(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

look at faiq's pic there!! lol!! maybe he's tinking th cake so plain!! :p

ive seen some of the bday cakes!! they are so nice! esp stephy's carnival cake!
time really flies.. and our kiddos are turning one.. one yr ago, we were posting who's popping and where and baby's weight too..

Hi dodo,
I will be celebrating my boy's bd this sunday
Sure will share his pix when ready..
So excited with all the birthday parties - cakes and pressies!!

To those celebrating their kiddos' bd this weekend (beng ma, alien, jaz23, csi, jeelo and who else huh?) have a smashing good
Happy Birthday to Shawn, Kenzie and Jerrell!
And Happy Birthday to shi rui tmr!
And Happy Birthday to Jovan n Mal on Sunday
And all the other bbs whose birthday is round the corner!
hen, nice to hear from u! agree with coco.. jux bake as and when u r available .. let ur big gal take part in it too.. am sure she will luv it more =D .. so envy u all can bake.. haa.. i'm not a kitchen person lar.. hee.. else i would oso luv to bake a BD cake for sr's #1
HB was saying bring sr to aussie when she's bigger .. mabbe can meet up then.. yeah! we wanted her to ve a feel of farm life .. or rather its me who wan =P

dodo.. we r hv'g buffet dinner @ merchant court tmr nite for sr's #1 too.. but not the big big kind of party.. jux dinner with our families and a cake from ecreative (hope its nice..and notin would go wrong)
haa... thanks jane... happie BD to ur JR too =D
hope he enjoys his PS next week .. hee.. den we will c a more miao tiao tigger compared to my fatter tigger =P

Happpppiiieee BD babes and hunks of Dec'07!
This month is so exciting, with our darlings' birthday and xmas, we mummies must be very busy (and broke!) keke... dun forget to take care of ourselves at the same time yah

~very quiet lately~
Happy birthday to all the babies who turned / turning 1 this weekend. Have a great party!!

I'm also looking forward to a friend's son's 1st bd party
wahaha slimz u still rem the PS date ah. Ya.. jr will be skinny tiger... I'm thinking of taking his luo zhao but my sis say too skinny take not nice!
We'll see how it goes... hehe.
thank you very very much all mummies for the birthday wishes. Happi birthday to all babies turning one this wkend oso! Shawn is sleeping since 9pm liao. While i get to eat and chat at my fren's wedding hahaaa
gals, i'm really very stressed by su's lack of desire to eat. she's better at bottle feeding nowadays but only drinks about 140-160ml of BM 3 times a day. is this too little? can't seem to force in more liao. like just now, she drank 100 ml then fall asleep and cannot feed liao. cannot even dream feed nowadays.

the problem comes with porridge and cereal. she simply REFUSES to take the spoon when we are feeding her at home. however, she seems to be ok at the infant care. we have to coax and do all sorts and sometimes, only manage 1/2 a small bowl. my hubby and i have quarreled umpteen times becos of this. we've brought her to PDs and all and they seem to suggest just let her be cos wt seems ok. sometimes i have to throw away pastas or porridge becos she doesn't want to open her mouth. so stressed by this. HOW?
i also tried bread but she doesn't seem to want to eat it for long. just 2 mouthfuls and the rest is history. sianzzzzzzz

Brought my boy for his vaccine and learnt that they should be taking 600ml of milk per day. He advised me to cut down on the milk and feed him more solids as he is now taking 5 feeds of 200ml each time.

I guessed if her weight is ok, then should be ok ba..

i was also at friend's wedding last nite! dun suppose your friend's wedding at holiday inn in orchard?

hap hap happy hatchday to all our kiddos! finally turning one at long last...........
i'm back fr HK

and boy, am i tired. hahaa.. trip was fine on e whole..e kids were cooperatv enuff..(ie they eat and sleep) i can't really complain much and i really appreciate the fact that they were able to rough it out wif me since HK isnt e kid-friendliest place on earth.

hv a few gripes abt e place tho:

- all mtrs had a gazillion exits and our pram wasnt able to go thru the normal turnstile (always had to find a wide exit situated at a godforsaken place)
- all mtrs had a million flight of steps (bad for pram-ing)
- roads were generally bumpy
- everywhere was crowded and i mean really CROWDED
- no nursing rooms


the food was grrrrrrrrrrrreat, weather was amazing n ppl were generally helpful.

i still love sg,
jean.. 600mls of milk!??? my sr had never been drinking dat much milk de wor .. hmmm... am i underfeeding her ... she day time from bottle and with cereals abt 300mls.. den nite time i come home she latch on liaoz.. doubt nite time latching on she will take in another 300mls leh..
<font color="aa00aa">tub,
dont be stress ok.
if su's weight is ok and she lloks happy, cheerful and as active as normal then u shouldnt worry too much.
maybe she is like dylan..
so still stick to the feeding times and let her eat as much as she can take.
u can try singing to her while feeding cos that's what i did for faiq when he is resistant to feeding.
he will be distracted by my singing and thus wont protest to eat.
at times, i give him something to play with..
like toy or my hp...hahaha!!!

must be fun there.
seems that most asian countries are not very family friendly and stroller friendly yah..hmmmm</font>
wahh..so many of e lil' bubs turng 1 and started walkg!

mine is still taking it easy..in terms of bogay-ness and walkg - still zilch.

happy birthdays to all!
nole, my fren's wdg in rasa sentosa.

aiy.. personally i feel rasa sentosa lok kok liao. the last time i went there was years ago. Rooms deco are like grannie's curtains. The stroller that we loaned seemed to be dirty (i used wet wipes to clean before shawn took a bite on the straps). And the high chairs in the breakfast cafe, wahlau, quiet orr orr and sticky one. we requested to change until we got a decent one. Apart from that, baby had fun. he loved walking by the beach and having the sea breeze in his face and walking in the pool. he doesn't really seem to want to dunk in the pool or even sit in the 0.3m baby pool. :D

i think u have to relax abit re: su's lack of interest in food. at first i was also very worried but now i try to take it easy because there's really so much you can do. Plus, like you said, su's weight is normal so you don't have to do anything drastic right now. She might be going thru a phase (a long phase) and until she is ready, she mght not want to eat much solids.

dylan is also taking majority milk, only occassionally will have some solids. but he usually loses interest after a few mouthfuls. He used to take bread but now he also does not like bread anymore so is occassionally taking some porridge. He also write off cereal's already!

Don't stress
tub, I can really empathize with you. These 2 wks, hb not ard.. jr simply refused to drink milk! Everytime drink 20ml stop liao.. I also feed till I scared n stressed. Solids my mum feed he still eat v fast.. but i feed... he also turn here n there. I'm so pek chek too! Somehow hb is better at feeding him milk.. can managed to get 180ml in 3 times a day. But daddy not ard... hai....

lisa... sr is v cute!! Jr still cant stand unsupported :p
Celebrated Kaylen's 1st Bday last Fri. We brought the kids to an indoor playground (like Fidgets) here, and bought her a small bday cake (I tried to make it more elaborate by adding 4 cupcakes by the sides n some coco pops).

Kaylen started to walk a few days just before her bday! And she finally knows how to put her hands together to clap.



hen, kaylen looks so happy!
how's ur older girl coping wif sch there?

bluelily, it's super frustrating when she just turns her head away. sometimes to the extent her butt will face me. today's milk intake - oni managed to suck 60 ml and the rest had to spoonfeed. porridge also only took 1x. second one was too close to her bed time and she skipped.

botanist, i try not to be so upset cos it's really affecting the family. even my mum told mi she could feel my tension when sumana doesn't eat well. so now i dun force solids lor... just try my best to feed but i insist on her having her milk intake. watever that takes - watch tv progs, singing, dancing, going outdoors...

lynzi, singing? aiyo that's not enuf for her. we have to do tricks! even the tv doesn't help at times. she would enjoy the tv and still turn her head away when the spoon is near.
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!

that's a nice and cosy celebration!

happy birthday to kaylen, malcolm n jovan!!!

dont despair ok.
take it as it comes.
if u are stressed up then baby can feel the tension too.
no worries ok!

faiq has only taken max 3-4 steps then butt will plonk down..
BUT he is an expert at climbing..
has climbed my coffee table and sofa.
so tires looking after him nowadays...</font>
Can understand your stress. Guess like what Botanist said, Su could be going through a long phase. Don't be too stressed as she's still feeding well at infant care...

Take good care of yourself too

u going to HK right? when i left, it was startg to get colder..rem to bring a super duper good moisturiser for bb.. i got one fr peaches n herbs (parkway parade)..brand is Invite E. super hydrating..
bluelily.. hee.. dun worries.. ur jr will pick up walking soon.. den u will find its not oni fun and cute.. its another form of exercise for us le.. heeee

here's sr with bd cake from ecreative..

verdict- cake not nice.. haa.. but the pict veri nicely done =D
sr 'destroyed' her cake .. hee.. she put her palms on to it ..
Wow.. quite alot of babies can walk liao


Kyrell still cannot, can stand without support for a few sec nia but he seems to be doing it quite alot recently hehe..

I cant believe that in a couple more days, my little baby is turning 1
Time really flies...

I did a list of the words which Kyrell can say now

1) dad dad
2) ma ma, mummy, mi mi
3) mah (granny)
4) yiiii (ah yi aka my sis)
5) jiu jiu (uncle aka my bro)
6) jie jie
7) gor gor
8) di di
9) mei mei
10) baby
11) bob (bob the builder)
12) ni ni (barney)
13) elmo (usually say momo/mo)
14) car (sounds more like tar)
15) duck
16) dog
17) pig
18) moo moo (cow)
19) tree (bcos of the xmas tree at home)
20) banana (usuall say nana)
21) apple
22) potato (just said it on sun! and i did not even teach him.. he just heard from me saying it hehe)
23) soup (loves it)
24) mum mum (eat)
25) pom pom (bath)
26) mmmmmmmucks!
27) bao bao (carry)
28) take
29) neh neh (for milk)
Wow Cocoangel, Kyrell's very good. You see, he channels his energy on language ... later, he will conquer the walk.

Mine is concentrating on his physical development. Been walking since 10mths+, but can only say 'tar' for star when he wants his snacks.
wow ber and val! your boys are superb!

hmmm... come to think of it... i dunno wat susu is doing. busy being cheeky most of the time. haha.
wow cocoangel, amazing vocab!!! my goodness!!!

my boi is not walking yet either.. unless he's doing the ape walk (he prefers to crawl still!)
coco, kyrell can really speak! Jr can't walk and can only say a few words

His fav word:
1. Ah Gong (mama n papa are v sad :p) - pronounced as Ahhhh Gng

Sees mrt n washing machine.. will say gng too. Cos my mum tell him.. mrt gong gong gong.. xi yi fu.. gong gong gong *faint*

2. Imitate the noisy bird at home.. You ask home how bird bird call.. he'll reply Ahhhhhhhhhh

3. Green pronounced as geeeen (I was tell him the colour of his shape sorters.. blue n green. Somehow he just caught the green word) Dunno meaning also

4. Keep pronounced as git (he was playing keep-his-tutu-in-the-cup) He like to keep things like tutu in cup, toys in a plastic container.. yest v funny. I found his toy froggy in my paper bag! Must have crawl there n secretly keep his toy in. Haha!

Really funny playing with him now.

Amazing, kyrell knows so many words..

Declan tends to action more than words. He will understand when we asked him to perform certain acts..But seldom hear him talk..except when he is calling us.

My boy also cannot walk yet, very lazy, stand awhile must sit down, wash backside also must sit down. My PD says as he is a good crawler,they will not learn to walk so fast cos they prefer crawling.
I think his verbal makes up for his lack in motor skill bah... yours good too, can walk already at 10mths!!

Kyrell prefers to crawl too, when he does 'walk', with me holding on, it looks like a ape walk too keke.. or, his feets are way in front of his body!!

Jr can say quite alot too and likes to imitate huh, so cute! Mine will imitate sounds like clicking or dropping sound.. and when he dropped something on the floor, he will point and say "or oh".
heheh still put his toys in your bag ah.. such cute surprises!!

Whether they can talk or walk, they are so fun now hor!! ^_^
Declan wash backside also wants to sit down huh? hehe.. how to wash? :p

Dun worry, Su will walk and talk soon.. then you will hve to chase her ard and even find her talkative?? Keke...
yeah.. our bbs are so fun to play with now!

Wash backside:
Jr will stand by supporting our legs.. his head giap in btw. Then he'll look down.. use his legs to play with the bubbles. V happy. There's once his poo fell onto the floor.. he wanna use his legs to step on it. Ewwwww........... heng got stopped in time. :p
Wah Jr so smart still giap his heap in btw?? So he stands throughout when you bath him?
His poo fell onto the floor and he wanna step?! hahaha... Jr's so cute! he really alot of pattern leh!!


Wow, Kyrell can speak so many words. Been coaxing Kaylen to speak. If she wants anything, she just points n screams. On her bday that day, she keeps going "woo-ah", sounds like she imitating the crows over here!
