She's super tam jia, only milk always leave 1-2 oz then mai liao. now if her jie jie dun finish, mil will give the leftover to mei mei.
hb's fren help us took alot of jr's pic over the weekend. So excited to receive it. Sharing my fav pic.. going to print into poster. hahaha

