(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

.. no more 'long gang' to show ..

think can get from PD, my PD gave me a small can of similac stage 2 the last my boy went for jab, she also gave few packs of cereals

hen, any idea what r some good books available? as for classes, i'll give it a miss la... v stress leh... hehheh

wow.. if our babies can sign, they can talk to each other when we meet! just a crazy tot.
thks Hazel for the friso comfort info. Will try it as a last resort. So far.. he can poo everyday at my mum's. only during weekend.. he no poo. V weird. Once he reach Ah Ma's place.. poo immed.....

dodo, oh ya hor. Din think of putting in fridge. Not sure if it can last longer but better than put outside I suppose. Anyone tried?

jubeck, I only have long gang during preg n bf time. hahaha!

leejo, guardian/watson got sell teething gel. I bought the
detonnix (sp??) brand.

tub, haha.. babies signing to each other. That's cool. :p I'm a too lazy mum to try thing.
tub, I brought a book on signing and have been using that to teach my boy. But not successful lah. Cos my hand always end up in his mouth.

The book that I brought is simple, so can pick up quite fast. Wait I find the name and let you know.
I tried to teach my boy signing.. so far only do the "milk milk" sign (mummy too lazy to remember the rest) hehe dunno if my eyes are seeing things but recently my boy has "shown" abit of the hand gesture when my hubby asked if he wants "milk milk". cos his fingers clenching most time mah so dunno if he is really trying to show us

I bought a book on hand signing before preggie, cant remember the author's name but its blue in colour and can be found at Kino. Will go home and check!
hey gals, thanks for the info.
bbngg, where did u get the book?
cocoangel, i'll check out kino when in town.
ur bb is so cute. can show milk milk already!
trust your instincts, he may be gesturing that to u!
The reason why I wanted to teach my boy hand signing was because once, when I was at a baby fair, my cousin was chatting with this mummy during a baby competition and little girl was actually 'communicating' with her mummy using hand sign, it was amazing!! especially the 1st couple of years when they cant really speak
ermm...My menses also come even I am still breast feeding. It came after my lochia stopped.. Sianz..thought Bf will not have menses, make me happy for awhile..Realise my milk supply will drop when menses comes but will pick up after it ends.

As for bust size, when engorge time, very nice and firm but once pump out, "lao hong" immediately..Heng last time I d Cup, so now redeuce to C cup lor but saggy leh..sianz...

Giving birth really a big sacrifice and my mum in law and hubby askiing for 2nd one!! Can't believe it man!! Me die die also dun want...not at this mmt.
I hope so lor.. will try a few more times.. cos he is always so kan cheong when hungry, dun bother to look at my hands, only the milk bottle hahaha!!
hallo all moms! now i m the proud owner of a pikkolo!!!!

cocoangel nice meeting u just now. sorry was rushing off!! but i haven opened up my carrier to see leh. hehehehe!!
you can go guardian to get... they have. quite effective lei, my twins enjoy it when i use the gel to rub their gums, haha...

to all mummies whose baby/babies are sleeping with you, do be extra careful! yesterday night, we had a scare. Our girl rolled off the bed!! Somehow, she managed to inch herself to the bottom end of the mattress and rolled onto the floor! We were only awoken when she wailed out loud! I was so heart pain when I saw her on the floor, ai yo...

Luckily, she's ok after some comforting and I checked and checked her, no bruises la... she smiled after a while and managed to fall asleep after drinking milk. As our mattress is on the floor (we have 2 queen-size mattresses as our bed for our family of 4, keke...), the impact is minimal la. We re-strategise our sleeping positions immediately after this incident to make it more fool-proof!!
today, i brought my boy to the doctor cos he had some rashes on his chest and tummy for a few days already. sometimes, it looks quite drying (skin slightly peeling) and i suspected its eczema. True enough, doc says its a kind of eczema and prescribed some cleansing lotion, moisturing lotion and cream to apply... wa... my boy boy has expensive skin lor... now, gotta be careful the kind of body shampoo and food he takes man.... *faintz* what to do, he has a mummy that's prone to allergies la... keke...

oh, my mil is going genting tomorrow till fri so i had to take leave to look after my 2 darlings!! haha.. looking forward to spend some quality time with them man... ;)
I used to do it during the 1st 2mths...then forget all abt it...
but its only telling them on milk & bathing time.
wah all talk abt the pikolo!

hehe my bosses not ard today....can officially surf web! but hor aiyoh...my neh neh in pain leh...a bit of pain comes on n off...pump for 20mins also like breast still not empty...after 1 or 2hrs feel like breast full again....

just now also dropped my ameda pump and landed on my toe! hopefully the pump is still function as good as before...

wat a day to start for this week
Me too, just learning the signs for their basic needs 1st esp milk milk

Wan to learn daddy and mummy but I myself also forgot abt it heee...
<font color="0000ff">Beng ma, sorri i cant make it tis round! Jus rec notice to standby for KL business trip on tat week

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+hb+bb
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb+hb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger

note: i just fax our confirmation of the date and time to HRC this morning
Count me out for the gathering because my son will cry inconsolably everytime we go to a dim restaurant ... tried and confirmed a few times at B&amp;J (Dempsey), Dian Xiao Er, and Borsch (S'gardens). No point agreeing to go HRC and then end up with a wailing kid. Enjoy yourselves!
Enjoy yourselves at the gathering. Timing is not good for me so I'll give it a miss. Its the long nap time for the two babies!

u can try signing times? is that the kind of signing u are looking for?

after meeting u, i'm convinced that ALL DEC moms are very slim. till date, all the ones i've met are very slim lor! how come i m not har?
Haha, thx!

My gynae will ask me to buy a good support bra leh! Alway ask me to tighten the strap and must wear got padding one(not thick ones). I never like PC cos not comfy for my size. Better ones still Wacoal, Valisere and Triumph Pour Moi. Next time we can BP lingerie from figleaves.com?
Bumper Mat
Can someone advise why the bumper mats are so expensive, around $200? Is there something that is more afforadable (ie. cheaper) but still good?
i have 3 children if u consider my hubby as one too!
HAHAHAHA! my #1 is girl, #2 is boy. I wonder if my #3 will be a girl too

i cant see ur tummy leh next time show me ok
signing to baby,
can buy the signing time dvd. bot that and used for my elder boy. his first sign was 'more' at 9mths! hehe.. i find that its quite good lar.. cos he can sort of 'communicate' w us his needs.

missylan, i tink its not bec PC is not comfy la. maybe dun have yr size. hehe... i see PC bras very nice wor. but they only have A and B cups.

ginger, u not alone la.. me not slim too. hehe.. maybe we moms of 2 kids!!! *lame excuse* lol!!
wah so nice hor.. one boy and girl.. you planning for 3rd one?
I hope my next one is a girl but am ok with boy too

eh, then i also consider got 2 babies liao if including hubby hahaha...
I suck in air mah :p
hi mummies,
if your baby is sleeping with you, do be extra careful!

yesterday night, we had a scare. Our girl rolled off the bed!! Somehow, she managed to inch herself to the bottom end of the mattress and rolled onto the floor! We were only awoken when she wailed out loud! I was so heart pain when I saw her on the floor, ai yo...

Luckily, she's ok after some comforting and I checked and checked her, no bruises la... she smiled after a while and managed to fall asleep well after drinking milk. As our mattress is on the floor, the impact is minimal la. We re-strategise our sleeping positions immediately after this incident to make it more fool-proof, keke...
btw, anyone has good recommendation of shower and shampoo lotion for babies with eczema? brought my boy to the doc today cos he had some rashes on his chest and tummy area for a few days liaoz and it appears quite drying sometimes... doc confirmed that its eczema lor... ai yo, he has expensive skin, lol...
Constance and other experienced mummies,

I'm wondering if my son is going through a phase? He seems to hate being changed! Everytime i have to change his clothes/diaper he will scream until he goes crazy with rage! its really terrible.. its just started in the past week or so only!
my bb poo also very hard and dry after taking brown rice cereal. so i stopped taking and switch to plain rice cereal. i feed her alot of water and juices... then it improve now. no more dry dry poo!

my cup size still remain leh, upsize since pg. all my pre-preggie top cannot fit cos bustline increase liao. all the buttons cannot button eh.
wat do u mummies wear at home? i m still wearing non-wired nursing bra to sleep.

OG having storewide sales?
your hair raising experience, i also have! So we always position a mattress at the foot of my bed to catch any falling bb sleeping in between us.

can try cetaphil on your bb.

o dear. i dun have any such experience leh. Mine only screamed to be changed once he soiled himself. After changing into clean nappy or clothes, he will quieten down.
After you have finishing changing, he still scream?

after finish changing must pick him up lah... then he stop screaming &amp; crying. if not, he will continue throwing tantrum - twisting and turning his body on the bed! Earlier, I could barely put on his diaper cos he kept twisting around.. *faint* really worried leh, he really got bad temper!!
coco i would love to have 4 kids before i was married. now i prob stop at 2! actually i want another one, girl pref!! but my hubby say no $$$!!

suck in tummy can help meh? i wear granny underwear also no use!

dun lie leh, i saw ur pic before leh! unless u are like me use pics that are pre-pregnancy lah. tricia saw me n asked me how come i look NOTHING like my MSN pic. HAHAH!

i using QV body wash for my kids. Cetephil and QV are pretty popular. think missylan n some other moms also recommend cetephil or some other creams. cant rem where they post, think scroll back can see bah

speaking of breast size, hiaz, i cant wait t stop BFing, but when that day comes, my very small breasts is going to shrink until like roti prata bah! sob sob!
Linda, my hb may not be able to make it due to work.. so, if you have not make any confirmation, might want to exclude him 1st.

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb+hb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger

my boy also will scream/cry very loudly after my mum bathe him... duno why also...

but I bathe him a few times when I'm home, he ok leh... *scratch head* also, duno what went wrong???
i wanted 5 before marriage. Hb cut to 4. now after 3 kids, siong manz. gotta kiv and wear protection first. hehe

your Mal is an angry Mal now.
he seems to hate being naked yeah?
what about bath time?
mayb if really too difficult to change him, you may wanna try pullups? It's easier to wear on a struggling kid compared to pampers with velcro.


at least yrs only scream sometimes, mine ALL the time *faint*


my not Mal, my dylan..lekeke. Dunno if he hates being naken or is it some other reason.

Bath time is ok, he is happy to sit and splash in the bath tub. infact today he was really naughty and splashed water out of the tub using his toy train and tried to drink the bath water after that! Wah lao... really handful lor.

yah thinking of trying pull ups later on. but he is a squirmy worm so still might be hard...hahaha
