(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


Our babies are at the really cute stage now...so fun!! reading all ur stories on the cute things ur babies do.

My gal knows how to say Daddy (the "dy" sounds like "dree"...so it's "dad-dree"), "wah" for what, "where" coz we keep telling her, where's piggy?, "mam mam".

Every night without fail, she'll do yoga on me. I'm the mat. She'll do the downward dog pose....with her mouth on my boob. Coz me lazy lah, want to lie down also, so put her next to me on the bed lorh. She lie down a while, then she'll start to climb ard, turn upside down etc, while boob still in her mouth.

When bathing, tell her "wash hair..." she'll bend her head down, to let us pour the water over her head, so the water wun get into her eyes. hahaha.

Our babies are all really cute!

Kaylen is more action then words leh hehe..
Is there alot of crows over there??
Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Kaylen!! you did a great job to spice up her cake!
cocoangel, no lah. My mum brings him to wash backside everytime he poos.. if it's weekends.. we just use wipes.. lazy. Time to change soon. hehe. bath he still sit in a tub. Ya.. he's real cheeky boy.

hen, our bbs can imitate bird sounds together! lol.

hahaha.. csifan, the yoga pose sounds funny! You mean like this?

HAHAHA that is so funny!! the boobs in her mouth part.. eh, wont your boobs be pulled ard?? keke..
So smart, still will bend her head down to let you wash her hair, I need to train Kyrell on that cos he dun like to wash his hair
Think scared of water running in..

No choice lor, So I put him over my lap face down and wash lor, then he will scream lor..hahha

Totally agreed that or babies are in their cutest stage now...
I loved it most when I asked my son to show me his "dance" super cute seiing him shaking his heads , like taken ectasy like that..wazhahha..
wahahha.. yah.. love reading these cute stories of our cute bbs. Jean.. jr can "dance" too, Shake head n whole body. Now he just started to differentiate bte yes n no.. last time u ask him anything he just shakes head. Tt time my fren wedding i purposely ask him bride pretty anot.. he shake head. lol
Wah Jr really adventurous, still do the downward dog pose, Kyrell cant do that!! hehe.. dancing still shake whole body?? I wanna see it the next time I meet him ok

Maybe your boy and Jr can form a band keke.. dance and shake head :p

coco sure! He can perform a whole series of tricks to u.. ask linda.. her fav is orr orr shui jiao! din know that is call downward doggy pose. Jr love to do that.. think the top of his head is totally flat now from all that pressing!
ah bie... yessss.. he'll either peep.. or bite his clothes haha. Seems like our bbs have alot in common! We shd let them meet!
He's not shy to show to strangers is it? Great! I wan to see
Since when did he started doing that? Will topple down boh?

Ah bie,
Your boy another adventurous one huh keke..

ya, he is always on the move. hahaha

the other day he managed to climb 3 steps of the stairs. grining from ear to ear after he managed to concur his mini " mt everest". *pengz*
yes yes!! That pose. Louisa always does that! hahaha...

yes...my boobs are always being tugged at lorh. so until the point I buay tahan, I'll just grab her and put her in proper position. But there was once, she was in that position, then she lost balance!! and fell onto her side. So she pulled at the boob reallllly hard. Wah, that one I also screamed ah...."arrrgggghhhh" so loudly, that she just stared at me. Then I fake cry, she just stare at me, then put out her hand to sayang my chest. hahahahaha. When I "peep" out at her from the fak cry (fake cry, all eyes close tight tight mah), she saw me looking at her, she smile....hahaha.

dancing, hmmm, my gal will bend her legs at the knees and bounce up and down, shake the butt. Hahaha. Now there's this show, "Don't forget the lyrics", she can also dance to the song that they contestant is singing. haha.

hahaha...your boy really cute! dance then lose balance. hehs...

Ya la, as I mentioned eariler, that silly boy shake his head like eat ectasy like that, somemore head looking up one..Sure giddy one..
CSI, ouch! must be very painful! my boy dance like your girl, bounce up and down de

oh boy, Declan is so cute!! did somebody teach him to dance like that?
Yes, I totally agree that our kiddos are super fun to be with now.

They have grown so fast, don't you ageee that we have 'lost our babies'? They are toddlers now!
orh.. you teach him the ecstasy dance ah keke..

I dun wan to 'lose our babies' leh!! I really missed it when they are so tiny
HAAAA.. so fun fun leh tis stage... sr is oso doing alot of dancing and shaking her butts..
i alwys say, nxt time i will ve to go ZOUK or dragonfly to pull her home =P
Wow Wow Wow,

Your kids all got so many tricks!!! Gosh, so funny and adorable!!

My boy is not yet one year old, so he's still my baby
Savouring the last few days of calling him a baby.

Me came back from HK liao
Only went for 6 days. Ya, was very dry in HK, Ryan got some rashes on face and elbow coz of the weather there.
Hmm, should I be worried? My boy still can't walk and can't speak many words.. He will only say Papa and Mama.. that's all ..

Well, he loves Xmas trees. When we were in HK, he screamed at every Xmas tree he saw ! Screamed very loudly and pointed at the tree and went 'or or or'

So hubby and I decided to set up one at home
phy, don't have to be worried la. all things being equal, our kids will learn how to speak, walk, run and do many many things eventually! it's not the physical developments i'm worried about. it's the value system today and character development that bug me.
same here...I miss our babies when they were so tiny...I really miss those times. It was challenging, feeding them every few hours...but they were so cute and tiny then.....haiz. Now big liaoz. haha. but still cute. Enjoy every moment of their company!
CSI, I think they are getting cuter by the minute. Hahaha~

Josh will start dancing when he hears music and he will be smiling widely when he does that. And when we say shake your bom bom he will be waving his hands and bouncing up and down. Very funny to watch.
phy, yday i called my girl baby and my mum said "old liao le.. not baby anymore.." boooooo... but she's alwys my baby.. heee

at least ur boy still call papa mama.. my sr dun at all lor .. she oni say 'mum mum" for food.. and its oni aft we force her to..
and wen i dun wan to carry her she will go 'mum mum mum mum..." duno isst calling mama.. or coz i'm her food too .. :s
bbngg.. i guess dey all loves to dance and shake their butt.. heee..
sr reacts to all music.. even if its soft slow music.. so weird, shaking to slow music .. haaa...
any of ur kiddos react to the doggy adver of fedex (or issit dhl..)? sr will crawl all the way to the tv and start 'eh - ing' til the ad ends... she recog that dog ..
all the cute cute stories.. so nice to hear that all our babies are indeed growing so much cuter day by day..

CSI.. i thought i'm the only lazy mum who will lie down and let my girl suckle on my breast!! haha... didn't know u do that too!! mikaela also will twist and turn with my nipple in her mouth! i always ask her why she wanna do that when it seems so tiring for her.. can lie on her back but she'll rather climb on me and suckle.. *faint

slimz, my girl!! everytime the DHL commercial comes on.. she'll turn her head to the tv and eyes glued onto the commercial till it ends! so funny! hahahhaaha.. like their pet dog hor.. hahaha

i also still call her baby.. haiz.. hard habit to kick..

Mikaela's celebration is 2 days away liao.. super kancheong! got so many things to prepare.. kinda regret making it so big..
Aiyor I also call my boy "baby" hehe.. I think its hard to kick off this habit even when he's older. Now when Kyrell sees himself in the photo, he will say "baby" too

Have #2 bcos of this reason? hehe.. I just might
nay, not at the moment, maybe another year.. still enjoying the moment!

My boy also likes that ad!! I think its the music and the dog.. his eyes will be fixed on the tv and go "wor wor" or "dog dog" hehe...
arvin is and will always be my baby.. still call him tt. heheh.. maybe quite hard to kick e habit even as he becms 1 soon..

well arvin still has no teeth and still has not said anything logical.. jus random sounds.
haha, me too.
I am just like you. still a human pacifier at nite. yeah, didi will turn and twist too. Throw into bigtime tantrum when i refuse to let him suckle....
phy, am living in Perth liao. Its coming to a mth since we moved here. The kids love it here cos lots of space and things for them to explore.

chris, yes, Kaylen is born on 5/12/07.

cocoangel, Kaylen is very different from Kyrene, she's a bully. Everything Kyrene takes/eats/plays/reads/does, Kaylen sure to fight for the same or snatch from the sis. She destroys a lot of toys liao.
Happy birthday to all babies!

And also mummies who went thru the pain 1yr back in delivering the cute little ones!

Times flies. QJ celebrating his bd on actual day tis Sun. Got gd news fr my own bb doc as did a xray on wed n he is clr fr the lung infection. Hosp bill w fup is abt 2.6k! Scary le.

Btw when we letting all babies meetin? I kept missing out the gatgring.
Naf... Happy birthday to QJ. Good to know he's cleared & well now. Wish him good health and be a happy boy always.

any tips how you are washing yr kiddos' hair now? I tried to carry him and lay him on my knees and use the shower head to wash off the shampoo. But now he's getting more active and will struggle when i put him in the lying position. I tried showering his head directly while he's sitting down. And all the water gets all over his eyes, face & ears... and of course, he's crying down the bathroom. Feel so bad. Wondering what's the best way to shower his head now.
glad to know that QJ is well again.

i am still carrying him to wash his hair leh. still the "infant hold" Heng my boy didnt struggle much.

bfg moms,

how long do u intend to bf? i mean..some of us hv already crossed/is crossing e 1-yr mark. can our current composition of our milk meet their needs now (since we've reached e optimum)? other than providing them immunity, are we giving them enough iron? i'm rather concerned now as my milk ss has no doubt plummeted like e economy, i'm still able to fulfill her (hunger pangs at least) but am just not sure if i'm providing her wif enuff nutrients. moreover, i'm sure most of our bfed toddlers here enjoy playg wif e nips more than treatg it like a food source. =(
