(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Late afternoon just brought Kaylen to Thomson Medical Centre 24hr Family Clinic to seek 2nd opinion on her rashes. As expected, was sent to the lab for blood test. Gosh, heartpain seeing her cried like mad when the nursing officer tried to squeeze blood from her little finger. Good thing that the result shows all the blood count normal. So the GP near my place n the doc at TMC gave the same diagnosis, Kaylen is basically recovering from some virus attack, thus the rashes. Both doctors also said it probably takes abt 1 week for the rashes to subside. Unless after 1 week, her condition does not improve, otherwise, there is no need for further consultation. And no need to take any medication. What a relief to know she's ok!
what kind of fish oil can bb of this age take? me a bit regret didnt take fish oil even tho bf. now supply dropping, think a bit too late to start taking now. n he doesn't like to eat fish.
Re: Bovril
Sin dun have beef bovril only chicken one. they never bring in aft the mad cow disease.

Dylan ma, i grabbed this brand which is similar to bovril when i was in Oz. Called BONOX by kraft foods. Bo bian, i missed eating mi bovril so have to lug back. hee...more things to buy rite??
hi valeriat and joanne, beside annakku, califonia baby and gaia both contain cornstarch powder as well. i used to get johnson and johnson cornstarch powder for my dogs but they have since nt selling in sg any more, tat time i ki siao, get frd to buy j&j cornstarch powder from US and Australia cos they have different smell - like lavender, jasmine, etc hehee!

hi coco, my new job har, ok, but very very very very busy lor, so during office hours u can hardly see me online in here and nj, but can find me in msn and my hp, hehee!

ok so, dylan's mum, i will pass watever stuffs to whoever mummy to lynne hehhee!

these 2 days i am down with food poisoning, super sian, stomach very bloated, but i managed to finally went down to taka for a short while to see look see look.

pierced, i think i saw ur mum ytd at taka. she was on the phone so din say hello to her.

shryn, my boy only got one dimple wor.

hi bluelily, jerrell more and more yan dao wor, so next mth we bring the j&j for a swim, ai mai?

actually beside bovril, i am giving mamarite to jovan, think it's on vegetation formula de.

hen, i understand wat u been through. tat time jovan kana virus attack hence the dirrahoea and followed by the rashes. doc say the rashes incurr mostly after the virus attack and will be able to clear few days depend on the bb's immunity. lucky jovan clear within 2 days.
my HB saw the thingy on our blog and asked me wat did i do to make the test skew towards me =P
mine is 30% haaaaa
hehe...i also wonder where he got the dimples..kekeke
so lucky him...

charming arh...thanks.
I realize ppl who saw him will tend to bio at his dimples and said waa got dimples so nice...hehe

Jerrell so cute with that 'huh' look.
He's a fair boy hor...bai bai neng neng.

valeriet & joanne
i use annakku powder on bb too. I bought from JB, Jusco. Didnt really see it in NTUC actually. I had an annakku travel pack and only tried once then i find it very nice. The texture is very smooth just like cornstarch powder. I didnt know that cornstarch can clear rash until i saw you gals comment. I starting to like this annakku powder than johnson & johnson brand.

Good to hear that kaylen rashes are not serious. Hope they will go away soon.

Beng's ma...
1 dimple is good enough already.
Actually doesnt matter if bb have or not, if they do then its just a bonus for them. Haha.
my PD din go on to say wat fish oils wor.. and i forgot to ask ={
my first visit to her was wen shirui's 6mths .. and she asked me to take dha pills.. den oni i started taking ..
am tinking its those Scott's fish oil .. quite stinko de i tink .. coz my small sis was on it wen she's young..
slimz & eve...

I took fish oil aka dha pills when i'm pregnant.
After giving birth, i throw it aside liao. Lazy to take pills, eat until scared. :p
Actually we should still take now so as to help in our poooor memory.
Hi valeriet & Beng's Ma,

Thanks. I will go down to NTUC to take a look. My gal nappy rash is so bad till no choice have to bring her see doctor. Haiz..... after applying the cream given by doctor, it's getting better le.

Beng's Ma hope you are feeling better now. A new job so might takes you some times to settle down. Don't overwork yourself
beng's ma,

ok thanks!
i also can tell you are super busy.. no picture no sound from you, and you are the lobang queen leh!

pierced, aiyo!!! now you give me more things to buy! :p anything else good i should look out for?
Beng's mum,

Is my munchkin and Gaia things here already? If yes, can I collect from ur place tomorrow evening cos I am staying at my mum's place till hubby pick me up tomorrow...
beng ma, oh ya, she went shopping there! haha... u not bad leh, still can recognise mi mum too.really super memory,
no wonder never see u in here or nj.

dylan's ma, hee...ya lor too many things to buy hor :p i got Gaia pdts there too if u use them. the powder only s$9!!
beng's ma...evil evil...
but will sure bring him along cause weekend is family day.
pack witty & chjas for me also ya!
will sms u in advance if going.
u finally appear .. haa.. so long no c/hear from u leh .. bz at new wk wor .. where's ur new wkplace? guess its better dan at ulu changi huh =P
visited ur blog.. so tempted to get the allerhand.. but mux resist.. i gg on NPL soon.. mux save $$ .. the $88 windfall from our "huat ah" project oredi long gone liaozzz..
were u at millinea walk on national day? were u at the chocolate shop with baby and some friends?

all your babies so cute deh neh...!!
Beng ma,
food poisoning ah.. must be very sin ku.. glad that you are better now.
so how huh.. my porridge and munckin (if they are here) can help to pass to dawn for me? i will collect from her.. or maybe your mil house?? let me know hor, thanks
ooops...jeelomeelo...sala lang..
no leh...i nv head to town on ND.
at my mum's place watching the NDP...kekeke..

You mean u saw lots of babies with the so-called me arh? hehe...
i only got 1 bb nia :p
beng's ma,
i have put my name in for the munchkin collection at sembawang mrt on saturday evening.
oh, and my einstein wrist book is with u rite?
pass that to me as well yah!
so how's the new job?
so hard to hear from u nowadays.

u must have shop so much at ozzie yah.
your luggage exceed weight limit or not??
i prefer to steam than boil. it smells nicer and not so fishy. cook porridge seperately. add the steamed stock (be it meat or fish or vege) to the porridge.. i dun use blender but i use pigeon bowl with one side have rough rough surface for you to lightly blend the food.. dunno how to explain with my half passed six angmor..
Beng ma,
Just viewed your blog, you set up the play yard liao ah.. looks like Jovan's heaven leh!! I have to ask hubby bring back mine from my mum liao

Your hubby felt that Shirui looks more like him is it? I post it in my facebook, my boy says its not accurate cos baby looks more like my hubby @#$$% asked me to face reality hahahha....
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan
3. celica75
4. slimz
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75
4. slimz
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!
ber.. haa....
he jux unhappie .. haa.. and he tot its some programming or selection of some computer features wich makes the scale skew towards me ..
yo mummies, so happening here!! attending gymboree class... do share after the class with the rest of us!! hmm... see if its worth going or not... for me, if go, then the cost is X 2 so must make sure is worth it!! haha...

check with you har, my boy left upper lid is a bit swollen since yesterday.. also dunno why... the eye is perfectly fine though and he is eating and sleeping well. i suspect it could be due to allergy?? I just stop giving him cereals this morning cos i recently changed the flavour, dunno if its due to this or not.
long time no hear! you must be very busy at your new job!do take care there.. ai yo food for me, i also hardly have time to login during office hours... today, can spare time to login because on leave to take care of my twins. my mil is super busy as need to pray; its qi yue shi wu, you know...
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!
shryn, no la i saw so called you with one baby n a couple of adult frens. was commenting on babiy photos posted on our smh thread that they are all so cute :p
finally its happening

Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!

thanks for yr hubby cheap & good courier service
will use him again when my other loots arrive.


hmm steam. ok i will try!! i cook chicken porridge and tried to blend for dylan. I thought it was quite yummy but he refuse to eat leh. sigh!

Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Here is the list of people that are attending 24Aug trial class.

1. hentang - paying
2. csi_fan - paying
3. celica75 - paying
4. slimz - ve voucher, but can use?
5. fanny
6. beng's ma
7. eve
8. cocoangel - i hve voucher but need to find it
9. bluelily
10. pierced
11. tub
12. crystalz
13. dinut
14. valeriet
15. alien77 - paying

Wld appreicate if you can indicate next to your nick if you are using the free trial voucher or paying. I'm still trying to get them to do a class just for us.

Any more mummies/babies interested to join us? Last call!!
