(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom

so long nvr come in here liao,
, anyway jovan start to walk all over the place with some crawling when he is lazy/tired of walking,
Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom

haha yah lor, that's why i figured... if i get the right job offer anytime next year, i'll just go at one month notice... since have to do cold turkey, technically can do anytime. HAHA

but i'll try to start weaning him soon lah, give formula or fresh milk... see whether he dont mind switching or not. if really all else fails, then will do cold turkey
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Dylan's mum,
hmm..even PDs give different advice. So, I guess we do what's best for our child. My PD told me that if my gal wakes up in her cot and cries, I should pretend I'm sleeping and not do anything. She'll eventually tire out and sleep. I tried that last night and after about 15 min of non-stop crying, I could not take it lying down anymore (pun intended, haha!) I took her out of her cot and had to hold her close to calm her down. Even after being taken out, she still continued to cry. I think she's still upset we just ignored her. Sigh..

I plan to wean off by 18 mths..dunno how tho. Has anyone given to their babies, that HIPP milk that was recommended by someone earlier, yet?
<font color="aa00aa">rachel wee,
are u the rachel that i met at taka nursery during the last baby fair?
cos i know here got 2 rachels and i often get confused..hehe.
poor u...
this sleeping thru the nite has tire me out too..
nowadays faiq seem to be waking up at least 3 or 4 times a nite and he needs to be patted to go back to sleep...
so tired.

dylan's mum,
now i'm the one seriously considering to see the sleep expert liao.

thanks for the tips on cooking the oats.

talking about milk, i have tried the powdered goat's milk sold at vitakids.
faiq seems to find no difference between that and his normal fm.
now considering to order fresh goat's milk to be delivered home...hmmmmmm</font>
<font color="aa00aa">sunshinesummer,
mine is purple lah...
easy...just type backslash then the colour u want then this bracket{your msg then close bracket</font>..}
<font color="ff6000">test test.. if this wrks.. thanks <font color="aa00aa">lynzi</font>.. n thanks <font color="aa00aa">sunshinesummer</font> for asking</font>

yah actually 15 mins is quite short time. if you really plan to let yr girl cry it out... u must be prepared for a longer time. dylan cried for 2 hours straight leh.... that was the first few nights!!

i plan to wean him by introducing the HIPP FM first, if he reject, i will try fresh milk. if all else fails, i will do cold turkey!!
can advise? who using cot ? who using playpen? I am thinking of getting a playpen .. cause my girl now soo hyper. a playpen I find is portable and can put her in the living room, etc...

Ur ger might refuse to get into the playpen. Becos if they are not 'close' up since young, they will cry when put into the playpen. Thats what happen to my ger. hehe

Merry Xmas everyone!!!

Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Amberly - 2 top and 2 bottom (another 2 (top) coming out soon!)
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top &amp; 4 bottom
brought mal to PD yesterday for Hep A vaccin. PD said milk is secondary now so can increase more solids if he takes well. mal's height, weight &amp; head circum. were at 90%, 85% and 75% percentile respectively. big and strong boy
<font color="119911">w</font><font color="ff0000">i</font><font color="119911">s</font><font color="ff0000">h</font><font color="119911">i</font><font color="ff0000">n</font><font color="119911">g</font> <font color="ff0000">u</font> <font color="119911">a</font> <font color="ff0000">m</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="ff0000">r</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="ff0000">y</font> <font color="119911">c</font><font color="ff0000">h</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="ff0000">i</font><font color="119911">s</font><font color="ff0000">t</font><font color="119911">m</font><font color="ff0000">a</font><font color="119911">s</font> <font color="ff0000">t</font><font color="119911">o</font> <font color="ff0000">a</font><font color="119911">l</font><font color="ff0000">l</font>
hihi, merry xmas!

i had such an eventful evening and morning. first, our dear sumana slipped and fell while walking. cried and cried cos konked on the head (read: AGAIN!). then, she had many more minor accidents... cos dun want to crawl now, too excited about her new found skills.

then this morning, my ultimate fear happened. my avent isis duo DIED ON ME! wa lau! had to call hubby to end his meeting and go to avent b4 they close at 1pm and tomo for the hols. then, discovered that my dear hubby left his phone in the car! had to call his school to reach him. so paiseh. so while calling him, i was trying to pacify my crying baby who simply refused to take one mouthful of porridge. i couldn't take it anymore and screamed (+smacked) at my baby. it was chaotic... as u can imagine... she screamed, wailed and tears were everywhere. i even asked her to shut up... after which, i'm guilt stricken. it's the no. 1 rule for any educator... never to ask your kid to shut up. but i just did.

as if it's not enuf, i called avent and the lady told me CANNOT REPAIR. have to buy a new one. i'm like: hello? u know isis duo how much or not? it's $700+++ ok? plus i'm weaning in about 6 months max... how to buy a brand new one? the avent girl was adamant and told mi since warranty expired, cannot exchange and they dun repair in singapore. must send to UK. so LL have to ask hubby to go buy me a new one.

but like all things, the ending was surprising. hubby went there and was told to go to the repair center instead. (think the girl who attended to me wasn't there... thank goodness). the technical guys at the repair center looked at the motor and changed a brand new motor for me! FREE! phew... enough said...

merry christmas again, people!
oops..sorry..fingers moved too quickly to post the message.

Anyway, <font color="119911">BLESSED</font> <font color="ff0000">CHRISTMAS!</font> everyone!

steph!! thank u for yr recommendation on the HIPP milk! Dylan drinks it! I fed him this last night and just this afternoon and he had no complaints. I'm so relieved that I can start weaning him with this..
. I will be ordering in bulk from that shop in holland very soon.

ps: very nice photo of max. saw yr bday party photos too! they are really done nicely.
hi tub,
*hug* &amp; *pat* Hope you feeling better and looking forward to a merry merry christmas.

Kaylen has been falling n knocking all over, esp now that she can walk. She is one active baby and also more demanding, compared to her older sister. Anything she can't get, she will throw tantrums, scream, cry, ... Quite a few times, I also lost my cool and shouted at her to stop it. I felt so guilty afterwards, esp since I keep telling my older girl not to use "stop it". It happened to me before too that when she refused to stop crying, I smacked her backside. Sometimes, when I'm trying to change her diaper but she refused to let me put on the new diaper, I smacked her backside. I felt so bad that I lost my cool so many times. Sometimes, I ask myself, is it because I am not cut out to be a full time mummy. Then again, I think I still want to be there to take care of them and watch them grow up.
Teeth Poll:

Clarene - 2 bottom teeth
QJ - 4 on top, 4 below
Alexis - 0
Arvin - 0
Kyrell - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 below coming out soon, now barely visible)
Sumana - 2.5 top, 2 bottom
dylan - 3 on top and 3 below
Yu Ru - 4 on top, 3 below
Faiq - 4 on top, 3 below
Shawn - 4 on top, 4 below
Jerielle- 2 on top, 2 below (another 2 coming out)
Jazzell - 1/2 teeth popping out...
Declan - 3 on top 3 below (Another 2 coming put on top)
Gabby - 4 on top, 5 below (another one coming out)
Louisa - 4 on top, 2 below
Stef - 4 on top, 2 below (another 2 on top coming out)
shirui - 2 bottom..
Jr - 2 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Josh - 2 top and 2 bottom
Nicole - 4 bottom (1 on top coming out)
Kaylen - 4 top, 4 bottom
Jovan - 2 top, 2 bottom
JiaKai aka Ah Pui - tiny bit tooth bottom
Ryan - 2 top and 3 bottom
Malcolm - 4 top &amp; 4 bottom
Rhaines - 2 top, 4 bottom

sorry to disturb,i have 2 sachets of 40gram each dumex mail step 3 to exchange for 2x35g Enfagrow A+ stage 3,if interested,please pm me

<font color="119911">MERRY XMAS TO ALL!</font>
<font color="ff0000">May you and your family be super blessed this Xmas!!</font>

My boy turned ONE yesterday!! Can't help but remember last year this time I was still in hospital!
Wow Tub,

You really had an eventful day! Thank God all things turned out well for you
Enjoy the last few days before school term starts
can i know what do u all do when the little ones have diarrhoea? My boy vomitted once last night while sleeping. We didnt know at all until this morning when we woke up. Then he vomitted again when drinking milk. Already had 3 times of watery stools. Never throw up since the morning feed. But he doesnt want to eat or drink milk. What shd I do? I read from kkh's website and seems like no need to see dr at this stage. any advice?

haiz... what a way to spend christmas.
sumana went without food or drink today for nearly 7 hours. urghhhhhhh... she had her milk at 745am, then din want to take porridge till about 2pm. this struggle to feed lasted till now. 430pm. can u believe this??? i'm bringing her to see a child psychologist tomorrow... dunno if i'm over-reacting...

Dylan's mum,
clap clap..yay..you've found an alternative to BM for your boy. I want to try that too.. where exactly is the shop at Holland v? I checked BRP for that milk and it was sold out. Must be pretty good. How much does it cost over there?
