(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Thanks Hazel for the contact

cocoangel, alien,
i am with true yoga too and i also like their hot yoga classes! really makes me sweat it out! haha.. may see ya gals at one of the classes ... normally, which timing for you gals? i always try to attend the 6.45 hot yoga class at OUB centre but now closed liaoz so will be going ocean towers. may go pacific plaza if i happen to be in town but not often.
Me lagi best.. I din even tell my hubby abt getting another mat hahaha.. anyway its to place at my mum's.. he may never find out :p
I can only go to the one at Pacific Plaza leh.. usually wat timing ah.. no timing cos haven start gng on regular basis haha.. but might go in afternoon after I stop work in June.
Milk powder
Do u all let yr baby try diff brand or just stick to one. I got other brands samples. Wondering if shd let him try. Don't know if will cause adverse reaction or not.
I let them stick to 1 when I feel that he is ok with it.
So far, Friso is ok...
So I let him continue this brand & dun bother to look at other brand
Wa... yr kiddo wants to be a diver is it? I am also scared when comes to bath time, cos me using DermaVeen bath oil for him, imagine how slippery and oily he gets when body full of the bath oil. Now I place him in a empty tub, apply the bath oil all ove rhis body then on the tap. Rinse off and then the hair shampoo goes next. He struggles quite alot so sometimes, when I got lazy, I place him in the bumbo seat for bath time. =P Wash his butt butt first then make him sit into his bumbo.
i din attend prenatal yoga. hb say dun take the risk. so without driver i cant go anywhere leh, esp when preg..

tell him cars also got 2 now, nothing wrong to get another mat, keke. wat a lame excuse..
Me going to zu house at 4pm, after my elder one's class. U can join us?

Pls sms yr addr to me again. Del the old sms liao. Pai seh...
my son can sit without support for few mins now. so i bath him in sitting position. i made my hb blow bubbles for him. solution from CB bubble bath
coco & alien,

mine not from true yoga ... my office organise for employees. Has been taking yoga for years. now rusty after 1 yr never do yoga. stamina not there anymore :p
so far only receive milk sample from mamil gold. I have request sample from Similac but yet receive. i wanna get a few so that if one not suitable got another one to rely on.
With all these BPs, I wish I'm still working n got income, then I won't be missing out so many shopping spree. So sad, I can't get a lot of things.

No, no, I can't think this way... am doing this for the kids!!! Hope they will appreciate me someday.
My #1 driving me crazy these days. She likes a zombie, tell her something, dunno whether she hears me or not. Tell her dun do something (like keep voice down cos bb going to sleep or stop playing n take nap) or do something (like eat quickly or fetch me something), she just continue what she's doing or simply ignore me til I repeat several times or when I shout at her, then she reacts. Everyday, sure must make me loose my patience. Sign up classes for her, she always very excited til just b4 the class, she'll cry n tell me she scared to go. Seems like I'm making her life miserable.

Bcos of these, its affecting me n hb relationship.
Hen, they will appreciate you one. You very wei da you know cos you quit your job to take care of them. kudos to you cos I can't even thou I love my boi deep deep, work keep me sane.
aiyo hen, how come will affect u n hb relationship? Quarrel over ur gal?

Milk Powder
Got a silly qn. My boy's taking Similac 1 now. Coming to 6 mths soon. Thinking of changing to Friso 2 cos poo v hard after taking cereals n heard Friso's better on the poo? Plus Friso much cheaper also lah. :p But hor, Similac 1 is from 0-6mths, Friso 2 from 7 mths onwards. Then 6-7 mths my bb drink what?? Funny thing is Friso 1 tin also says 0-6mths... How huh? Can drink Similac 2 from 6-7mths :p Or 6.5 mths then change from Similac 1 to Friso 2?
u r not the only one lah...think lynzi had asked the similar question before.
as that email, you have to slowly changed...like slowly 1 scoops of Friso out of your usual scoops of Similac milk powder. So maybe by that time, its to Friso stage 2
i have asked before, even though bb is 6mths+, still can drink 0-6mths,stage1 milk but if bb is 5mths, they cant drink 6mths,stage 2 onwards milk.

its common that children will affect the r/s beween couples...but we must try to main the gd r/s as in the past.
I ve been quarreling with my hb on bb too...but now its getting better lah...
Not that he has improvement but its cos I am so used to him not helping me
Dun be upset, its not easy being a sahm so I really pei fu you! Your kids will realise your sacrifice when they are older! I also been quarrelling with my hubby intially, now better liao.. just give and take, try to communicate often... though I'm still taking care of baby hsework most time lah
hazel, oh.. must have missed out that email. :p So that means drink stage 1 milk till ard 6.5 mths.. then slowing change to friso2? Cos I scared after 6mths need more iron then still continue stage 1 milk bb will be lack of iron? But if pd say ok then shd be ok ba. hehe. But I tot cant mix milk powder of diff brands like tt cos they got different ingredients? I tot it's change 1 feed per day..
Hazel, hmmm... Then i think better stick to 1. If not, more trouble if got reaction. Bluelily, yr boy's poo hard b4 starting him on solid? Me also worried he'll get hard stool once i start him on solid. He's also on similac now. Yaya.. Similac is so ex.
Milk Powder
I also received calls from Dumex and Wyeth, offering me sample milk powder and advice on cereal feeding. I find the ladies very nice but so far I haven't taken up their offer for samples cos I'm still breastfeeding. Always nice to receive their calls because they are friendly, unlike tele-marketeers from the banks and credit card companies. For the latter, I am always curt and rude to them, heehee.

Wah, your sumo bath in Dermaveen oil surely even more slippery. Better be extra careful.
eve, no. His poo is v watery b4 solids. Now is sticky. But last weekend he 2 days no poo.. then it was super hard.. round ball poo! hoho. He dun like to drink water somemore, gotta be more hardworking n feed him water.
dont' be too upset .. I also quarrel with hb over bb at times because he quite bo chap pattern, I have to raise my voice before he do anything. but eversince I told him I'm going to have a big quarrel one day if he still remains his pattern, he has changed for the better. Try to talk to yr hb more
Aiyoh, dun pei fu me lah. Actually, I think I'm not cut out material for SAHM lor. Whole day long complaining/nagging...

My hb always says its probably a big mistake to make me a SAHM. Then again, dun think he can give up his career to be a SAHD n plus he lagi more bad tempered n impatient.
haha, really lame excuse.

anyway, dun care liao lah. I order first. tonite email you my order. Gd idea, put at my mum's place. haha

actually i am very impatient with my no 1 too. hb kept saying i am being unfair to him already bcos i kept scolding him. but i cant help it too. I understand your frustrations bcos many a times, i also shout at him. Mayb cos no 1 is bigger, so i expect him to be more sensible, whereas i can still excuse no 2, who is 2 yrs old, bcos to me, she is still young.
someone told me buy and put it at mum's place, so tat hb will not find out.. dunno who told me this liao.. we really find all sort of craps to get thing done! anyway, you can put the old one at your mum's place mah..
hey gals, see that a number of you are changing milk powder. i am using enfalac for my twins and it seems to be from 0 to 1 years old lei... anyone using enfalac too? just wanna confirm man cos so many brands have different formula after 6 mths!!

cocoangel, u gonna stop work in jun to be sahm ah? haiz, this possibility is always at the back of my mind ... thinking of taking no pay leave for half a year or something to look after them... haha..
phy, me and hen meeting tmr lei. u joining us?
i tink u got my no rite. u text me lar.

dodo, me using enfalac. yes, this is the only milk powder can use until up to 1yo. like i say, if dun see the need to change, i wont. hehe.. unless its cheaper lar. :p

hen, did u try reverse psychology? haha... oways work on my boy. if i tell him dun need to help me, he'll oways do the exact opp. he and hb dun really get along so if hb ask him to kiss him, he run away. so i tell adam dun kiss daddy, then he;ll do the opposite. dun stress over yr gal.. maybe its just a phase.
anyway, see u tmr okie!!

anyone else wanna join us at my plc tmr?
im somewhere btwn CCK and BP.
wow seems like alot of babies are becoming super squirmy! esp at bath time.

Mummies, guess what I did today! I bathed Dylan... as usual, he was splashing around and cried/screamed once i took him out of the water. In the end, I had to bring him out to the living room dressed in diapers only.. and distract him with American Idol on tv while I sat him up & wore his shirt.. *faint*
botanist, i do tat all the time!!! almost mastered tat skill! had to sit sumana up, wear her t shirt while sitting and try to put on her pants as well. sigh...
Growth (or the lack of)
My son's weight did not increase from April - May. Recently, he looks visibly thinner and he is not feeding well. MIL says he appears to be teething cos his gums feel hard. He had fever 2 days ago and has been thrusting his tongue out and drooling a lot.

I'm a bit worried that he is not eating enough. Should I start cereal for him? He will turn 5 months next week. Ideally I would like to BF him exclusively till he is 6 months old, but I guess if giving him solids earlier will help him grow better, I will do it.

Appreciate any advice.
Did ur pd mention anything when u bring him for the jab?...usually its ok for them not to put on weight for abt a mth, maybe due to sickness or some other reasons...they will catch up once they are better..this is what the doc told me
i'm having the same problem, yesterday my girl drank 2 bottles, 1 in the morning and 1 at night when she got home, so total 300ml only. mil (who looks after her) is giving her solids and water just to keep her nourished.
She went to GP last sat and doc said she was slightly dehydrated (can tell by feeling the top of her head) so after that we scared liao, make sure she's always hydrated. esp with the hot hot weather the last few days.
PD did not seem too concerned that he didn't put on weight. Maybe at the next jab visit in 2 weeks' time if he is still not putting on weight I will raise it with PD. Tks!
What type of solids is your MIL giving your girl? When you say the top of her head, do you mean that it feels hot or it is dry and flaky? My son's scalp is dry and flaky and he is sooooo irritable and keeps scratching till he bleeds. sigh.
Ermm.. my PD recommend to start solids best at 5 and a half mths old cos scare that Baby digestive system has not fully develop yet. So maybe its best for u to wait..I guess there will be a time where our babies appetite starts to drop. But dun worry, it's just a phase and if ur PD never mention anything, it should be ok..
Val, my boy din put on weight for a month too! Though he'll still drinking OK.. I cant say well.. cos he USUALLY take 1hr to finish his milk anyway. And he dun seem to be hungry most of the time.

Signs of Dehydration
- Top of the head the soft soft part will be abit sucken
- no urine for 6 hrs (or izzit 4hrs?)

Cant rem all the details.. can do a search on the web.
maybe solids is misleading, she gives baby porridge that's blended till smooth.

description is as bluelily's post, the top of the head is sunken. pd says if the top (soft part: fontanelle??) is bulging, immed go see PD/hosp.
thks claire, haha. ya, tt time I also tot bb's head sunken, cos he got projectile vomit.. then bring to pd, pd say ok. Heng ah.
sunken mean dehydration .. aiyoh my boy has this sunken portion for months liao .. always wanted to check with PD but everytime I forgot to ask when i'm there. hmmm.. must rem to ask when he go for jab next mth

jubeck, sometimes it's just the shape of the skull. So it's ok. Urs so long liao, drink ok, got pee regularly, active shd be no worries ba. That's what the pd said. Can double check with pd. ;)
