(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

anyone still use .. say J & J powder on your baby?
in this hot weather .. I thought it would make them feel better despite the report about talc powder
Celica,my gynae also said now can try but dependin whether can cope with another baby!also better to let body recover 1st.recommnded is try 18mths aft 1st baby.

Btw, do u all know got maternity insurance? I regretted cancel it within 1 mth aft sign up cuz hubby wasn't really ready for 2nd bb. End up 5mths ltr strike! Else would hav save a lot since tis rd was c-section

My girl also on walker liao, I stuff a pillow on the front too. My walker is from Kolcraft n is quite heavy, not easy to topple over. But I'll still keep an eye on her whenever she's in there.
Yes I have extra set, will bring during our June gathering

I think more then 10 mummies from the gathering owns either a beco or pikkolo, imagine the sight when we wear that to orchard!! hehehe...

So how? Wanna join our club of Pikkolo?? :p
bb having quite a bad cold, until zao sia already. Then not taking much milk or anything in fact. dunno if it's sore throat. went to the doctor who gave something for phlegm and some nasal spray thing. Hope she recovers quickly, always feel heartpain whenever they're sick or injured. like this morning, bb scratched #1's face till got long marks coz put them together on the mattress
im using J&J powder. thinking of switching already after knowing talc nt gd for bb.

what's the insurance abt?
me missed the preggy period too... now see preg womaen on the streets, can't help missing those days. Hb just asked me when i want no. 2. i was like "haha.... " say very easy. but think abt the 1st 2 mths, i a bit scared off liao.

no menses now doesnt mean can't strike right?

Btw, when will menses come back?
bought a new walker...hmm she quite like it..and the best part is...she managed to manoeuvre and chase after our cat, figo...hahah
thanks mummies, i think probably try when my gal is 12 mth old ba.

for mense i think depends on individual mummies, for me although i expressing out my milk till now but my mense is back during my 2nd-3rd mth maternity
ya... super tempted....

wa... looks like most mummies alreadi started getting intimates wif hubby ah... me haven... got e phobia e epsiotomy wound would burst open... also, no menses, how 2 strike???
no menses also will strike one... so better be careful eh.

my mense also haven come back. actually its better not come back so soon...
We got to adjust the walker properly where the bb's soles are flat on the ground. They cannot be in tiptoe position.

No menses also can kenna pregnant even while breastfeeding leh. Dun play play!
for my past cases, my menses usually come only after i stop bf. sometimes pple strike while still bfing cos heng heng intimacy during dat first ovulation period.

epsiotomy wound shld have healed by now. dun worry.
I have the same walker as urs. Used since my #1 time. This one at my mum's place. My kids have total 3 walkers, one at home, one at my mum pl, and one at mil place
walker & jumpeero

I brought my bb to test the walker & jumperro but didnt buy in the end.
Cos he cant touch the groud at all.

btw, wanted to ask you all...
do your breast shrunk back to original size after not bf for mths?
mine still remain the same leh..
makes me dunno want to buy current size bra or wait till it shrinks back to normal as in pre preg
Hazel, my boy's feet cant touch the ground too. hahaha. After reading about the reports against walker.. hb say dun wanna buy, though I think bb will enjoy it when his grow longer leh.

I still use J&J powder leh.. but I put v little n apply using hands so there wont be powder everywhere. Dunno if it's gd enough. But my mum likes to use alot, even though I keep asking her not to.

Last weekend my boy go crazy! Suddenly dun like his cereal! Once I put the bib on him.. he see the spoon then cry liao! 1st few times he hasd his cereal he still seem to like it. Wonder y. Dunno how to make him eat liao leh..

Btw, based on the Super Baby Food, shd add water/milk to the cereals till it can tip off the spoon. So shd still be abit watery.. and it's advised to feed 1/2 of the normal milk, then spoon fed cereal, then continue the milk again, so that bb is not too hungry when eating the cereal. Otherwise he'll be too impatient to eat from spoon. BUT.. for my case.. bb still cry when eating.. Siao liao.
Hazel, oh talk abt bust size. I'm v sad. Cup size shrink to original size long ago.. but bust size still 1 size bigger than last time! No I no fitting bra to buy liao... all the cup too big!! I'm A-- cup now..
Heaty due to cereal
Same for my bb too. His poo becomes sticky instead of watery like last time. Then lask weekend, he only poo on the 3rd day.. then it was hard like a ball! I see him gek till so cham.. been trying to feed him lots of water already. Even boiled barley. Seem to help abit. Brown rice seem to be v heaty. I'm thinking of alt between brown rice n normal rice cereals.. dunno if it'll help. But hor.. the HT cereal says to finish within 30days after opening.. I dun think my boy can finish leh. If alt between other cereals even worse! Now he eats 2-3 teaspoon per day. I dun dare to increase more cos poo hard.
I am opp of yours, the design I like dun ve my size...
So, I was thinking when it can shrink back to original size...

my bb is too playful...he can poo half way n got distracted, then stop his poo job & wants to play

maybe u want to add friso comfort in his milk...can help to poo too
Breast Size :

My sis said it will continue to shrink further as months goes by when we went shopping for Bra that other day..

My sis, mother of two, hers also shrink until quite flat... hopefully we will not kena...
mind if I ask
whats yr sis's original? then now wats the current?

I wanted to go OG sales this weekend to buy bra leh...
coco, i agree lo...

tt time i sick for abt 1 week, worst! Shrink more man! sigh.... Need to go for Brest enchancement.... Got to buy those got a bit of push up....
I tried giving Bellamy's rice cereal to my boy yesterday, 1st time, I think poured too much water, the cereal doesnt seem to mix well, still grainy so I poured it away. 2nd time, I add lesser water, got the creamy texture but not watery enough that it slip off when I tip the spoon... so is this acceptable? I tried a few spoonful, my boy seems quite excited abt it but tongue kept pushing it out (reflex). Will try again this weekend.

Btw, I would like to get a high chair, anyone has good recommendation? Thanks!
Hazel what is friso comfort? Can add to any milk? My boy on Similac 1 now.. I'm thinking of switching to friso 2 after 6 mths. But now cant change yet.
regarding poo poo, i gave my boy HT brown cereals too and he enjoyed it but his poo poo time quite tough and he oni poo like once every 2 to 3 days... recently, i bought HT barley cereal and his poo poo seems to be better. can try this variety once yours reaches 6 mths!
dodo, oh I was thinking abt trying the barley one too. Still gotta wait 2 wk+ for 6 mths though. And cant fnish the whole pack if I open so many packs at one time. Ur twins no prob finishing hor. hehe.
Hmmm.. let pray it will nor shrink further...

Hmmmm.... i think perrie Cardin's brad cup size pretty nice.. i tried other day.. gd and cheap! THere are some got little push up... more cushions.. then push fm the back, i think can la...
U so cute...I dun really like PC leh...made me uncomfortable..Tried for yrs...but I like their design lah...
Ppl said marks & spencer not bad...but I havent try yet....
For seamless, I tried PC & Sorella cos cheap mah...heheee....
then for others, it will be wacoal & triump...
that time my MIL bought alot of dunno wat brand for me...till now I still cant wear...cos it was my pre-preg size...
If I put this on WTS, think ppl will think I siao..sell bra..
but its really a waste leh...if I cast it aside.

Friso Comfort
This can be used with any other milk powder as advised by my PD. So, dun ve to chg milk powder.
Its just a small tin that cost $12. It helps for digestion & colicky kids
Hazel, tell it on Yahoo Auction lo...

my sis also used to tell me PC not gd.. tt day i went shopping with her, then she went to try on it.. in the end, she ends up loving it... haahaa....
blue lily, u r right! they definitely have no prob finishing the pack within 1 month, haha... just wondering, if you put in the fridge, can last longer or not?

I am trying to but my boi doesn't seems interested lei. He is more interested in pulling my hand towards his mouth. Hahaha...
Happy belated birthday Missylan.

Haven't been logging into the forum and have to catch up like siao.

Sumo's video very cute. I lauf so loud that my colleague tot I gone crazy. So Paiseh that they pop their head in to my cubicle kekeke...

bbngg, which dvd or book did u buy?
i think it would be rather cute if they can sign. hehheh...

phy, think can call the distributors right? they should be able to provide.
