(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

CSI, start the buffet then cut cake..Mine is about 1hr later after starting the buffet..Meaning buffet at 2pm, then cake cutting ard 3 plus...

i got some probs scheduling the prog for the day, cos my boi will wake up from his morning nap ard 12nn and his next round is ard 2.30pm..so, we got to finish the makan, cake cutting etc within 2 hrs....

btw, mummies, are ur bbs/toddlers still napping a lot during the day? mine still taking 3 naps each day leh

Mine now take 2 times aday..Once at 10am to 12 pm, then the other at 3.30pm to 5 pm..then he go to lala land at 8.45 pm till next day
wah, so good...mine sleep 10am to 12pm, 2.30pm to 3.30/4pm then he needs another short nap of 30min in the evening. He sleeps at 9.30pm every nite, but will wake up every 2 to 3 hrs for milk....urgh!!
Wah like that very triing leh. I still dream feed my boy at 12.30am..else I think he also cannot tahan till next morning..And normally i will give him more milk during the dream feed..
err, how do u dream feed? just force into his mouth and not wait for him to cry for milk?

i think its in their genes..my gal also used to wake up every 3 hrs for milk till 18mths
wah... u all soooo gd...

me ger onli sleeps @ 11+pm or midnight till the next day am about 8+am...

how i wish she can sleep earlier n longer hrs.... now, me got 2 panda eye liaoz
my gal also the same leh. haha. I long ago become panda already. Can go replace the MTM cosmetics advertisement panda liaoz. hahaha...
Jean and Steffi
Your babies' naps are so long. I'm super envious. My son only naps for 30mins each time, 2 to 3 times during day. On rare occasions, he naps for 45mins-1hr -- bonus for me cos I can do more things and perhaps put up my feet for 10mins.
hey, has anyone ordered Sakae Sushi delivery before? Do we have to order a few days in advance or can order on the day itself?
My boy's schedule is not really fixed.
On weekdays, at my mum's place, he will take his morning nap anytime from 11am-1pm, usu last ard 1-1.5hr. Then in the afternoon, anytime from 3pm-5pm. Sometimes he can sleep only 0.5-1hr but on good days, up to 2-3hrs! Then he will not sleep and wait for me to fetch him, have his last feed ard 9pm+ then sleep thru to morning ard 8am+

But on weekends with us, he can sleep longer in the morning (from 2-4hrs) cos not disturbed to ferry him ard mah. When we are out, he usu falls asleep in the car (in my carrier) so its bits and pcs of 0.5 to 1hr of 'nap' keke...

This mummy very jiat lat.. always out and about so his feeding and napping time not fixed but +/- 1 hour lah :p
hi mummies,

I got a lobang for enfrapro - stage 2. 1 tin $33.3 and must order 12 tins for home delivery. u can call 91007722 and look for Annie.
For my gal's party this weekend, my main cakes are from Perfect Fairy cake and Glad Cake (coz 2 days party). My cupcakes will be from Little House of Dream.

2 weeks ago, I ordered cupcakes from Little House of Dream, for my hb, as wedding anni celebration.
i ordered the agar agar for dylan's bday in 2 weeks. hopefully won't have any problems i.e., delayed delivery etc.

was the agar agar nice though?
Oh I see.. quite alot of cakes there hehe..
I wrote to Little House of Dreams last week to order cupcakes for this sun, they replied saying that they are booked on sun but if I mind collecting on sat instead, I said dun mind but since then no reply from them liao.. getting worried. They did mention that they were overseas..dunno if they are back!

I loved Glad's cake, but too bad she is not available on my boy's b.day, so in the end turned to Mong's instead...Lucky also not so bad...

DUn worry, but think u better give them a call to confirm again when date is nearing..Cos heard that sometimes they mixed up the dates.
yeah, give me more excuse to eat cakes only. hahaha. (and get fat).

oh...hmmm...Little House of Dreams? You want the person's hp number? I PM you...

oh...yah...Mong's cakes also look really good. Am thinking of Mong's for next year. hahaha...

Dylan's mum,
yah, think u better give them a call to confirm again. Just to be safe lah...
CSI_fan, jean,
yah i think i'll sms them to confirm again a few days before.

sorry leh, yr honey still with zann, she will pass to me within this week i think. i'll let you know when everything is with me.
dylan's mom,
okie. no worries. hehs.

you dun accept PMs.
Hmmm...think shd be ok to leave the number here lah...since it's a business number...93388770. This is Audrey's number.
hmmm my girl sleeps at most twice a day and each time about 30mins to 1 hour only so it can get pretty tiring during the day looking after her. but she kuns very early. conks out at 8+pm and wakes up at about 630am.
Dylan sleeps quite alot in the day, he takes at least 2 naps, each about 1.5-2 hours each. He goes to bed around 9-10pm everynight - we have been letting him cry it out in effort to eliminate night feeds and so far, quite effective. He still wakes up a few times a night but no longer expects milk, can pacify him with water and patting him back to sleep.
Hihi, its been awhile since login here.

Wow, many lucky Dec babies, some bday parties really grand. I think my Kaylen gonna envy all the Dec babies here man. She is just going to celebrate wz daddy, mummy n her big sis, Kyrene, here in Perth. We probably just going to buy her a cake thatz all.

Kaylen can walk a few steps liao!! Guess the happiest thing abt being SAHM is able to see how baby develops over time.
tub, same here. my porkchop oso sleep 30min-1hr twice a day nia. except on last weekend, most of the time he sleep thru the nite liao. wake up happy at 7am.

hen, good hear from u. hope you're settling well there!
<font color="aa00aa">hihi mummies,
here's sharing a pic of faiq's intimate birthday celebration at my house just now.</font>

val &amp; jeelo,

very tiring hor? when they sleep so little during the day. but gd thing is they zzz thru la...

hen, gd to hear fr u too! sorry din reply to your pm. we din go to perth in the end cos hubby says wait 4 sumana to grow a little older. will certainly call on u when we r there!

lynzi, happy bday to faiq! he looks so cheeky!
No Tub, QJ does not sleep through!!! @_@

I bet you baked Faiq's birthday cake yourself? Such a nice touch.

Last night my husband also asked me to bake for QJ ... more meaningful. Hmmmm ... maybe I will do that for his lunar birthday.
Sorry ah, think this has been asked umpteenth times, but just want to check with mummies who have been on cruise with babies, how do you cook their food? Can use slow cooker? And how to store their fresh foods ie vege and meats (cos it seems the rooms got no fridge)?
Hi mummies,
Haven't been here for a while cos was busy with their birthday celebration plus some renovations at my house ... ;)

happy birthday to all the babies here!!

Alonzo and Alena just turned 1 on 23 Nov! We had a birthday bash for them at Ellenborough Market Cafe at Merchant Court Hotel. I ordered a barn farm theme cake for them from Balmoral Bakery at Sunset Way which is really beautiful! ;P here's a pix of the cake to share and also the goodie bag that i've made for the kids at the party...

Just learnt that Alena needs to remove a cyst near her right ear. It has grown slightly over the few months and doc says it is best to remove it as early as possible as it may cause infection. The surgery is scheduled on 18 Dec. I am a bit worried as she'll need to be on GA for half an hour. I heart pain!! She's so young and needs to be on GA, sigh....

that's a veri detailed cake eh... wow really nice! Is the cyst due to oil gland? Anyway, would pray for you that the surgery and recover would be just fine and fast!
<font color="aa00aa">hihi gerls,
hahaha...yah he looked so smug in that pic rite?
that's cos rite after his daddy took that pic, he used his finger to swipe off the cream..
then he crushed the cream in his palm...
aiyoh...so mafan to clean it up.

nice cake!
btw, i'm sure Alena will be fine.
dont worry too much ok!
will be praying for her..*hugz*

oh no..u hit the nail!
u are rite.
but i dare not tell people i baked it..so paiseh cos its so simple as u can see.
but it sure is delicious...choc truffles...hehehe</font>
lynzi, u very li4 hai4 lei!! can bake chocolate truffle cake! must be very yummy huh...

ya.. your boy looks really cute in tat pic! u caught a good one man.. now, its so difficult to take pic for them, esp for me when i try to take both together!! ;P

not sure if its due to oil glands but there's a medical term for it... the doc mentioned but i've forgotten already. praying that everything will go smoothly.

Since we came here, Kaylen is sleeping lesser. She naps 2 times in the day, once for 1hr in the morning n once for 1-2hr in the afternoon. But hor, she wld "fight" for sometime before she konks out. When I bring bottle of milk n carry her into the bedroom, she starts crying. After milk, she attempts to escape out the room. Seems like she not interested to nap in the day. At nite, she knocks out at 9pm n wakes up ard 6am in the morning.

Looking at your cake hor, I feel a little guilty. Your cake looks so nice n yummy. Me initially plan to bake Kaylen a cake for her bday, my older girl was looking forward to it. But decided will buy instead cos I haven't got time to go get all the stuff for baking. My older girl keeps reminding me that I promise that when we live here, I'll do lots more baking.
How's life there? Please dun forget us and pop by whenever you can! Are your girls adjusting well there?
Maybe you can try bake one for the xmas? There's still abit more time for you to prepare, anyway, you dun need a special occassion to bake
do it when you have settled down.

Yummy!! You inspired me to bake! I havent touch tat since sec days hehe.. hubby has been baking lately though, I hope I have some time soon to make something :p

Happy belated birthday to Alonzo and Alena! What wonderful cake, a barn farm, I like it! In fact was deciding between this and elmo theme intially
I hope Alena's op goes well, will pray for you, keep us update ok?
<font color="aa00aa">hen,
how are u?
u migrated to perth liao ah?
whoa..next time i got there can visit u hor.
btw, dont forget us here ok.
yup wat coco said is true.
still got time to bake for xmas.
and please tell kyrene, auntie lynzi reali miss her and her non-stop chatter!
