(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

showerhead vs bathtub - i'm still using the tub leh.. but will pour water over her head with a soup bowl sized mug .. prefer the tub coz i can contain her in it with her toys and bath books.. else she bz exploring the whole bathroom ..

OK I will try teach him say "gong xi" haha..
He can do the gong xi gesture so maybe bigger ang pao if he can say it as well? :p

Interesting findings on the lefties hehe.. Possible that I teach Kyrell left hand and daddy teach him right? Wonder if he will be confused.
hello mummies,
I just created you tube account, here's a clip of Kyrell "talking" before he turns one. Its in the morning so he's still not all tat warm up hehe.. enjoy

cant get him to say potato here
kyrell is so cute! hehe.. i love hearing him say baby! so chun! hehe.. also i want to hear him call me mimi this sunday hahahaaaa

sr going sunday class too? we will see them run after hahahhaa.. *scary*
I like to hear him say baby too, very cute de, and he knws he is baby
Ok lets see if he calls you mimi on sunday... we taught him auntie but he says only 'ti'

Yes Lisa is gng to the gym this sunday hehe..
Kyrell is so so cute. Loves the way he talk. He is advance in his speech. My boy can only says apper (apple), mama, papa, mummmmumm (food).
He usually doesn't talk like tat de, this clip more "shi wen" cos just woke up mah haha.. my cousin who lives next block to my mum (same floor) cab sometimes hear him shout for "mah" from her hse leh hehe... very noisy lah.
Your boy is already very good leh, can say a few words liao
yah same industry. worried that i will end up with long working hours again.

Taipei was good, ate alot and put on 2kg! faint. dylan had a very good time also. only thing was the bad weather, raining alot so we had to put him in carrier 100% of the time, even went to the zoo in the pouring rain!

Kyrell is born on 12 Dec.

Envy that you get to eat all the yummy food!! 2kg is all worth it
Raining season is it? My gf who just came back was quite sick so I think it must be the weather... upload pix to show us ok?

yes the yummy good was all worth it!!! wish i had the time to eat more.. *sigh* hahah... hubby also put on 2kg.. I will upload pixs to facebook soon.
Dylan's Mum - GOOD LUCK!!!

Just wondering of Dylan was able to sleep and eat well when he was in Taipei last week?

Kyrell is such a good boy, he would repeat after you that's why he is able to speak so well so soon. Good work Mummy!
Good lor. QJ will deliberately stare back at me and then laugh whenever I ask him to repeat after me. Very stubborn. Haiz ...
QJ is one of the youngest here and can walk liao, good job mummy!!
And still help you to water plants ah keke... so cute.. did he see any of you do that?

yah, next time u shld check it out. but go in summer when there are more options for us. i got dylan next year's winter clothing, since i will be going to taipei every year. :p


nope, he did not sleep well or eat well. faint. worse, i could not let him cry it out as did not want him to wail down the whole apartment block. haiz, so all my previous sleep training efforts all went down the drain already.
Dylan's mum,
Dunno when's the day I can revisit Taiwan again...
So Dylan wants you to nurse him to sleep at night? Did he take more solids over there?

The day will come de
He sees my MIL's maid do it so he imitates.

dylan's mum
What a pity your training went down the drain. But you should keep at it esp if you're returning to the workforce soon. And it'll be good to start Dylan at the day care soon too so that he gets used to the ritual way and learn some independence before you start work.
wow.. so many updates on the kiddos! :D Shawn's fav word now is Clock. He managed to say Cup and Cat (not very clear though) over the past 3days. I bet he loved being back in m'sia coz got lotsa space for him to move ard and many many things/environment for him to explore. Just that he was not eating well past 3days. Now he stares at the spoon and turn away if there is no color in the food! If it's just rice, egg or potato, totally reject! Turned away, whine and dun want to eat! He can dun eat at all!!! May be he's just excited about everything n just wnat to play and can forgo food, either that he's turning fussy! Pengz!
hi hi...
sooooooo happy
... went to seek second opinion on my cyst.... dr say is just a hormonal cyst. it will disappear... haha... measure the size yesterday, it shrink... wohoo....
signed the package wif the gynae liaoz... planning to deliver in Mt. A. this time round... anyone deliver there?? hows the service???
Shawn can dun eat at all? Whats the max hrs he can go up to?

Glad that the cyst has shrank. Which gynae did you sign up with?
Yeah Jas, good to know. You see, need not have stressed yourself earlier

Jovan looks like a very big boy in Raffles Place. Looks like a 2 yo.
signed up wif Dr. Koh C.H. is my colleague's ex-boss... haha

is realli a relief to koe that it shrink....
Great news about the cyst

Thumbs up for Mt A. Some more they renovated late 07, so still quite new
Delivered both my girls there and will definitely go back for next baby :p

re reading
hehe, both my girls started off reading their books upside down. #1 took a while and a lot of teaching before she read books the right way up. Yu Ru still 1st instinct is to read upside down.

I'm trying to manage yu ru as best as I can, and my feelings as well. When she's good, she's adorable, but when she's bad, she's a real little monster and I still can't catch her habits and moods. Hopefully when exams are over, I can let go some of my piano students then i can spend more time with them.

good luck for your chat
Dr. Koh in toa payoh central? same gynea with bluelily. i have cyst in my last pregnancy too, ard 7cm, but it subsided when i was abt 4 months preg. don't have to worry

shawn always have good appetite right? not feeling well izit?

jovan looked so tall in the pic!
Great to hear that.
Take good care ya!

shawn don wan to eat ah? ooops...i think because u served him nice and colourful food everyday.
tks for the tip.. will go scout ntuc for the grains... shld be at organic section rite?

late teeth = strong teeth ?? hehehe... sounds gd to me...

gd luck for ur interview.
ya... Dr Koh from TPY... like the location. pretty convenient for me... I sure hope it disappear den.

how is he? good?
thanks claire and mimeole.


yah if things work out, i will pop him in half day childcare for a few weeks before transitioning to full day childcare. Already called the childcare nearby to check on vacancy and thankfully they have a space for him. But because I can't confirm, jus gotta call again closer to date & hope still got space lor.

I don't know whether to continue to sleep training now or not. Esp since after 1 month of sleep training, the best he could do is sleep 5 hours straight... haiz. Plus he still woke up to cry every few nights for 2 hours straight!!

Am thinking to focus on getting him used to drinking BM from bottle first... (must choose my battles lor). then also work on his problem of rejecting solids.. Haiz so many things to sort out and so little time.
jaz23, glad to hear abt ur good news!

val, haha, cos he is tall, i think he shld be more than 80 or 82cm, following his daddy's genes.

mal's mum, ya, ur mal mal oso tall!

my jovan don like reading leh, but he like to watch baby can read dvd whenever i on for him....
Kyrell is impressive. can repeat so many words after you. his potato really sounds cute. i'm waiting until neck long long for Ethan to call me or talk. also still waiting for him to walk on his own despite starting to walk a few steps with support since he was abt 9mths old.
he dun eat his solid meal but drink milk; like after 6hrs interval from the previous milk feed. basically in one day he eat less than 1/4 his usual amount for the day nia... may be his tummy no good oso. past few days kept farting. he moved a bit, fart out loud. today no fart liao. ya.. i gave him colorful meal again baby peas and steam salmon and he ate most of it. i think he likes fishy fish; ate up all the fish and most of the beans. I'm happy at least he's eating and kept asking for more. he also seem to lose interest in gerber stars, eat a few then throw on the floor!

jas.. yay! glad it's ok for u!
Thank you! Nowadays we just keep him talking, learning new words everyday, see what interest him.
I let Kyrell walk with the push cart today, 2nd time, and glad that he can walk with it, surprises me! He can also walk 2-3 steps on his own, hopefully he can walk steadily soon

I hope your Ethan can call you and walk soon too!
<font color="aa00aa">good morning mummies!!!!

wow...jovan has really grown up since i last saw him.

my faiq has FINALLY walk...as in really walk kind of walk...
lots and lots...

hope he will start calling me mummy soon.
now its still mostly gibberish.</font>
QJ decided he doesn't like to brush his teeth anymore!!! Argh. For the past 2 mornings, he refused to open his mouth and will scream and bite my finger if I force my finger in. How???
Yes, he is indeed teething but when he was fussy (at the height of the discomfort period) he was ok to brush his teeth. Now that the discomfort seems to have lessened, he refuses to have his teeth cleaned. Strange. Anyway, I will continue to try everyday ... hopefully he'll want to do it again soon.
