(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

dylan's mom, yes yes must be hardworking abit every 15-20mins bring him to bathroom and stand to pee. just use shower head to splash urine away. no washing potty needed hehe.. we used to kena peed too but hv learn the lesson. only take off his pull up in the bathroom. hehe.. mal able to speak well too. latest word he picked up was mo-tor-bike


yes i will bring him to the toilet to pee once he wakes up from his nap! hehe hope this time he wont pee on me... hah

hehe so cute, motor bike is such a long word! dylan can't really speak, he usually screams and shouts but sometimes he will have moments of clarity! a few days ago, he said very clearly, "1, 2, 3!!" i nearly fainted in shock.. haha
mummies, are you able to tell your baby is right or left handed? also, if your baby likes to read book upside down?? *alamak*
wah dylan's mom! very impressive!!!!! 1,2,3 is such a long "sentence" lei! just like cocoangel's kyrell can say "take & throw"!! wow!!
multi-syllabic words.... wow! tt's gd...

hmmmm.... everything arvin says is 'tha ta'..

n he still has nooooo teeth. how true is tt myth abt low calcium = no teeth...?
just wondering, you wouldn't even know if the centre got give all the organic porridge to Su right? Not to worry you, but it's just a thought. We will never really know if anyone plays punk there...

abt hte myth, i think so leh...coz I've been giving my gal cheese and yoghurt since she could start to take them (think 7 or 8 mths) and she had 4 teeth by her 1st birthday. Whereas my cousin's baby (Oct 07 baby), no cheese, no yoghurt, only had 2 teeth by her 1st birthday. Maybe just coincidence. hehs

they are still young, so we still won't know if they are right handed or left handed. They will change everynow and then. hehe mal very fast in his speech leh... very good!
hi CSI_Fan,
heheh.. actually ah.. arvin doesn't eat yogurt n cheese.. yogurt out of fear for cough/phelgm n cheese coz he doesn't seem to like the cheese cubes... n we dun add it to his food coz most times he has porridge.. his food is still blended as he doesn't take chunky food well. so no pasta yet.

hmmm... i've been giving him lotsa spinach, ikan bilis... guess tt's not enuff. hmmm.....

i asked my PD when i brot her for a chkup some 2 weeks ago..i asked him abt whether no teeth = lack of calcium..he gave me a look which made him feel v silly askg it..he said..if the bb is growing (tall), tt means there's enuff calcium n tt some bbs r just slower..he also asked me back y some bbs had more hair than others. thanks mr pd for being so detailed with the answer. duh.

anyway, yea, he said DUN WORRY. n alexis is still toothless..dun forget she's a nov bb..


ya, my bb reads her books upside down n she's a cfmed right-hander..
I like to see Mal walk.. so cute! That day see Jovan walk also v cute. I'm waiting patiently for Jr to walk.. not so soon it seems. He can only stand for split second w/o support.

Jeelo, maybe shawn's not used to the FM yet. Will drinking with straw cos "air" too?

tub, su's milk feed is really gd! Win jr liao.. hahaha. Last weekend was relatively gd with jr's meals. We just realised he prefers his porridge to be watery.. so far so good.
tks for the reasurance steffie....

hahah... our bbs r in the running to being last in line for sprouting teeth... keep me updated ya...
how you confirmed alexis is right hander? i hold mal to write with right hand, he wrote and later passed to his left hand. so i let him try both hands now before can confirm. cos my ang is left hander so i wonder lor.. hehe

dylan's mom,
yes, you should meet kyrell and listen how he speaks! soft and accurate! hehe..

you will get to see him this sunday? actually mal don't stand w/o support before he walks. cannot believe it right? it just happened overnight after the JWT he joined. hope that jr walks too after the sunday class

i'm quite sure her right hand is her master hand becz she uses it to do more stuff like holdg a drum stick or hittg somethg (haha!!)..if u observe them, u can see which one is more apparent. for my boy, he's more ambidextrous..but my hb says to train him to use his right hand cz when he goes army blah blah, it will b easier for him (since all e guns n watnots r designed for right-handers). up to now, he likes to write n eat wif his left hand but i'll try to get him to use his right hand la..a bit mean la i feel (cz my mom trained me tt way too). but a clear way to determine cld possibly be giving him a ball n see which foot he uses to kick the ball wif.

you made me kancheong to watch back the video clip i posted here hahahaa.. which leg he kicked the ball? haha.. i was supposed a left hander too but somehow my mum had "corrected" me by using chopsticks to giap my fingers if she sees me using left hand. i being corrected in pri school. so till now i am still able to write with my left hand. i mean really writing & colouring. hehe..

hhehe..cool huh? yea, i rem..i also played 'five-stones' (gawd, i miss tis game!) wif my left hand in pri sch..yea yea, go back n chk..tt cld b a clearer guesstimate lor..hehehe..
Dylan's mum,
Actually it's a combination of teaching her to sleep and not feeding her at night. I let her cry out for a few nights and after that she slept through, albeit there are days when she still wakes up and struggle back to sleep.

When your boy is carried, it's easy for him to fall asleep. My gal tends to sleep in the car, when carried or when rocked. It's when we put them down on the stationary bed that they find it difficult to sleep. So, even her afternoon naps, I still end up nursing her to sleep or end up without a nap.

I've tried feeding Jerielle some goat FM and she didn't refuse it. It's a good sign. But, she still wants me to nurse her even after drinking that. Does your boy still cry and cling onto you for milk after drinking the HIPP milk?
Jerielle 'reads' upside down too. I guess it's normal. Perhaps, they like to look at things in a different perspective. haha!

wah..your nanny is really good. Can potty train Mal already. Hmm..maybe i should start potty training J too.

By the way, mummies, how do you bathe your child now? Still using the baby bath tub? Anyone use shower yet? i tried today and it was not a good idea. But, baby bath tub getting too small. So, how?
yr boy is impressive. can walk and talk well. do u leave yr nanny to potty train him? my mil simply can't be bothered to potty train him. use diapers like no need money. thinking of starting him but think can only do so on weekends which i think will be ineffective if weekdays he revert to old habits.

my boy is also like yours... everything is one word.... "ma". cannot call us mama or papa. call us by "eh"

i already use the shower. but i still put him standing in the tub n use shower at same time cos sometimes he like to sit down. he's ok wif the shower except when washing his head initially. now he's still a bit kancheong when we shower over his head. but much better than before.
My QJ also runs ... whenever I come home in the evenings, he will run to me, squealing and smiling away. Very heart warming

R or L?
QJ used to reach out with his L hand all the time. Recently, he is more balanced in using both hands altho he kicks a ball with his L. I think it won't be a while before they settle on the master hand.

Speech wise he is slow. He attempts at a few words though:
keys = ksss
star = tar
car = ka
cheese = chssss
My MIL's maid also use diapers like free one. Change every few hours even though it is not that full. Must ask her to start potty training already.

I still use the bathtub cos QJ playes with his toys during his bath. I wash him with a wash cloth cos he doesn't like me to use the shower. I have seen the maid using the shower on him and he is ok. Duh!
ya lor... MIL problem lor. now i use NTUC diapers. much cheaper. Asked her to let him learn sippy cup. tell me he doesn't know how to & just leave the cup untouch. every morning, just fill up the cup yi shi yi shi.

the grumbles just never ends... don't want to get myself upset unnecessarily over all this. keep telling myself to close 1 eye.

yes he will drink abit of the HIPP milk then will start sobbing and pulling my shirt. Sadly, even after sleep training for more than 1 month, my son still wakes up after a few hours to cry and can't get back to sleep. Haiz, that's why i give up persisting cos I suspect he just can't adapt. Am now super worried abt what's gonna happen when I go back to work. hope that he will be able to adapt to the childcare. Am considering putting him for half day for a few weeks first...
Hearing all the babies's progress, makes me wanna see them! Soooo cute!

As for my boy, he is still hapily cruising around..He preferred crawling though..can crawl real fast! Especially when he see u take the keys and open the door..

As for left or right handed, he uses his right hand to do most things but when come to holding a pen and draw on his magnetic dashboard, he used his left hand..i just let him be cos i dun think it is much of a problem..

He can inform us whenever he wanna poo and we will just put him on the toilet bowl. As for pee, I wanna train him but my mum says wait till he can walk, easier..

As for sleep, nowadays I dun pat him anymore cos I dun think the teachers will do that when he goes to school in June, he will just pat and sing to himself to sleep. As for sleeping alone, he is already sleeping alone in his own room since young.

Ermmteeth wise, he now has 4 bootoom and 4 upper teeth..Actually heard that if BB's teeth takes no longer to come up, better cos stronger. So mummies whose babies has no teeth, no worries!

As for speech wise, the words he knows are:

Mum Mum
Yee yee (Auntie)
Mah (He uses the same words to address me or my mum)
Gai Gai
open he will say "pen"

But he still loves to address others as "A"
Alien, yup can see Mal this Sun. See jr will succuum to peer presure anot. I doubt so. He's happy crawling real fast now!

I'm also left-hander.. but i think jr shd be right hander. He seems to use his right hand more often.. and when he learnt how to flip.. also flip from the right side 1st.

steffie, if it's like me hor.. a die-hard left hander.. cant be trained so easily leh. My mum also tried to "teach" me to write with right hand, beat n scold till so cham. Also no use. I swear I wont do this to my son! Lefties are smart k? kekeke

Jr's 2 word vocab consist of just
Ah Gong = Ah Gng
Mei you (don't have) = Mei rrr + roll tongue and show mei you hand gesture
He does that when we switch off the tv.. real funny. :p
cool! but i would say good luck to you too, hehe.. *evil*

no more bathtub for mal few months ago. he is too heavy and big to sit on it. we let him sit and shower him. he is ok with water running down from his head now.

my nanny has started potty training few months back. we just started joining her training. so far so good. mal will pee whenever we bring him to toilet. sometimes just few drops.

dylan's mom,
are you returning to workforce soon? wah!
seems like most bbs are progressing on to words already. my ils say that yu ru can say things like gu po, etc, but all I hear is 'ba', 'mum mum', and her favourite 'mai' (dun want). So tempted to give up on her sometimes coz she doesnt come to me first. She'll reach out for mil, fil, maid, daddy before looking for me. Shouldnt feel like this lah, but sometimes get jealous and wonder if it's worth working and earning money for the family and yet others are the ones getting close to my bb
csi, hubby and i did talk about it but we've agreed that we've got to trust the caregivers.
sort of got to know the trs during the year and the best we could do is trust them. it's tough la... when we let others, other than our parents, take care, have to close one eye lor. if baby is happy, healthy and ok in general, i'm fine. but i think they won't dare to throw our stuff away la. they'll always report like susu ate how much today and drank how much today. written in the comms book too

bluelily, the drinking thing came on suddenly! i think it's survival lor cos she knows that mummy's supply dips during a certain time of the month. no choice so must drink. eating wise, jr wins ok? susu is ultimate la. 8 hours never eat also ok. ._.
claire, you are probably the most important person to yuru so she treats you like "nothing". she knows you'll always be there for her and doesn't need much reassurance from you. cos it's unconditional love and she's confident u won't forsake her. tat's why she runs to "other people" first cos those relationships r more fragile (to the kid). this is wat i read. don't be jealous la...
alien, claire,

yah i'm gonna go back to work. haven't really actively start looking, just ask a few friends to look out for openings. am going for my first interview tmr!! its been YEARS since i last went for an interview.. faint... very rusty liao, hope i still remember what to say. hahaha.
wah seems like i missed alot yesterday!

so are you considered a leftie? I am, like your hubby, I'm planning to teach Kyrell to write with his left cos i can only use left hand mah. but most other stuffs I do, I used my right hand. So far wat we noticed is tat Kyrell uses both hands to hold and pick stuffs...

Wah 1-2-3 is pretty long words leh.. Kyrell's recent "take and throw" is only 1 time lah. But the other day he heard the advert saying "888" (ba-ba-ba), he also repeat, I was taken aback, so cute :p
I think the 'greatest' achievement is him saying "potato" bah... so far he can say more then 40 words liao hehe.. but hor, he still cant walk unaided and I hve not potty train him yet.

Dun by sad lah... I think sometimes bb just knw how we feel and purposely ignore us to tease us. Kyrell also does that to his daddy, sometimes dun wan him to carry and only wants me. Eventually they will know who's their parents and who loves them best!

I'm glad that Su is taking more fm now.. must be very tough on you and hubby when she refuses to eat/drink. Before, I can only imagine but recently, on couple of occassions, Kyrell refuses some of the food which I hve prepared (but he eventually ate abit more lah), my heart just drop and I felt so sad tat my effort and love is going down the drain... so now I really understand wat you are going throu. Jia You! Dun give up!
yah eve,
he sleeps in yaolan during the day too at IL place. they also lazy to let him sleep on bed and said yoyo is easier and fastest.
but weekend back at home, he is ok without yaolan too. So i think its still ok.

Think its rather tough to depend on ILs to train.
We need to do everything ourselves. And yes, close 1 eye is important, if not you will be super pek chek seeing all those that you dont wish to see/hear.
I just saw Mal's video on playing ball with daddy, so cute leh. He walks steadily now liao hor... and wats that figurine he is holding at the end of it? Abit scary leh hehe...

Talk abt holding book upside down, Kyrell does tat too!! In fact, he likes to look at the bottom and back of his toys too.. dunno why leh..

Wah got interview tmr liao ah!! Good Luck!! How long have you been not working?

kyrell is doing really well! dylan also cannot walk yet but i can see he is trying very hard. sometimes he gets frustrated and screams when he can't get to where he wants via walking. wow he can say 888 hehehe... teach him to say gong xi fa cai!!



if u're concerned about calcium intake, can always add in some hi-calcium grains like quinoa. that's what i do cos i too don't want to feed my girl cold yoghurt.

re: potty training
heard that my cousin-in-law's 7 month old is already potty trained for daytime by her nanny!
we called that scary small toy as "one eye monster". it comes with mac kids meal lah. this small monster is his meals partner. usually he only playing when sitting on highchair.

yes, same leh. mal also likes to flip over the toys and see their bottom & back!? alamak!
waa dylan's mum...
good luck for yr interview tomolo!

mal really can walk so steadily now.
Its so fun....Good job!

Kayden can walk 2-3 steps wobbly now and can only call paaaa paaaa, maaaa maaaa, mahmah (ah ma).
Now he knows to clasp his 2 hands together to do the Gong xi Gong xi sign.

yah. i've stopped working for just over 2 years liao but prior to that, was at my old job for a while so its been ages since my last interview. anyway, this interview is just a chat as the company i'm going to see might not be hiring yet, so i'm prepared to wait for a longer period before finding a job. must get a good job ... with good pay and not too long working hours.
Thank you! Kyrell's very talkative, the moment he wakes up, he just kept yakking :p
I taught him to say "huat huat huat".. sounds funny... cannot make it. "gong xi fa cai" abit too difficult leh..
I'm sure Dylan will start to walk soon since he's already trying!

Mac kids meal got give out such scary toy huh hehe...
Aiyoh our boys same same leh... dunno how to appreciate toys :p
Dylan's mum,
perhaps some children take a longer time to adjust. If you really want your sleep (esp when you return to work), you have to persist. It's really easier to fall back to what's simpler. Now that I'm putting my gal to sleep on my own and at the same time trying to disassociate nursing with sleep, I have to take her off and then pat her. She would then struggle for almost an hour before falling asleep. It's so much easier to just let her fall asleep at the breast.

What made you decide to return to work? Sometimes i feed like going back to work too cos I miss having a regular paycheque. But, i can't. Will just stick to working only on weekends for now.

re: bathing
ah..good idea. I'll try to let her stand in the tub in the bathroom and shower her. I was struggling with letting her stand on the floor while holding her. Pretty impossible to bathe properly. I'm currently still bathing her in the tub in our bedroom, which is now getting pretty wet from all her splashes.

i read that it's not good to train our child to be a right-hander if he/she is a lefty. It'll confuse him/her. What I'm doing instead is to put the item I want my gal to hold onher right side and let her decide which hand to use.
I really hope you can get a good pay job with resonable working hours! Are you planning to go back to your previous job industry?
Btw how was your Taiwan trip?
mimeole, i oso asked PD if no teeth = not enuf calcium.. she said "dun b silly.." =P my girl 6dec baby, oni has 2 to date nia ..
the oni ting i scared is she will end up like me .. according to my mum, my milk teeth all came out pretty late .. and so dat's y till now i still ve 4 of dem in my mouth.. if i lose any of dem now, i wont get the adult teeth le..
left vs rite handed
i tot for the firs 3 yrs dey r developing their rite brain so naturally would be left handed?
standing and walking:
alien, sr oso same as mal, was oni walking on her own b4 JWT, aft the class she can stand up on her own le.. bluelily u may be in for a surprise after this sunday's class =D

alien, sr oso reads upside down de.. duno y oso .. her first instinct when she gets the book is to flip it upside down den start turning the pages..
