(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

me too felt so guilty..to give her the MSG foods outside.. oily too.. but HB not co-operative.. bo pian

bluelily ... tat day i was abt to ask if u wanna try pediasure. cos my nephew has been on pediasure for 4 yrs liao & his weight s above 90% hahahaha. my niece used to be less than 25% weight and she used to drink very little. After i told my sis to try on pediasure she become a xiao pang pang liaoz

indeed pediasure is very ex loh ... but proven very good for picky & underweight kids

I wanna try but gabby can't cos her weight oredi at 90% liaoz
Gabby's mum, gabby no need pediasure lah. She eats so well.. I SUPER envy leh!!

Pediasure n sweet ah... what if I give jr liao he refuse his normal milk? Then I cham.. are we supposed to replace fm with pediasure? Cos I heard from my col she only gives her daughter 1 feed of pediasure per day at night.
Is Pediasure regular FM? More filling than normal FM is it?

Can tell me more about it?

Baby Aidan already 13months but still wakes up 2x a night. If it can help him stay filling longer, I'll use it for the bedtime feed.

Also, I realise when we go out, he eats very little. When at home, he can eat 1 big bowl of porridge. But when outside, only a few spoonfuls. So, if Pediasure can help, I'll give it to him when we go gai gai....

Any comments?
my nephew take it as his normal meal when he s younger .... now he still drink alot when he s 4 yr old. he will take one in e morning, 1 before his nap time & 1 at night.

maybe i pass u e abbott nutritionist no ... you can check with her

i dont think dylan will wean off head banging anytime soon! but we just try to stop him from doing it but when i know he is frustrated and he is just banging the bed, i let him. i guess he needs somewhere to vent it out! i read online that when he starts walking, he might stop head banging as now he is in a stage where he can't really walk... so can get frustrated.


i've tried feeding less milk but dylan will go on milk and food strike. i've come to the conclusion that i should just go back to work (i've been planning to anyway), and put him in childcare... let them feed him! I plan to start looking around for a job in Jan or Feb, to start in Mar/Apr... will either shift him to FM by then or at worse case scenario, will give him BM in cup. I'm sure once he is in childcare, he will have no choice but to eat.
dylan's mom,
is dylan clingy to you? if you put dylan in childcare, will he get upset, kinda thing? And scream / cry and refuse to eat etc? Though, I think it will pass after a few days...Just wondering.
gabby's ma.. can pass me the num? Thks! Shd be able to get samples to try 1st hor?

Same prob.. jr is v distracted when we go out.. much more difficult to eat/drink the full amt.
dylan's mum, fr my observation of susu and her frens at childcare, most of them behave when they r there. heard all sorts of nonsense from the parents, refust cereal, porridge, milk but once they are at the infant care, they kuai kuai take their meals. my hubby says it's a social thing for the kids and most tend to bully their parents. (read: like our dear sumana)

csi, they will cry and scream but will be ok in a few days. of course mummy must reassure them.
My son got no heaty problem with pediasure. I switch favours on and off. Now got new favour in honey. =)

My son is on pediasure for years... dun think it helps loh... he is weighing only 15.5kg but he is tall, 105cm. Maybe more for fussy drinker not really can gain weight from it. Weight gainer FM should be Appeton but I don't dare to try cos #1 is picky, change of taste he sure reject one.

yup, he is pretty clingy but i notice when he is in a social setting, he enjoys letting other people carry and play with him. he also loves other kids, always trying to smile and talk to other babies when he sees them. i'm sure he will have some separation anxiety so i'll probably try to put him in earlier to ensure he adjusts well before i start work.
cross fingers!! btw, i'm away in taipei at the moment, be back on Sat... let me know when u coming to pick up yr honey?
dylan's mom,
ahhh...okie. Enjoy yourself in Taipei. I was planning on sending you an SMS later today to ask you when I can pop by. hahaha. hehs...
okie lah. I'll plan for next week. Pai seh...take up y our space for so long. heehee...
hihi, sumana's been crying at night. sleep from 10-ish to about 2am then will start crying till about 4am. dunno what she wants. we suspect it may be teething. she also has some rash on her buttocks, which seems to spread to some parts of her trunk. brought her to the pd and couldn't get a diagnosis. all she said was it's neither chicken pox, measles nor infection. i'm like a panda now... heng school hasn't started yet.

I read from the book "What to Expect - The First Year", that diaper rash can also spread up to the trunk. I.e. it does not stay at the diaper area. Like Claire suggests, try teething gel? And for the rash, just apply the diaper rash cream on it, for now to see how it goes?
yeah tub,
Rub su's gums with the teething gel before she zzz...this will helps.
It works for mine though.

As for the nappy rash, did you just change another brand of diapers on her?
tub, shawn was doing that to me over the wkend. he woke up at 2am suddenly screaming n crying. then i try to pacify him to zzz. put teething gel and carry him around. one of the days that didn't work, so i just let him cry until he tired and sleep (probably 1/2hr later). i latch him at night, then as when he's just falling asleep, i'll rub the teething gel. He has been drooling for a few days already and kept digging his back gums.
funnily, mine wakes up at 5-6am to???? poop!!! who can tell me how frustratg this can be..? she has pulled tis stunt for 2 days already. i seriously dunno HOW i can re-schedule her 'dump' sessions. hehe..
jeelo, kayden had been drooling and putting 2 his hands into his mouth nowadays. He's teething again. Joining will be his upper 2 cuspid teeth, the tooth mould can be seen from his gum. OUCH.
mummies .... mayb it could be the molar teeth leh. cos my gal also like that but since both her bottom molar teeth are out she s ok liaoz
Hi mummies,
I gave Aidan Pediasure at 11pm last night. And he slept till 6am this morning! Yippie!
And he loves the favour, finished every drop of it. (He will usually leave about 15-20ml for his regular milk.)

Thanks to all the mummies for your recommendation! Hopefully he will continue to sleep thru the night will full stomach!
Stefanie also behave like that, she also wake up at nite abt 1am and 4am, we though she want milk bt after milk she keep making some sound and dun want to sleep

Could it be fungus? Cos i remember one of my frens's gal also like that, applied desitin also no use, in the end, doc says its fungus...

it cld prob b fungal..tt time i also thot was nappy rash..but it din disappear aft a few days n aft applyg desitin..brot her for a chk n PD said it was fungal. he gave me a solution to soak her bum/private in and some powder..disappeared in a couple of days.. apparently, girls r more prone to hvg such problems la..cz when they pee, all e pee flows down e folds n all..boys just shoot only..

better bring su for a chk.
steffie and jean, fungus meaning candida or thrush? doesn't look like it. susu had that b4 but this time, it looks different. i brought her to a pd, not her usual one, and she said she can't really diagnose.
my boy also has been waking up in the wee hours to scream. will only quieten down when we pop the bottle into his mouth. sometimes, he repeats again in 1-2 hrs. don't know what to do. n i can't see if he's teething cos this boy refuse to open his mouth to let us see.

now i'm also worried how to clean his teeth. used to be ok when we clean his gums & tongue when bathing until i tried the toothbrush. now he struggles and clamp his mouth shut. won't even open when we stop using the brush n use back towel. any suggestions how to clean?

i'm glad he's now more ok wif showering over his head... all thanks to the advice given here.
eve.. make a brushing teeth tune to it... I sing" this is the way we brush our teeth.. brush our teeth.. " and in just a few days.. she will open her mouth every time we sing it.. and for you guys.. brush your teeth infront of the baby.. we do that.. and the child loves to imitate us.. try it...
<font color="aa00aa">good morning mummies!!!

been so busy to log in here...
got so much to catch up with.

dylan's mum,
u on holiday now???
wow...me probably next month will be going for hol.</font>
hey mummies,
has anyone been able to read to your child? I've been trying to read to my gal, but she'll take the book from me and just flip and flip the pages. In the end, I can't read anything to her. Any suggestions?
dylan's mum, how's dylan taking hipp milk? sumana doesn't like fm. i'm trying out different brands, will even try almond milk, but it's like throwing money down the drain.

oh... can you also pm me your acc number? think i'll tt the postage to you for the baby cubes. then u send me via normal post la. sorry ah... i forgot again.
rach, just let her flip lor... it's ok one at this age. i usually just leave books lying around. after a while, susu will bring the books over to us and keeps nodding her head. she wants us to sing to her. (most of her books are nursery rhymes)
rach, me same as tub.. leave the books all over.. whenever she feels like it she will go flip flip them and if in the mood will bring us the books for reading.. i let her flip and will read which ever page she stops at lor ..
but for scheduled reading time i.e. bedtime reading i will try to finish the whole book..
bedtime reading:

I cannot leh. THe moment my gal sees a book, she'll want to take it from us and flip it. How to do bedtime reading? hahaha.
Last week QJ also woke up crying in the middle of the night. Inconsolable type of crying, no amount of teething gel, ru yi oil, or milk will soothe him. On the first night, he fell asleep again after 2hrs. On the 2nd night, it was about an hour, after my hb suggested I latch him on. Btw, on those 2 days, he had low grade fever.

Then on the 3rd night, he had super high fever. He woke up in the morning still feverish, with a running nose.

Luckily he is better now already.

The joys and woes of parenting!

i love reading to her! but i'm not sure if e excitement is 2-way. hahaha.. yea, i surround her wif books too..i see her readg to herself at times..its so funny..but i do read to her at certain times of e day..just to get her in e groove of things.. so far she's been rather receptv n jus tis morning, she pointed to a flower on my MIL's blouse n said, "flower".. =)

she likes to take e book away fr me too sometimes..so ok lor, she flips, i read. so far, i'm been readg out single words to her..i realise that she cant really stay still for a rhyme or story yet.. to break fr e monotony of readg, i flash cards as well.. big cards just to get her attention. i will b attemptg to teach her e alphabet soon. see how it goes la..


is su still on bellamy's milk? wanna ask u if e milk is v sweet? i'm currently findg a suitable FM for m #1. he not a typical milkaholic n always complains tt the current FM is too sweet for him (i dunno if tts an excuse on his part to escape drinkg milk). i

yah on holiday now visiting my parents. been busy shopping &amp; eating! haha.. weather here is also very good and dylan is enjoying it. Only problem is we gotta carry him everywhere... really back aching - we went to the zoo today and walked soooo much! :p. where u going for holiday??


i've been reading to dylan since he was v.young... but now that he is so active, sometimes he don't want me to read to him anymore. But he has a couple of favourites, which he will sit through the whole story (Hungry Caterpillar, some Zoo book and a couple of sound books from ladybird). I read to him once a day now. U can try the sound books to try to hold her interest?


I shared the HIPP milk with my friend, and my 1 packet is almost gone! sadly, dylan hasn't taken to it that well cos now that I'm in taipei, I only use the formula to make him rolled oats etc... but as usual, he only takes a few spoons! Sigh. I will buy another pack when I get back to SG and maybe try Pediasure as well. headache. What other brands you trying now? What does almond milk tastes like? I am considering even trying soy milk or goats milk if all else fails.... I wld love to stop breastfeeding already :I

oh, ok will PM u my acct details after this. :) postage shld be $1.50
steffie, yap. su is still on bellamy's. it's not very sweet but super fragrant. but then again, i've not tried other fm so dunno the difference.

dylan's mom, let mi know your encounter with mr pediasure. haha. i dunno if i should try hipp cos if she doesn't like it, then it's like throwing the whole tin away.

val, sigh... hope qj recovers soon. susu also had low grade fever. and we finally know the root cause of her crankiness and unhappiness! the infant teachers found ULCERS on the underside of her tongue! i'm so glad they discovered cos her inconsolable crying these few nights is driving me up the wall! bringing her to the docs later.
hi all,
me soooo sad n worried now... went for oscar scan yesterday... bb is ok... now, 13 wks le... but, the radiographer found a cyst @ my right side... not sure is the uterus area or the ovary area. too shocked to ask her for details... but, is 3.5 cm big... worried that it would affect the bb....
jas, as long as it dun grow bigger it should be alrite de. wonder cyst = fibroid, if they r e same i also have that during my pregnancy. check wif ur gynae loh

is it Inside the womb or the outer wall? I had a fibroid at the outer wall on the left and had a cyst on right ovary area. Both did not cause any problem to me except some pain/spasm on the fibroid area towards the end of my pregnancy. The fibroid is actually a lump of muscular tissue. Apparently it was already there (but i never knew it) and it did grow bigger coz of preggy hormones. As for the cyst, it was hormonal cyst. It disappeared liao after delivery
