(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

my boi screams all the time too.
high pitch somemore.
hahaha ... mummies agree. for me reallt need to change to pullup liaoz. cos it s a tough time putting on diapers & clothing for my gal. she starts to flip & flip like no body's business.
macham like wrestling
Dylan's mummy,
My sumo hor, since 2nd mth old, he don't like me putting on tops for him. Especially his arms area. He will get frustrated...

Gabby's mum,
You can try distracting her by giving her favourite toys, pacifier etc.
ya, i have problem changing shawn's diaper oso. he twist his body like a worm. especially these few days he seemed to have found new interest i.e. to twist and flip even during diaper time! he finally knows how to flip, just over the weekend we saw him do it himself.. very slow motion.
We wanted 3 so far this number still stands but me not young liao so if wanna have 3, really have to chop chop within like, 4 years time! Would prefer to have mix of boy and girl of cos

Dunno if suck in tummy helps, habit liao lah, before preggie also like tat.. like tightening the muscle haha.. but i think exercise is still the best! cant wait to go bacl to my yoga manz..

My boi is the same, he hates being changed and he will scream and scream until we carry him up. So now, I have to carry him when trying to dress him. Headache ah.

He too loves water, he will cry when I carry him up after bath. Now he will wriggle himself downward so he can have more water covering him.
After his bath, my room floor will be wet.

that's becos you did not see me. I am plus size so not true that all dec mummies is slim de(at least not for me lah).
my bb either sleep with me on the bed or on his mattress that was on the floor. Luckily I always manage to "catch" him just in time even though the mattress is on the flr.
Got 1 time, he even lie on the bolster on "wait" for me to come out from the toilet. And that was 4am+ which is milk time. Consider he is kind enough to just wait for me patiently with a smile. And that’s the 1st time, normally he will make a lot of noises for his milk.

Changing Diaper
Mine also like to twist & turn…So, we always used a hanky to distract him, and if I am alone…I will talk to him 1st….cos he likes ppl to talk…then I will talk & chg the diaper at the same time.

Body Size
Now I am still wearing XL or XXL….so demoralizing…
my boy also screams & cry all the time when we put him down to wear clothes after bath & during nappy changing time! and he also like to flip that makes changing nappy a difficult time. but once we pick him up, he's a happy boy liao
My gal also like that. Inside the tub, happy happy kick water all over (I used to bathe her in a tub on the bathroom floor, now I put the tub inside the bathtub so that the floor wld not be wet), attempt to drink the bath water, then when I put her on the towel to dry, wear diapers n clothes, ahhhh... the crying starts.

I still looking ard for books on signing. Gonna check out those recommended by the mummies here. Actually I don't think I can attend classes too. Me super tired too. Sending my elder one to classes is enough to tired me out liao.

Where u stay har? Thot maybe we can meet up to chat chat.
Gabby's mum,
Which yoga studio do you go to.. I only went twice after delivery, gonna start soon before it expires in Sep. btw mine is True Yoga.

oppss.. I forgot to check out the title of the signing book at home.. pai sey.. will do it tonight! :p

My gal can roll all over the mattress lor. I used to put her at the centre of the bed while I prepare her bath. Once, I just turned my back and she rolled to the edge, luckily I turned back in time to stop her from further rolling. From then on, dare not leave her on the bed. As for night time sleeping, now we have all the mattresses laid on the floor in one of the rooms, n all of us sleep there.
My weight has always been a yo-yo. I went from S to M after marriage. Then became L/XL during my 1st preggy. And been L all the way til I quit my job in 06. I went down to M. After giving birth, I lost more weight when I bf. Now that I stopped bf, think I put on some weight. Strangely, during my #1, my breasts din change in size. But this time, I think it shrunk. Used to be tight for C cup, now C cup like loose or just nice, maybe can wear B cup.
re: Teething
i found 2 tooth buds on mal's lower gum. his milk intake dropped for the past few days and he cries whenever come to milk milk time.. am very heartpain seeing him to suffer from teething.. any remedy to soothe his pain?...... sob
Eversince giving birth, am not interested to get intimate at all, though hb wants. In fact, he's very unhappy that I've been ignoring him. I really no mood lor, so tired doing housework, taking care of the kids. Moreoever, we most likely close factory liao, later "accident" how???
hen, i'll show u the DVD of the Baby signing time when u come over tmr. Its very easy..
i tink the kids will love the music too!

gina, haha.. face and body not same mah.. face maybe slimmer but body not lei. :p now with all those late nite mac supper, i tink lagi worse!

alien, teething can use teething gel. for me, i use teething drop for sarah. bot mine from vitakids.
phew, finish reading all ur posts liao...

ytd morning, i let beng try EB's first carrots, he loves it!! whoohoo!! can even chew and smile at the same time, hehe!
really ar? u yewkim rite? anyway got that link so late at nite.. abt 12plus 1am if not wrong. then i saw tt u not also offline lei.
I did not bath my boy in the room, always in the toilet otherwise will be flooded!! Cos I will wash his hair and pi gu before putting him in the tub, he's happy bathing and gets excited seeing his toys in the water, attempt to put in mouth but I always pull it out cos soapy water mah hehe.. so far he doesnt cry when I take him out or change him. Does wiggle when nappy changing but still manageable!
heheh Constance blur liao!!

Did you just sign up the membership?? still got 1-2 years ah... you must buck up and go more freguently else waste money

I go to the one at pacific plaza.. very near your workplace leh
definitely not me. i hardly sign in nowadays at night.

i member with them for many many yrs.. i went PP and RP last time. follow instructors de, keke
Any one has the numbers of milk distributor in Singapore? Wish to get samples to let my boy try..

Heard Friso is good? Any recommendations? Me blur blur
Bath Time
I also bathe my boy in the bathroom ... these days he will kick till the floor is all wet. On Monday, I accidently 'dropped' him when I was getting him out of the tub. I turned to take his towel (still holding on to him with one hand) but he struggled and with a wet body, he slipped from my hold and fell back into the tub. Whole body and head submerged ... luckily he didn't cry at all. I felt so guilty :p
the milk distributor auto approached me leh. so far i have received 400gm (small tin) of similac and dumex mamil gold.
i hate hot yoga.. cant breath.. i like issey but not sure if he is still coaching at true yoga... aiya, i stopped yoga ever since preg, till now. jialat, sure hv a hard time to pick up again. now not that flexible liao, sob
I also received samples from Similac and Mamil Gold liao.. maybe from TMC when we sign up the FBI..

I cant stand hot yoga intially too but feels good after sweating it out! You din go for the prenatal yoga? I did, stopped at around 34 week
haaa..my girl oso likes to play with water and we bathe her in our room ... whole floor wet... water all over .. macham use hose to wash the floor ..
we bot her bath time squirt toys .. she goes hysterical playing with them
Slimz, I brought a rubber duck for him to play when bathing and he has been busy kicking and catching the duck.

Yah lor, yah lor, my whole floor also has been hose by his kicking. Terrible hor.
cocoangel/ botanist
really getting very blur nowadays.

tell you something very disgusting. I am ACTUALLY contemplating how to tell my hb i wanna get another bumper playmat.
Whats so disgusting abt getting another playmat? Its ok ah...

I also bought duckling for my bb....will be buying the bathroom book for him too...
constance, i gave up readin niangkia mails...i never log in yest nite and today...piang...

guess the same for every bb now hor, mi gal oso now mastered kicking water... kick and kick till the whole floor wet and mummy oso wet, so bo bian, shift from bedroom to bathroom liao,
like "phua chu" coz need to lay the rubber mat on floor, put the towel take the clothes, etc... phew!
but at least i dun need mop the bedroom floor liao.


So how do you girls bathe your darlings? Can you bbs sit up already? I'm using using the bath support so my boy just lie on it while I wash him up..
