(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi rachel,

he doesn't drink alot but at least he does not reject it outright so i will slowly get him to drink more and more. i also checked BRP but sold out.. got it from Holland V Love for earth instead. $22 per box. I noticed that the organic supermarket in Great World City basement 1 also sells it but in liquid version - i bottle $3.90 I think... so can also try that.
my gal had a bout of stomach flu last week. vomitted and diarrhoea and fever.

We waited till she's been having diarrhoea for more than 24hrs then brought her to PD. In the meantime, if you're still BF, then keep latching her on or pumping. You can also try to give the 'porridge water' - water collected from the porridge, when cooking the porridge. It helps the diarrhoea. Most importantly, keep baby hydrated. Once the vomitting has stopped, then feed plan porridge or bread with apple sauce...they won't be able to eat much at that point...but after a couple of days, they shd improve. My gal now can whack 2 bowls of porridge each time. Previously, only 1 bowl.
Merry xmas... belated one.. haa... been bz celebrating the past 2 days .. din pop in =P
yeah and i'm on leave today .. long wkend .. haa coz later gg for my sister's ROM...
thanks. hope his diarrhoea is better today. He has been sleeping since last night 11pm till now. Haven't wake up yet. Only got up at 7am this morning for milk & went back to sleep. Oh.. porridge water also can huh? I prepared barley water for him this morning. if still not better today, then i think i better bring him to PD tmrw morning.
Belated Merry Xmas to all mums and babes!!
I hope everyone had a peace+joyful celebration
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top & 4 bottom
Rhaines - 2 top, 4 bottom
Kayden - 4 top, 4 bottom

Arghh...Kayden just fell down this morning from his zoom zoom...he was standing up on the seat then lost his balance and down he went..he landed on the side...think he knocked his head...sad

My poor boy! Now with my MIL...Hope he is Ok.
eve.. hope ur boy's feeling better now.

shryn.. hope kayden's doing ok too... dun worry they r usually quite resilient. jus keep note on his actions... mk sure no vomitting and unusual behavior. shld be ok....

arvin's falling ovr quite oft nw too... alot of marks on his head/face... i guess its them jus exploring their modes of movement... jus soooo hard pain when they cry.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top & 4 bottom
Rhaines - 2 top, 4 bottom
Kayden - 4 top, 4 bottom
Mikaela - 4 top, 4 bottom
Thanks mimeole,
Yah manz...really so heartpain.
My hub was still saying, its ok la...he should be fine, its just part & parcel of their growing stage.
He just simply so relaxed when saying that, while on the other hand, i was worried like mad.
Really need to be watchful...Arghh..
ya la these men.. like so bochap.. heheh.. i think they so used to hav had gotten bruised so much during their childhood tt they dun feel our pain.. but usually the crying n screaming is for a short while not v v prolonged. usually i pick him up n rub rub n then try n distract him wif smthing else. usually ok.. then aft a while i rub rub again to mk sure doesn't swell up. by then he's ok n actually quite bugged tt i'm disturbing him frm his play. *faint*
<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies, me from jan08 mtb. if you held a mickey/minnie mouse theme birthday party for your child and is selling away the party supplies/deco/balloons, please PM me. I'm looking for them for my girl birthday party in mid-jan09. Thanks. </font>
dylan's mom,

excellent, dylan taking well to hipp! Emma is still ptoohing anything that's not water coming out of her milk bottle. tried hipp, nan, dun dare try any other FM already. Like pouring money down the drain. Now gotta pump out BM and hope she takes to BM out of milk bottle. Feels as if I'm trying to cure an addiction
val, sadly, no! in fact, it has worsened and she has lost weight. i hope the teachers can feed her in school tomo. but she's been having mild tummy upset. brought her to the pd and she said may be some viral thingy. i really surrender liao. no solids eaten today. only eaten ONE banana and drank milk. but even milk also have to spoon feed and watch tv. (not ANY program ok? must be her singing babies vcd.)

8am: first feed EBM 160ml. suck 50% spoonfeed the rest.
1130am: tried feeding porridge. refused and fought with her mummy till 2pm.
2pm: mummy surrendered and gave her banana, which she ate HAPPILY.
230pm: EBM 160ml. Spoonfeed 100%.
5pm: some biscuits.
6pm: Rice and fish. my mum tried feeding her with her finger but susu refused and fought with her ah ma till 7pm.
7pm: FM160ml
8pm (NOW): Slept

i think she'll wake up later for about 60ml of ebm. sigh... i give up liao.

sounds like u having a really tough time. she's only like this at home? sounds like she's super picky now since she refused her porridge but had the banana!


err i dunno leh, tried giving dylan HIPP again and this time he reject (wonder if he's wised up to my antics!). giving it a few days break and will try again.. haiz. hope he will drink more this time! if not, i'll just have to express milk if i go back to work next year.
oo dear.. hope susu would be ok soon and ends her solid strike. seems like she's resorting to spoon feeding the EBM ya. Could it be due to the bottle/teat? Did you just recently change them? Or may be susu has decided that she's done with drinking from bottle, u never know ;)- coz months back, shawn oso like that. The school had to spoon feed him, no matter how many types teats i tried him on. in the end i used nuby gripper cup for milk, even until today. Now, he downs the milk in 10min and also accepts ME feeding him EBM thru nuby.
wah stress man...

my ger has been running temperature for the past 2 days... today fever shoot up to 38.6... urrgh... me trying all sorts of remedies liaoz... given lin yang, barley... stop giving porridge as heard that porridge will not bring down temperature. any more remedies for me to try on???

just argue wif my MIL, she been telling me not to bath her.. urrgh... she is so sticky n smelly wif the prespiration... i brought her back to my mum place n quickly bath her... she seems so happy taking shower...

oh ya, someone was recommending to me KKH 1 of the male dr is quite gd.. wads his name ah??? sorry... been too busy... haven book appt to chk up yet... me bad mummy ah
Since pd diagnosed it as viral, it explains why she is acting up and her appetite is poor. Maybe you can try giving her more (other) fruits if she is still refusing porridge. As for her milk, how about using a cup?

QJ has been refusing his sippy cup lately and does not take in any drop of water (AT ALL!) ... I resorted to using a plastic cup (those party ware type of disposables) and he seems ok, for now.
<font color="aa00aa">tub,
hope susu will get well soon and gain back her appetite to eat!
i know it can be worrying for a parent esp when your child refuses to eat anything.

hope jazzelle gets well soon and its nothing serious.

HEPI BURPDAY TO RAFI &amp; ARVIN!!!!!</font>
hi jasmine (jaz23),

Would it be ur gal having fever cos of teething? Cos my gal who is 13 months now growing the big tooth inside. She was having fever &amp; diar. too.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top &amp; 4 bottom
Rhaines - 2 top, 4 bottom
Kayden - 4 top, 4 bottom
Mikaela - 4 top, 4 bottom
Alexis(Linda's) - 5 top, 4 bottom.

oh dear. it must b really really tough on u, not to even mention the stress u're under! there was a time when i found it hard to feed A too..n i realised that it was becz she was so bored of sitting at her same old chair, eating at the same old place..feedg became a chore for me..so one evening, i brot e high chair out n fed her in e gdn - that became a miracle for me..she was so distracted by the birds n change of environm, she wolfed down her bowl of porridge in mins. wat i'm saying is, su cld possibly need some serious distractn..try feedg her somewhere new or different..u'll nvr know... of cz, u shldnt make tis a habit but then again, i tink u rather she gets her fill.. as for spoonfeedg ur ebm, hv u tried lettg her drink from a straw or somethg? this whole straw suckg thing cld b fun for her!

dun give up k...just got to keep trying. bbs nowadays really know how to choose..
hi gals, din sleep much cos baby kept waking up. and din get to pump too so here i am expressing at 423am now. may be due to teething and hunger. she drank another 90ml of ebm willingly just now.

jeelo, where did u buy the nuby cup? maybe i'll give that a try and see if there's any miracle.

dylan's mum, not sure if she's picky cos she can makan her porridge and cereal in school real fast! (it's exactly the SAME porridge cos we cook and bring to school everyday. and also the SAME cereal cos we buy for the school.) i witnessed it with my own eyes. she was placed in a row with the other babies and she ATE! without much resistance. very weird hor??? i've NEVER encountered anyone with a baby like tat. even the PDs are surprised.

steffie, i tried already. feeding her outside the house. still din work. u know... there was once, i have to carry her to the void deck and feed. the aunties (aka san gu liu po) kept giving me disapproving looks and told me not to make it a habit. even that din work.

val, gave her fruits but she refused too! i will make green smoothie for her every evening and that feed is a struggle too! she turns her head once she sees the spoon. so i tot its spoon aversion BUT when its water in the spoon, she's perfectly FINE! and evem asked for more more more water. will even make the "ahmmmm" sound when she swallows. FAINT.
Let's see what we've tried with su:
1. using adult metal spoon to feed
2. tried different foods: porridge, finger food, rice and soup, pureed fruits
3. fed outside
4. sing and dance
5. watch tv
6. distract with toys and utensils
7. no distractions at all
8. let her play with her own food
9. we ate a little food from her spoon and told her that it was yummy
10. pretending to feed her dad and then her
11. the aeroplane method
12. showed her the neighbours' dog and cat
13. carried our dog up at eye level while feeding her. poor dog... think he's so confused.

i give up. my pd said this afternoon: AIYAH! let the infant care adopt la!
I am not very concern with running nose and cough but I think it's very impt to bring down the temp of the child and honestly, I will give her the medication to bring down the temp immediately. some elders will say that they should give barley water and other cooling stuff to aid her immune system to fight with the virus and stuff like that but I don't want to take any chance. no way! Me and my hubby used to volunteer with the hearing impaired and some told us that they lost their hearing after a fever and we always diligently feed fever medication to my children when they have fever.
PD will ask you to give medication to them and see them only if the fever doesn't come down after 3 days. If you don't have the fever medication or the right dosage, better bring your baby to see PD soon. Always keep fever medication and fever kool on standby at home.
if she is not feeling well, her appetite will be poor. It's natural. Don't stress her and yourself with the feeding.
I am not sure if she had tried gerber stars before. I put gerber star on her spoonful of porridge in front of her and feed her and she likes it. the impt thing is to feed her gerber star first and if she is hooked onto it, put the star in front of her before feeding her. I break up the star so that she just ate a bit at a time.
I agree with mongs on being "alert mode" when kid is having fever...esp. high ones. Have to give them medication and have Kool Fever on standby in the fridge. Cos worried abt fever cause other serious damages.

i totally know what you mean! dylan also refuses to eat at home, but when we are outside and i feed him using adult (metal) utensils, he happily eats! faint.

actually it might be a good idea to let her sip from straw, drink from cup or try the nuby bottle... steffie is right, nowadays our babies really know how to choose!! give us so much problem..

perhaps when she is in school, she follows what the other kids are doing, eat, drink sleep etc so no problem. when she is at home, she knows she can bully her ah mah or her mummy so gets picky with food. sounds like she is only being fussy...

sometimes i also do what mong's suggest... put the biscuit on the porridge! hahah... it only works for awhile cos once dylan figures it out, he refuse to eat again!

sometimes i buy buns from the bakery and if he likes it, he just has that for lunch or dinner. i just take it easy nowadays, if he refuse to eat, i let him be cos he will eat when he is hungry. :I
Hello ladies,
I wonder if any of you remember me. I'm the Singapore mommy working in China. Very sadly, I just got retrenched last week. Most MNCs here have freezed headcount for expats. So I'll be coming back to Singapore to look for a job.

The future is quite a blur for me right now. My husband still has job here in China, but with sharp drop in sales, he is not getting much nowadays.

Baby Aidan just turned 1 year and 1 month yesterday. It really breaks my heart that with mommy being jobless I may not be able to provide him with the very best of everything in time to come.

With CNY coming up, I can only wait till Feb before companies start hiring. And I'll be facing lots of competition from other senior management who has been retrenched as well. Sigh...

Friends tell me to take this opportunity to spend more time with Baby Aidan. I guess that is the most optimistic thing to do at this point in time.
It used to happen to me when feeding porridge is a real fight. That lead my MIL carrying him while feeding. What can I say, my #1 outgrown that problem. Horrible!!!

Is she having viral fever? Usually viral will recover in their 3rd or 4th day. 38.6degrees, do you have the ibuprofen which is a orange fever medicine? To be given alternately after paracetamol. You visiting Dr Zainal in Rivervale Plaza? He is pretty friendly and attentive. At such temperature, it willn't be teething.
Don't be sad, your baby needs love and attention. Like what your friends said spend more time with your baby as there isn't much you can do to change the current situation. Look at the bright side. Anyway, welcome back to Singapore.
Mummies... can we also indicate DOB of our child?

Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top &amp; 4 bottom
Rhaines - 2 top, 4 bottom
Kayden - 4 top, 4 bottom
Mikaela - 4 top, 4 bottom
Alexis(Linda's) - 5 top, 4 bottom.
Neve - 2 bottom 27th Dec 07
missylan, so when did your gor gor outgrow the phase? i was so traumatised i told hubby NO NUMBER TWO! one is moooooooore than enough. i dun want to go through this again.

mongs, my mum told me to try the tidbits method but i reckon susu is like dylan leh... once she wises up to our evil plans, she'll not eat anymore. we even played the hands up game. hubby will grab her hands up high like playing with her while i shove the porridge into her mouth when she was distracted. only lasted for less than 10 spoonfuls and she realised she's been tricked. then she gave me the evil eye and started wailing.

dylan's mum, yap. i really have to let go and tell myself she'll eat when she's hungry. :| called the infant care just now and seems like she ate only half a bowl of porridge. must be teething. i have to keep telling myself that this, too, will pass.

higgledy, dun be upset k? by being with aidan, you ARE providing the BEST for him. take your time to look for a job. i know it's tough but bite the bullet and all will be fine. take it as a blessing in disguise. babies dun need very much (material things), they oni need their parents' love and care. (my susu doesn't even need food at home. haha... she just wants to play wif us. duh....) hugs.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top &amp; 4 bottom
Rhaines - 2 top, 4 bottom
Kayden - 4 top, 4 bottom
Mikaela - 4 top, 4 bottom
Alexis(Linda's) - 5 top, 4 bottom.
Neve - 2 bottom 27th Dec 07
Cheryl_YH - 4 top, 2 bottom, 2 more coming up on top it seems, 10 Dec 07
i agree with steffitan, dun use sweet things to try to get baby to eat. She might just think "next time when i don't eat, i'll get sweet things".
Have u tried cooking rolled oats and sneak EBM/FM to get her to eat? i added yoghurt/cheese into the cooked oats before. I give rolled oats daily for breakfast on wkdays (with different flavors)
i just caught up with a korean friend. She was back in korea for 2wks. her baby totally refused milk for the last whole wk and wasn't eating well at all. So she resorted giving him cheese and yoghurt.
we went to see the kids at daycare just now and he indeed slimmed down.. i see already oso heart pain for my friend.

These are what i have tried so far :
- the nuby gripper cup i bot from babymallonline one. recently there's on BP (think it's closed already) on the gripper cup. You might want to check with the seller if she has extra.
- I tried pigeon magmag but i discard the idea coz i dun like to clean the straw. one of the turn moldy (dunno why).
- also, i bot straws from ikea to let shawn try and so far he's ok, taking straw to drink both milk and water
- Am using the 1st Yr disposable sippy cup during mealtime for him to manage to drink water on his own.
- Got him those ikea kids plastic cup for water (i manage the water flow while he holds the side, he'd probably pour everything onto himself) to practise as well.

dun be upset. Spending time with aidan could be a wonderful thing you'd ever had. Treasure the time with him before u head back to workforce. hugz...
take it easy... i am sure you'll be able to find something in Spore. Meanwhile, do cherish the time spent with Aidan. It's what many working mummies hope to have!
hi jeelo, what kind of rolled oats do u buy? and what do you mean by different flavours? do u mean you add other natural flavouring like milk, yogurt or fruits? i have been giving my twins different variations of nestle gold cereals for breakfast and i am thinking of trying other food.

also, for eggs, how do you mummies cook it? what are the variations har?
hi 5! I also give rolled oats daily for breakfast...sometimes with yoghurt, apple puree, plain, raisins, FM...what else can I add ah? hahaha.

true, try not to use sweet stuff as baby may end up even more fussy. I know your aim is to at least get some food into her...but wait next time all she wants is sweet foods, there'll be another problem to grapple with. maybe limit the amt of sweet treats...
linda n mongs,
thanks.. me super compliant with e fever medicine... i m more stress when she having fever den cough or running nose 2... brought her c pd today... pd say she is having viral fever which takes at least 5 days to clear... urrgh... is a toture man

yup... is viral fever... i brought her to the kids clinic @ rivermall to c Dr. Lillian... today should be the 3rd day, but no clear up yet... stress man. i onli got the voltaren suppository &amp; paracetamol... onli giving her suppoistory once her temp hit above 38.5... has given her 4 doses le...

come to think of it... wondering whether can i handle 2 kids anot... has argument wif my MIL... now, still preggie wif the second 1... urrgh... gg bersek liaoz
jas, hope your little gal would recover soon. u take care too. dun stress out.

i bot one big pk from NTUC, the brand is harvest (not organic la). Been eating since months ago, and finally it's finishing. ya, it's natural flavoring. Also, depending how much i cook. If i cook 2tbspoon, then i would add more "volume" like egg or banana or more cheerios. Weekdays, i typically cook 3 tbsppon. i bot this brown rice powder and flaxseedmeal. i would add either of these powder (1/2 teaspoon) in the oats and stir then serve. Would also add flaxseed 1/2 teaspoon oso. Sometimes add hardboiled/poached eggs. I seldom add fruits for breakfast unless at home already got a bunch of bananas, then i'll add one. most of the time, i just add cheerios to the oats. When i wake up really late, he's gets to eat a piece of wholemeal bread nia.
csi and jeelo, won't try the sweet bait la... dun think it'll work for susu anyway.

jeelo, i'll try the rolled oats tomorrow and see if her highness likes it. thanks!!! aiyo... at home i sneaked fm or ebm into her cereal, she hates it too. maybe it's just me and the spoon.

jas, relax... think pf number 2 in ur tummy. i know how helpless mummies can be when our kids r sick. my mum used to console me by saying that old people always say they'll grow an inch with every fever. meaning, it's normal for kiddos to come down with fever. she'll get better. just give her the med and feed LOTs of water.

dodo, i'm very boring... just hard boiled eggs. but i know some mummy cook scrambled eggs. was it lynette (CSI)?
<font color="aa00aa">tub,
have u tried eating together with her?
as in feed susu and have your meal at the same time?

times are bad but i believe there is a silver lining.
take this time to spend more time with your aidan yah!</font>
hmmm, I haven't tried eggs with oats. yah, sometimes I add flaxseedmeal. shd try with the eggs. hmmm...

tub, dodo,
yup yup, scrambled eggs was me. I used FM and cheese. It smelt so nice, hehs...hb wanted to eat it. Then I told him it was made with FM. he said yucks without even eating it. hahahaha.

I guess don't worry too much abt it. I have a fren, her #1 is 3 yrs old, and sometimes, when he has his meal, he'll leave the food in his mouth and not chew. or chew already, but dun swallow. Just leave it in his mouth. She and her hb tried explaining to the boy (they are educators too), but it doesn't seem to work. End up, they just leave him be lorh. He'll eat when he's hungry, and he'll grow out of the phase...just have to keep trying bah...
oya.. i oso add green/garden/baby peas, wolfberries to the oats oso. haven't tried scrambled eggs, wkdays no time. wkend too lazy to do anything nice...

mummies ... i have 2 pack of mamil mama, 2 pack of mamil gold milk powder, a $2 mamil gold voucher &amp; $3 progress gold voucher to give away
