(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

jeelo, hiyo.. so bad ah. Izzit cos the teachers din change the babies regularly? Looks like you gotta source for another one real soon.

Scrambled egg:
yeah.. I was also thinking.. no oil wont stick meh? Unless ur non-stick pan is really gd! haha. Ok.. think I'll try egg white on jr this weekend. Actually he tried a small piece of his own cake b4.. and sometimes we just separate out the raw egg yolk from egg white n put in his porridge.. so i think a minute amt of egg white already got in anyway. :p

Haha.. no lah, must use oil, just abit of the olive oil. and last weekend, I tried mixing in some small pc of sweet potato (already steamed purple coloured one) into the egg, nice leh! the sweet potato tasted nice when fried

Can try add in other veggies in as well...for colours and enhanced flavour!

Mix egg with milk can huh? I haven tried.. would like to try different varieties!

Happy Lunar Birthday to QJ!

Oh heart pain to hear abt the rash! So irresposible of the caregivers
When will the school be closed down? Must start all over liao ah..

Dylan mum,
Your cake also very nice!! How does it taste? hmm.. can consider ordering it for next party liao hehe...
All the cakes are very niceee! Ya, me also curious who is Dora....Now shortlisting all the bakers for Declan's next birthday..heheh
ber, dora is my ex-col...know she is doing cakes so tot i order from her...cos i wanna something special and original...i gave her my ideas, princessy, pink, tiara, and she came back with alot of nice recommendations...think she is very creative and nice...

thumbs up for her...
<font color="aa00aa">pics of faiq's birthday venue.


This is the wave pool.


The kids' pool.


path leading up to the treehouse.


view from the treehouse...the adults' lap pool.</font>
i suggest u bring up e diaper rash issue to e school.. it'll be very very very troublesome and is a cause for concern if little boys hav urinal tract infection due to the negligence in care later... *touchwood..

Javis just cleared for urinal tract infection in October.. he was on medi from June all e way till October until e day he's cleared via ultrasound check.

Hope shawn get well soon.
I bought 1 from celebrate express spree. the other candle is from this shop at centrepoint (party with us or something like that). Centrepoint, 5th floor. yah, I had 2 cakes, so 2 candles lorh. hahaha.
val, i got my girl's candle from the spree with claire and karen wor..

egg: sr doesn't like them leh .. i steam egg with shredded fish and brocoli on saturday for her.. she reject =(
when we bring her out, we sometimes give her chawamushi @ jap restuarants.. she eat abit den reject de..

How much do you pay for the cake? I need to order a 3kg cake.

Can someone PM me Dora's contact no? I went to her webby to see no contact no.. I need to order a cake for my son Jan 09....
thanks mummies. ya, it did look better liao last nite. i'm oso scared of UTI. complained to school lioa. spoke to 2 teachers about it.. kept calling and popping by during lunch these two days...aiya...
anyway, i'm planning to put him in the same daycare as cookiemz's kid liao.. starting after cny. went to check out LV just now. was impressed with the place (coz it's new and huge). Except the brochure said that they can take up to max 160kids!!! OMG - think when shawn hits 3yrs old, i'll have to come up with planC
yah i think i'll definitely go back to dora next year. the cake was really good, not too sweet. all the guests loved the decor and the taste!! thumbs up!!

her email is [email protected]

i paid $180 for 1.5kg. because its a butter cake, 1.5kg doesn't look very big...


oh dear sounds bad. dylan also had a rash there last week, its better now, off and on but not red anymore. i was worried! sometimes when i change his diaper, he will grab himself.. in the process scratch himself and his penis become abit red... haiz, dunno how to stop him from grabbing himself!!
my ah lao brot my girl for her PD jab on monday and the doc commented that my girl got flat feet leh ..
my ah lao oso flat feet and he tinks its not a big problem..so he din ask doc for more advise etc..
now i'm wondering am i suppose to get her special footwear .. i duno if there's any special ones ard wich mite help to correct her flat foot...?? or its in-born, cannot change..
<font color="aa00aa">dylan's mum,

i had 50 guests.
and i still consider that too much work.
not doing another one like this until he is 3 or 5 yrs old.</font>
Not really can see now leh... my #1 looked like he got flat feet but when he grows up, then it began to arch... Now ah pui's one look flat feet too. Flat feet of a child will usually develop to proper arch, dun worry.
50 guest is considered "manageable" crowd, I only have 20 guests and already busy rushing ard that day, no time to eat hehe...
I have not thought abt when to hold another party :p
Tks. I was told QJ didn't like his mee sua at all. And my FIL did a lousy job with his haircut. My hubby is quite upset. We'll have to bring him to a proper hair dresser this weekend.
hi val..
can imagine ur feeling. my dad used to cut for arvin. but it usually ends up being more like a shaved head than trimmed. can't trust these old men.. tt's y now i jus letting arvin grow his hair n keep giving my dad excuses whenever he hints tt its time for arvin's trim.

still finding for a good baby boy hairdresser. anybody noe.. pls share.
Seems like those of us who are still breastfeeding are finding it hard to wean off. I've been feeding my girl to sleep since she was born and now she can't sleep without it. Because of that, even if I let her cry it out at night without the feed, she'll be confused and still rely on me to feed her before sleeping since I still do that during the day and before bedtime. Has anyone managed to stop nursing to your baby to sleep? I'm really desperate. Not only that, my girl also refuses to sleep in her cot. Help!
Ber - YES! My FIL trimmed QJ's hair himself. I wasn't able to say no when he mentioned it, my hb also thought nothing of it until we saw the result.

Ok, to be fair, it isn't that bad ... except that the back is uneven. Luckily he has very little and thin hair, so it is not so obvious.

I'm am planning to go to a neighbourhood barber this weekend. I always see a lot of parents with their children there, so it should be quite ok. Hb too yid to pay $16 for Junior League.

i face wat u face exactly but i told myself that i will not force my bb to wean off just becz she's of age. tis habit of hers was actually cultivated by me and i will not fault her for it. i tried a couple of times to let her cry it out but it didnt work at all. for me, since she still relies so much on me, i'll give it to her till god knows when lor..for my boy, he self-weaned at 15 mths so i'm hanging on to e fact that she will self-wean in time to come. till then, may e nehs survive all e tuggin n pullin!

btw, since she hasnt sprouted a tooth, i'm been treated as a teether lately! my bfg session every nite can take up to 1.5 hrs.
You always the neh neh heroine! JK finally got his bottom 2 teeth... All I want for X'mas is my 2 bottom teeth.... XD
I'm comforted that I'm not alone in this. I feel bad letting my gal cry out too since, like you said, it's cultivated by us. I have been feeding my gal to sleep from day one and she has since associated sleeping with feeding and to take it away abruptly is pretty cruel. However, what if she does not self-wean soon? My hubby's sis-in-law has been feeding her son till now, 3years old, and he doesn't want anything else my BM. I can't be feeding her till she's so old since I may want to have a 2nd one when she's about 2. I understand that it's not that safe to BF while being pregnant since it can cause early contractions. Or is it?

My gal has 4 teeth for some time already and my nipples have undergone tremendous stress. At one time, my gal bit till there was an open wound and each time she nursed was pure torment. Now, very numbed already.
He did wake up at 2am and 4am and 6am just to cry for milk. and I gave in and nursed in midd of the nite for over 2-3months. everyday go to work like zombie. Almost gave up nursing when he's 8-9months old back then.

Then one day, hb n i just decided to let him cry all out. We let him cried out an hr+ for a couple of rounds in a night. It worked after 3nites. it's been awhile since we had a routine to put him to zzz. But ultimately he still needs to latch on for his last feed. He's "blur" but awake when he's being put back in the cot. Before putting back into the cot, i'd go round a routine ie. from the bed with him in arms, i'd walk to the window say :
"It's dark outside now, see... All the papas &amp; mommies have sent their babies back home to sleep. Say good night everyone." Then point up to the aircon and say good night to aircon. Walk past the fan and say good night. Walk past the bookshelf and say good night. walk past the wardrobe to say good night. "then put him into the cot. Pat pat a bit and sing a few songs. Then sneak out of the room while he's trying to fall asleep. If doesn't work he'll stand up and cry out loud. Then i'll do the same thing over again. From the cot walk to the window etc... until he gets bored and decide to sleep.

it worked for 2 of my colgs who went the crying out loud and sleep routine. and they encouraged me to do so. Sounds awful to let the bb scream but at least we get our fair share of sleep now. nowadays if he does wake up middle of the nite at odd hours to cry, i'd let him sound for awhile. then tell him it's not time for milk yet, but you need to go back to sleep. stretch my hand over onto his cot and pat pat on the mattress and tell him to lie down and sleep. take awhile like 10-15min for him to finish crying and choose to settle down and soothe himself to sleep.

now shawn has 8teeth (with 2 big bunny teeth). kena bitten and bled and got over liao. if he clamps me when he's wide awake, i'll tiak his mouth. He hasn't been biting me for quite sometime liao (touch wood!)

I heard that it's safe to BF (though some gynaes advise not to). Someone i just got to know bfed her #1 up to 6mth into her 2nd pregnancy. just check with gynae lor

i'm also in the same situation. my son is too big for the cot and he is used to latching on during the day most of the time. He used to also latch on thru out the night - until 3 weeks ago.

i let him cry it out, it was really tough. the first few days was the hardest, he would cry non stop for hours! but after the 3 or 4th night, he came to realise there would be no milk at night. But he would still wake up to cry alot in the 2 weeks following this... its gotten better now and although he still wakes up and wants me to pat him back to sleep, he does not latch on anymore during night time (he only gets to latch on before goingto bed and during day time).

Now his last feed is around midnight and he can tahan with no milk until around 5plus to 6am.

we are co-sleeping with him so its even harder when he wakes up in the middle of the night and tugs on my shirt!

i was also against crying it out but its worked for me so far - although i won't say the results are ideal as my son still wakes up during the night, the only difference is now he does not need to latch on to fall back asleep (he needs mummy to pat him!!!) *faint*
Sayang all the still-bfing mummies. I empathise with you.

I am quite lucky that QJ has always been very flexible between latching on and drinking EBM from the bottle. So even when I was nursing a bite from him, he was fine to take his last feed from the bottle.

Over the last 2 weeks, my frozen BM supply has been zapped up so fast I am now down to <10 packs. Feels a little sad but I tell myself that I had enjoyed the feeding/bonding for a year (nearly) and it is time to move on.

I think by the year's end, QJ will be fully transitioned to FM.
To mummies who are still bfing..

I've also stopped Bfing since a few days ago.. Kinda miss the bonding but like what Valeriet said, it is time to move on

Salute and sayang you who are still pressing on!
haiz.. no neighbourhood one's here. they r e salon types only c adults in thr or mayb older kids.. wat's Junior League? upscale kids barber?


she usually takes 1-2 days to reply. maybe you wait for her reply? don't think i shld release her mobile no. as i think she only provides it after confirming yr order. hope u understand
