(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Junior League is a chain of hair styling shop for our juniors. I know they have an outlet in the ToysRus at Vivocity and another one at United Square. Not sure where else.

Jeelomeelo and Dylan's mum,
Thanks for the tips. I've tried to let my gal cry out once and she finally slept after crying for 1 hour. But, since I always feed her to sleep in the day and before bed at night, she has not learnt how to sleep on her own. Wouldn't it be unfair to her to refuse her the milk since I was the one who got her to associate sleeping with nursing? I'm just wondering if I'm confusing her and if I refuse to feed her at night, will she think I'm rejecting her?

Dylan's mum,
Since you co-sleep with your boy, will he get up and crawl about if you refuse to feed him? Cos my problem is that if I don't feed her, she can't sleep and she'll decide to wake up and play. Since she's not confined in her cot, she will attempt to crawl off the bed and my hubby and I will have a hard time calming her back to sleep. I end up feeding her again.

Has your boy always slept in the cot? Cos my gal will cry for us to take her out if she wakes up and discovers she's in her cot. Also, as we have a mosquito net over her cot, I can't leave her there cos she'll start chewing on the net and swallowing the threads. She has her ways to force me to take her out...how how!
well, i would think it's a message to the baby is that midnight waking = no milk. Then she'll drink more during the daytime to make up for it.
I guess it's ok one ba.. she'll learn to accept that it's not rejection coz you'd still be latching her on in the day time rite? On a rare basis, I do take out the frozen stash and feed my bb thru the sippy cup. He accept and does not treat it as rejecting him from the breast. But i haven't not been doing that, coz i just directly latch him on to download (lazy to pump on weekends).

my bb slept in cot a day after he had a fall from the bed on sept11. Knocked into our senses that he needed to graduate to the cot instead of co-sleeping. He is ok transitting onto the cot. errr.. dunno how to help u le...

Why dun u use a mosquito repellant device that just need to be plugged into the socket if u are worried abt her chewing the net?

My boy sleeps in his playard in his own room since he is 3 mths old. I think if u wanna wean off her habits, u really gotta be tough. Some people believe in self weaning, but again this depends on individual babies, some can take a year but some can take up to 5 to 6 years! So i guess u gotta decide for yourself.
Dylan's Mum,

Thanks, you are right , she replied me already.
But she said fully booked and unable to take my order..so sad. I got to search for others already.
my boy used to refuse sleep in cot too when young. we used to carry him to sleep or even resort to co-sleeping. but i thought he has to learn to sleep on the cot one day. what i do is i usually let him has his last bottle before sleep. then he'll fall asleep either while i carry n feed him or he will roll around on our bed until he tires himself to sleep. when he's in deep sleep, will carry him to his cot. first few nights, he will wakes up often to cry to get out. will usually try to pat him on his butts unless he cries badly, then i carry him out n let him sleep on me. once he's back to sleep again, put him back. very soon, he got used to it. but once in a while, he will still cry to want to be carried.

i'm in the same situation as u. when i refuse to feed dylan he will cry non stop... finally will stop crying and play, crawl around the bed etc. for past two nights, he woke up to cry/play for 2 hours... very tiring for me & hubby! but we will persist... still no milk for him until 5-6am.

plan to put him in his own bed/room in january (as he is too big for his cot). will buy a baby monitor so can listen if he cries out at night, but hope to get him used to sleeping on his own soon.

only thing i'm worried abt is this: What if he wakes up in the night bcos he is really hungry???
it's good that your boy took the transition to the cot easily. Sigh! I tried to put her into her cot, said all the goodnights to her and with the help of my hubby, we kept making her lie down whenever she stood up and cried. This made her howl even more and the cry sounded like we're tormenting her. We kept at it for about 10 min, until I cldn't take it any longer and took her out. Will try to discuss with hubby and try another strategy.

I've an electric mosquito repellent in the room too,but the mossies in this place are too smart. They still find their way to attack my gal, that's the reason we resorted to having a net. But, it seems to defeat its purpose since she's sleeping on our bed in the end. I'll try to take it out, but she'll find other ways to force me to take her out. She has tried banging her head on the wooden rails, biting the rails, etc.

Dylan's mum,
How is it now? Has he stopped waking up for milk?
I have the same worry as you. The last round when I refused to feed my gal, during the day, I found urine crystals in her urine.

You're doing exactly what I'm doing too. I usually cary my gal to her cot after her feed and when she's in deep sleep. But, at around 12 or 1am, she'll wake up and cry for me to take her out. I'll do that and feed her to sleep on our bed. Then, if I do not also fall asleep myself, i'll transfer her again. But, because she tends to wake up less on our bed than in her cot, I usually leave her on our bed. So, she ends up sleeping with us throughout the night. If I place her in the cot, she'll wake up so many times and I end up feeding her more often too to get her to sleep. I'm really stuck.

Hmm..it'll be good for us mummies who are in this predicament to meet up and pour out our woes and try to devise a way to help one another.
rachel, does your baby nap in the cot during daytime? i guess for shawn, it was ok for him coz he was sometimes nap in the cot during daytime back then during wekeends. Or if you could try to practising with baby there to play/put some books in there; or while you're on your folding laundry or something.

when i stopped midnight feeding, the following few days, I kinda requested for extra 1/2 a feed in the daytime or extra snack for him in the daycare. It could be that he is okay with routine coz in school he somewhat sticks to his daily sleep/feed routine, and nowadays weekends are pretty structured as well.

my hb used to ask me the same question, what would if he wakes up really hungry??? I told him that baby has their own survival instinct, he'll drink/eat more tomorrow and the day after (i seriously think i got brainwashed by several ppl whom sleep train their kids to say this). it was difficult for him to accept Shawn crying for a long time, but i told him to tong while we go thru the 'deprivation of milk in the midd of the night' cycle for a few days. anyway, sleep training may or may not work for everyone. we're just lucky that it did work for us. One of my gf fed her child in midd of the nite till he was 2.5yrs old coz couldn't bear with him screaming in the middle of the night. http://www.babycenter.com/0_baby-sleep-training-the-basics_1505715.bc?page=4

It's not the 1st time i tried sleep training shawn. it's my 2nd time going thru the cycle. my friend told me this : There is discipline that comes with it. If you decided to sleep train your child, got to tahan, stick and bear with it

he still wakes up for milk, since he has been 'fighting' with us on sleep training for almost 4 weeks already, i come to realise i have to understand his needs as well. based on what i read, a full night sleep for babies can be abt 5 hours.... this is something he can already achieve at night, but he usually wakes up after 5 hours for feed. So i've decided to feed him after 5 hours of sleep...

also, i've read that if they wake up at irregular times, it means it could be hunger (vs waking up at a fixed period every night).

during daytime, i try to let him latch on more frequently but the reality is that he does not take much solids, which might contribute to the frequency of his night wakings...

so my problem is abit more complicated... will probably seek PD's advise when go for check up next weekend.

oh re the urine crystals. it happened to dylan when he stopped feeding (when he fell sick). I brought him to the PD and he said its normal and told me not to worry too much if dylan has no appetite when he is ill. Try to feed water as well??
no, my gal sleeps on our bed during the day too. If I would to put her in her cot, she'll not sleep and if I transfer her after she's asleep, she'll wake up. She can only sleep there when she's really really tired. So, there's my problem. She's gone so accustomed to sleeping on our bed that when I put her in her cot, she thinks I'm punishing her.

There are many different schools of thought. Dr Sears recommends co-sleeping and feeding to sleep and says that if we allow the child to cry out, he or she will develop bad sleeping habits in future. Not sure if it's true.

Dylan's mum,
What book did you read? I've read that at this age, they should be sleeping for a longer period at night now than before. My gal usually eats quite a lot during the day, esp for dinner, so she should be getting enough solids. She also usually wakes up at about the same time at night. I guess it's really difficult to tell what the reason is for the waking. My PD told me when she was about 7 months, I think, that she should not be fed at night anymore.
think it needs time for them to get used to it. My boy went thru that stage. now he's more ok already. but now he end up wif another bad habit... the need for pacifier to go to sleep.

i can't rem what is the title of the book, but its written by a sleep expert who is against crying it out. Dr.Elizabeth Pantley i think.

if yr girl is getting enough solids, and wakes up at the same time every night, it might not be hunger (at least that's what the books say). my son wakes up at irregular times every night... but the current situation is alot better than what i used to go thru before. Last month, he used to wake up every 2-3 hours! i was really tired... now at least he can sleep 4-5 hours before waking up for a feed... so i think he has improved.

And because he eats very little solids, i think he wakes up hungry. On days when he eats more, I notice he sleeps longer so I just have to try to get him to eat more during the day.

i also have the dr.sears book that recommends attachment parenting and co-sleeping. There's no real right and wrong, just do what works for you and yr girl. Since she is already used to c0-sleeping, then must tread carefully as u can't move her out of yr bed and wean off night feeds at the same time, that would be too much for her. do it slowly, one step at a time...

eve is right... must persevere on cos everything takes adjustment plus some kids take longer to adjust than others.
want to do a poll on the number of teeth your babies have. Clarene is super slow in growing her teeth. I am not very worried but jus curious about how the rest of the babies are progressing.

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth

i shld b able to 'win' u on this. hahah.. also hvent started walkg. n best part is, she's e oldest bb in tis thread. haha..

alexis - 0
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)

wahh, arvin also ah? so cute la! got any comments for ppl or not? my latest was, "wahh, drink BM shld b v nutritious wat..how come still no teeth? not enuff calcium ah?" guess wat i did?

as the song goes by craig david, i walked away.

"I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away..."
hahahahhahahah.... steffie u soo funny... i learnt to turn deaf when pple start asking me stuff abt arvin's milestones..

why so small
why so short
hw cm cannot walk yet
hw cm no teeth
hw cm still cannot say anything

hah! watever.. i'm jus happy tt he's healthy n still my little bb. heheh... they'v got forever to grow up. y rush them nw.

keep me satisfied la.. if bother so much then alot of things to worry.
You're always so funny!

I also ignore my MIL's comments whenever she compares QJ to her neighbour's and her best friend's grandsons.

Dunno why she just cannot be happy with the other things QJ has achieved and stop trying to pick on areas which are beyond his control like amount of hair, height, weight, etc.
Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
Haha dylan also can't do alot of things yet, not walking, talking etc. But i believe our kiddos will take on the world when they are ready, just can't rush them

Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
I've been getting the "How you look after Yu Ru/What did you do to her/Do you feed her enough, why is she getting so skinny?" So tempted to ask them to watch her for a day. She doesnt stop moving! It's driving me nuts coz I personally think she's not the cute chubby type, but she is cute nonethless :S

Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
<font color="aa00aa">whoa...now got teeth poll.

hey...we same same.
faiq also very active in the day.
maybe that's why he is still not getting chubbier by the day..hehehe

Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below</font>
Mine isn't walking yet. Refuse to walk at home, only want to crawl to chase the dog. Meanwhile my mum is always picking him up by the armpit to hope that he'd stand to walk supported - but he totally refused. I totally agree all babies have their own development roadmap.. can't rush them no matter what we do

Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below

Yes, dylan's mom. it is E.pantley. http://www.pantley.com/elizabeth/books/0071381392.php
Dylan's mom,
does dylan like rolled oats? some of my gfs' babies dun like brown rice porridge (blended or no blended oso dun like). When they tried oats, the babies take it happily! Then they sneak in the veg/fruits to add on the oats. Babies still eat happily
<font color="aa00aa">jeelo,
how to cook the rolled oats?
i saw it at the organis store the other day but not sure of how long to cook it.

btw, anyone has tried giving fresh milk to your babies??</font>
Yea..i guess it takes time for them to get used to the change. It's the process to get there that's the awful part that we have to go thru together.

Dylan's mum,
Brought my gal to the PD today for her jab and he told me that she should be sleeping through the night by now and that I should stop feeding her at night. It's a bad habit that must stop. Also, he doesn't recommend co-sleeping. Said that I should let her sleep on a separate bed next to us and not in the cot.

What have you been feeding Dylan? Does he have anything he likes to eat? Cos perhaps you could try giving him what he likes and if he doesn't like something, keep giving a little to him every day, till he accepts it. At least that will fill him up and not need to wake up for feeds. My PD told me that solids are more important than milk now.

Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
i agree... cannot rush them. My boy has started to cruise around when he was 8mths+. we thought he will walk very soon. But till now, he still cannot walk on his own. Chase dog is his forte... can crawl so fast. When we hold him by his hands or armpit to attempt him to walk a few steps, he just kneel down n crawl away. Then on his birthday, he surprised us by taking a few steps while we hold his arms. I guess, when they are ready, they will do it on their own.

Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Ethan - 2 big ones on top (so ugly), 2 tiny ones below
Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Teeth Poll

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below

sigh, Louisa came down with a bad case of stomach flu. She had the works - fever, vomitting, diarrhoea.
And then, the 2 adults (daddy and I) came down with the same symptoms! Poor baby...she's now so skinny...and so weak. Put her on the bed, I don't have to worry about her rolling off, coz she just doesn't have the energy to roll off. She just 'nuah' there. So sad...but, she's getting better. At least she's willing to eat some porridge now.
oo dear.. hope Loiusa would recover soon! and you and hb oso get well soon! Pump more milk for Louisa. My gf gave her dotter more milk when she caught the bad bad flu. At least it's the easiest for her to digest, according to PD.

3tbspoon of rolled oats + 1cup of boiling water. about 8-10min can liao and you'll get sticky oats I bought the "Harvest" brand from NTUC. If you can, don't buy the instant type (like quacker oats), buy the type that you need to cook one.
susu surprised us and started walking these few days. she doesn't really want to crawl anymore. just walked and walked!

csi, hope louisa gets well soon. dun worry! she'll be stronger after this bout of flu.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)

Not sure y Stef only grow teeth on top, the below part like no sign of teeth.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..

i asked PD during sr's 1yr jab issit coz not enuf calcium, she replied "rubbish!" haaa... so no worries mummies.. my mum say later come better coz will drop off later =P
Re: co-sleeping
shirui is oso still co zzz-ing with us in our room but not on our bed, on a mattress nxt to my bed..coz she fell off bed a few times, i scared le..
i zz with her on mattress, nurse her to zz too..
told PD she's still waking in the middle of the nite, not full awake type and i'll jux conveniently stuff my teats in for her to zz back .. PD says its ok wor..will self wean in time to come, jux dat will b tiring for me lor..
think i am the worst among all...zx is co-sleeping with hubby in another room, but in the SARONG!! He is now so used to it that he will wake up frequently if left to sleep on the mattress.
Wah.. suddenly so active here. Let me join the teeth poll

Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom

i also went to see my PD yesterday and he had the opposite advice from yr PD.. haha wonder why?

I asked him abt dylan's night waking and he said some babies just don't sleep thru the night so he said that given dylan's behaviour since day 1, its likely that he can't sleep thru and 5 hours sleep considered very good liao. He said it can take YEARS.... *fainted*. Basically said if dylan wakes up at night, i can refuse to feed him cos its unlikely to be hunger but told me that no need to force him further as he will sleep thru when he is ready.

Dylan currently prefers milk to solids and PD said its ok as well cos dylan has reached optimum weight so if he chooses to drink more milk... let him be and he will self-wean when time is right. BUT he did suggest giving him more solids (if dylan likes it) as it might help him sleep longer in the night...

Going back for another jab 2 months so I'll update the PD again and seek more advice then. For now, I think I'll just persist in feeding him 2 times a day, just to keep the routine and will move him to his own room/bed in Jan.

oh yes, I asked PD abt weaning from breastfeeding and he basically said, nothing works... u just have to do cold turkey!

that last sentence above....... oh no......... cold turkey!!!!!! gulp. me trying to wean emma from bfing now. double gulp.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)

Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
