(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


I think should start training them to bath by showering the head. I started doing that since baby can sit well, ard 6 to 7 mths old..So now I just directly pour water over his head..He used to it liao..heheh...But make sure u stand by the hanky to wipe the water off their face, should be ok..

Hi, my girl can stand and let us shower her since 10mths. She will hold on to a pipe and we can shower her from head to toe. for showering the shampoo off, I just use my hands to shield her eyes.. she ok with it.
eve.. try a few times and they should be fine.
i just shower everything into the bathtub with him sitting inside, coz he can't stand own his own yet.

deerdeer, congrats!!!! how many weeks liao?

i'm still can't decide when I should stop or should i just let him tell me he has enough (i.e. he self wean), though this may take forever. Think the kids should be taking in iron from their food source i.e. meat/brocolli etc. I don't think our milk would be able to supply the amount of iron that they need now.
now he always wants to stand up when bathing. cannot sit still. Once he hears that I turn the shower on, he will stand up. initially, he will just grumble a bit when the water flows down his head. but these few days he will cry out. will just have to try a few more days. just worried that he will get a phobia with bathing.
Hi, me going to 4 mths liao.

eve... when I brought my girl to sydney when she is about 8mths.. we gave her eat heinz products.. moreoever heinz is from australia so the products have a lot of variety there and safe. sometimes.. I will have to order soupy stuff and mash it for her... at our babies age, it should be much easier for you now..



i'll sit alexis in a tub n distract her wif toys or watever catches her attention. so far, she loves the shower sprays and i'm careful to not let any soap/shampoo get onto her face/eyes..if there's any, just quickly wipe them away. i tink at this age, v few kids would like to lie down..think u seriously need to distract him wif squeaky toys or books.. hhee..
thanks jean.

another question... anyone started on wheatgerm? saw the wheatgerm selling in organic stores and they are all not refrigerated. anyone handled them b4?

same question i had for the breastfeeding part.. really wanna stop bfing her but like constance's bb.. will throw tantrum and cry and keep rubbing her eyes.. see also heartpain.. how to stop like that??
eve, i wash sr's hair with a scoop.. jux wash her down with it .. den clean her face lor.. din use showerhead..coz the hdb shower head i find veri heavy..if accidentally fall on her den sure got big bao
i'm oso stuck .. duno how to stop leh .. tmr sr gg for her 3rd PD jab.. gg ask for advise liaoz..
she oso cries like mad whenever nitetime i dun give in to her..HB cant handle at all..
my twins have been having runny nose for more than a week... headache! and my girl is scheduled for a surgery to remove her cyst this coming thur! if have not recover by tomorrow, i'll have to postpone it. i am wondering whether need to change doc cos the meds does not seem to work lei... any advice? anyone has similar experience regarding runny nose?
re weaning off the breast...

me also facing same problem. My gal is sucking for comfort...so much so that the whole of yesterday, she kept making the sign for "milk" (but to her, it's the boobs)...and if I dun give in, she will tug at my t shirt...she was doing that at funny times of the day (not feeding times). I realised yesterday, that she will behave like that too, when she gets scolding. hahaha. Like, oh...embarassed liaoz, so just look for the boob to "hide". haiz...
mummies.. anyone babies has gotten the MMR jab for their babies? I know MMR is suppose to be at 15 mths. but my paed say we can jab at 1 year old...
Thanks eve, constance

steffie, I am still partial bfeeding QJ as supply dropped badly ever since he got admitted to hosp. And moreoever now on manual pump as sent my ameda for repair. Sometimes he does not have enough aft I bfeed then I will give FM.

Intend to continue till he self-wean...my elder one stop at 22mths when i preggie with 2nd and supply also dropped badly...

though sometimes he bite me really hard and i told him i will stop...but am worried that will miss the bonding. Guess now there are on semi solid, iron shld comes from there too. Unless u wan to give partial FM.
arvin's yet to go for this. which reminds me.. hv to giv him egg white soon. we shld still start with fuly hardbolied egg white issit?

re: egg yolk
we giv him egg yolk abt 3-4 times a wk. was told by paed its ok to giv every day.esp to help wif his wt gain. but we dun giv too oft. my mum concerned abt heatiness.

re: bathing
arvin loves water. n has no issue wif water ovr eyes n face frm young. *whew* i usually jus pour water ovr his head. no issues. my mum more careful.. will shield his eyes n face.

Deerdeer - congrats!!

Since my 'strawberry milk' incident 1.5months back, I stopped latching on but continued pumping but my supply dropped. Then 2 weeks ago, ss plummetted further when my menses came.

Now, my EBM supplly is running really low and I have started supplementing with formula (1feed) yesterday. I think the transition will take place over the next 2 weeks.

Meanwhile, I started latching on again over the weekend cos QJ kept making the milk sign even after his bottle feed... I must say I miss the bonding sessions.

Since QJ only asks for comfort sake, I think I will keep at it till he self weans but his main source of milk will be formula and he'll get his other nutrients from other foods.
Congrats to you!!
4 mths liao ah.. then your EDD is in Jun?

Re: Egg yolk
I give abt 3-4 times per week to my boy. Just started giving him egg white yesterday, after he turned 1yo.

Re: Bathing
If bath Kyrell from his tub, will put him in cradle position, he doesn't like it since baby but I will sing song to distract him hehe..
If I carry him to bath which I am doing alot nowadays, just use showerhead to wash down but taking care not to let it goes into his eyes. If it did, I used use my hands to 'wipe' it off. He doesn't like either, but I am training him to get use to it.
seems like i can now up su's intake of egg yoke! i was so worried about cholesterol and all so have been giving her half and oni twice a week. since she's so slim, think can increase to 4 times a week! yipee! cos it's one of the very few foods she loves.

re bathing
i bath susu when she's sitting down. just pour water over and use hanky to wipe off the water, esp those near her eyes and ear. she seems ok with it.

re bf-ing
guess my weaning process will be less complicated than babies who latch on but my biggest problem now is su doesn't like fm at all. we have to spoon feed her fm. and can oni sustain 1 feed a day cos too siong to spoonfeed all the way. to her bottle = bm. fm comes in the form of spoons. hope this will change soon.

val, my ss also plummeted like the stock market when my mense is about to arrive. will dip to about 120-130ml per pump for one week. hope it goes up after mense stops.
Wow Susu is so definitive huh? Bottle = BM. I'm quite lucky that QJ took to his first formula feed very well yesterday ... except that within an hour, he LS. MIL giving him the 2nd feed of FM today, don't know whether will LS again or not.

QJ stands in his bathtub while I clean him with wash cloth or splash water on him. Sometimes I will use the shower head, but these few days he will always scream to get out. Haiz, very trying few minutes!!

Egg Yolk
We hardly give QJ egg yolk. Should start...

I was rather surprised that QJ can eat rice! We were at a Jap restaurant and he wanted my food so I gave him small balls of rice and he love it! Have since given him rice 2X at Jap restaurants ... heehee.
I cooked scrambled eggs with cheese for my gal. That's her first taste of egg white. hehs. cracked 1 egg, mixed with some FM, cooked it scrambled egg style, then add grated cheese to it towards the end. The smell is yummmy.... This also allows her to sort of get used to FM taste, I think, coz there's FM in it mah. hahaha.
it could be like what tub says, or it could also be the brand of FM. I tried Mamex Gold Step 2 on my gal, and she also LS. But switch back to Step 1, she's ok with it, no LS.
wah csi fan, u gave her 1 whole egg ah? I'm thinking like give just 1 small piece of hardboiled egg white to test for allery 1st.. :p Did u add oil when u scramble the eggs?
no lah. she didn't finish all also. hahaha. daddy ate up the rest. hahaha.

nope. I didn't use oil. just pour the egg+milk mixture onto the pan, and keep stirring. Supposed to be scrambled mah. heehee..

pretty...nice cake! wow....

aiyah, still waiting for my sister to email me my gal's bday pics, then I can post some up too. heehee...
QJ only LS once after the FM feed. I am monitoring him these few days to see if it persist each time he drinks the FM. If so, then will switch FM.
I also gave one whole egg hehe.. I used extra light olive oil if I scramble the egg.
Before giving the egg white to Kyrell, I used the (birthday) cake to taste on him, small pcs.

Your princess's cake is so pretty!! Are all of them edible? ;p

my boy doesnt like fm n bottle! we tried bellamy's n so many bottles but he simply refused! we have been throwing away so many cans of bellamy's! we really had a hard time weaning him! then someone introduced HIpp organic milk powder to me n i let him try! viola, he loves it! according to my research, this is the closest to breastmilk,not too sweet n not too thick. no bubbles too! u can get it from brown rice paradise, love for earth at holland village( i m ordering from him, free delivery with min 4 boxes) n this german supermarket near botanic gdn! each box is 600g/$22 n comes in 2 satchets,
miracle, i tot of trying hipp too but read that it's using skim milk. true? susu is drinking bellamy's too.
thanks mummies for all your inputs. u gals are so lucky that baby is ok with water getting down their eyes n face. Now every morning is water war with him. maybe i should try using scoop instead of shower head. not sure if it's the water sound spraying down that scare him.

egg yolk can give daily? i kiasi. only gave once a week. usually mix into porridge to cook and add in chicken. CSI, won't the scramble egg get stuck to the pan if no oil at all?
hi mummies, tks...the cake is from dora...very princessy hor..i just told her i wanna something princessy and viola, this is what i got...heee...

yes, ber, all edible...it's sugar crust...i took a bite of the tiara...sweet...heee

ya its part skim milk + other stuff! checked with my pd, she said the overall ingredients/nutrients are good/sufficient for our babies!

thanks for the tip on the organic milk. i'll buy one to try for dylan when i'm at tanglin mall this friday. also getting abit desperate cos he rejects all kind of FM (and bottle too). Is Max drinking from cup now that he dun want the bottle??

i got my cake from dora too.
she's very good with her decor hor..

pretty n botanist,

both yr cakes so nice! can aim for next year's party!

i bght this special teat from the same hipp supplier at holland village ( made from a special silicone n etc) and he likes it too! so i m feeding him with bottle cos its faster n less messy than cup! will switch him over to cup once he is more stable with the fm! hehe! anyway i think it will be easier if yr hb can help to feed him with the fm . it will be more difficult for us to feed fm cos they are so used to latching or our milk smell probably! my hb did it over the weekend!
<font color="119911">miracle,

Hmm ok sounds like its worth a try! I'll try to check out the teat at holland village this weekend.
thanks for the info
<font color="aa00aa">pretty,
the tiara cake reali very sweet and very princess-ish.
oh..how fun to have a gerl.

dylan's mom,
nice cake!!!
btw who is this dora?
if taste oso nice then can consider for faiq's 5th yr birthday..
i reali regretted making his birthday a considerablyy big bash.
too much hard work and effort put in.</font>
Pretty and Botanist
Both your cakes are very nice! In fact they look too nice to be eaten. Dora's work is really good.

Yeah! QJ didn't LS after his 2nd FM feed yesterday.

Today is QJ's lunar bd, my MIL is going to cook mee sua for him - the full works I think - egg, chicken, veg. And my FIL is going to cut his hair ... hope all goes well since I'll be at work while all these take place today.
oh yah! re the scrambled egg....I forgot. hahahahahahahah *blur me*. I used butter instead of oil. *toink head* That's why I dun remember got use oil at all, when bluelily asked me. hahaha.

i got fumed up coz on last friday, shawn went home with diaper rash on his private. Turned red! Then i checked with the school yesterday they said they didn't notice it. Also spoke to another 2 mums, they said that their kids had diaper rash (on the butt &amp; skin fold area). how could it turn so red in a day??? I'm not sure whether diaper rash can be transmitted thru diaper change area bo? anyone knows? anyway, now it's better liao. i kop the oily diaper cream from my colg and used it on him

Now i begin to worry that the quality of care in the daycare would go down the drain as the morale of the staff there might be affected due to the closure of the daycare. the currect daycare is closing down and another school is taking over. From what i know the new school would need to renovate and they would not have any infant care. So i probably would resort to sending him to LV at CBP. Shawn would need to reset to a new environment and meet new caregivers. sigh... hope he'll adapt well
