(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

thanks! yup, she is well enuff to fight with the brother already.

surprisingly, #1 became very protective of her ever since she came home on Friday. She was being noti and hb scolded her. #1 actually defended her and scolded papa back! He chided Papa for scolding meimei on her first nite home!


Haha, both our first borns are called Ryan
Both got eczema problems as a baby

So you also use cetaphil.. did you rinse it off the kids? How about moisturizer? I'm been testing out mustela babe and california calendula cream. Wonder if QV is good
happi - i took abt 4pills leh...cuz 2 pills not effective...

constance - your gal ok liao? now both 1st and 2nd can have each other for company again
i use cetaphil as a bathing solution leh. Similar to normal shower gel, nid to rinse off. The moisturizer also using the cetaphil one (its a white cylinder tub rite?) California Calendula cream smells much better than cetaphil, which is odourless.

ACtually my Ryan was nearly called Dylan (same as Botanist's bb). In the end his Papa decide on the Chinese name, i chose his Christina name.
The dermatologist says that most kids will outgrow it as they grown older.. can be into their teens also. He did mention that a small % will bring it into adulthood..

I read somewhere that some eczema is caused by very hot or very cold weather. So in hot weather, got to cool the skin and then moisturise it..

I developed a form of eczema 4 yrs ago.. I don't know what triggered it. Suddenly I just got this condition called dermographism aka skin writing. An innocent scratch can bring on red and angry-looking swell on skin. Very itchy. It gets worse when I'm stressed.

Anyway, read that eczema can just suddenly appear and may go away on its own. Praying hard that both Ryan and me will be rid of it
Your Ryan is so good to his mei mei
I like a protective brother
Hmm, my mum actually asked me to use tapioca flour on the rashes.. shall see how it goes..

Haha, my hubby chose my son's chinese name and I tried to match a Christian name. So in the end my DH picked Rui4yang2 so I came up with the name Ryan..
Gap & Burberry Sale
Hmm, good is my sumo is a GIRL cos ALOT of clothes on sale for girls. If you have above 4 yrs old also can buy la... my toddler 3 yrs old and sumo (18mth+) don't have much choice. In fact bought a long sleeves/pants strip rompers for the sake of buying. Retailing at $50+ before 50% discount. The Burberry's one not bad... bought a top for my hubby, retailing at $220+ bought at $138. =)

Aiyoh, so bad aah... I never seen my son's eczema with bubbles aka water. Terrible leh. Last time his skin doc, recommended Cetaphil to cleanse his mouth(mouth area got eczema) after food, DermaVeen bath oil for his body wash and QV cream(recently found out it contains Paraben) for DAILY moisturizing. Got to be hardworking leh.

In fact hor, got eczema(skin problem or even sensitive skin) should not start fish, meat and even egg yolk before 1 year old. This is what I learnt from the skin doc. After started the solid(red meat, white meat and egg etc), intro each new item individually and try for a full month. When the newly introduced food didn't triggers any allergic reaction then ok, try another new one the next mth. This way we are able to know whether which product fed will give them allergic reaction.
When my #1 1st birthday, my granny gave him those Wang Wang small round milk biscuit. I didn't give him soya sauce, salt, ikan belis(got seasoning), dry scallop(got seasoning and it is a seafood) even Sunshine white bread(egg). Very strict diet. BUT on his FIRST birthday, he got his allergic reaction! Crying and the whole body flared up with red patches and he got very cranky. Got to leave immediately after cake cutting. Sianz... my granny felt guilty. =P
Hahhaa... Tapioca flour, me tried before. Useless for my case. Yes true, comparing my #1 when he first got eczema in his 8th mth old, and now... he is much better. So far when he flares up, it will be like on his knee cap, elbows, some joint areas.
Oh, I bought the QV flare up bath oil for him to soak in didi's bath tub also. One small bottle cost $13+... soak for 10-15mins after that don't need to rinse off or use any body shampoo. Very rich.
i haven collect my jet from beranice yet!
envy envy
must find a time to shake off hb and collect.
later i collect and post in thread also.
just realised cocoangel = beranice
haha, so blur of me.

Pai Seh ah. Let me shake off hb first before collection.
Later i ask him to send me to collect, he see liao sure make noise.
jaz23, my girl oso 63cm .. haa... and she's 7.2kg ..much heavier! tink my girl overwt =P
the nurse says 63cm for her age = average but wt is 75% wich to me means slightly above average aka overwt =P
hahaha Constance, thot your know cocoangel=beranice :p
its ok lah... i see if i can deliver to you later boh cos i knw u hve 3 kids to take care of, must be very busy!
btw, glad that your girl has recovered
yr jet looks fabulous
*drool* And he looks soooo happy to be in it! haha

i have the same ecezma problem as u have! only came up in the last 2 years. At first its like what my son has now.. heat rash with bubbles/water... now its just angry red patches that come up when its hot & the patches are very itchy.. sigh. I've used calendula on them faithfully and its much better now..

Am also hoping my dylan's ecezma goes away.. if it improves, I wont bring him to see PD next week.. will 'tong' until its time to see my regular PD Dr.Ngiam for his last round of jabs (that's in 2 weeks time!).
my boy also has slight fever the day after jab, wat i do is, monitor his temperature regularly, dress him in light clothing, place in cool temp and offer water (not that he wants anyway) to him. if he is at low fever then i will not give him panadol. so far he recoverd before end of the day.
I cant wait to use when I collected it (btw we kanna GST urgghh!!) but too bad down with flu so have not gone out with it. Initially my boy is a little uncomfy cos I think I did not place him right, after adjusting, he is ok liao

I was asking Linda yst how come my strap keep slipping when I place my boy in it, tighten all straps still the same. Then hubby told me the strap are threaded wrongly into the buckle so he switch to other side and its fine! Thot catbirdbaby would have threaded correctly for me leh...
So when is your stock coming in?? Got bring in Jet?? ^_^
erm... i also use cetaphil. just place a few drops into the tub and never rinse off. not sure if ok... hehheh but i've been doing this for a few months already. :p
so nice the jet pikkolo

here's pics of my boy in his newly bought jumperoo.

he really enjoyed jumping in it.
so ecstatic in fact!
Wah coco, niceleh! Too bad my hubby won't use, else would hav got one.I must make full use of my pram since my elder boy only use till 5mths tat time.

Steffitan, u gave birth at east shore right? Me too. U stay east too?
me also drooling liao after seeing yr pikkolo... and yr boy doesnt look cramp inside it. So tempted to get it. If i get it, sure kena grumbled by my hb cos he bought the baby bjorn already.

my supply also yoyo... now also dropping. i only took 2pills a day cos scared later will have too much. nowadays i get v lazy to express out at night. will pump a while, fall asleep with the bottle on my hand. weekend worse, only express twice cos either busy with housework or looking after him. dont know can tahan for another half a yr or not.
i also has a pram but with a carrier it is more mobile esp when i am out alone with my boy, pram will be abit more clumsy (for me)

Hen,Eve, Hapi,
Dun drool... go get one!! hehehe.. trying to poison you all.. Dawn, is bringing in for her store, can get from her *wink*

I bought mine quite ex cos the lady from US did not give me free shipping, so it cost me U$129 + U$45 (shared among 4 mummies)+ S$53 GST (also shared among 4 mummies)

Can I ask you abt feeding rice cereal to your baby? Do you sterilised the bowl/cup/spoon in which you feed them on?

The water/BM which we used to mix the cereal with, how much is enough? Or so long as the texture is abit watery then can liao?

And after feeding, how long after do we feed them milk and how much? as per usual amount or reduce abit? cos if feeding cereal for the 1st time, its 1 teaspoon right, dunno can tahan until how long before he gets hungry?

Thanks in advance for your advise
ladies robinsons is having sale for baby einstien jumper. after discount abt 215. wat's the diff between this and jumperoo??

for me i never sterilised the bowl/cup/spoon. cos now they put things inside the mouth ler... so no point sterilising all these stuff. i just add milk/water till the cereal is abit watery... never go and measure how much i should put hehe. after feeding cereal, i will feed milk. for me i just prepare the same amount of milk she always drink. she can't finish the milk i just throw...
Photo taking:

hhello pretty mmummies... hahah.. reading all ur post make mi got big luff! Let me ask him if he is willing to do tt.. Heehee...

Else next time i will hire him, and give him some red packet lo.. heehee!! He is a v v fun guy... My hse not big enuff for funny thing.. or items or toys.. heehee.. empty, tt y u dun see my boy with toys..

he wanted to put my son inside the dryer.. heehee.. ask me if i got big box/ ribbon/ ... think if my kiddo can sit will be more fun...

i booked him for next time liao.. see wad he says...
crystal & coco,

I add 1 teaspoon cereal with 100ml of water then add to bottle with 100ml EBM. I have not try to feed her yet, just let her drink from bottle. I jus tried Nestle plain rice today. she seems to like it alot. My bb poo very dry eh,,, think she is abit heaty. How eh? any mummies got remedies???? i tried to give her more juice and water.. but still can see that she poo with difficulty. Must see doc????

i m interested in pikkolo leh.... :p

my gal oredi on walker ... so far she s okie cos my in law always ard when she s in walker. she oredi know how to move abt in the walker & also manage to stand up by herself but of course must hold onto her
ya hor...i forgot my pikkolo is on the way.
that is thanks to jac.
hopefully can get it before the gathering so like linda said to me the other day...all of us can wear it and hao lian hao lian at orchard...hahaha.

yup i bought the jumperoo from a mummy in smh.
cost me $150 and the mummy has just bought it in april some more.
she gotta let it go cos her dd is 10 mths n refised to sit in it.
i know of another lady selling hers for $170.
its only been used for 3 months.
still looks brand new.
if anyone interested i can give u her contact!
wah... looks like most of the bb r much heavier den my ger... hmm.. a bit worried... is she too small size?? how to increase her milk intake... she still drink about 130mls per feed.. smtimes 3hrly, but smtimes 5 hrly...

takes for the reply... just re-chk my ger temp again.. she recovers le... haha
cocoangel me also drooling liao after seeing yr pikkolo. Soooooooo tempted 2 get it.

my ger alreadi on walker... she alreadi moving about wif it...
i just started my boi on walker too. He is still not stable, so nid to stuff a pillow in front of his seat. Must always keep an eye when bbies r on walker lor.

dun worry. mine still drinking 110ml and only 6.5kg now.
hi celica, jaz23 and constance, tks for the reply...i will go get a walker for my princess tomorrow. i really cant wait to see her in it...heee...
happi - i took 4pills a day.

eve - same here. my expressing at night also cut down so much becuz really tired. now hoping that when he is on semi-solid, my milk supply still can tahan. actually i have frozen ebm. but thought would prefer to give him chilled ebm if possible.

coco - quite true. my peg prego is so heavy somemore. was thinkin i shouldnt have bought so heavy then! sigh

steffitan - hehe i always go PP one. btw, u sign up for the 6months complimentary AIA insurance liao?

jaz, constance - my super tiny also on 100 to 125ml nia every 3 hrs.

just went to gynae on Fri too to do pap smear and also check on the wound. As sometimes itchy or pain, so worried whether wound burst or wat. Lucky doc said healing nicely.

Btw, a thought jus came into my mind today. wonder which dec mummy is the 1st to be pregnant again.

hehe definitely not me.

anyway, no menses how to strike? hehe

Gabby's mum
my gynae say c section shld heal by 2nd-3rd mth. No prob to try after dat.
