(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


dylan's diet is mostly milk, ehrm i would say 10% only solids!! *faint* he does not sleep thru the night and usually asks for milk around 5ish in the morning. he latches on and off all morning, but next big feed is around 9am.

I try to feed him lunch around noon but he usually rejects 99% (haha). then he has milk again around 1pm and 4plus. Dinner is around 7-8pm (but he hardly eats, sometimes he will eat abt 10 small spoons of fish or pasta, occasionally he eats porridge. Then its milk again and he will have one last feed before bedtime (ard 10pm).

Since PD said not to worry and let dylan wean off milk on his own (cos he is already 11kg). Also told me not to force him to eat solids if dylan decides NOT to eat.

At this point, i suspect dylan is just being picky. He loves fresh fruit (not pureed), all kinds of water/drinks - he even takes fresh milk but is very picky with food. He likes cheese and bread but not keen on meat or porridge or cereal. *headache* I will try rolled oats with him and hope he will like them.

u blended the meat for him to eat or just minced? ot even if you just cook the stock in the porridge, he'll totally reject everything?have u tried fish instead or meat? how did he fare?
wahahahaha! slimz! U WIN! My new yr wish is..hope jr can eat like sr! hahaha

tub, here's jr's feeding schedule that we are struggling to keep.

Morning: 180ml of milk (usually left around 80ml - 100ml), use remaining milk to cook brown rice powder + flaxseed meal + 1 cube of laughing cow cheese

Lunch: 2 meals of porridge (white rice + brown rice/brown rice powder + threadfin fish + vegy cube + ikan billis powder, and occasional tofu/egg yolk)
Snacks: Occasional fruits, bread, baby biscuits, yoghurt

Dinner/Supper: 2 times of 180ml of milk + 1 or 2 teaspoon of FrisoCrem for each feed (usually takes 1+ hrs to finish each feed, with many many breaks in between for jr to play). Sometimes may skip the last feed of milk.. or drink only 80ml - 100ml, especially if I=jr wake up late or nap too long in the afternoon
Botanist n Tub,
It must be really hard on both of you when your kiddos don't want to eat. Really really hope that you'll find the key to their stomachs soon...

Think different babies got different problems ba.. For my child, it's forever his eczema issue. He has been tugging, pulling, twisting his ears real hard till they become raw and weepy. Just had another episode of it. Took him to PD today, intending to let him take pneumococcal jab, ended up PD said his ears got bad infection and shouldn't be vaccinated today.
Oh well, the way he said it is like I am a bad mummy to let his ears end up in this state
Even said that if not treated he might get deformed ears.

Anyway, told PD my boy pulls his ears when he's frustrated and asked for his advice. He told me to keep him happy all the time. Haha, like that my boy sure get spoilt coz he gets frustrated when he doesn't get what he wants.

Oh well, just hope that our kids will be quai quai in the new year!

Happy 2009!!

i've tried stock with porridge, minced meat with porridge, blended meat (chicken or pork) with porridge, fish porridge. he basically not interested in any of the above. Occassionally, he don't mind fish porridge but eat less than 10 spoonfuls only. I bought some rolled oats today, tried to feed him earlier, he started ok... but after 4-5 spoonfuls, he refused to eat already. sigh!!

dont feel sad. i know how you feel... my good friend is in the same shoes as you. her poor boy has very bad eczema on his hands, neck, feet etc. sometimes it gets soo bad that it is badly infected and becomes very big.

As for yr boy pulling his ears, my PD has told me its all behaviourial and some kids just like to pull their ears, or rub their eyes or pull their hair.. haha guess every kid needs some way to vent out their frustration right? Dylan loves to bang his head whenever he is frustrated... he will hit anything in sight, the table, the floor, the wall and of course, his mummy and daddy too!
botanist, bluelily, tub,

hv u all tried rice wif soup? even tho my girl still eats her porridge (i suspect she's patronising me), she NVR says no to rice. i'm hesitant abt giving her as she still is toothless n i'm worried abt indigestn and all.. she's started to get really interested in table food n will gobble down anythg we offer her.. my MIL did say tt if she has her pearlies, she can advance to eatg soupy rice already since she loves it so much. sometimes its e texture that they dun like..must really explore all possibilities but i do empathise wif u..hope it's a phase that they'll outgrow asap!

thanks.. hmm i will try that! i have been thinking of giving rice with soup, but like u, i am abit scared he will choke... he already chokes sometimes when given slightly lumpier food. But dylan is also super interested in table food (even if the interest is only for a short time). sometimes he really puzzles me because he can love something one day and hate it the next time he eats it!
dylan's mom, wow! dylan is 11 kg! tat's good! well done moo moo! hehheh. my susu is only 9kg... sigh... bluelily, i realised that jr is taking 4xs milk. y dun you cut down on one feed to see if he takes to solids better?

jeelo, i tried rolled oats today. absolute rejection. SIGH.

here's susu's schedule in SCHOOL:

morning: 1x ebm (160ml)
9-ish: egg yolk (only if the morning feed is early)
11-ish: lunch (home cooked porridge)
2-ish: cereal (with about 150ml fm)
5-ish: 1x fm (100ml)
6-7: green smoothie of fruits and veg
last feed: 1x ebm (160-190ml)

when we are at home, she'll skip the lunch or cereal... or BOTH! then we replace the 5-ish feed with ebm.
phy, your pd is not realistic la... how to keep baby happy all the time ah? sometimes these pds just talk without thinking lor... ask him to look after la...

my pd is also one kind. she told me... you must feed sumana and not let her eat whenever and do whatever she likes. i'm like ok lor... i also know but can YOU feed or not? something ultimate... she also told me: breastmilk keep too long inside (me) not good already. that's why susu is 50% wt. i'm like HAR? u mean breastmilk inside me got expiry one ah??? did you go to med school? so i'm going to change my pd.
phy, jr pulls his hair n knocks his head when frustrated. Recently he even resort to hitting his ears.. Usually wat we do is distract him loh. Like show him stuff he like.. or ask him.. where's light light? Where's doggy, etc.

steffie, jr not that advanced in solid food yet. He can eat a few grains of rice.. but i think he'll gag with a whole spoon of it. Last wk tried giving mince pork.. he gag near the end of the feeding.. n vomit out ALL his porridge that we painstakingly feed. SAD N hor... we tried cooking brown rice porridge.. and u know what? He cant digest.. his poo can see the whole rice grains! hahaaa

tub, actually now is 3x milk. Basically afternoon time is all solids. I copy n paste that feeding schedule from his blog few wks ago.haha

BTW... jr just finish his hated vanilla flavored yoghurt w/o fuss! Cross my fingers.. hope my new yr wish has come true!
Haha, BF inside body got expiry date one? Your PD must be really SIAO!

Tub and Dylan's mum,

I agree with what Steffietan said, perhaps it is the texture or colour or smell that baby doesn't like.

Hey, have you considered seeking using TCM to help improve baby's appetite? My sister's friend took her girl to see chinese physician and apparently her girl is now feeding better...

Anyway, my PD ok lah, he told me he was upset when he saw my boy's ears.. He even went,"Poor boy, you must be suffering har?" Anyway, good thing is that he says my boy is sociable and friendly. Haha

Dylan's mom,
Ya, I also think Ryan's pulling ears is all about behavourial.. You know, sometimes he'll just look at me, then quickly pulls his ears to test my response! Haha, must really give it to him. Been hitting his palm when he pulls his ears but think he's rather stubborn. Now trying soft approach on him.

Anyway, Dylan bangs his head to vent his frustrations? Ouch!!! How do you deal with this behaviour?
Ya, been trying to distract my boy when he pulls his ears. Just heartpain when his ears are raw and weepy and swollen.

About minced pork, what my MIL does is that mince it a few times. Then when cooking, she'll add some soup to the minced pork, stir and stir to get rid of any possible lumps before adding in to the porride.

At times she will add YuRenSen's Sishen brown rice to the porride.
high 5! my y ru also 8+kg nia. But she's not too bad with eating, especially when she sees her jie jie eating, she'll also want. At home, both girls take the same porridge. At IL's plce, they eat soupy rice.
Happy new year girls!

re ear pulling:
my sr scratches her neck and shoulders wen she's pek chek or hot or sleepy..it started out as real itchiness, den slowly became bad habit. My PD 4ever veri supportive nvr say anyting abt us jux gave cream for the scratches. What we does is whenever sr starts her 'habit' we will pull her hands off or try distract her with any other tings

sr oni has 2 bottom teeth and PD ask us to start giving her various greens and meats although she prob cant bite the meat yet.. she say its to intro these foods to her wor.. but frankly, i've no worries abt sr being picky in future coz my mum aka sr's nanny brought all kids up all not picky de.. hmmm.. so i hope it applies to sr too..

jane, the brown rice how abt grind first? den will b more digested?
eh, to make u all feel better..my daughter weighs less than 8kg (but def MORE than 7.5kg ok!), despite eatg 3 full meals + lotsa milk! hahahaha! dunno y i'm laffg also.. =(


honestly, wat did ur PD mean by that? then wat abt all the stuff abt extended bfg? my PD also not super pro-bfg. he always tell me..good enuff already la..no need to feed for so long.. somemore say want to give me plague for bfg for so long. "-_-
steffie, i think wat she meant was that our bm cannot provide enough nutrients for the kids at this age. so they must take fm or porridge. but i went to a 2nd opinion and this other pd told me that susu is prob not a big eater cos she's still on bm and bm is more efficient. i know of a colleague who breastfed her son until he was 3 so 1 year is still ok la... i think 18 months is a reasonable age to wean.
i surrender feeding su. SURRENDER big time. can you see my white flag? we fed for about an hour. filled with TEARS, SCREAMS and STRUGGLES. took only 3 mouthfuls cos she was distracted by my hubby. now my mum is here to feed her after my SOS call. dunno if she's eating.
update: my mum came in after less than 15 minutes to say susu has finished her porridge. honestly, i feel so defeated and lousy.

wah ur PD super one kind! think some of these PDs study too much until brain haywired. Can't believe your PD is female. Thot it's usually the male PDs who are so silly minded

Oh dear, hoping the best for su! Cross fingers and toes.
dunno what to say. I face the same thing as you. Yu Ru will not eat if I feed her. Only the maid or my mil can get her to finish all her food. Sometimes I feel really jealous that they can do all this without much effort. Even zzz time, she'll look for them and not me though she sleeps with us since birth.

I am pretty sure su is bullying u and yr hubby. I say that only because I'm in the same boat! I am always being bullied by dylan whenever he refuses to eat!! The fact that yr mum managed to feed him whilst u failed shows that su was just being picky...haiz dont feel defeated. It actually shows that su knows that you love her unconditionally, that's why she dares to dish out this type of behaviour to you. She knows you will put up with it and love & sayang her still.


i just let him bang his head lor. Except when he tries to head bang the floor!! cos that's very painful. I read that they will outgrow this head banging phase after a certain age so i just got to wait it out. I'm sure it wil be many mre months or maybe years before he stops doing this. Maybe its retribution... I was a head banger when I was a baby too. HAHAHA my dad always complain I like to bang my head (but he said I am smart and only head bang things that aren't painful, like cupboards - instead of the wall).
aiya, guess then it's about the person who feeds the baby. my gf & her hb oso, the baby eat a bit nia with them around but when the helper feed, the baby finishes everything. slowly la, take time.. su would accept u feeding her all the way. just like me feeding shawn the milk from cup/straw. sometimes he's nice, he'd take like 60ml out of the whole bottle, but most of the time he'll just push it away. And even if my hb tries, nowadays, he'd push it away. but in school i never heard complaint of him rejecting them feeding off the cup

i tried gain IQ today thru his dinner today. Made not so creamy cream of brocolli (but only half the milk amt that was suggested - it came out a very watery). I tasted the soup and i thought it was sweet. Then i boiled 3handfuls of ABC pasta and added raw carrots and some baby biscotti to make the dinner. So anyway, is gain IQ sweet or is it the butter that i added?
Dylan's mum,
My gal also has strange ways of venting. I've read that usually babies who are intense will resort to such tactics to release the pressure they feel inside. My gal usually pulls her hair (now quite botak already) and hits her head.
My PD advised me to use distractions instead of trying to stop them, cos they will do it even more. Try to distract Dylan if you can, don't let him bang his head too much. Not good.
Have you tried to feed him less milk? Perhaps, if he's fed less milk, he'll be hungry for solids? Will he scream if you cut one feed?
speaking of venting frustration, whenever she wants to do something that we dont want her to do, we carry her up. Then she'll thrust herself back and can be dangerous coz if the carrier is not prepared, can drop her. Or if standing near a wall, she can actually arch back and hit her head on the wall. This girl sooo naughty, different from my older one. Now #1 learning a lot of bad habits from #2.
my gal is the same as yours...she will do the same thing, if she doesn't get her way and we carry her up. Very dangerous...sometimes so scared I'll drop her too.

Your PD sounds a little out of wits. I agree with the rest that Su is just bullying you and hb when it comes to feeding. Don't feel defeated, just keep at it and I'm sure she'll come around it one day.

Table Food
QJ also enjoys table food. He loves plain rice (strange!) ... we have even given him chicken from KFC! Haha ...
claire, yuru won't eat if u feed her too?? very frustrating hor? are your mil & helper living wif you? i ask cos i dun have a maid and my mum only comes over for a short while. and when i'm alone with su, i'm helpless lor...

dylan's mum, thanks dear. tat's how i console myself too.

val, yap yap. this, too, will pass. but for now, it feels like eternity. i really want to spend more time wif her since my school only starts on the 12th but i dun have a choice but to send her to infant care cos she eats well there. so sian... i'm seriously re-considering going part time unless this problem is solved cos i still have to send her over to the infant care ctr to take her meals. how to stay at home wif her and yet can't feed her?
we have a maid so whenever she starts pushing food away and pui-ing her food, I'll give up and my maid will feed. During schooldays, everything is settled before they come home, so they basically come back, play a while, then zzz. At most will take 1 bottle of milk before sleeping.

I was also considering taking half-pay, but will wait till take 4mth ML for #3 first then take otherwise lugi...
We also need the money more now, so will tong as long as it takes for #3 to pop.
val.. my sr been eating all kinds of food lor.. kfc she ate long ago liao.. thanks to daddy who feeds her all rubbish despite my disapproval lar.. =(
I was also very strict with QJ initially, but seeing how he enjoys food together with us, I gave in. My consolation is that despite the msg-loaded 'outside food', he still likes his plain porridge, so that's ok.
slimz, valeriet,

Glad to know I'm not alone, since 11mths old, Kaylen been eating whatever we eating. No choice leh, whenever she sees us eat anything (anything n everything), if we don't share with her, she cries and screams. Very pai sei esp if we are eating out lor, so we give in and give it to her. Its terrible how she eats n eats non stop.
Poll for walking progress

1) Mongs- Clarene - 21 Dec 08 - Stand unaided, walk 3-4steps
2) Steffi- ZX - 19 Dec 08 - Cannot stand up by himself, walk abt 10 steps before falling
3) Clarie - 04 Dec 08 - can stand by herself, walk about 5-6 steps
4) Alexis(LindaYeo) - walking steadily at 12.5mths old.
5) botanist-Dylan-18 Dec. Stand unaided, walking unsteadily with help (a few steps only)
6) steffietan - Alexis - 16 Nov 08 - Stands unaided, walks a few steps
7) CSI - Louisa - 08 Dec. Stand unaided, walks with help
8) Slimz - Shirui - 6Dec walk fast n steady can stand up on her own
9) tub - Sumana - these 2 weeks can walk very fast liao.
10) Cocoangel - Kyrell - 12 Dec - Stand unaided, walk unsteadily with help (a few steps only)
11) valeriet - QJ - 28 Dec - started walking in early Nov, walking very fast now, almost running already
12) claire - Yu Ru - 29nov - walking everywhere on her own
12) Shryn - Kayden - 11Dec - stand unaided for few seconds, walk fast & steady with push walker but doesnt want to walk without support
13) Miorei - Cheryl - 10 Dec - stand unaided for at least 1 minute, walk fast & steady with push walker, can walk unaided for 3-4 steps but v lazy to do so n scared to fall down.
14) Aidan - 28 Nov - Walk steady with walker, 3-4 steps unaided
15) Kaylen - 5 Dec - walking everywhere since a few days before she turned 1
) Mongs- Clarene - 21 Dec 08 - Stand unaided, walk 3-4steps
2) Steffi- ZX - 19 Dec 08 - Cannot stand up by himself, walk abt 10 steps before falling
3) Clarie - 04 Dec 08 - can stand by herself, walk about 5-6 steps
4) Alexis(LindaYeo) - walking steadily at 12.5mths old.
5) botanist-Dylan-18 Dec. Stand unaided, walking unsteadily with help (a few steps only)
6) steffietan - Alexis - 16 Nov 08 - Stands unaided, walks a few steps
7) CSI - Louisa - 08 Dec. Stand unaided, walks with help
8) Slimz - Shirui - 6Dec walk fast n steady can stand up on her own
9) tub - Sumana - these 2 weeks can walk very fast liao.
10) Cocoangel - Kyrell - 12 Dec - Stand unaided, walk unsteadily with help (a few steps only)
11) valeriet - QJ - 28 Dec - started walking in early Nov, walking very fast now, almost running already
12) claire - Yu Ru - 29nov - walking everywhere on her own
12) Shryn - Kayden - 11Dec - stand unaided for few seconds, walk fast & steady with push walker but doesnt want to walk without support
13) Miorei - Cheryl - 10 Dec - stand unaided for at least 1 minute, walk fast & steady with push walker, can walk unaided for 3-4 steps but v lazy to do so n scared to fall down.
14) Aidan - 28 Nov - Walk steady with walker, 3-4 steps unaided
15) Kaylen - 5 Dec - walking everywhere since a few days before she turned 1
16) JiaKai - 30th Nov - Few steps since his 10th mth, w/o aid since 11th mth, now walks very stable
JK also extremely Tam Jiak... When we are having our meal or having biscuit, he will come asking for it even he finished his milk minutes ago. Aiyoh... very tam jiak one! I tried giving him gorgor's slightly softer white rice, he used his gums to chew.

I just realised that JK don't want to have his porridge too "nua". So I stopped slow cooking for him liao. Just steam the porridge with either chicken or pork for sweetness. Then play around with the veggies. He loves pasta with cheese.
oh, i forgot to mention that Pediasure is supposed to be a complete meal supplement..my SIL used to feed her daughters this FM whenever they refused to eat a solid meal and they were kept full for a v long time.
1) Mongs- Clarene - 21 Dec 08 - Stand unaided, walk 3-4steps
2) Steffi- ZX - 19 Dec 08 - Cannot stand up by himself, walk abt 10 steps before falling
3) Clarie - 04 Dec 08 - can stand by herself, walk about 5-6 steps
4) Alexis(LindaYeo) - walking steadily at 12.5mths old.
5) botanist-Dylan-18 Dec. Stand unaided, walking unsteadily with help (a few steps only)
6) steffietan - Alexis - 16 Nov 08 - Stands unaided, walks a few steps
7) CSI - Louisa - 08 Dec. Stand unaided, walks with help
8) Slimz - Shirui - 6Dec walk fast n steady can stand up on her own
9) tub - Sumana - these 2 weeks can walk very fast liao.
10) Cocoangel - Kyrell - 12 Dec - Stand unaided, walk unsteadily with help (a few steps only)
11) valeriet - QJ - 28 Dec - started walking in early Nov, walking very fast now, almost running already
12) claire - Yu Ru - 29nov - walking everywhere on her own
12) Shryn - Kayden - 11Dec - stand unaided for few seconds, walk fast & steady with push walker but doesnt want to walk without support
13) Miorei - Cheryl - 10 Dec - stand unaided for at least 1 minute, walk fast & steady with push walker, can walk unaided for 3-4 steps but v lazy to do so n scared to fall down.
14) Aidan - 28 Nov - Walk steady with walker, 3-4 steps unaided
15) Kaylen - 5 Dec - walking everywhere since a few days before she turned 1
16) JiaKai - 30th Nov - Few steps since his 10th mth, w/o aid since 11th mth, now walks very stable
17) Jovan - 07 dec - few steps since 10.5mths, now walking a lot w/o aid but still a bit woobly, can stand for long time and can make a turn w/o aid
slimz, ya.. we ground the brown rice into powder. BUT.. he dun like to eat. I sneak into his normal porridge n cook together. hahaha.

tub... sayang sayang. Jr also lah.. at my mum's place eat everything.. at my place.. once sit on the high chair cry liao.. later I'm going to try feeding him of the FLOOR instead!

I was just looking at pediasure yest. Anyone try it on your bb already? Is it v sweet? My mum was saying at her place he did finish his food leh.. so no need yet. But I would love to put some weight onto my bamboo jr...
N hor... everyone's bb can stand unaided or walk already?

Jr cant stand unaided.. can only walk with support and he still tiptoe when walking. Anyone like tt too?
I'm also thinking of giving pediasure to my older girl coz she's getting very picky. Yesterday went il's place for dinner, then hb auntie was there. mil remark that xin ru (#1) was getting skinny, then the auntie also add one mouth say yah lor, her legs now so skinny. Argh!

According to dr dorothy ong, pediasure is very thick and sweet, which not all kiddos may be used to. Can get samples from pd. I got a couple from her and my girls ok with it. But super ex lor
hi hweiz, r u refering to this:


I used powerpoint leh...i first search for the templates i wan, then use ppt to load the pics...
Bluelily n Jeelo,

My boy can't stand on his own yet, let alone walk
He prefers to go on all fours to explore the world haha..

Sayang Sayang, don't feel defeated ya. I'm sure Su will come around one day! Have faith she'll outgrow it SOON!

Dylan's mum,
Haha, so Dylan has your "head banging" genes! Kekeke
Just hope he doesn't get too many Balugus on his head...
So sianz,

Been under the weather for a few days liao... very bad cough and flu.. Cough until ribcage hurts like mad..
hi pretty

you are right, i use ppt but cant seem to get the tilted pic or stuff like embellishment of "u are invited" can you advise where u got the template.. thanks

<font color="aa00aa">hihi mummies!!!

oh dear...poor u!
hope su will regain her will to be fed fully by u and hubby.

dylan's mum,
dylan still doing that head banging thing?
maybe he is frustrated or just wana attract your attention.
hope he outgrows it soon.
anyway how is your attempt at weaning him off bf?

re: walking
faiq can walk around unadided for 15 steps now and sometimes more when he is not so lazy.
he can also stand steadily now.
funny thing is, he simply refused to use the fp stride to ride kind of toy to help him to walk.
he had rather walk on his own even though he will keep on falling..hmmmm

poor u.
hope u get better soon.
if not sure jialat if have to go back to work.</font>
