(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

oh dear, hope su's ok. At least you've found out what was bothering her so much.

like the other mummies say, dun worry too much, get more info from the doc first. Most mums I've heard of and know who have cyst/fibroids seem to have no problems with their pregnancies.

thanks... me gg to c gynae today le... manage bring forward... stress ah... read on the net, if it grows bigger... i might need to b operated...
never sleep again last night. su was crying, then tossing and turning fr 2am till 6am. sigh.
Hi ladies,
Pediasure so far so good. Aidan has been sleeping through the night after the bedtime feed.

Right now he is still taking Gain Stage 3 during the day. I'm not sure if I should continue giving him 2 types of FM, 1 for day, 1 for night, or should I switch fully to Pediasure.

Any advise?
Thanks for sharing your reading tips, mummies.
Before I used to read to my gal short stories while she stands in her cot. But, now that she doesn't go into her cot, I read to her by my side. And, like CSI_fan, my gal would immediately take the book away from me and I can't read anything. I've bought cloth books and board books and she'll chew on them till the thread or the cardboard peels off. *Faint*
Never understand how to read a book to a toddler at this age.
Now I just leave magazines or pamphlets around for her to flip. It's much cheaper than letting her tear her nice books.

Dylan's mum,
I'm also hoping to stop breastfeeding by 18 mths. Now trying to stop the afternoon feed, but my J still wants it. Sigh! Got a few samples of FM to let her try. Been so hesitant to let her try. Cos I can envisage the prospect of her gagging and throwing it all up.
Dun worry too much 1st, ask the gynae for advise, some of my frens has it and seems like no prob with their preg. Update us yah *hugs*
Don't be too stressed up. Get your gynae's advice. If it turns out to be no cause for concern, then you're stressing yourself unnecessarily. Stay positive!

So what's the outcome of Su's visit to the doc last night? Hope she's better now. Meanwhile, you might want to try giving her some home-brewed barley water. I gave QJ that when he was down with fever on Monday.

I came back on 1/2 day today and QJ threw up his whole feed on me! Eeewww ... don't know what's wrong. I saw a piece of undigested bread toast in the puke ... I suspect it's my MIL - we went for toast & kopi just now and as usual, she was SUPER eager to feed him, kept giving him chunks of her toast, and too fast -- hence the indigestion.

When he had fever on Monday, she came over to visit and brought ice cream with her. Kept wanting to give QJ ice cream --- 'he has never tried ice cream before, let him try'

I was like "hello! he is sick ... there is a better time to introduce ice cream right?" ... of course i didn't say it out loud ... so she gave him some ice cream, and after the 3rd teaspoonful, QJ started coughing ... *ROLL EYEBALLS*
val, doc said it's ulcer.then, gave some oral aid, which was super tough to apply. su was screeeeeeaming all the way as we tried to reach the underside of her tongue. she's recovering but still taking half the amt of her normal cereal. i also boiled some barley for her but she refused to drink. then added to her fm and she miraculously finished the 100ml. later in the night, she drank about 190ml of ebm... which was record for susu cos she usually takes max 160ml. so i hope this is a sign that she's recovering.

aiyo... your mil ah... hope the vomiting is a big hint to her that she should stop feeding qj all the strange foods. poor thing...

hope our babies get well soooooooon.
mil troubles again...yu ru falls sick quite easily, so when she gets cough, always remind the maid to check what mil etc giving her. Sometimes when the maid is in the kitchen or looking after #1, they'll feed her grapes and bananas, then at night the poor girl will start coughing away. Once she even cough till vomit
hi jaz, relieved to know ur condition after talking to u on the phone, just monitor and hopefully u don't need to operate. do update ya?

a lot of bbs sick recently, mummies do take care ya?

ur bbs all know how to read leh, mine will snatch the book and don allow me to take back, ugghghgh!! he will be happily turn the page and tossed around....

yah, its going to be really hard to wean our babies.
guess we might need to resort to cold turkey sooner or later! U tried HIPP yet? So far that's the only one that dylan doesn't seem to mind (taste) but he doesnt drink alot of it as I've not tried cold turkey and he obviously prefers BM than HIPP.


gosh, didn't realise our bbs can kenna ulcers also. No wonder su cried so much. Poor thing. I told my hubby abt it and he also surprised, at least now we know we shld check for ulcers next time if our babies are crying inconsolably. Hope su gets better soon!


wah! ice cream when sick! gosh, u also very patient hor... let yr MIL feed him with the ice cream. If i were u, i sure kick up a fuss.
dawn, ya, they can get uclers, my niece just got the ucler last week and so painful that she hardly want to eat anything, grown thinner liao, i see liao heartpain.
hi everyone....

*yawning...me panda eyed now.
last night kayden woke up crying, after giving water, he's still not satisfied.
Suspect his gum hurts cause his upper cuspid tooth is still not out yet, so rubbed his gum with the teething gel but still cried. So i pat him to sleep. faintz...

The night before worse, after a bottle of milk, toss and turn for 10 mins then decided to go out and play. Pointing at the door and wants to be out of the room. Ignored his request but he whined and whined. So get hub to bring him out and play for awhile. Who knows, he still doesnt want to sleep after that, so have to retort to forcing to zzz...In the end, placed him in the yaolan and yoo until he sleeps. Faintz.

mine oso super notti these few days... 1am will wake up and play! Ard 3+ then sleep. My god... so tired leh. haiz
shryn & crystalz, so susu is not alone! she'll wake up at 2am and demand to go outside to play. point and point to the door. she'll wail when we ignore her request.
Maybe try to cut short the daytime nap and see if that helps them sleep better at night?

Both my gals are now sleeping on the playmats on the floor. Last 2 nights, yu ru has been rolling around and only settle down when she's on the parquet floor. Last night, hb slept on the flr with them, and woke up in the middle of the nite saw her there so he carried her and tucked her under his arm to sleep. This morning when i woke up, she was back on the parquet again. Haiz, got soft soft for her to sleep, she mai, want the hard floor...

nono i never let her out and play.. i leave her in the cot... and i just sit there and watch her.. and keep dozing off though haha. cos she dun allow me to lie down leh.. sit up then she ok.. faintz.. last nite i made a wrong decision! I brought her out of the cot and let her sleep/play on my bed. Aiyo! she can use my pillow to be a slide. I wanna laugh but can't haha later she think i playing with her. pengz. then my hubby angry... cos going 3am and she still playing with the pillow. so he scolded her.. and she cryyyyyyy then put back in cot oso cry... aiyo.. end up i cuddle her to sleep. haiz.. then now morning nap dun wanna go inside the cot! want to play with my pillow again. aiyoo.. jia latz i really made a wrong move!
Good to hear that Su is getting better.

I have been very polite with my MIL all these years. Have not told her off before. When I disagree, I will tell her nicely why not. If she chooses not to listen then I let her witness the consequences for herself .. but it is always at the expense of my poor son. Sigh.

Weaned or not?
I thought I had weaned QJ totally but last night, he whined and whined even after a satisfying bottle of FM. He said no to everything I suggested, until I said "nan nan?" ... he nodded! [Milk in bottle is 'milk', while latching on is 'nan nan'] So I latched him on and he showed a very very satisfied, dazed look after that ... and then fell asleep.

Actually, the same thing happened 3 nights ago too. So I guess I still am able to bf every 3-4 days. Hmmm ...
haiyo claire,
so funny leh...hehehehe

Difficult to cut short the daytime nap leh cause he's under the old folks care. How they wished he could sleep more in the day so that they got more of their own time. Everytime when he whine, no matter whats the problem, FIL will said; come we go yooyoo. Faintz

my ger sleep 2x nap abt 1.5hrs each.. izit too much? i feel its ok leh... last time she dun wake up and play.. the most only cry abit and i pat her abit she go lala land liao... only these few days.. worst.
mine will always wants to sleep with us on bed.
Usually after he zzz, i will put him down to his playpen and he will sleep till morning.
But whenever he's sick or sprouting tooth, he will have all sorts of 'pattern'.
Sleep in playpen for few hours, then woke up crying. Put him on our bed, he will zzz quite well till the next morning. Is it because he needs some sense of security from us? Sighz
crystalz, shryn

yah its a phase.. dylan also like that at one point but now he dun wake up to play very often. but if he really wakes up, we usually let him play lor.. give him a ball so he can entertain himself then we just continue to zzz... hahah


wah, u deserve a pat on the back. But luckily yr MIL has seen the consequences for herself... guess she is the persistent type? that's why she ignore yr advice and still do what she wants with yr boy.
claire, usually ends late... like 6 plus ba... cos jc's lessons end very late. sometimes my last class ends at 5pm. so tired. but my p just announced a piece of good news! we can report at 830am when sch reopens! so happieeeeeeeee! tat means i can send su to school, then take a bus to work and dun have to rush!
just went to c the gynae yesterday... she explained to me that the cyst according to her is small... but, if it gets bigger about 6-7cm, i would need to be operated...currently, the size is 3.5cm... is an ovarian cyst. dr, say it shld be due to hormonal... hopefully, it will shrink...
kind of worried wif my ger, till now she onli got 1 tooth n still has no strength to stand on her own yet... me gg bonkers liaoz...
Dylan's mum,
No, i've not tried HIPP milk yet. Waiting for a can of FRISO sample to be delivered. Now, I have 3 different types of FM samples waiting to be tested. I've only been trying to stop the afternoon feed, but failing pretty badly.

I've tried to disassociate nursing with sleeping, but eversince I did that, J's been having serious separation anxiety, it's driving me nuts. Sigh!

your gal is so funny..but i guess at 3am, it's not a joke..
hope it will really shrink. so now got to monitor? just wondering...*touch wood* if really gets bigger, can still operate despite being pregnant?

yr boy sleeps in yaolan too? wonder how to stop them fr using it. he naps in the day in it cos my mil takes care of him n she finds it easier to let him sleep in it. said she has no time n give the excuse that he refused to nap in bed. but for me, at night i try not to put him in the yaolan unless he's really having difficulty falling asleep on his own in his bed. it's the daytime nap which i find it difficult to stop him fr using yaolan. he really can fall asleep fast in it though. but afraid he gets so reliant on it.

i also nurse dylan to sleep a fair bit... its really hard to disassociate sleeping n nursing if u've always been doing it. does J sleep if you put her in the carrier? dylan either sleeps via nursng or when i put him in the bb carrier. sometimes, if he is tired enough, i can just pat him to sleep (but must carry him lah). can share how you make yr girl sleep now? patting?
shawn was puking out all his dinner for the past two days. Yesterday after a full dinner, he poke his finger in too far and korek korek until vomit. I was in the kitchen while he was outside doing that. grosss. never mind, got to clean, bath etc... gross...then i gave him cheerios with FM. After the cheerios, he finished about 150ml of the milk via straw. i got some weird and mixed feeling when i served him gain IQ.. it's more like ME who's not willing to to let go bfg. Sigh.. anyway, then 1hr later, he latched on, fall asleep on his own and slept until 6am today

Today, again, he somewhat vomitted again. but this time he didn't put into his mouth to korek. i dunno why but today he seemed to be full of gas. almost every movement he made, he farted. poor kid.. anyway, again, grossie evening. cleaned like mad again... And i gave him cheerios again with 90ml of FM. Today's respond not so impressive. He wasn't quite interested in the milk. When i give him FM via spoon, he just let the milk drool down. So i think he took very little. I pray that he would be sleeping until tomolo morning.

got to catch a flight tomolo at 8am, rushing back to pg coz need to attend a funeral.. sigh.. everything so rush... Supply just dipped and dipped since wednesday.. sigh... dunno why...a part of me ask me to pack FM but i decided not to. Just going to depend on natural resource for the next 3days.

jas, the ovarian cyst would go away after delivery. don't worry... last time i read that soy bean may promote the fibroid growth. And i tried to minimise drinking soya bean milk. Do check with your gynae if this true. Take care

could it be some bug going around the kids?

JR puked 1 meal out 2 days ago, we thought it was juz indigestion, then yesterday he had diarrhoea 6 times and major diaper rash in the shape of the diaper on his bum... turned out he had stomach flu, most likely caught from my #1. poor boy, i think he will ganna the chicken pox virus from #1 very soon and then the whole family will be grounded for CNY ..


a close fren of mine had ovarian cysts during her 2 pregnancies, the 1st one was removed during her 2nd trimester and the other one disappeared as her pregnancy progressed... hope yours will go away by itself..

dylan's mom,

when are you coming back? i got my loots from pigletmm and sneaked a peak at yours and they are very nice!!
ya... if it gets bigger... still need to b operated despit m preggie... gotto b put undder GA.

u wanna try change the milk powder??? issit too thick??? try diluting it. mayb he is not used to it yet.

thanks. hopefully, it will shrink back.

coming back late tonight!
can't wait to get my stuff fr ruth *drool*. Heard abt the camper sandals u got! nice or not??

yr girl got chicken pox ah? oh no.. poor thing. btw, i got yr taiwan goodies, let me know when u wanna collect.
dylan's mom,

the camper sandals fit my boy v well and so nice and comfy!!! i think u can chope the next bigger size for dylan!

ya lor, she juz recovered from stomach flu and straight into chicken pox. thks!! i will meet you after her pox goes away, dylan has not taken the vaccine yet rt?

yah haven't taken the chicken pox jab yet. ok no problem, let me know again when she recovers. hope JR won't get it..

yes she reserved the larger size camper sandals for me.. keke. quality good? i can't wait to get back & see it.
Sounds stressful. Take heart ... everything will turn out fine.

Pat on your back. No joke with 2 kiddos down, and 1 with chic pox some more. Don't worry about the GoGo bags. Not in a hurry to collect.

QJ has been waking up to scream and cry for >1 twice last night. It's teething time again! Sigh.
Dylan's mum,
My routine for the past week was to nurse J after her bath and then daddy takes over to put her to bed. I will then go out of the room. Her daddy would read to her and then pat her to sleep, but usually she will start wailing and screaming for a long time before she finally sleeps from exhaustion. After doing that, J has now been sleeping almost through the night for most nights. Even if she wakes, except for the few occasions (cross my fingers), she would go back to sleep with just some patting.

However, eversince I've been walking out of the room after nursing and leaving her with hubby, she has been having pretty bad separation anxiety. Whenever I walk away from her, she'll scream. She's so afraid I'll walk out of the room after nursing her that she's been pretty determined to sleep while nursing. So, I've decided to feed her and then take her off and put her to bed myself now. I can't let her be so traumatised by it.
Dylan's mum,
Opps..think I've not really answered your questions.
These days I'm still struggling with nursing my gal to sleep in the day. So, to avoid it, I would take her out and hope she'll sleep on my chest in my carrier. Otherwise, I'll put her in her play nest ( a float) and rock and sing to her. She usually would fall asleep after much rocking. If all else fails, I'll just let her play and play till she tires herself and falls asleep in her play yard.
i dunno whether to be happy but su has started taking bellamy's! we offered her in the morning and she drank 150ml! then we attempted to give her during the night feed and she drank about 150 ml! then, she woke up at 3am. we gave her 200 and she drank 180ml! now i'll have to decide when to give fm and when to give bm. seems like she'll take fm only when she's hungry... that is, the morning or night feed. i'll save the bm for the afternoon feeds then.

but porridge is still a struggle. wait... it's not a struggle. cos susu wins hands down. like my hubby said... this is not a problem becos there is no solution!

jeelo, did u rub the ruyi oil on shawn? try massaging his tummy to get the wind out. do the half moon method from left to right like a rainbow... then stroke downwards with alternate hands. may help.

wow, if she can sleep thru eversince u stop nursing her to bed, that means u have succeeded. maybe u shld continue? the separation anxiety might go away as its usually a phase? eversince my PD told me that 5hrs sleep is considered sleep thru for dylan, i've given up forcing him to sleep thru the whole night. sigh, wonder how long i'm going to continue being a panda!!

when i'm with dylan at home, he always 'bully' me and wants to nurse to sleep. today, i was out for the whole afternoon and my hubby said dylan fell asleep after being carried and being patted for a while. so that proves that he doesn't need to nurse.. its just a comforting thing for him.

while i was gone, my hubby also fed him HIPP FM again, but he only drank 40ml. I must continue to try, hopefully he will drink more soon.


wow, su took bellamys? have u tried before? what does it taste like? maybe i will try it if dylan does not start to love HIPP... but I'll probably need to buy another box of HIPP as dylan is drinking it now, just that he can't finish a full feed. I suspect its because he knows he still can get BM from me.

I've also kind of given up on porridge, i tried rolled oats again today with fresh fruit and dylan ate 5 mouthfuls... not bad considering how he eats even less porridge usually!! I will try feeding him the oats again for lunch tmr and probably try my luck with porridge during dinner.
hi mummies,

all ur talk abt weaning and sick bbs sounds terribly tiring and awful. hope all r better soon.

arvin's been pretty grouchy on n off lately. not eating.. not sleeping.. vomitting and coughs.

arvin's got tt bad bad habit of stuffing his fingers dwn his throat as well. he gags n gags n then will puke out. smtimes a bit.. smtimes the whole meal. Sigh... we usually will distract him n try to mk him not put his fingers in.. but nwadays like even w/o his fingers in he seems to be able to do tt gaggin action. haiz...
dylan's mom, i haven't tried bellamy's but it smells wonderful! u may want to check if hipp is made with skim milk. i read some where that it is.

sigh. i called the infant care and the tr asked me why i'm not giving su the center's food and why i'm giving her organic food. i was dumbfounded. din expect them to ask so abruptly. so i said it's healthier lor... plus we don't give her meat other than fish and the teacher said "we also give fish". wah lau... sorry la... i wonder what kind of fish and if they put salt. cos i saw the kind of porridge they have. few strands of carrot, white porridge and fish (that may have melted). sorry... so pissed.
hihi mummies,

it has been quite sometime since my last post. hope all babies and mummies are well and getting more well soon

well, nothing much to report here. mal has grow bigger and stronger. he is able to walk steadily, half way of kicking off paci and in the process of potty training. this AM his diapers was DRY!! he was able to hold his urine till this AM! his nanny told us she let him stand to urine every 15-20mins. at home, we take off his pull up and ask him go shishi. he will shi
i am so proud of him that all seems "effortless" to us. even on how he was able to self wean off his fav. yaolan in few months back

sharing mal playing ball with his dad at home

Hi mommies,

I am a nov. 07 mommy and just happen to browse thru that most of you are talking abt milk feed. Can I join in as well?

I hv a lot of problems feedg my girl with milk. She is on milk strike every now and then. Hv weaned her off EBM just last week and fully on GainIQ but I realised she doesnt really wanna drink lately. Daily intake is less than 400ml. Is this normal? I m gettg worried coz she rejects milk totally in the am and we hv to force feed her.

Does any of the mommies hv this problem?


hmm ok i'll try bellamy's soon.
i tried HIPP and its ok, not as sweet as Similac.

how come the teacher at su's infant care ask you this question out of the blue? so strange. Their porridge sounds like a mix of items, but su's been taking her own porridge at infant care right?


wow mal sounds like he's doing really well! dylan can't walk yet but he also starting potty training now. I started before i left for taipei and didn't manage to continue while i was there but just started again. Hehe he also can hold his urine until AM before peeing but there are days when he refuse to get on the potty! there was once when he even peed one me! *faint*

i will try what yr nanny is doing and let dylan stand to urine every 15-20 min... hehe
hopefully that will help.
